The children sang JESUS LOVES ME

I do believe if made a difference. I believe in God and God does interact with His children.
Mark 9:42 "If anyone causes one of these little ones--those who believe in me--to stumble, it would be better for them if a large millstone were hung around their neck and they were thrown into the sea.

Listen, you can believe anything you want to believe in, even if you want to believe jesus shits out pink monkeys. What your Ilk don't have a right to do is hold kids captive in school while you spew your nonsense, especially if the kids aren't they same religion as you

But it is ok to spew YOUR nonsense that evolution is fact; that gay marriges is viable and perfectly equal with the marriage of an Adam and Eve; and that uniformitarian geological opinion pointing to billions of years is without contradictory data. That doesn't bother you, because that is what you believe and that is what you wish to spread without the influence of Christian ethics to stand in the way of YOUR mode of "material humanistic secular"indoctrination. Oh, but YOUR belief doesn't count as a "belief" because that is what YOU choose to believe. :eusa_hand: It is YOUR "Ilk" who turn children into monkeys.

Creationism as a mental illness | Psychology Today
Years ago I read a news account of a family who rode out a tornado in their home.
After it passed, the house was gone and there they were huddled in the middle of the foundation.
Their young daughter said "mommy- I saw angels, and they were golden".
Listen, you can believe anything you want to believe in, even if you want to believe jesus shits out pink monkeys. What your Ilk don't have a right to do is hold kids captive in school while you spew your nonsense, especially if the kids aren't they same religion as you

But it is ok to spew YOUR nonsense that evolution is fact; that gay marriges is viable and perfectly equal with the marriage of an Adam and Eve; and that uniformitarian geological opinion pointing to billions of years is without contradictory data. That doesn't bother you, because that is what you believe and that is what you wish to spread without the influence of Christian ethics to stand in the way of YOUR mode of "material humanistic secular"indoctrination. Oh, but YOUR belief doesn't count as a "belief" because that is what YOU choose to believe. :eusa_hand: It is YOUR "Ilk" who turn children into monkeys.

Nonsense? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Adam and Eve? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

How old do YOU think the Earth is?....

How old do you think God is? If an artist paints a tree, does he paint a seed first or a finished tree? Would God waste billions of years or just make the universe appear as though it had been around for a while to illustrate eternity to man. And I suppose you don't believe that the Flood happened either, or that the Israelites crossed the Red Sea, or that Christ was born .......................:(
Years ago I read a news account of a family who rode out a tornado in their home.
After it passed, the house was gone and there they were huddled in the middle of the foundation.
Their young daughter said "mommy- I saw angels, and they were golden".

we, as humans, simply cannot explain the inexplicable. Why does one person live while others die. Why did the guy who was late for work because he took his kid to kindergarten on 9/11/2001 live while other perished?

Just yesterday, I had the most bizarre experience. I am usually ruthless when it comes to a four way stop sign...if I'm there before you, dammit, I am first. But for some strange reason, I decided to flash my lights and let someone go before me (again, completely against my nature) that person was going through the intersection, someone coming from the other direction completely blew the stop sign at 45 miles an hour. Had I been my usual self and insisted that I go first, I would have been slammed by an SUV on my driver's side door.

What made me change up my routine? what possessed me to behave differently than I normally do? I don't know. I just know that I couldn't get home fast enough to hug my children.

Angels? Maybe.
Listen, you can believe anything you want to believe in, even if you want to believe jesus shits out pink monkeys. What your Ilk don't have a right to do is hold kids captive in school while you spew your nonsense, especially if the kids aren't they same religion as you

But it is ok to spew YOUR nonsense that evolution is fact; that gay marriges is viable and perfectly equal with the marriage of an Adam and Eve; and that uniformitarian geological opinion pointing to billions of years is without contradictory data. That doesn't bother you, because that is what you believe and that is what you wish to spread without the influence of Christian ethics to stand in the way of YOUR mode of "material humanistic secular"indoctrination. Oh, but YOUR belief doesn't count as a "belief" because that is what YOU choose to believe. :eusa_hand: It is YOUR "Ilk" who turn children into monkeys.

