The Case Against Gay Marriage


Gold Member
Apr 26, 2011
This thread isn't to denigrate any individuals. I respect the rights of individuals to do whatever they like so far as it doesn't infringe on my family. Given the persistence of some radical organizations to require children be taught about their sexuality before they have even experienced it--indoctrinate them into the idea that the homosexual lifestyle is a healthy alternative (California Brings Gay History Into The Classroom : NPR just believe the facts should be presented.

The homosexual population in America is around 2%, yet they constitute nearly the entirety of new cases of HIV/AIDS (HIV among Gay, Bisexual and Other Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM)| Topics | CDC HIV/AIDS).

"An official with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced the CDC's estimate Monday that in the United States AIDS is fifty times more prevalent among men who have sex with men ('MSM') than the rest of the population." (AIDS Rate 50 Times Higher in Homosexual Men: Center for Disease Control |

"According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) from 1994 to 1997 the proportion of homosexual men stating they had anal sex increased from 57.6 percent to 61.2 percent. Studies report that anal sex may be an important risk factor for the relay of many diseases." (SpringerLink - Sexuality and Disability, Volume 24, Number 2) (HIV Transmission | Questions and Answers | CDC HIV/AIDS) ( (Africa "needs anal sex awareness" | Feature Article 2003-06-15) (MMS: Error)

The supposed gay rights movement gave birth to NAMBLA, and remained a respected member until the International Lesbian and Gay Association finally disowned them in 1994 after losing funding from the UN because of their association North American Man/Boy Love Association - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia). Some gay rights activists, respected activists, within the "movement" like Harry Hay (Harry Hay - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) strongly supported NAMBLA. Hay's shirt read "NAMBLA walks with me" as he participated in a 1986 gay pride march in Los Angeles.

During the beginning of the AID epidemic gay rights organizations, desperately attempting to shape the conception of the disease in the minds of Americans, ran a media blitz trying to convince Americans of the imminent risk to everyone--a claim made to achieve funding for research, but had no basis in reality. One commercial had a woman with her daughter driving down a neighborhood with fading neighbors waving away. At the end they stated false, not misleading but false statistics about the risks heterosexuals will contract AIDs. They continue in this pursuit today, but the facts don't lie (HIV Prevalence, Unrecognized Infection, and HIV Testing Among Men Who Have Sex with Men --- Five U.S. Cities, June 2004--April 2005).

Heterosexuals, women in particular, face statistically no chance of ever contracting AIDs--except if they are drug addicts. (

Honestly is this a lifestyle you want to have public schools expose your child to? Here in Atlanta they can't even teach them to read (
All Homophobic Arguments can be boiled down to two illogical premises...

First, that God says it’s wrong in the Bible. Well, first, I don't really think the Abrahamic God actually exists. But even if you do believe that, the "God" of the bible says a lot of things are wrong- Usury, divorce, eating shrimp and pork, working on the Sabbath, cutting your hair, not being a virgin on your wedding night for the ladies, not getting a circumcision for the dudes, etc. We aren't basing any of our laws on the failure to obey THOSE rules. But that rule on gays, that rule is just iron-clad! (You know, unlike that rule about witches, who never actually existed.)

In short, a lot of stuff God said not to do is not only tolerated but celebrated by the Christian right. Just ask Rush Limbaugh.

The second argument consists of screaming about how icky anal sex is. In fact, these guys find anal sex sooooo Icky that they just can't stop talking about it, describing it in graphic ways that would make bad slash-fiction under normal circumstances. Oddly, they never seem to focus on the mechanics of lesbian sex, even though there are in fact more lesbians than gay men. Nor does it bother them that 38% of straight men engage in anal sex with their female partners.

Now, picture if you can, meeting a "Meat is Murder" vegetarian who just can't stop talking about grilled steaks, cooked to perfection, smothered in onions and mushrooms with the juices flowing out, smacking his lips when he says the words. That pretty much gives you the right image of these Ted Haggard types who can't stop talking about anal sex, doesn't it?

The argument that we should prevent gay marriage because there is AIDS is equally silly. AIDS is not the scourge it was 20 years ago in this country. Whether or not a gay couple can get married or not will not limit the spread of AIDS. It might even limit it. If you are locked into one partner, you aren't going to wander. Not when there are severe economic penalties for infidelity, just like straights have.
The constitution does not discriminate against race, sexuality nor gender. As a constitutional argument or law, the issue of gay marriage should be left up to the church. Since we in America pretend we have freedom of religion then each church should be allowed to marry anyone to anyone or anything.

The only issue we have is where Government and church are not separated, tax deductions become an issue.

Gay marriage is coming so get used to it, there is not a single argument against it that could hold a drop of water. The bigoted stuff needs to end. Evolve and ;let others live their lives how they like, it does not affect you.

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What does any of that have to do with two people pledging a lifetime of love and fidelity together?
I've always wondered why the AIDS tactic still gets used by homophobes as a way of rationalizing their bigotry.

I'm quite confident at least as many issues come about as a result of straight sex when compared to gay sex, and I'm straight as an arrow.

Just for the sake of yourself and others try being honest, just say you hate gays, don't try to pretend there's sound reasoning for it.
If you are afraid of AIDs, then shouldn't we be encouraging lifetime monogamous relationships?
You want to fight HIV by outlawing monogamy? Damn, we need better biology education in our schools.

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