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The Changing Winds of Favor

Nixon did a great deal of good things for the Country before he slipped into paranoi. I am not sure why but Nixon was not a traitor to the Country. He resigned when he realized it was the end of the line. Of course we had Senators then with character and love of our Country.

JFK died much too soon to know what his potential was.

FDR was far from being what you say. He created programs that brought this Country back from starvation. Since I remember Roosevelt and the times I think I know what he was just a little better than you do! He led us through the last war we ever won. All this while being paralyzed in a wheel chair!

Trump has nothing at all for you to be proud of. Having parties and flyovers while hundreds die every day. He is a narcissistic monster still getting people stabbed and arrested to feed his childish ego. To even mention his name with those Presidents is a travesty!

Susan Estrich described Trump well as many decent Republicans have done and voted for Joe Biden, a decent man who has suffered. He knows what empathy is!

As you were saying about the President, it was Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi who were eating at fancy restaurants without social distancing while you prog slaves were told to shut up and hunker down in your basement because you were told to. Just look at what the progs say about the Republicans and it is the prog Democrats who are doing it...

Hope you get a visit from one of those released criminals that the Progressive Governors have let loose, karma is a bitch...
I live in what is designated as the safest city. My Poilce Force and Fire Department are right there to check.

Are you scared?
I am not scared, i not only served my country against the Socialists back in the 1980s but am now able to walk down the street and not have a care in the world. But, you progs, who live in the cities...They are coming for you, now that you have a weak ass bumbler who is going to take office(if he lives that long).

Dripping Poop's History..

Despite what people will insist upon reading this, we cannot now know how history will view the Trump presidency. Even with the torrid partisan animosity that was prevalent during his administration, W's legacy is being seen more favorably now than when he left office (the most hysterically biased and therefore irrelevant partisans aside).

Actually, Bush will still be seen as a failed president. Essentially, most presidents get one or two defining moments.

Bush's are
1) 9/11 - He handled this reasonably well.
2) Iraq - He fucked that one up royally.
3) Katrina - He fucked that one up royally.
4) The Great Recession - he fucked that one up royally.

Lots of people seem to think JFK was some hero, despite his actual track record.

Um, actually, his record was pretty good, creating the Space Program, successfully resolving the Cuban Missile Crisis.. but his status is elevated by being the last president assassinated in office. Getting Assassinated always builds up your cred. Unless you are James Garfield and you get assassinated before you do anything.

Lots of people think Nixon was some villain, despite his actual record.

Actually, his record was pretty bad. Watergate, an illegal war in Cambodia, shooting kids at Kent State, instigating a criminal coup in Chile. You didn't live through those times, people actually thought the country was coming apart at the seems. His abuse of power was so extensive that they passed a lot of laws after he left to limit what presidents could do.

Liberals, and even more than a few conservatives, have long spoken of FDR as some great president, but the more that his actual record becomes known and spoken of, the more that even usually unthinking liberals have felt the need to qualify their adoration of that scumbag.

No qualification needed. He was an awesome president who saved us from the Great Depression and then defeated Fascism.

Trump will do down as one of the worst presidents in our history....
FDR was a Dictator that caused the Federal Government to add an amendment to make sure no one else was able to preside at 1600 Pennsylvania as long as he did...

Actually, it was more formalizing a practice that went without being written down...

The real cause of the 22nd Amendment was they didn't want presidents to keep running until they died. FDR ran in 1944 even though everyone around him knew he was dying.
Despite what people will insist upon reading this, we cannot now know how history will view the Trump presidency. Even with the torrid partisan animosity that was prevalent during his administration, W's legacy is being seen more favorably now than when he left office (the most hysterically biased and therefore irrelevant partisans aside). In the current political climate Lincoln, our greatest president, is now ridiculously vilified by some openly ignorant and/or racist idiots who know nothing about history but too much about hate and want to wax nostalgic over a so-called Confederacy that never really existed or socio-economic institutions that never should have existed. Lots of people seem to think JFK was some hero, despite his actual track record. Lots of people think Nixon was some villain, despite his actual record. Liberals, and even more than a few conservatives, have long spoken of FDR as some great president, but the more that his actual record becomes known and spoken of, the more that even usually unthinking liberals have felt the need to qualify their adoration of that scumbag.

