The Children Are Our Future

No, males cannot menstruate. However, I can attest that menstruation does affect males.

You're the one going to the store to buy emergency Kotex and paying for them.


I said Kotex.. :113::71:
This kind of pablum puking paternal pig-poop has always gotten me to wonder - wtf is it with people who believe future generations are their own future? We shit all over past generations. We revere them when it suits our purpose, and condemn them when it suits out purpose. Past generations are gone, dead, at best faded memories.

Today we use 'the children' in debates over debt -- debt. When we also ignore them in debates over a poisoned environment (we need the jobs now!), and care nothing about leaving them a stinking poop pile in place of a democratic system in a healthy republic.

the biggest lie is people claiming to care about future generations
Oh. OK.
Screw the spending, spend like there’s no tomorrow because there is none!
There is eventually no tomorrow if we shit on the planet.

I live in farm country now. Many folks here are conservatives with good intentions. But when partisan divides pop up they get nasty and self destructive. Many side with rightwingers on climate change, yet are on boards and commissions trying to deal with changes -- in the climate. The cognitive dissonance is a terrible thing to witness and I get no joy from it. Many want to leave farms for -- ahem -- future generations, but are backing policies that will make for an inevitability that will make sure that never happens
Yes, and my scientific superiors thinking males can menstruate and humans change sex on a whim will save the planet.

I guess fewer and fewer people ever accuse you of being a bright bulb.

and I have no idea why you believe mentioning "thinking males can menstruate and humans change sex on a whim will save the planet" contributes anything here

but maybe that is just a peculiar quirk you have -- obsessing over stuff like that?
Well, Shitforbrains, college adults thinking males can menstruate IS THE TOPIC OF THE THREAD, YOU DUMBASS LEFTARD WITH YOUR HEAD UP YOUR FAT ASS.
So you think it's a health obsession you have with discussions of "college adults thinking males can menstruate?"

seriously, think about how this looks to people with more normal fantasy lives?
No, males cannot menstruate. However, I can attest that menstruation does affect males.

You're the one going to the store to buy emergency Kotex and paying for them.


I said Kotex.. :113::71:

you don't even see it -- yet.

It comes across as you having an obsession with discussing "college adults thinking males can menstruate?" Don't you see how -- weird that is?
For young one piped up and said "The old man may as well die, he's useless now."

Motherfucker! :blowup: If not for the old man, that boy would not have shit. And that's how the schools are indoctrinating them. It is all kinds of fucked up. It shocked his pop, too. His pop's pretty smart. He set him straight. (or tried to)

The boy lives on the "old man's" property..k?

Every step he takes in the grass in because "the old man" cleared that spot of trees and vines and rocks.


Obama: "He didn't build that."

The fuck he didn't, you sumbitch! You ever done a day of work in your life?

I've cleared 53 acres by 8 feet, motherfucker! Just for a horse trail. In 2 days.

"The old man" cleared a lot of acres.
forest for the trees
And that’s why today’s biology textbook is tomorrow’s emergency kindling and why I asked Santa for survival food and water purification tablets.

Princeton student groups: Menstruation isn’t just a women’s issue - The College Fix

"The Coddling of the American Mind" is not on my TO be read pile, it's on my MUST be read pile. Because this is where it all started, and I had a front row seat for the entire thing.
you really do think you're more important than you are LOL

too funny
And that’s why today’s biology textbook is tomorrow’s emergency kindling and why I asked Santa for survival food and water purification tablets.

Princeton student groups: Menstruation isn’t just a women’s issue - The College Fix

"The Coddling of the American Mind" is not on my TO be read pile, it's on my MUST be read pile. Because this is where it all started, and I had a front row seat for the entire thing.
you really do think you're more important than you are LOL

too funny

Do you know what the book is about? Overparenting. Do you know what my job is? Teaching. Jonathan Haidt makes the case that kids born after 1995 have been vastly overparented, and that's the problem. My "front row seat" is that I saw all this overparenting happen as it was happening. That's all.

I'm totally obscure, I know it, and I love it.
And that’s why today’s biology textbook is tomorrow’s emergency kindling and why I asked Santa for survival food and water purification tablets.

Princeton student groups: Menstruation isn’t just a women’s issue - The College Fix

"The Coddling of the American Mind" is not on my TO be read pile, it's on my MUST be read pile. Because this is where it all started, and I had a front row seat for the entire thing.
We are seeing the fruits of participation trophies, no scores kept in games, treat kids like equal adults.
No, males cannot menstruate. However, I can attest that menstruation does affect males.

You're the one going to the store to buy emergency Kotex and paying for them.


I said Kotex.. :113::71:

you don't even see it -- yet.

It comes across as you having an obsession with discussing "college adults thinking males can menstruate?" Don't you see how -- weird that is?

For young one piped up and said "The old man may as well die, he's useless now."

Motherfucker! :blowup: If not for the old man, that boy would not have shit. And that's how the schools are indoctrinating them. It is all kinds of fucked up. It shocked his pop, too. His pop's pretty smart. He set him straight. (or tried to)

The boy lives on the "old man's" property..k?

Every step he takes in the grass in because "the old man" cleared that spot of trees and vines and rocks.


Obama: "He didn't build that."

The fuck he didn't, you sumbitch! You ever done a day of work in your life?

