The Case of Marissa Alexander


Proud Liberal
Jan 27, 2012
On the tennis courts
Wow, this puts things in perspective.........................

In the wake of George Zimmerman’s not guilty verdict in the death of Trayvon Martin, another name started to trend Monday on the Internet: Marissa Alexander.

The Jacksonville, Florida, woman tried to use a "Stand Your Ground" defense in 2012, but was later convicted of three counts of aggravated assault.

The biggest question people have as they continue to share Alexander’s story is: Why was this mother of three sentenced to 20 years in prison while Zimmerman walked free?

Coming soon to HLN: Georgia v. Andrea Sneiderman

Alexander said her husband, Rico Gray, tried to strangle her on August 1, 2010, after reading text messages she had sent her ex-husband. She said she escaped his grip and, instead of leaving out the front door, went into the garage to get into her car. But in the confusion of the fight, Alexander said she forgot her keys.

"I knew I had to protect myself," Alexander told CNN in a 2012 interview. "I could not fight him. He was 100 pounds more than me. I grabbed my weapon at that point."

Gray saw the weapon at his wife’s side when she returned, according to Alexander, and continued to threaten her life. That’s when she said she decided to fire a warning shot.
Why everyone's talking about Marissa Alexander |
I don't know all the specifics on this one...

But.. is it not the case that retreating and then coming back with the weapon and the incident happening, negates 'stand your ground'??
I knew this would be painfully asinine, but I had to read it anyway. Liberalism is like a train wreck that way....


Anyway bed wetter...

Alexander didn't "Stand her Ground", she retrieved a weapon and advanced.

Had she gone next door and called for police assistance she would be a free woman.
this poor woman would be much better if she just plain killed him.

the idiocy of some laws and even bigger idiocy of mandatory sentencing are the reasons behind that.

But I would gladly sign the petition for her to pardoned or freed in any other way possile

She went outside, got her gun, came back into the house and fired on him and the children. The children testified to this, and the holes from the bullets show she didn't fire "warning shots".

Then, while she was on trial for this she went to his home and assaulted him.

so you think her being an idiot guarantees 20 years?

I might be wrong, but he( the assaulted husband) is petitioning for her as well
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Although I will say, Joe Horn did pretty much the same thing as Marissa, except he didnt miss and two men died. And he managed to get away with it, unlike her.

Texas law is different, and allows for armed law abiding citizens to thwart felons in commission of crimes, or stop them from fleeing after committing crimes.

She went outside, got her gun, came back into the house and fired on him and the children. The children testified to this, and the holes from the bullets show she didn't fire "warning shots".

Then, while she was on trial for this she went to his home and assaulted him.

so you think her being an idiot guarantees 20 years?

If being an idiot was punishable by jail time, half the country would be in prison.

Being an idiot and recklessly using a gun during a domestic dispute that could have easily been avoided is somewhat elevated.
Marissa Alexander and her husband should have received public spanking - this kind of stupidity is better treated by public shame than 20 years behind bars....

She went outside, got her gun, came back into the house and fired on him and the children. The children testified to this, and the holes from the bullets show she didn't fire "warning shots".

Then, while she was on trial for this she went to his home and assaulted him.

so you think her being an idiot guarantees 20 years?

I might be wrong, but he( the assaulted husband) is petitioning for her as well

She should have take the plea deal. She got the sentence she got because of mandatory sentencing laws. I don't think she deserves 20 years, but she does deserve to spend time in jail.
Wow, this puts things in perspective.........................

In the wake of George Zimmerman’s not guilty verdict in the death of Trayvon Martin, another name started to trend Monday on the Internet: Marissa Alexander.

The Jacksonville, Florida, woman tried to use a "Stand Your Ground" defense in 2012, but was later convicted of three counts of aggravated assault.

The biggest question people have as they continue to share Alexander’s story is: Why was this mother of three sentenced to 20 years in prison while Zimmerman walked free?