Creationism as a mental illness | Psychology Today

Atheism is the mental illness. Real science MUST be repeatable and observable. If one didn't witness Creation than all one has is God's REVELATION or the "EDUCATED" OPINION of Uniformitarian/evolution Scientists. One must either remove the possiblitiy of an ALMIGHTY God or one must embrace Him. One cannot believe both. Science best serves the public where it investigates the practical and not the unchangable/unobservable.
There was a story about a brigade in WWII that were Christian men in the heat of a very fierce battle. It is a true story - soldiers brought home to tell their loved ones - they prayed Psalms 91 over themselves every single day and not a single man perished.

Those who witnessed the battle said it was a miracle. They should have been decimated.

That is another answer to prayer. Jesus said those that call upon His name shall be saved. I believe that promise to be multi - dimensional.

Of course...they were supply clerks back in London.....:eusa_whistle:

"WHAT?" god(s) are you talking about?

That is what YOU should be trying to discover until YOU find the TRUTH.
Matthew 6:25-33 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? 26Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?

28“And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. 29Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. 30If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith? 31So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

truth ? LOL you christers have had a history with My People (the Jews) and others being shown your christer truths and love through the sword, rack , inqusitions. Christian truth? no thanks I'll pass!

It were often very fervent Christians who housed Jewish children and helped Jews escape the Holocaust. If I wanted to generalize, I might be tempted to suggest that "Your People" were too hung up making money to realize what was happening all around them... But such is not a fair appraisal, nor a very gracious statement. Selfish people will use whatever means to promote themselves, even if it means setting very poor examples. That said, wide is the road that leads to destruction. Not everyone calling himself a "Christian" is indeed one --- anymore than Orthodox Jews believe all "Jews" go to heaven.
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But it is ok to spew YOUR nonsense that evolution is fact; that gay marriges is viable and perfectly equal with the marriage of an Adam and Eve; and that uniformitarian geological opinion pointing to billions of years is without contradictory data. That doesn't bother you, because that is what you believe and that is what you wish to spread without the influence of Christian ethics to stand in the way of YOUR mode of "material humanistic secular"indoctrination. Oh, but YOUR belief doesn't count as a "belief" because that is what YOU choose to believe. :eusa_hand: It is YOUR "Ilk" who turn children into monkeys.

Creationism as a mental illness | Psychology Today

Atheism is the mental illness. Real science MUST be repeatable and observable. If one didn't witness Creation than all one has is God's REVELATION or the "EDUCATED" OPINION of Uniformitarian/evolution Scientists. One must either remove the possiblitiy of an ALMIGHTY God or one must embrace Him. One cannot believe both. Science best serves the public where it investigates the practical and not the unchangable/unobservable.

How can ‘atheism’ be a ‘mental illness’ when it merely acknowledges facts, truth, and reality: that man invented religion, and subsequently ‘god,’ and that there is indeed no ‘god’ as an omnipotent deity.
About 10 yrs ago, my daughter, son and I went to watch a volleyball game at a school in a nearby town. My daughter had her learners permit so I let her drive home. We came up on a large deer dead in the road and the only thing she could do is swerve around it. When she did she started over compensating with the steering wheel and we began going back and forth into the other lane. I could see if we did it again we would most likely get hit by a semi coming the other way! All of a sudden I just reached out and TOUCHED the steering wheel....and suddenly the car was going straight down our side of the road again! She pulled the car over to the side and cried....but yet we all knew what had just happened. Only God could have saved us from what could have happened. There's no other answer why just by my touching that wheel that the car could have straightened itself out like that!!

Atheism is the mental illness. Real science MUST be repeatable and observable. If one didn't witness Creation than all one has is God's REVELATION or the "EDUCATED" OPINION of Uniformitarian/evolution Scientists. One must either remove the possiblitiy of an ALMIGHTY God or one must embrace Him. One cannot believe both. Science best serves the public where it investigates the practical and not the unchangable/unobservable.

