The Cappucino Corral

Good morning everyone..........I think this is going to be another beautiful day....yesterday it went up to 80 degrees! Today it will only go up to 75 degrees and then it is supposed to get colder.....maybe even some more rain.......:)

Never bought anything from Amazon before. Got a gift card, so I hunted (not shopped) the site a little. Waiting for the Otterbox to show up first.
Never bought anything from Amazon before. Got a gift card, so I hunted (not shopped) the site a little. Waiting for the Otterbox to show up first.

They're pretty good. I bought two hoodies to give away for Christmas....and got a very quick and efficient response. The hoodies were, one for Univ. of Alabama and the other for Auburn University.....both to the same family........imagine that!
Good morning everyone..........I think this is going to be another beautiful day....yesterday it went up to 80 degrees! Today it will only go up to 75 degrees and then it is supposed to get colder.....maybe even some more rain.......:)

What, we are happy to hit high 20's, low 30's. I can't wait for Spring.

I know....I went to the store today and had to turn on my AC in my car.......I feel for you all....:)
Weird weather here too. Very cold one day and unseasonably warm the next.

Before it warmed up, we happened to see two adult eagles standing on the frozen over lake. It appeared they were conversing about something and then one took off in one direction and a short time later, the other went the opposite direction.

Since they were adults, it was probably the mated pair we see all the time. We also saw the juvenile eagle today - he's huge.
Good morning, I Cappucinisti della Terra!

Happy TGIF to all of you. This weekend is Princess Statalina weekend. We start with bowling this afternoon and segue to pizza for dinner. No desserts this weekend, for Karneval and Miss Statalina's birthday are in about two weeks. Woohoo!!
Good morning one and all ...

We're on our 2nd cuppa and a big bowl of fruit with nice Celtic music in the background.

Speaking of Amazon - We have had a pretty rinky-dink set up for our recycle stuff so I just went shopping on Amazon. Lots of choices, ranging from less than $10k on up to more than $100. Just as I was thinking I wasn't going to find what I wanted, I found one with three compartments for $13. We had some points accumulated so didn't have to pay anything for it. Nice.

Time for breakfast.
Good morning, I Cappucinisti della Terra!

Happy TGIF to all of you. This weekend is Princess Statalina weekend. We start with bowling this afternoon and segue to pizza for dinner. No desserts this weekend, for Karneval and Miss Statalina's birthday are in about two weeks. Woohoo!!

Have fun with your little sweetheart.
Good morning, I Cappucinisti della Terra!

Happy TGIF to all of you. This weekend is Princess Statalina weekend. We start with bowling this afternoon and segue to pizza for dinner. No desserts this weekend, for Karneval and Miss Statalina's birthday are in about two weeks. Woohoo!!

Have fun with your little sweetheart.

When I picked the little one up from school for her weekend visit; she did not look good. She looked unbelievably tired, but really, really really wanted to go bowling. Usually she is hot to bowl 3 or 4 games. A good workout buddy of mine, whom little Miss Statalina really likes, like a good uncle, took an hour off work to go bowling with us. All of a sudden, at the 2nd frame of the 2nd game, she really started slowing down and started looking pale. So, we finished the 2nd game and went to eat. She perked up at dinner but at the end, she told me she was freezing - grabbed for her coat and everything. So, I have her on the couch, it's 8:11 PM my time, she's wrapped up in a double blanket, drinking chamomile tea, watching Scooby Doo (of course.... lol). I think she has slept very badly all week and is trying to tell me something, but can't yet. So, in one hour, I will get her down to sleep and hope that she will sleep about 11 hours through until the morning. She's just not her usual perky self.

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