The case of the 6 year old drag queen 😶

But if you're too pussy or unable to even say it anonymously on a message board doesn't that kind of prove what impotent and ineffectual cucks you are? 😄

No. All it proves is that there's nothing here to be gained by me saying it that is worth the wrath that it will bring down on me form the moderators that are openly sympathetic to your kind.

No need to say it; everyone knows.

There is only one kind of creature that wants children to be dragged into sexually-charged situations. Only one.
No. All it proves is that there's nothing here to be gained by me saying it that is worth the wrath that it will bring down on me form the moderators that are openly sympathetic to your kind.
In other words, your accusations and admonishments are impotent and ineffectual.
No need to say it; everyone knows.

What you think you know in you little cuck imagination doesn't amount to much does it?
There is only one kind of creature that wants children to be dragged into sexually-charged situations. Only one.
Tell me what part of the video in the OP you found to be sexual you sick fucking pervert.
News flash moron: NOBODY is scared of you racist, degenerate filth. YOU subhuman scum are the minority and are headed for extinction. Parents are done suffering you people and your pushing of crap like this on children. You won’t be laughing when one of them gets their hands on you.

To quote TommyT:

You are insane.

But yeah, seems like the kid is fine and having fun. :)
You're such a cosplaying pussy. 😄 The world sees you bigots as deplorables. Where is your hateful bigot message shared in the mainstream? Nowhere.Yours is a fringe belief of old frightened mutants who are dying out more and more every day.
And we know what you are. But the mods will start pearl clutching if it’s mentioned....
Sorry, babycakes.

Just to be clear, your position is that it's okay to murder children by the thousands, but a kid cross-dressing is an abomination.


I get along quite well with parents. :)
Get lost degenerate. We know what you are too. But the mods will throw a fit of it’s mentioned....
That we know what you are. Nobody gives a fuck about you and you kind. You need to be tarred, feathered, and run out of town on a rail,
But you can't which means enough people to care to make you and your lot impotent little snowflakes.
But you can't which means enough people to care to make you and your lot impotent little snowflakes.
Come try it. But that means you have to leave mommy’s basement and your beloved goat. Then take a basic English course you blabbering moron. Hint: you won’t like what happens to you.
Come try it. But that means you have to leave mommy’s basement and your beloved goat. Then take a basic English course you blabbering moron. Hint: you won’t like what happens to you.
Come try why? I'm not forcing anyone kids to a drag show. It's you that can't stop these parents from supporting their drag queen child. All you can do is cry about it like a impotent Bingo.
Try spreading your crap in my town and see what happens to you. Hint: you won’t like it very much.
I'll bake you a cake with a file in it if I drop by, sugar britches. :)

But yeah - harmless fun for the kid.
Come try it. But that means you have to leave mommy’s basement and your beloved goat. Then take a basic English course you blabbering moron. Hint: you won’t like what happens to you.
Sounds projecty to me, but whatevs.

Have you tried anger therapy?

Willingly or otherwise?

The kid seems great of course - no issues there. :)

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