So, who knows how the future will view these strange days we are living through?
Only a GD fool doesn't know what a fecking genocidal war criminal W. and Cheney were. . . that election was rigged as well, to bring about a shift in the paradigm, just as this one will bring a catastrophic shift.

Likewise. . . I cannot say if folks will ever realize in my lifetime, or if it will ever be known that Trump was either a Deep State patsy, purposely put there by TPTB, or like Obama, an agent of the cabal, either way. . . he is an agent of chaos and destruction, working in tandem with the propaganda to help destroy the Republic and usher in the global technocratic police state.
Despite what people will insist upon reading this, we cannot now know how history will view the Trump presidency. Even with the torrid partisan animosity that was prevalent during his administration, W's legacy is being seen more favorably now than when he left office (the most hysterically biased and therefore irrelevant partisans aside). In the current political climate Lincoln, our greatest president, is now ridiculously vilified by some openly ignorant and/or racist idiots who know nothing about history but too much about hate and want to wax nostalgic over a so-called Confederacy that never really existed or socio-economic institutions that never should have existed. Lots of people seem to think JFK was some hero, despite his actual track record. Lots of people think Nixon was some villain, despite his actual record. Liberals, and even more than a few conservatives, have long spoken of FDR as some great president, but the more that his actual record becomes known and spoken of, the more that even usually unthinking liberals have felt the need to qualify their adoration of that scumbag.

So, who knows how the future will view these strange days we are living through?
You might say, whoever control academia will control history.

That is why FDR remains at the top of the "best" Presidents consistently with Progressives who control academia.

But at the end of the day, it's really all a giant beauty contest that is essentially meaningless. Who the hell cares that people rate FDR as the best and Trump as the worst as they ignore FDR locking up innocent Americans because they were the wrong race and vilify Trump as a racist despite him never approaching anything to that degree of racism and hatred. And look at how Trump avoided war for the first time in a very long time and improved the economy while FDR led one of the bloodiest world wars in all of history, etc.

Academics can suck it.
Nixon did a great deal of good things for the Country before he slipped into paranoi. I am not sure why but Nixon was not a traitor to the Country. He resigned when he realized it was the end of the line. Of course we had Senators then with character and love of our Country.

JFK died much too soon to know what his potential was.

FDR was far from being what you say. He created programs that brought this Country back from starvation. Since I remember Roosevelt and the times I think I know what he was just a little better than you do! He led us through the last war we ever won. All this while being paralyzed in a wheel chair!

Trump has nothing at all for you to be proud of. Having parties and flyovers while hundreds die every day. He is a narcissistic monster still getting people stabbed and arrested to feed his childish ego. To even mention his name with those Presidents is a travesty!

Susan Estrich described Trump well as many decent Republicans have done and voted for Joe Biden, a decent man who has suffered. He knows what empathy is!

As you were saying about the President, it was Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi who were eating at fancy restaurants without social distancing while you prog slaves were told to shut up and hunker down in your basement because you were told to. Just look at what the progs say about the Republicans and it is the prog Democrats who are doing it...

Hope you get a visit from one of those released criminals that the Progressive Governors have let loose, karma is a bitch...
You are really desperate aren’t you? Did you attended the Grand March yesterday where your Grand Poobah made a flyover at our expense?
Only racist pricks are you and your leader Joe XiBiden, who if you didnt vote for Joe you arent black enough, and black are super predators. Maybe while you are walking down the street some thug is going to just put the hate on you and punch you to the ground.


My black neighbors and friends are just like me. Honest, law abiding, family oriented good people.

So, a question for you. What did President Trump "do to you" that made you say hate him?
Nixon did a great deal of good things for the Country before he slipped into paranoi. I am not sure why but Nixon was not a traitor to the Country. He resigned when he realized it was the end of the line. Of course we had Senators then with character and love of our Country.

JFK died much too soon to know what his potential was.

FDR was far from being what you say. He created programs that brought this Country back from starvation. Since I remember Roosevelt and the times I think I know what he was just a little better than you do! He led us through the last war we ever won. All this while being paralyzed in a wheel chair!

Trump has nothing at all for you to be proud of. Having parties and flyovers while hundreds die every day. He is a narcissistic monster still getting people stabbed and arrested to feed his childish ego. To even mention his name with those Presidents is a travesty!