How can ‘atheism’ be a ‘mental illness’ when it merely acknowledges facts, truth, and reality: that man invented religion, and subsequently ‘god,’ and that there is indeed no ‘god’ as an omnipotent deity.

Atheism isn't about truth. It is about materialism.
I do believe if made a difference. I believe in God and God does interact with His children.
Mark 9:42 "If anyone causes one of these little ones--those who believe in me--to stumble, it would be better for them if a large millstone were hung around their neck and they were thrown into the sea.


If the ancient stories are true, there's a very special place being prepared for me in Hell.

You'll notice that I don't lose any sleep over it.

Not yet anyway... How about we give you another 20 years and have a look (Lord willing). Hell was prepared for the fallen angels that sided with Lucifer. The reason humans go to hell is when they reject God's salvation. It has nothing to do with not getting everything just right --- the Fall of MAN prevented that...

It doesn't matter how long, what matters is an event. Well, one of two events to be precise - Your death or my death.

Dying is the only way to prove or disprove the ancient stories. And then it matters not, because share with other Monkeys, what meeting Death is like, a Monkey cannot do.

Obviously neither of us will be changing our minds about how we feel about one or all of the ancient stories, so we'll have to agree to disagree concerning our guesses at what waits beyond Death's door... the question is, can we live together in relative peace and defend each others right to be wrong?

I know! I seems like a stupid question to have to be asking in the 21st Century...
WYGD? :dunno:

If the ancient stories are true, there's a very special place being prepared for me in Hell.

You'll notice that I don't lose any sleep over it.

Not yet anyway... How about we give you another 20 years and have a look (Lord willing). Hell was prepared for the fallen angels that sided with Lucifer. The reason humans go to hell is when they reject God's salvation. It has nothing to do with not getting everything just right --- the Fall of MAN prevented that...

It doesn't matter how long, what matters is an event. Well, one of two events to be precise - Your death or my death.

Dying is the only way to prove or disprove the ancient stories. And then it matters not, because share with other Monkeys, what meeting Death is like, a Monkey cannot do.

Obviously neither of us will be changing our minds about how we feel about one or all of the ancient stories, so we'll have to agree to disagree concerning our guesses at what waits beyond Death's door... the question is, can we live together in relative peace and defend each others right to be wrong?

I know! I seems like a stupid question to have to be asking in the 21st Century...
WYGD? :dunno:

The last thing theists want is ‘proof’ of anything; proof would completely undermine the purpose of religion: to control and divide society, to manifest an us/them conflict, and the effort to benefit believers over non-believers.

We see the evidence of that in this very thread.

Religion is in essence a secular institution. Since its inception religion has been about political and social control, not whether ‘god’ exists or not; and that remains true to this day.
Not yet anyway... How about we give you another 20 years and have a look (Lord willing). Hell was prepared for the fallen angels that sided with Lucifer. The reason humans go to hell is when they reject God's salvation. It has nothing to do with not getting everything just right --- the Fall of MAN prevented that...

It doesn't matter how long, what matters is an event. Well, one of two events to be precise - Your death or my death.

Dying is the only way to prove or disprove the ancient stories. And then it matters not, because share with other Monkeys, what meeting Death is like, a Monkey cannot do.

Obviously neither of us will be changing our minds about how we feel about one or all of the ancient stories, so we'll have to agree to disagree concerning our guesses at what waits beyond Death's door... the question is, can we live together in relative peace and defend each others right to be wrong?

I know! I seems like a stupid question to have to be asking in the 21st Century...
WYGD? :dunno:

The last thing theists want is ‘proof’ of anything; proof would completely undermine the purpose of religion: to control and divide society, to manifest an us/them conflict, and the effort to benefit believers over non-believers.

We see the evidence of that in this very thread.

Religion is in essence a secular institution. Since its inception religion has been about political and social control, not whether ‘god’ exists or not; and that remains true to this day.

Well, you may be right. However, today most people are faced with "secular" institutions who think they are not religious, and yet they are controlling just the same...

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