The Cappucino Corral

It's nice to see all the new faces here. I had no idea all you new kids were stuck in the basement - stay up here where the sun shines and the air's clean!

I have to admit, I am having a blast wending through the newly arrived mothership down there. Lots of gangways, some secret doors and an occasional damaged storage room, but all in all, the old bird still can do FTL. After their 300 year journey from Andromeda to the Milky Way, they may be a tad shy, but using the onion peeling method appears to be working!!! I have already met some very, very cool interweeberz down there.


And thanks for the invite to the corral. I'll plan to stop in and visit frequently.
I have started crack...

Trivia crack that is.

So, who do you play against?

Other trivia addicts from what I gather.

How do you connect with them? When I played Scrabble on Pogo, you would click on to play and then someone would click in.....but I didn't like playing against strangers because some of them were arrogant.....and not very nice. I would always extend their time if they ran out of time, but some of them wouldn't do the same for you even after you did it for them, and then if they won they would make mean remarks.....I mostly played with robots. You could choose the most expert robots who were very hard to beat, but I did beat them a couple of times....and I learned a lot of words I otherwise would have never known......:) I like watching Jeopardy....lots of difficult trivia there.

I use to like saying the answer to Do You Want to be a Millionaire questions before they put of choices. You can play against random players or specific FB friends you have. So far, most random players are gaming fairly. Last night I clearly had someone who was using friends to cheat. He went from one point short of losing to almost winning in a very short time. He didn't get that smart all by himself. I guess the best part of a trivia game is exercising brains, even if that means some will borrow someone else's.
I mostly played with robots. You could choose the most expert robots who were very hard to beat, but I did beat them a couple of times
This is a very good backgammon site, though I've only tried a couple. Has the meanest gammonbots I've ever encountered. I'm Blotto, if you happen to head that way. It also has blunderbots so one can get acclimatised without getting slaughtered.

FIBS the First Internet Backgammon Server

Pogo has more than its share of complete dickheads, I have to agree.

Hmmm, I like Backgammon but game very little.

Pogo - blunderbot?!?!?!?!?



I mostly played with robots. You could choose the most expert robots who were very hard to beat, but I did beat them a couple of times
This is a very good backgammon site, though I've only tried a couple. Has the meanest gammonbots I've ever encountered. I'm Blotto, if you happen to head that way. It also has blunderbots so one can get acclimatised without getting slaughtered.

FIBS the First Internet Backgammon Server

Pogo has more than its share of complete dickheads, I have to agree.

Hmmm, I like Backgammon but game very little.

Pogo - blunderbot?!?!?!?!?




Welcome to Pogo's world of blunderbots!!!
Spring is coming soon. I bribed Puxhatawny Phil with a nice grass garden, even some insects thrown in for fun!

Yeah, verily.

We will see what Phil forecasts on Monday, and about 50 packets of seeds have been ordered and received. The garden plans are well underway and indoor seed starting begins in about three weeks.

I'm also anxious for Spring to arrive so I can start my vegetable garden. I love home-grown tomatoes and still have (from last year) quite a few bags of diced tomatoes in my freezer as well as bell pepper. They do well in spaghetti sauce, but the fresh ripe tomatoes are so good, I eat them like I would an apple.

I don't do the indoor seed planting...I did once, and they took up too much room, plus my cats kept knocking them over and I had dirt all over :(....I just wait until there is supposedly no more signs of a freeze, then I plant already started plants. One time I got anxious and planted them too soon only to lose them to a late freeze.

It will be fun to discuss our gardens........:)
I have started crack...

Trivia crack that is.

So, who do you play against?

Other trivia addicts from what I gather.

How do you connect with them? When I played Scrabble on Pogo, you would click on to play and then someone would click in.....but I didn't like playing against strangers because some of them were arrogant.....and not very nice. I would always extend their time if they ran out of time, but some of them wouldn't do the same for you even after you did it for them, and then if they won they would make mean remarks.....I mostly played with robots. You could choose the most expert robots who were very hard to beat, but I did beat them a couple of times....and I learned a lot of words I otherwise would have never known......:) I like watching Jeopardy....lots of difficult trivia there.