Susan Estrich described Trump well as many decent Republicans have done and voted for Joe Biden, a decent man who has suffered. He knows what empathy is!

As you were saying about the President, it was Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi who were eating at fancy restaurants without social distancing while you prog slaves were told to shut up and hunker down in your basement because you were told to. Just look at what the progs say about the Republicans and it is the prog Democrats who are doing it...

Hope you get a visit from one of those released criminals that the Progressive Governors have let loose, karma is a bitch...
You are really desperate aren’t you? Did you attended the Grand March yesterday where your Grand Poobah made a flyover at our expense?
Only racist pricks are you and your leader Joe XiBiden, who if you didnt vote for Joe you arent black enough, and black are super predators. Maybe while you are walking down the street some thug is going to just put the hate on you and punch you to the ground.


Clinton & Biden Jailed Super Predators & Lowered Crime the Most in History. Trump Increased Crime!
Nixon did a great deal of good things for the Country before he slipped into paranoi. I am not sure why but Nixon was not a traitor to the Country. He resigned when he realized it was the end of the line. Of course we had Senators then with character and love of our Country.

JFK died much too soon to know what his potential was.

FDR was far from being what you say. He created programs that brought this Country back from starvation. Since I remember Roosevelt and the times I think I know what he was just a little better than you do! He led us through the last war we ever won. All this while being paralyzed in a wheel chair!

Trump has nothing at all for you to be proud of. Having parties and flyovers while hundreds die every day. He is a narcissistic monster still getting people stabbed and arrested to feed his childish ego. To even mention his name with those Presidents is a travesty!

Susan Estrich described Trump well as many decent Republicans have done and voted for Joe Biden, a decent man who has suffered. He knows what empathy is!

Trump is not responsible for the violence of his enemies.
There are few things redeeming about W. From the way Karl Rove conducted the Campaign against Gore to W being surprised by 9-11 while reading my Pet Goat despite Richard Clark and other telling his administration that Bin Laden was a threat to Bush lying about Iraq and his you are either with us or against us lead up to the Iraq war to Bush’s totally ineptitude with the economic meltdown.

W. set the stage for greater authoritarianism in the system with his advocacy of the unitary executive theory of the presidency. The theory holds that the president is in complete charge of the executive branch and beholden to him without oversight from Congress. W. also a proponent of executive signing statements whose sole purpose was to undermine duly passed legislation.

Trump’s legacy is too early to tell. It will either be a president who facilitated the decay of American democratic institutions or a catalyst to reform the system and reign in the power of the presidency.
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There are few things redeeming about W. From the way Karl Rove conducted the Campaign against Gore to W being surprised by 9-11 while reading my Pet Goat despite Richard Clark and other telling his administration that Bin Laden was threat to Bush lying about Iraq and his you are either with us or against us leas up to the Iraq war to Bush;s totally ineptitude with the economic meltdown.

W. set the stage for greater authoritarianism in the system with his advocacy of the unitary theory of the presidency. The theory holds that the president is complete charge of the executive branch and beholden to him without oversight from Congress. W. also a proponent of executive signing statements whose sole purpose was to undermine duly passed legislation.

Trump’s legacy to early to tell. It will be either a president who facilitated the decay of American democratic institutions or a catalyst to reform the system and reign in the power of the presidency.

NIce pile of gish gallop.

One point. There is nothing wrong with being surprised by a new type of attack. This was the first time a highjacked plane was used like this.

So, it happened while he was visiting some young children, so what? WTF, does that have to do with anything?
Despite what people will insist upon reading this, we cannot now know how history will view the Trump presidency. Even with the torrid partisan animosity that was prevalent during his administration, W's legacy is being seen more favorably now than when he left office (the most hysterically biased and therefore irrelevant partisans aside). In the current political climate Lincoln, our greatest president, is now ridiculously vilified by some openly ignorant and/or racist idiots who know nothing about history but too much about hate and want to wax nostalgic over a so-called Confederacy that never really existed or socio-economic institutions that never should have existed. Lots of people seem to think JFK was some hero, despite his actual track record. Lots of people think Nixon was some villain, despite his actual record. Liberals, and even more than a few conservatives, have long spoken of FDR as some great president, but the more that his actual record becomes known and spoken of, the more that even usually unthinking liberals have felt the need to qualify their adoration of that scumbag.