Coming soon to HLN: Georgia v. Andrea Sneiderman

Alexander said her husband, Rico Gray, tried to strangle her on August 1, 2010, after reading text messages she had sent her ex-husband. She said she escaped his grip and, instead of leaving out the front door, went into the garage to get into her car. But in the confusion of the fight, Alexander said she forgot her keys.

"I knew I had to protect myself," Alexander told CNN in a 2012 interview. "I could not fight him. He was 100 pounds more than me. I grabbed my weapon at that point."

Gray saw the weapon at his wife’s side when she returned, according to Alexander, and continued to threaten her life. That’s when she said she decided to fire a warning shot.
Why everyone's talking about Marissa Alexander |

This idiodic liberal bullshit was crushed in another thread

That bitch shot into her home where her kids were as well as her ex

That's why the dumb **** is doing 20, she nearly killed her own children
Wow, this puts things in perspective.........................

In the wake of George Zimmerman’s not guilty verdict in the death of Trayvon Martin, another name started to trend Monday on the Internet: Marissa Alexander.

The Jacksonville, Florida, woman tried to use a "Stand Your Ground" defense in 2012, but was later convicted of three counts of aggravated assault.

The biggest question people have as they continue to share Alexander’s story is: Why was this mother of three sentenced to 20 years in prison while Zimmerman walked free?

Coming soon to HLN: Georgia v. Andrea Sneiderman

Alexander said her husband, Rico Gray, tried to strangle her on August 1, 2010, after reading text messages she had sent her ex-husband. She said she escaped his grip and, instead of leaving out the front door, went into the garage to get into her car. But in the confusion of the fight, Alexander said she forgot her keys.

"I knew I had to protect myself," Alexander told CNN in a 2012 interview. "I could not fight him. He was 100 pounds more than me. I grabbed my weapon at that point."

Gray saw the weapon at his wife’s side when she returned, according to Alexander, and continued to threaten her life. That’s when she said she decided to fire a warning shot.
Why everyone's talking about Marissa Alexander |

I have read about this story and came to the conclusion that media prosecution and fabrication runs as rampant as in the Zimmerman case.

Unfortunately I am too tired to read the actual transcrit of the trial. So I can not comment what actually happened. But if I had to bet I would bet that the justice was served and liberal media just got out of hand once again. By the way, the guy was also black. One thing I agree with is that the law of 20 year minimun sentance for a crime where gun was used, seems a bit exessive.
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She went outside, got her gun, came back into the house and fired on him and the children. The children testified to this, and the holes from the bullets show she didn't fire "warning shots".

Then, while she was on trial for this she went to his home and assaulted him.

so you think her being an idiot guarantees 20 years?

I might be wrong, but he( the assaulted husband) is petitioning for her as well

She should have take the plea deal. She got the sentence she got because of mandatory sentencing laws. I don't think she deserves 20 years, but she does deserve to spend time in jail.


She went outside, got her gun, came back into the house and fired on him and the children. The children testified to this, and the holes from the bullets show she didn't fire "warning shots".

Then, while she was on trial for this she went to his home and assaulted him.

LOL, FACEPALM for me!!!! I saw her interview on HLN, I didn't know about those other aspects! :lol: But 10 to 20 years and no one was even injured?

So here's one for me!

this poor woman would be much better if she just plain killed him.

the idiocy of some laws and even bigger idiocy of mandatory sentencing are the reasons behind that.

But I would gladly sign the petition for her to pardoned or freed in any other way possile

You'd blindly free a woman that nearly killed her own children.

wow, that's fucked
Marissa Alexander and her husband should have received public spanking - this kind of stupidity is better treated by public shame than 20 years behind bars....

I agree with that.

She acted foolishly for sure, that alone doesn't warrant 20 years.

However I wonder if there's more to the story. Has she done this sort of thing before? Has she demonstrated a pattern of behavior that motivated the prosecution to slam her that hard? Was she legally in possession of the weapon? Was she licensed to carry?

There's always more to the story than the bed wetters in the media divulge.

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