The Case of Marissa Alexander

Marissa Alexander and her husband should have received public spanking - this kind of stupidity is better treated by public shame than 20 years behind bars....

I agree with that.

She acted foolishly for sure, that alone doesn't warrant 20 years.

However I wonder if there's more to the story. Has she done this sort of thing before? Has she demonstrated a pattern of behavior that motivated the prosecution to slam her that hard? Was she legally in possession of the weapon? Was she licensed to carry?

There's always more to the story than the bed wetters in the media divulge.

According to the reports I heard, she never had any trouble with the law. That was my first thoguht though, due to her harsh sentence.

If the first crime a person does is murder or violent rape, should they not be punished serverely because they haven't been in trouble before?

She went outside, got her gun, came back into the house and fired on him and the children. The children testified to this, and the holes from the bullets show she didn't fire "warning shots".

Then, while she was on trial for this she went to his home and assaulted him.

so you think her being an idiot guarantees 20 years?

I might be wrong, but he( the assaulted husband) is petitioning for her as well

Guarantees? No. That's up to the Court. But that would be a legal sentence for the charge made. I'm guessing the Judge took into account the fact that the children were present and endangered because of it.

I don't know that I'd do a 20 year sentence, but it certainly wouldnt be a slap on the wrist either. No matter what the husband wanted.

Nobody took ANYTHING into account - if you have MANDATORY SENTENCING - judge is basically not needed, a computer will do it.

That is the idiocy of the situation.Sure, she should have been given punishment, since there is no reasonable ones, let it be prison time, but somewhere between 1-3 years with serving it not just sitting and watching TV but doing something benefiting the society, not morphing from simple idiot to criminally linked idiot...

Our system of punishment is despicable in it's maliciousness.
Pure racism. It can't be anything else. There is no other rational explanation.

The only rational explanation is that you are too damned scared to admit that Martin attacked Zimmerman and that Zimmerman had the right to defend himself.

Even a 300 page FBI report states that race had no factor in the shooting.

Of course that was before Martin's girlfriend testified as to how racist Martin was. If any racism was involved in was by Martin.
I agree with that.

She acted foolishly for sure, that alone doesn't warrant 20 years.

However I wonder if there's more to the story. Has she done this sort of thing before? Has she demonstrated a pattern of behavior that motivated the prosecution to slam her that hard? Was she legally in possession of the weapon? Was she licensed to carry?

There's always more to the story than the bed wetters in the media divulge.

According to the reports I heard, she never had any trouble with the law. That was my first thoguht though, due to her harsh sentence.

If the first crime a person does is murder or violent rape, should they not be punished serverely because they haven't been in trouble before?

she did not commit murder or violent rape. stop being so one-dimensional.
the stupid system transformed simple stupidity and irresponsibility to CRIMINAL stupidity and irresponsibility. Or you think she'll leave jail in 20 years with remorse for her deeds?
No she will be a mature criminal with perfect criminal links, with no normal future and THEN she will surely be able to commit murder and other violent crimes.

This case is a perfect example how our system of punishment produces criminals and actually stimulates the process.
I knew this would be painfully asinine, but I had to read it anyway. Liberalism is like a train wreck that way....


Anyway bed wetter...

Alexander didn't "Stand her Ground", she retrieved a weapon and advanced.

Had she gone next door and called for police assistance she would be a free woman.

I'm not a bed wetter, asshole. Had zimmerman stayed in his truck, Martin wouldn't have been dead. zimmerman also advanced.

THEN went back to his truck, where MARTIN confronted him.
so you think her being an idiot guarantees 20 years?

If being an idiot was punishable by jail time, half the country would be in prison.

Being an idiot and recklessly using a gun during a domestic dispute that could have easily been avoided is somewhat elevated.

Half the country? I think you're being overly optimistic. There isnt a person on this planet who hasn't been an idiot at one point.

Hmmm... Indeed that is true.

However there seems to be a significant percentage that are so devoted to idiocy that they not only voted for ovomit twice, but still believe EVERYTHING is all Bush's fault.
so you think her being an idiot guarantees 20 years?

I might be wrong, but he( the assaulted husband) is petitioning for her as well

She should have take the plea deal. She got the sentence she got because of mandatory sentencing laws. I don't think she deserves 20 years, but she does deserve to spend time in jail.

Ah mandatory sentencing laws. I seriously dislike those. Gives too much power to the state.

Actually I think it ties up everyone's hands, including the DA's that represent the state.

There are too many arbitrary rules, from legislators who helped pave the way to hell with "good intentions". They're compelled to act and prevent crimes that natural selection causes. You can't stop some people from killing each other, sometimes it's best to wait until the smoke clears and arrest the violent aggressors if they won the fight.

Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are rights bestowed upon each of us from God, it's up to the individual to protect themselves. It sucks but nothing of value is free, and nothing is more valuable than freedom.
It's hard to defend a woman who fired into a home where her children were. What if she had hit one of them? Good grief, that is stupid. It almost sounds like the actions of someone who couldn't control their temper. And she assaulted him again while awaiting trial? Yea, definitely a bad temper there and she can't control it.

How many years would she had received if she had taken the plea deal? In most states, it seems like they never do all the time unless the judge states no early release.

I can't get past endangering the children like that. Wow.
Although I will say, Joe Horn did pretty much the same thing as Marissa, except he didnt miss and two men died. And he managed to get away with it, unlike her.

Texas law is different, and allows for armed law abiding citizens to thwart felons in commission of crimes, or stop them from fleeing after committing crimes.

I think you can only shoot them for stealing at night time in Texas.
Although I will say, Joe Horn did pretty much the same thing as Marissa, except he didnt miss and two men died. And he managed to get away with it, unlike her.