So, who knows how the future will view these strange days we are living through?
Trump was smart enough to know that china is our enemy and every person in mainland china is a risk and possible threat to the United States

maybe someday history will admit that
There are few things redeeming about W. From the way Karl Rove conducted the Campaign against Gore to W being surprised by 9-11 while reading my Pet Goat despite Richard Clark and other telling his administration that Bin Laden was threat to Bush lying about Iraq and his you are either with us or against us leas up to the Iraq war to Bush;s totally ineptitude with the economic meltdown.

W. set the stage for greater authoritarianism in the system with his advocacy of the unitary theory of the presidency. The theory holds that the president is complete charge of the executive branch and beholden to him without oversight from Congress. W. also a proponent of executive signing statements whose sole purpose was to undermine duly passed legislation.

Trump’s legacy to early to tell. It will be either a president who facilitated the decay of American democratic institutions or a catalyst to reform the system and reign in the power of the presidency.

NIce pile of gish gallop.

One point. There is nothing wrong with being surprised by a new type of attack. This was the first time a highjacked plane was used like this.

So, it happened while he was visiting some young children, so what? WTF, does that have to do with anything?
There may have been nothing that Bush could have done to prevent 9-11 except that he was warned by intelligence agencies that an attack may be imminent. Instead the Bush Administration ignored the warnings. I am not saying he could have prevented the attack but he should not have ignored the warning signs.
There are few things redeeming about W. From the way Karl Rove conducted the Campaign against Gore to W being surprised by 9-11 while reading my Pet Goat despite Richard Clark and other telling his administration that Bin Laden was threat to Bush lying about Iraq and his you are either with us or against us leas up to the Iraq war to Bush;s totally ineptitude with the economic meltdown.

W. set the stage for greater authoritarianism in the system with his advocacy of the unitary theory of the presidency. The theory holds that the president is complete charge of the executive branch and beholden to him without oversight from Congress. W. also a proponent of executive signing statements whose sole purpose was to undermine duly passed legislation.

Trump’s legacy to early to tell. It will be either a president who facilitated the decay of American democratic institutions or a catalyst to reform the system and reign in the power of the presidency.

NIce pile of gish gallop.

One point. There is nothing wrong with being surprised by a new type of attack. This was the first time a highjacked plane was used like this.

So, it happened while he was visiting some young children, so what? WTF, does that have to do with anything?
There may have been nothing that Bush could have done to prevent 9-11 except that he was warned by intelligence agencies that an attack may be imminent. Instead the Bush Administration ignored the warnings. I am not saying he could have prevented the attack but he should not have ignored the warning signs.

YOu made a point that he was reading to children when the attack occurred.

Really, what were you implying? That no president should ever so such touchy feelie crap? He should spend all his free time sitting in The War Room, in case of something happens?

What you really did there, was signal that you are just a partisan zealot, and not serious about judging Presidents honestly.
There are few things redeeming about W. From the way Karl Rove conducted the Campaign against Gore to W being surprised by 9-11 while reading my Pet Goat despite Richard Clark and other telling his administration that Bin Laden was threat to Bush lying about Iraq and his you are either with us or against us leas up to the Iraq war to Bush;s totally ineptitude with the economic meltdown.

W. set the stage for greater authoritarianism in the system with his advocacy of the unitary theory of the presidency. The theory holds that the president is complete charge of the executive branch and beholden to him without oversight from Congress. W. also a proponent of executive signing statements whose sole purpose was to undermine duly passed legislation.

Trump’s legacy to early to tell. It will be either a president who facilitated the decay of American democratic institutions or a catalyst to reform the system and reign in the power of the presidency.

NIce pile of gish gallop.

One point. There is nothing wrong with being surprised by a new type of attack. This was the first time a highjacked plane was used like this.

So, it happened while he was visiting some young children, so what? WTF, does that have to do with anything?
There may have been nothing that Bush could have done to prevent 9-11 except that he was warned by intelligence agencies that an attack may be imminent. Instead the Bush Administration ignored the warnings. I am not saying he could have prevented the attack but he should not have ignored the warning signs.

YOu made a point that he was reading to children when the attack occurred.

