The Cappucino Corral

So my little cousin is a stroke of genius:) Little bundle of curly joy is now 4 years old. Her mom hit an unplanned pregnancy, again, can you imagine that, it will be her fourth. So the little munchkin puts her head on mommy's belly and asks, how did her baby get there? Now always the original one, she said "the stork put him there":rolleyes:

And my little cousin is all-- >
and then she folds her arms on her chest, the adorable thing she is, saying, totally serious, "Mommy, you're not fooling me!"
Ahhhh, kids. The best thing in the world.

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(State of the House)

We need to clean and organize several rooms.
Painting the hallway and exterior trim is necessary
Fertilizer would be helpful in the flower beds
The back porch will be removed and rebuilt
Budget adjustments must be made to fund these projects
More work less play
Morning, I have been tired all day.

not enough coffee to deal with it, I guess I will nap ( I feel like a senior citizen) :lol:

I resemble that remark! :D

I've been trying to change my habits (time management) anyway I joined the gym at my school, I want to run again, but I have this foot injury and every time I run the next day my foot just hurts so much.

I was looking into those toe fitting foot shoes and everyone said they would be worse to run in.

Now I am doing elliptical and rowing machine.

My school is 25 miles away, and a few days I have to get up really early for classes and a couple days I can sleep in.

My sweetheart is mostly out of town for work but when they are in town it throws my whole entire schedule off sleepwise and then it effects my homework and exercise.

Today I am just tired and a little spacey n crabby.

Thanks for reading my vent (my apologies) :lol:
Morning, I have been tired all day.

not enough coffee to deal with it, I guess I will nap ( I feel like a senior citizen) :lol:

I resemble that remark! :D

I've been trying to change my habits (time management) anyway I joined the gym at my school, I want to run again, but I have this foot injury and every time I run the next day my foot just hurts so much.

I was looking into those toe fitting foot shoes and everyone said they would be worse to run in.

Now I am doing elliptical and rowing machine.

My school is 25 miles away, and a few days I have to get up really early for classes and a couple days I can sleep in.

My sweetheart is mostly out of town for work but when they are in town it throws my whole entire schedule off sleepwise and then it effects my homework and exercise.

Today I am just tired and a little spacey n crabby.

Thanks for reading my vent (my apologies) :lol:

Does your gym have a pool because that won't hurt your foot.

Oh, and don't be tired and crabby with your sweetheart, he might not be as kind and forgiving as I am. ;)
Morning, I have been tired all day.

not enough coffee to deal with it, I guess I will nap ( I feel like a senior citizen) :lol:

I resemble that remark! :D

I've been trying to change my habits (time management) anyway I joined the gym at my school, I want to run again, but I have this foot injury and every time I run the next day my foot just hurts so much.

I was looking into those toe fitting foot shoes and everyone said they would be worse to run in.

Now I am doing elliptical and rowing machine.

My school is 25 miles away, and a few days I have to get up really early for classes and a couple days I can sleep in.

My sweetheart is mostly out of town for work but when they are in town it throws my whole entire schedule off sleepwise and then it effects my homework and exercise.

Today I am just tired and a little spacey n crabby.

Thanks for reading my vent (my apologies) :lol:

Does your gym have a pool because that won't hurt your foot.

Oh, and don't be tired and crabby with your sweetheart, he might not be as kind and forgiving as I am. ;)

My sweet darling is gone traveling again, just in the nick of time :lol:

No pool, we have a bowling alley and track, treadmills, rowing machines, elliptcals, exercise rooms and spin rooms ( they have cinema fitness) and massage therapy and some weird biofeedback goggles meditation room with chairs LOL.

You know before all the deaths in my family in 2013 I was really doing well, then I got stuck ina slump and being able to get out of bed and go to school was all I could do.

Now I am starting to feel my old self back, I want to organize my time and get back into tiptop shape again.

But I need a schedule or it all gets screwy!

I really want my foot to let me run, because running was the best feeling like euphoria!
Morning, I have been tired all day.

not enough coffee to deal with it, I guess I will nap ( I feel like a senior citizen) :lol:

I resemble that remark! :D

I've been trying to change my habits (time management) anyway I joined the gym at my school, I want to run again, but I have this foot injury and every time I run the next day my foot just hurts so much.

I was looking into those toe fitting foot shoes and everyone said they would be worse to run in.

Now I am doing elliptical and rowing machine.

My school is 25 miles away, and a few days I have to get up really early for classes and a couple days I can sleep in.

My sweetheart is mostly out of town for work but when they are in town it throws my whole entire schedule off sleepwise and then it effects my homework and exercise.

Today I am just tired and a little spacey n crabby.

Thanks for reading my vent (my apologies) :lol:

Does your gym have a pool because that won't hurt your foot.

