The Chicken Little Religion

Yupā€¦.the sky is falling!

Orā€¦how ā€˜scienceā€™ has become their version of a religion, based on required faith, rather than proof.

1.Another of those strange inconsistencies is that the fearful among us flock to the Death Party, the one based on nihilism and meaninglessness. They fear their own death, but embrace those doctrines in the Democrat Party. Weird.

Liberals, in my experience, are fearful folks who need the bodyguard of big government because they are vulnerable, battered emotional hypochondriacs....they need to insure themselves against every societal misadventure that could occur. They call that 'empathy,' but it's actually neurosis. They have some sort of metaphorical bullet lodged near their heart, just waiting for a slight move which will end it all! Thus, the overwhelming feeling of incipient failure, and apprehension. And, recognizing their own weakness, they lash out at those willing to depend on themselves.
Leftism....the real 'opium of the masses.'

2. Leftism is the most dynamic religion of the last hundred years, and, in fact, they apply the term ā€˜scienceā€™ to the religion. Hence, they are ā€˜science believers.ā€™ Their use of the word science is simply one more way to hide the political basis of their beliefs, just as they us terms like feminism, transgenderism, racism, and, well, every sort of radicalism. All of the ā€˜ismsā€™ have the same collectivist, statist last act for society. There is no real science behind the Leftist, Democrat, Progressive movement. It is simply assigning the word science to doctrinaire beliefs, faith, dogma. Letā€™s start with the ā€˜Green New Dealā€™ that all the candidates support:

ā€œThe Green New Deal aims to eliminate all internal combustion engines, meaning nothing but electric cars could be sold ā€“ but it's left unsaid how all the power would be generated.ā€ Green New Deal: Airplanes and 'farting cows' out, Infrastructure $ in

No problem for their ā€˜science believers.ā€™ Magic will replace them.

3. Fearing the fate that, deep down, they may feel they deserve, they reach out to a party and doctrine that promises all sorts of good things to believers, as though itā€™s the life-preserver they yearn for. Nowhere is the theme more evident than in the destruction threatened by the global warmists.

To give them their due, they do have the sort of intensity one saw in the early Christians, facing death in the Roman Coliseumā€¦.

ā€œNothing exemplifies the rise of ā€œscience believerā€ as a progressive identity like global warming doomsayers. There is so much more at stake for them than the exact measurements of how much hotter the earth has grown over the past hundred years. They are a persecuted minority that sees how close we are to disaster: cities destroyed, animals extinct, plagues rampant, and humankind barely hanging on. They know the end is coming, because they can feel it in their hearts. Everyone asking for more proof before being required to drive Flintstones-style foot-powered cars is oppressing them and should be silenced.ā€
Derek Hunter, ā€œOutrage, Inc.ā€

But the hand-wringers are mollified by their science religion.

4. The same individual who opined that ā€˜religion is the opium of the masses,ā€™ was behind globalization.
ā€œIt is no coincidence that man-made global warming, or climate change, or whatever it's called this week, got very popular as an issue just as the Soviet Union fell. It is the top-down centralized government's last best hope of controlling the masses. And like other forms of socialist totalitarian worldviews, it is a religion as well.ā€
The Religion of Global Warming

The Left has corrupted science to the extent that what they claim as scienceā€¦.isnā€™t. It is their ā€˜religion, it requires faith in whatever they claim, and if you donā€™t toe the line, you are a heretic in the medieval meaning of the termā€¦.and get what heretics get.

is there no drivel you don't believe?

is there a rational bone in your body?

any at all?
Yupā€¦.the sky is falling!

Orā€¦how ā€˜scienceā€™ has become their version of a religion, based on required faith, rather than proof.

1.Another of those strange inconsistencies is that the fearful among us flock to the Death Party, the one based on nihilism and meaninglessness. They fear their own death, but embrace those doctrines in the Democrat Party. Weird.

Liberals, in my experience, are fearful folks who need the bodyguard of big government because they are vulnerable, battered emotional hypochondriacs....they need to insure themselves against every societal misadventure that could occur. They call that 'empathy,' but it's actually neurosis. They have some sort of metaphorical bullet lodged near their heart, just waiting for a slight move which will end it all! Thus, the overwhelming feeling of incipient failure, and apprehension. And, recognizing their own weakness, they lash out at those willing to depend on themselves.
Leftism....the real 'opium of the masses.'

2. Leftism is the most dynamic religion of the last hundred years, and, in fact, they apply the term ā€˜scienceā€™ to the religion. Hence, they are ā€˜science believers.ā€™ Their use of the word science is simply one more way to hide the political basis of their beliefs, just as they us terms like feminism, transgenderism, racism, and, well, every sort of radicalism. All of the ā€˜ismsā€™ have the same collectivist, statist last act for society. There is no real science behind the Leftist, Democrat, Progressive movement. It is simply assigning the word science to doctrinaire beliefs, faith, dogma. Letā€™s start with the ā€˜Green New Dealā€™ that all the candidates support:

ā€œThe Green New Deal aims to eliminate all internal combustion engines, meaning nothing but electric cars could be sold ā€“ but it's left unsaid how all the power would be generated.ā€ Green New Deal: Airplanes and 'farting cows' out, Infrastructure $ in

No problem for their ā€˜science believers.ā€™ Magic will replace them.

3. Fearing the fate that, deep down, they may feel they deserve, they reach out to a party and doctrine that promises all sorts of good things to believers, as though itā€™s the life-preserver they yearn for. Nowhere is the theme more evident than in the destruction threatened by the global warmists.

To give them their due, they do have the sort of intensity one saw in the early Christians, facing death in the Roman Coliseumā€¦.

ā€œNothing exemplifies the rise of ā€œscience believerā€ as a progressive identity like global warming doomsayers. There is so much more at stake for them than the exact measurements of how much hotter the earth has grown over the past hundred years. They are a persecuted minority that sees how close we are to disaster: cities destroyed, animals extinct, plagues rampant, and humankind barely hanging on. They know the end is coming, because they can feel it in their hearts. Everyone asking for more proof before being required to drive Flintstones-style foot-powered cars is oppressing them and should be silenced.ā€
Derek Hunter, ā€œOutrage, Inc.ā€

But the hand-wringers are mollified by their science religion.

4. The same individual who opined that ā€˜religion is the opium of the masses,ā€™ was behind globalization.
ā€œIt is no coincidence that man-made global warming, or climate change, or whatever it's called this week, got very popular as an issue just as the Soviet Union fell. It is the top-down centralized government's last best hope of controlling the masses. And like other forms of socialist totalitarian worldviews, it is a religion as well.ā€
The Religion of Global Warming

The Left has corrupted science to the extent that what they claim as scienceā€¦.isnā€™t. It is their ā€˜religion, it requires faith in whatever they claim, and if you donā€™t toe the line, you are a heretic in the medieval meaning of the termā€¦.and get what heretics get.

is there no drivel you don't believe?

is there a rational bone in your body?

any at all?

Is there any point I've made that you can deny?

You're too dumb to comprehend this....but if it wasn't 100% true, accurate and correct, you wouldn't have slithered in to post such a vapid response.

You better look up 'vapid' before you imagine it a compliment, you dunce.

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