Really, what were you implying? That no president should ever so such touchy feelie crap? He should spend all his free time sitting in The War Room, in case of something happens?

What you really did there, was signal that you are just a partisan zealot, and not serious about judging Presidents honestly.
The point was W was taken completely by surprised. He was warned. But yet chose to ignore the warnings.

If you recall when he was told America was under attack, Bush chose to continue reading My Pet Goat.
Despite what people will insist upon reading this, we cannot now know how history will view the Trump presidency. Even with the torrid partisan animosity that was prevalent during his administration, W's legacy is being seen more favorably now than when he left office (the most hysterically biased and therefore irrelevant partisans aside). In the current political climate Lincoln, our greatest president, is now ridiculously vilified by some openly ignorant and/or racist idiots who know nothing about history but too much about hate and want to wax nostalgic over a so-called Confederacy that never really existed or socio-economic institutions that never should have existed. Lots of people seem to think JFK was some hero, despite his actual track record. Lots of people think Nixon was some villain, despite his actual record. Liberals, and even more than a few conservatives, have long spoken of FDR as some great president, but the more that his actual record becomes known and spoken of, the more that even usually unthinking liberals have felt the need to qualify their adoration of that scumbag.

So, who knows how the future will view these strange days we are living through?
You might say, whoever control academia will control history.

That is why FDR remains at the top of the "best" Presidents consistently with Progressives who control academia.

But at the end of the day, it's really all a giant beauty contest that is essentially meaningless. Who the hell cares that people rate FDR as the best and Trump as the worst as they ignore FDR locking up innocent Americans because they were the wrong race and vilify Trump as a racist despite him never approaching anything to that degree of racism and hatred. And look at how Trump avoided war for the first time in a very long time and improved the economy while FDR led one of the bloodiest world wars in all of history, etc.

Academics can suck it.
Good post and agree fully.

The thing about academics promoting presidents, is they always promote the ones who are the biggest statists. For example dishonest Abe is held up as our greatest potus, yet he was the worst statist mass murderer of all.
There are few things redeeming about W. From the way Karl Rove conducted the Campaign against Gore to W being surprised by 9-11 while reading my Pet Goat despite Richard Clark and other telling his administration that Bin Laden was threat to Bush lying about Iraq and his you are either with us or against us leas up to the Iraq war to Bush;s totally ineptitude with the economic meltdown.

W. set the stage for greater authoritarianism in the system with his advocacy of the unitary theory of the presidency. The theory holds that the president is complete charge of the executive branch and beholden to him without oversight from Congress. W. also a proponent of executive signing statements whose sole purpose was to undermine duly passed legislation.

Trump’s legacy to early to tell. It will be either a president who facilitated the decay of American democratic institutions or a catalyst to reform the system and reign in the power of the presidency.

NIce pile of gish gallop.

One point. There is nothing wrong with being surprised by a new type of attack. This was the first time a highjacked plane was used like this.

So, it happened while he was visiting some young children, so what? WTF, does that have to do with anything?
There may have been nothing that Bush could have done to prevent 9-11 except that he was warned by intelligence agencies that an attack may be imminent. Instead the Bush Administration ignored the warnings. I am not saying he could have prevented the attack but he should not have ignored the warning signs.

YOu made a point that he was reading to children when the attack occurred.

Really, what were you implying? That no president should ever so such touchy feelie crap? He should spend all his free time sitting in The War Room, in case of something happens?

What you really did there, was signal that you are just a partisan zealot, and not serious about judging Presidents honestly.
The point was W was taken completely by surprised. He was warned. But yet chose to ignore the warnings.

If you recall when he was told America was under attack, Bush chose to continue reading My Pet Goat.

One threat out of hundreds, and he was supposed to just "know" that that threat was the one that would actually happen?

If he had.. oh, I don't know, BANNED muslims from high threat nations, you people would have flipped out.
Nixon did a great deal of good things for the Country before he slipped into paranoi. I am not sure why but Nixon was not a traitor to the Country. He resigned when he realized it was the end of the line. Of course we had Senators then with character and love of our Country.

JFK died much too soon to know what his potential was.

FDR was far from being what you say. He created programs that brought this Country back from starvation. Since I remember Roosevelt and the times I think I know what he was just a little better than you do! He led us through the last war we ever won. All this while being paralyzed in a wheel chair!