I've cleared 53 acres by 8 feet, motherfucker! Just for a horse trail. In 2 days.

"The old man" cleared a lot of acres.
forest for the trees

And that’s why today’s biology textbook is tomorrow’s emergency kindling and why I asked Santa for survival food and water purification tablets.

Princeton student groups: Menstruation isn’t just a women’s issue - The College Fix

"The Coddling of the American Mind" is not on my TO be read pile, it's on my MUST be read pile. Because this is where it all started, and I had a front row seat for the entire thing.
you really do think you're more important than you are LOL

too funny

They're teaching it in the schools, you dumbass, do you think that's okay and hunky-dory and shit?

Do you advocate having pre-pubescent drag queens and shit?
Do you know what the book is about? Overparenting. Do you know what my job is? Teaching. Jonathan Haidt makes the case that kids born after 1995 have been vastly overparented, and that's the problem. My "front row seat" is that I saw all this overparenting happen as it was happening. That's all.

I'm totally obscure, I know it, and I love it.
Your 'front row seat' is called anecdotal data

May as well claim eye witness testimony is the bestest of the best

gawd, another example backing my position that America needs a national lobotomy
Spank they naughty butts!


Too late for that, and their parents didn't do it. Thanks, leftists.

You wanted a generation of quasi-state babies, you fucking got it.

You'll be old and at their mercy, too. Stupid fucks.
so you actually find humorous an adult who giggles while speaking of spanking kids? say agin?
No, because I knew ahead of time that some persons do not connect correction with the good behavior that follows it. IOW, men can be men, and women can be women sans totally stupid advice about their afflictions of nature consistent with estrogen ruling certain facts of life so greatly misunderstood by those ruled by testosterone, to be exact, and probably vice-versa.
Do you know what the book is about? Overparenting. Do you know what my job is? Teaching. Jonathan Haidt makes the case that kids born after 1995 have been vastly overparented, and that's the problem. My "front row seat" is that I saw all this overparenting happen as it was happening. That's all.

I'm totally obscure, I know it, and I love it.
Your 'front row seat' is called anecdotal data

May as well claim eye witness testimony is the bestest of the best

gawd, another example backing my position that America needs a national lobotomy

So it's not really like that then, and you have proof, correct?

Or you're just trolling and can fuck off.
Do you know what the book is about? Overparenting. Do you know what my job is? Teaching. Jonathan Haidt makes the case that kids born after 1995 have been vastly overparented, and that's the problem. My "front row seat" is that I saw all this overparenting happen as it was happening. That's all.

I'm totally obscure, I know it, and I love it.
Your 'front row seat' is called anecdotal data

May as well claim eye witness testimony is the bestest of the best

gawd, another example backing my position that America needs a national lobotomy

Not when the "anecdotal data" is backed up by what the SOCIAL SCIENTISTS have studied, collected data on, and written about in their books.
They're teaching it in the schools, you dumbass, do you think that's okay and hunky-dory and shit?

Do you advocate having pre-pubescent drag queens and shit?
I believe young people will make up their own minds. and the children.. ever see kids play with each other before asshole adult ideas screw up their minds?

please, the fears are a projection of your own inner demons

seek help
Spank they naughty butts!


Too late for that, and their parents didn't do it. Thanks, leftists.

You wanted a generation of quasi-state babies, you fucking got it.

You'll be old and at their mercy, too. Stupid fucks.
so you actually find humorous an adult who giggles while speaking of spanking kids? say agin?
No, because I knew ahead of time that some persons do not connect correction with the good behavior that follows it. IOW, men can be men, and women can be women sans totally stupid advice about their afflictions of nature consistent with estrogen ruling certain facts of life so greatly misunderstood by those ruled by testosterone, to be exact, and probably vice-versa.

Girls have to be spanked a lot less than boys.
Do you know what the book is about? Overparenting. Do you know what my job is? Teaching. Jonathan Haidt makes the case that kids born after 1995 have been vastly overparented, and that's the problem. My "front row seat" is that I saw all this overparenting happen as it was happening. That's all.

I'm totally obscure, I know it, and I love it.
Your 'front row seat' is called anecdotal data

May as well claim eye witness testimony is the bestest of the best

gawd, another example backing my position that America needs a national lobotomy

So it's not really like that then, and you have proof, correct?

Or you're just trolling and can fuck off.
you do know what anecdotal means? how very reliable it is in science? Oh yeah...
They're teaching it in the schools, you dumbass, do you think that's okay and hunky-dory and shit?

Do you advocate having pre-pubescent drag queens and shit?
I believe young people will make up their own minds. and the children.. ever see kids play with each other before asshole adult ideas screw up their minds?

please, the fears are a projection of your own inner demons

seek help

Go to bed, you're drunk
They're teaching it in the schools, you dumbass, do you think that's okay and hunky-dory and shit?

Do you advocate having pre-pubescent drag queens and shit?
I believe young people will make up their own minds. and the children.. ever see kids play with each other before asshole adult ideas screw up their minds?

please, the fears are a projection of your own inner demons

seek help

Oh bull-fucking-shit motherfucker!

That Kookoo-bubookooo shit never even crossed my mind.

Yet fucking leave leftists in charge and here it is on display. That's the only reason it came up.

That shit should not be tolerated. Perhaps we go back to hanging homos and seditious traitors.

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