Texas law is different, and allows for armed law abiding citizens to thwart felons in commission of crimes, or stop them from fleeing after committing crimes.

I think you can only shoot them for stealing at night time in Texas.

Just proves your line of work ain't thinking.
Wow, this puts things in perspective.........................

In the wake of George Zimmerman’s not guilty verdict in the death of Trayvon Martin, another name started to trend Monday on the Internet: Marissa Alexander.

The Jacksonville, Florida, woman tried to use a "Stand Your Ground" defense in 2012, but was later convicted of three counts of aggravated assault.

The biggest question people have as they continue to share Alexander’s story is: Why was this mother of three sentenced to 20 years in prison while Zimmerman walked free?

Coming soon to HLN: Georgia v. Andrea Sneiderman

Alexander said her husband, Rico Gray, tried to strangle her on August 1, 2010, after reading text messages she had sent her ex-husband. She said she escaped his grip and, instead of leaving out the front door, went into the garage to get into her car. But in the confusion of the fight, Alexander said she forgot her keys.

"I knew I had to protect myself," Alexander told CNN in a 2012 interview. "I could not fight him. He was 100 pounds more than me. I grabbed my weapon at that point."

Gray saw the weapon at his wife’s side when she returned, according to Alexander, and continued to threaten her life. That’s when she said she decided to fire a warning shot.
Why everyone's talking about Marissa Alexander |

this was discussed on several threads, there is no SYG issue here, she went to another part of the house got her weapon ands came back and fired her weapon.

I did say on the other conversation on this , I thought 20 years was harsh, she did have an RO against the guy , he had abused her before, her children were there etc etc ..

If there is any similarity other than her race that invites comparison to the zimmerman issue, please tell me what it is, I don't see it.
Marissa Alexander was not self defending or standing her ground. She became the aggressor & tried to kill her man. Her shots missed him as testified to by her own kids. The went into the wall at head level, out the other side & deflected up into the ceiling. She ran into the garage, into her car, grabbed her gun, went back inside & shot at her man. She should have locked herself in her car with her gun or went out the garage door to the neighbors house & called 911. Then she violated bail/bond by going to his house & beating him again, was re-arrested for assault & had to sit in jail before trial because she was to dangerous to remain free on bond.

Texas law is different, and allows for armed law abiding citizens to thwart felons in commission of crimes, or stop them from fleeing after committing crimes.

I think you can only shoot them for stealing at night time in Texas.

Just proves your line of work ain't thinking.

The use of deadly force to protect property is contained in Texas Penal Code§9.42. This section of the law lays out a couple of scenarios where you are justified in reasonably using deadly force to protect your property. The first is if someone is committing trespass or interference with your property and you must reasonably use deadly force to prevent arson, burglary, robbery,aggravated robbery, theft during the night time or criminal mischief during the night time. If someone is unlawfully on your property and attempting to commitany of these crimes, you will gain the legal justification for using deadlyforce.

The second scenario is the law of recovering your property by using deadly force. Texas has a 3-prong test that, if met, gives a justification in using deadly force to recover stolen property. This test is as follows: (1) force is necessary to prevent or terminate another's trespass on land or unlawful interference with the property, (2) deadly force is reasonably necessary to prevent another who is immediately fleeing after committing burglary, robbery, aggravated robbery, or theft during the night time from escaping with the property, and (3) the person reasonably believes that the property cannot be recovered by any other method or that the use of non-deadly force to recover the property would expose them to a substantial risk of death or serious bodily injury. Lawyers cannot stress enough that under this scenario, while the law may allow you to use deadly force - It Is Most Likely A Very Bad Idea!

Criminal trespass alone is not one of the crimes listed in Texas Penal Code §9.42 or even as part of the "Castle Doctrine" under §9.31 or §9.32. A mere criminal trespass may, however, evolve into one of the above crimes where you may be justified in using deadly force to protect your property. If someone decides to sit on your lawn, you holler at them from your bedroom window to "get off my property." If the trespasser refuses to leave, you are almost certainly not justified in using deadly force to remove him. But if that person sitting on your lawn gets up and charges towards your bedroom window with a firearm and a crow bar, you will very likelybe legally justified in using deadly force to protect yourself and your home. His actions of charging you with a weapon make him more than just a trespasser under Texas law.
Alexander fires a warning shot and get 20 years. O.J. didn't have a gun, did not use a gun and he get 30 years. Jena six. Grant in California shot by police. Zimmerman kills an unarmed teenager and the killing is not even investigated. WTF is wrong with this picture? There is a long history that continues of unequal justice for Afro-Americans in this country and of people of color is other countries.
Google unequal justice for blacks and see what you get. Cases after cases. I way past time to for DOJ to investigate.

Marissa Alexander was not self defending or standing her ground. She became the aggressor & tried to kill her man. Her shots missed him as testified to by her own kids. The went into the wall at head level, out the other side & deflected up into the ceiling. She ran into the garage, into her car, grabbed her gun, went back inside & shot at her man. She should have locked herself in her car with her gun or went out the garage door to the neighbors house & called 911. Then she violated bail/bond by going to his house & beating him again, was re-arrested for assault & had to sit in jail before trial because she was to dangerous to remain free on bond.


Corey is just another part of the corrupt justice system of the shit hole called Florida.:evil:

And leave her kids with a man that threatened her life? Zimmerman could have stayed in his car? Zimmerman became the aggressor when he got out of his car, following a teenager, confronting him and provoking him by reaching into his pocket when he got punched and when he is getting this butt kicked he choose to use deadly force instead of equal physical force since his life was not in danger. Zimmerman need to be awarded a medal of honor or the peace prize an on Time as man of the year. +
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