Trump has nothing at all for you to be proud of. Having parties and flyovers while hundreds die every day. He is a narcissistic monster still getting people stabbed and arrested to feed his childish ego. To even mention his name with those Presidents is a travesty!

Susan Estrich described Trump well as many decent Republicans have done and voted for Joe Biden, a decent man who has suffered. He knows what empathy is!

As you were saying about the President, it was Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi who were eating at fancy restaurants without social distancing while you prog slaves were told to shut up and hunker down in your basement because you were told to. Just look at what the progs say about the Republicans and it is the prog Democrats who are doing it...

Hope you get a visit from one of those released criminals that the Progressive Governors have let loose, karma is a bitch...
You are really desperate aren’t you? Did you attended the Grand March yesterday where your Grand Poobah made a flyover at our expense?
Only racist pricks are you and your leader Joe XiBiden, who if you didnt vote for Joe you arent black enough, and black are super predators. Maybe while you are walking down the street some thug is going to just put the hate on you and punch you to the ground.


Clinton & Biden Jailed Super Predators & Lowered Crime the Most in History. Trump Increased Crime!

So you agree that black men are superpredators?
Nixon did a great deal of good things for the Country before he slipped into paranoi. I am not sure why but Nixon was not a traitor to the Country. He resigned when he realized it was the end of the line. Of course we had Senators then with character and love of our Country.

JFK died much too soon to know what his potential was.

FDR was far from being what you say. He created programs that brought this Country back from starvation. Since I remember Roosevelt and the times I think I know what he was just a little better than you do! He led us through the last war we ever won. All this while being paralyzed in a wheel chair!

Trump has nothing at all for you to be proud of. Having parties and flyovers while hundreds die every day. He is a narcissistic monster still getting people stabbed and arrested to feed his childish ego. To even mention his name with those Presidents is a travesty!

Susan Estrich described Trump well as many decent Republicans have done and voted for Joe Biden, a decent man who has suffered. He knows what empathy is!

As you were saying about the President, it was Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi who were eating at fancy restaurants without social distancing while you prog slaves were told to shut up and hunker down in your basement because you were told to. Just look at what the progs say about the Republicans and it is the prog Democrats who are doing it...

Hope you get a visit from one of those released criminals that the Progressive Governors have let loose, karma is a bitch...
You are really desperate aren’t you? Did you attended the Grand March yesterday where your Grand Poobah made a flyover at our expense?
Please don’t pretend you are a taxpayer, an asset to society. NOBODY positive contributing votes for more beaners and higher taxes....NOBODY.
Despite what people will insist upon reading this, we cannot now know how history will view the Trump presidency. Even with the torrid partisan animosity that was prevalent during his administration, W's legacy is being seen more favorably now than when he left office (the most hysterically biased and therefore irrelevant partisans aside). In the current political climate Lincoln, our greatest president, is now ridiculously vilified by some openly ignorant and/or racist idiots who know nothing about history but too much about hate and want to wax nostalgic over a so-called Confederacy that never really existed or socio-economic institutions that never should have existed. Lots of people seem to think JFK was some hero, despite his actual track record. Lots of people think Nixon was some villain, despite his actual record. Liberals, and even more than a few conservatives, have long spoken of FDR as some great president, but the more that his actual record becomes known and spoken of, the more that even usually unthinking liberals have felt the need to qualify their adoration of that scumbag.

So, who knows how the future will view these strange days we are living through?
You might say, whoever control academia will control history.

That is why FDR remains at the top of the "best" Presidents consistently with Progressives who control academia.

But at the end of the day, it's really all a giant beauty contest that is essentially meaningless. Who the hell cares that people rate FDR as the best and Trump as the worst as they ignore FDR locking up innocent Americans because they were the wrong race and vilify Trump as a racist despite him never approaching anything to that degree of racism and hatred. And look at how Trump avoided war for the first time in a very long time and improved the economy while FDR led one of the bloodiest world wars in all of history, etc.

Academics can suck it.
Good post and agree fully.

The thing about academics promoting presidents, is they always promote the ones who are the biggest statists. For example dishonest Abe is held up as our greatest potus, yet he was the worst statist mass murderer of all.

Government and foundation funded schools, and the interlocking directorate's propaganda determine the what is in the heads of most folks.

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