Oh, and don't be tired and crabby with your sweetheart, he might not be as kind and forgiving as I am. ;)

I get forgiven an awful lot. Sometimes I wonder why I am treated so kindly, it's mind blowing really and I feel guilty.
Little Miss Statalina did 2 straight hours of rollerskating today. Papa did 1/2 of inliners and then I walked with her while she skated. She is starting to skate down hills on her own now. Fun to watch. Then we played "soccer" :lol: for about an hour and then afterwards, I made Stat's famous Sunday pancakes for a middle of the day meal.

In Germany, this is common on Sunday afternoons, either pancakes or homemade waffles, but with fresh fruit on top.

She is showering right now and for the first time, will blow dry her hair all by herself seated next to me in the living room. The deal is when she does this on her own , then she gets some Tiramisu for dessert after dinner. Bribery is a wonderful thing.

She is loaded for bear and has energy for the next 8 hours, at least that is the feeling I get. I am ready to sleep now. Little Miss Statalina is wearing Papa out!!


Would you like to have more kids Stat? You seem like a great parent. :)

Oh tell the truth.

You just want some of that chocolate Santa and Tiramisu.
So after yesterday's slip and fall on the ice I was ultra careful heading out to the gym today. Yes, it was a little icy but nothing like yesterday. Fortunately my hip didn't give me a lot of pain so I was able to swim but I suspect an impending cold prevented me from doing more than my usual stint.

Ah well, breakfast and a hot of tea makes a world of difference.

Happy MLK day everyone.

View attachment 36023

Falling sucks. I used to be a big jogger but had someone drop something really hard on my foot and ever since then cannot run without my bones in foot hurting.

I know what you mean. Total knee replacement, fx ankle and then last June, accidentally pushed down steps and broke bones in my foot.

Just have to keep moving ..............
So after yesterday's slip and fall on the ice I was ultra careful heading out to the gym today. Yes, it was a little icy but nothing like yesterday. Fortunately my hip didn't give me a lot of pain so I was able to swim but I suspect an impending cold prevented me from doing more than my usual stint.

Ah well, breakfast and a hot of tea makes a world of difference.

Happy MLK day everyone.

View attachment 36023

Falling sucks. I used to be a big jogger but had someone drop something really hard on my foot and ever since then cannot run without my bones in foot hurting.

I know what you mean. Total knee replacement, fx ankle and then last June, accidentally pushed down steps and broke bones in my foot.

Just have to keep moving ..............

It sucks!
Morning, I have been tired all day.

not enough coffee to deal with it, I guess I will nap ( I feel like a senior citizen) :lol:

I resemble that remark! :D

I've been trying to change my habits (time management) anyway I joined the gym at my school, I want to run again, but I have this foot injury and every time I run the next day my foot just hurts so much.

I was looking into those toe fitting foot shoes and everyone said they would be worse to run in.

Now I am doing elliptical and rowing machine.

My school is 25 miles away, and a few days I have to get up really early for classes and a couple days I can sleep in.

My sweetheart is mostly out of town for work but when they are in town it throws my whole entire schedule off sleepwise and then it effects my homework and exercise.

Today I am just tired and a little spacey n crabby.

Thanks for reading my vent (my apologies) :lol:

Does your gym have a pool because that won't hurt your foot.

Oh, and don't be tired and crabby with your sweetheart, he might not be as kind and forgiving as I am. ;)

I'm terrified of water but do work out in a pool. Its really nice. The arthritis assoc says you get twice the benefit for half the work.
Morning, I have been tired all day.

not enough coffee to deal with it, I guess I will nap ( I feel like a senior citizen) :lol:

I resemble that remark! :D

I've been trying to change my habits (time management) anyway I joined the gym at my school, I want to run again, but I have this foot injury and every time I run the next day my foot just hurts so much.

I was looking into those toe fitting foot shoes and everyone said they would be worse to run in.

Now I am doing elliptical and rowing machine.

My school is 25 miles away, and a few days I have to get up really early for classes and a couple days I can sleep in.

My sweetheart is mostly out of town for work but when they are in town it throws my whole entire schedule off sleepwise and then it effects my homework and exercise.

Today I am just tired and a little spacey n crabby.

Thanks for reading my vent (my apologies) :lol:

Does your gym have a pool because that won't hurt your foot.

Oh, and don't be tired and crabby with your sweetheart, he might not be as kind and forgiving as I am. ;)

I'm terrified of water but do work out in a pool. Its really nice. The arthritis assoc says you get twice the benefit for half the work.

I wish I loved swimming.

For now I will just try to stick with elliptical and rowing since it's free.

I just miss that zone you get from running. I guess those days are gone......'s way past my bedtime. Started reading a thread in the FZ and spent the whole was funny and sad and they locked it.....I think they got rid of it because I couldn't find it I didn't have a chance to come in here and say "HI" to everyone.....


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