I use to like saying the answer to Do You Want to be a Millionaire questions before they put of choices. You can play against random players or specific FB friends you have. So far, most random players are gaming fairly. Last night I clearly had someone who was using friends to cheat. He went from one point short of losing to almost winning in a very short time. He didn't get that smart all by himself. I guess the best part of a trivia game is exercising brains, even if that means some will borrow someone else's.

We used to watch "Do You Want To be a Millionaire" too, and loved to shout out the answers....Jeopardy is a lot harder (I think)....and my problem is sometimes I know the answer, but can't blurt it out faster than the husband is a lot quicker than me and I keep telling him to try out...but he won't, he doesn't think he is good enough!

That's not good, when someone cheats....I think some of the scrabble players were also using devices to help them come up with words....I guess winning was more important than actually "knowing" the words and winning honestly.
I have started crack...

Trivia crack that is.

So, who do you play against?

Other trivia addicts from what I gather.

How do you connect with them? When I played Scrabble on Pogo, you would click on to play and then someone would click in.....but I didn't like playing against strangers because some of them were arrogant.....and not very nice. I would always extend their time if they ran out of time, but some of them wouldn't do the same for you even after you did it for them, and then if they won they would make mean remarks.....I mostly played with robots. You could choose the most expert robots who were very hard to beat, but I did beat them a couple of times....and I learned a lot of words I otherwise would have never known......:) I like watching Jeopardy....lots of difficult trivia there.

I use to like saying the answer to Do You Want to be a Millionaire questions before they put of choices. You can play against random players or specific FB friends you have. So far, most random players are gaming fairly. Last night I clearly had someone who was using friends to cheat. He went from one point short of losing to almost winning in a very short time. He didn't get that smart all by himself. I guess the best part of a trivia game is exercising brains, even if that means some will borrow someone else's.

We used to watch "Do You Want To be a Millionaire" too, and loved to shout out the answers....Jeopardy is a lot harder (I think)....and my problem is sometimes I know the answer, but can't blurt it out faster than the husband is a lot quicker than me and I keep telling him to try out...but he won't, he doesn't think he is good enough!

That's not good, when someone cheats....I think some of the scrabble players were also using devices to help them come up with words....I guess winning was more important than actually "knowing" the words and winning honestly.

So, I once did this, too, was used to saying the answers out loud, really loud.

Started watching it now and then with my then-german-wife:

"Wer wird Millionär?"

With a very respected German TV-personality: Günther Jauch.

You should have seen the look of utter shock and distress on her usually very controlled but unbelievably beautiful face the first time I got up and started yelling at the TV.

It was at this moment that I learned that Germans watch TV differently than we amis.

I mostly played with robots. You could choose the most expert robots who were very hard to beat, but I did beat them a couple of times
This is a very good backgammon site, though I've only tried a couple. Has the meanest gammonbots I've ever encountered. I'm Blotto, if you happen to head that way. It also has blunderbots so one can get acclimatised without getting slaughtered.

FIBS the First Internet Backgammon Server

Pogo has more than its share of complete dickheads, I have to agree.

Hmmm, I like Backgammon but game very little.

Pogo - blunderbot?!?!?!?!?




Oops, sorry Pogo.....forgot all about you.....
It was at this moment that I learned that Germans watch TV differently than we amis.

Yepp! I bet my neighbors can hear my husband when his college team is playing............he tells them exactly what they need to do on each a loud voice, sometimes using expletives........:D
It was at this moment that I learned that Germans watch TV differently than we amis.

Yepp! I bet my neighbors can hear my husband when his college team is playing............he tells them exactly what they need to do on each a loud voice, sometimes using expletives........:D

It's a man-thing.
I'm faster than a lot of Jeopardy contestants too, but I suspect the buzzers are part of that difference.

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