The Cappucino Corral

No, very easy. Just a bit time consuming like a lot of third world cookery.

Roughly a cup of flour, say, a teaspoon of salt or so, a tablespoon or so of oil or butter. Some warm water.

Mix or crumb the oil or butter into the flour and salt until it resembles crumbs or is fully mixed in.

Add just enough warm water to make a tough dough, then knead for a good five or ten minutes or whatever on a floured surface. This kneading process traps air inside the dough.

Put it aside in a covered bowl at room temperature for twenty minutes or half an hour. In this time the gluten in the wheat will enclose the air bubbles you kneaded in, apparently.

Then roll/shape the dough into a length and cut into pieces with a floured knife. With a rolling pin and generous flouring, roll the pieces out into pan sized or smaller discs, or ragged shapes, according to your skill. About 2mm thick, give or take, maybe.

Usually I roll and cook at the same time, otherwise one ends up with every horizontal surface covered with uncooked roti. I like a good cast iron frying pan to cook them, usually on a medium low heat.

No oil is necessary in the pan, as the flour coating from rolling them stops them sticking. As they heat and cook the trapped air will bubble up and you might have to press the edges down with your turning implement. Turn when the first side is done but not crisp, then when both sides are done store on plate covered with a cloth to keep in heat and moisture while you roll and cook the rest. A team effort can pay dividends here.

Obviously you will have to experiment with every direction I have given to find what works, but by the third time at the least you should have it nailed enough to have a product you enjoy.
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No worries, that isn't quite naan bread, though it shares some of its characteristics. Naan bread is thicker, cooked in a tandoori oven and soaked in butter I believe.
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I brought my fav - is that okay?

Good stuff. I go cheap but very tasty :)


Regards from Rosie

Too sweet. And what's a sweet italian hottie doing with that sweet stuff??


rosie, my dear 11001100, it is so nice to see you again.

Yours truly,

00110011 !!!

Dear 00110011,

You know it's like good pizza: sweet sweet sauce and yummy hot sausage!

Really good to feel at home with you, too, Hon!

Fond Hugs from 11001100

You got my algorhythms all excited with that message.
Good morning, I Cappucinisti della Terra!

Happy TGIF to all of you. This weekend is Princess Statalina weekend. We start with bowling this afternoon and segue to pizza for dinner. No desserts this weekend, for Karneval and Miss Statalina's birthday are in about two weeks. Woohoo!!

Have fun with your little sweetheart.

When I picked the little one up from school for her weekend visit; she did not look good. She looked unbelievably tired, but really, really really wanted to go bowling. Usually she is hot to bowl 3 or 4 games. A good workout buddy of mine, whom little Miss Statalina really likes, like a good uncle, took an hour off work to go bowling with us. All of a sudden, at the 2nd frame of the 2nd game, she really started slowing down and started looking pale. So, we finished the 2nd game and went to eat. She perked up at dinner but at the end, she told me she was freezing - grabbed for her coat and everything. So, I have her on the couch, it's 8:11 PM my time, she's wrapped up in a double blanket, drinking chamomile tea, watching Scooby Doo (of course.... lol). I think she has slept very badly all week and is trying to tell me something, but can't yet. So, in one hour, I will get her down to sleep and hope that she will sleep about 11 hours through until the morning. She's just not her usual perky self.

Awww, poor little Statalina.....sounds like she's coming down with don't usually slow down unless they don't feel good. Better keep an eye on her and her temp...hope it's nothing serious.

She just woke up after 10 hours of off-on sleep, bright-eyed, bushy tailed and loaded for bear. Go figure.

I have started crack...

Trivia crack that is.

So, who do you play against?

Other trivia addicts from what I gather.

I love trivia, especially statistical trivia. Go figure.

Have an interactive game on my Smartfon call QUIZDUELL and often play against two buddies of mine, one from Berlin, the other from Dresden. I usually nail the math and science stuff and then kick my ass kicked in categories like comics or hollwood stuff.

On a radio call in show in Dayton Ohio way back in 1985, I won $1,000 because I could blitz-answer the trivia question: "What was Warren Harding's middle name?" :D

Thank goodness for the angels in heaven, in this case, quite literally.

I mostly played with robots. You could choose the most expert robots who were very hard to beat, but I did beat them a couple of times
This is a very good backgammon site, though I've only tried a couple. Has the meanest gammonbots I've ever encountered. I'm Blotto, if you happen to head that way. It also has blunderbots so one can get acclimatised without getting slaughtered.

FIBS the First Internet Backgammon Server

Pogo has more than its share of complete dickheads, I have to agree.

Hmmm, I like Backgammon but game very little.

Pogo - blunderbot?!?!?!?!?

It's nice to see all the new faces here. I had no idea all you new kids were stuck in the basement - stay up here where the sun shines and the air's clean!
It's nice to see all the new faces here. I had no idea all you new kids were stuck in the basement - stay up here where the sun shines and the air's clean!

I have to admit, I am having a blast wending through the newly arrived mothership down there. Lots of gangways, some secret doors and an occasional damaged storage room, but all in all, the old bird still can do FTL. After their 300 year journey from Andromeda to the Milky Way, they may be a tad shy, but using the onion peeling method appears to be working!!! I have already met some very, very cool interweeberz down there.


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