The children sang JESUS LOVES ME

I'm sure there wasn't time to teach them that......sounds like they may have all know Jesus Loves me. Wonder why?

That's easy.

Brain washing and indoctrination.

What about the innocent children who were killed? Are they in heaven right now, waiting in a long line to complain to the god they prayed to?

I have no doubt that prayer comforts the weak minded or, as with these children, the innocent but that doesn't make it any less brainless.

As others have noted, those meek followers that survive disasters will say that dog saved them. **shrug**

That doesn't make it true.
I sure hope no one is giving the surviving kids the impression that they were saved and others weren't because of some kind of favoritism by their god....that would REALLY mess them up.

Does anyone have the courage to tell the survivors that the gods were out to get them - but missed?
Can God possibly be that petty? :eusa_think: Should we ass-u-me that the children who died in the other school forgot to pray?


Maybe they picked the wrong song.

My thoughts exactly. Perhaps the other school was singing 99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall.

Geeze, the woman did a good job that day, could she maybe get a little credit. No, of course not the loving liberals have to chew her head off.
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I'm sure there wasn't time to teach them that......sounds like they may have all know Jesus Loves me. Wonder why?

That's easy.

Brain washing and indoctrination.

What about the innocent children who were killed? Are they in heaven right now, waiting in a long line to complain to the god they prayed to?

I have no doubt that prayer comforts the weak minded or, as with these children, the innocent but that doesn't make it any less brainless.

As others have noted, those meek followers that survive disasters will say that dog saved them. **shrug**

That doesn't make it true.
I sure hope no one is giving the surviving kids the impression that they were saved and others weren't because of some kind of favoritism by their god....that would REALLY mess them up.

I have been in 3 tornadoes. How many have YOU been in?
Can God possibly be that petty? :eusa_think: Should we ass-u-me that the children who died in the other school forgot to pray?


Maybe they picked the wrong song.

My thoughts exactly. Perhaps the other school was singing 99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall.

Geeze, the woman did a good job that day, could she maybe get a little credit. No, of course not the loving liberals have to chew her head off.

Care to post EXACTLY where a "loving liberal" "chewed her head off"?

Didn't think so.
Sadly?!? :disbelief:

Why the fuck has so much blood been spilled defending the four pieces of paper affectionately referred to as 'The US Constitution', which guarantees that choice, if having a choice in the matter of religion is 'sad'?

Celebrate that choice, Monkeys. Protect it and defend it.

There's a word for Monkeys without choices: 'Slave'.
Sadly?!? :disbelief:

Why the *&%^ has so much blood been spilled defending the four pieces of paper affectionately referred to as 'The US Constitution', which guarantees that choice, if having a choice in the matter of religion is 'sad'?


The Constitution promotes FREEDOM OF RELIGION. Not freedom FROM religion. Americans have the right to seek after God and promote God, but we have recently reached a position that freedom of religion means one can expect to be left alone in his/her unbelief or one's personal convictions ---- even if this means believers must be silenced... This is what is sad. The truth shall set one free not independence from seeking truth.
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Sadly?!? :disbelief:

Why the *&%^ has so much blood been spilled defending the four pieces of paper affectionately referred to as 'The US Constitution', which guarantees that choice, if having a choice in the matter of religion is 'sad'?


The Constitution promotes FREEDOM OF RELIGION. Not freedom FROM religion. Americans have the right to seek after God and promote God, but we have recently reached a position that freedom of religion means one can expect to be left alone in his/her unbelief or one's personal convictions ---- even if this means believers must be silenced... This is what is sad. The truth shall set one free not independence from seeking truth.

why god(s) are you talking about?
Sadly?!? :disbelief:

Why the *&%^ has so much blood been spilled defending the four pieces of paper affectionately referred to as 'The US Constitution', which guarantees that choice, if having a choice in the matter of religion is 'sad'?


The Constitution promotes FREEDOM OF RELIGION. Not freedom FROM religion. Americans have the right to seek after God and promote God, but we have recently reached a position that freedom of religion means one can expect to be left alone in his/her unbelief or one's personal convictions ---- even if this means believers must be silenced... This is what is sad. The truth shall set one free not independence from seeking truth.

"WHAT?" god(s) are you talking about?

That is what YOU should be trying to discover until YOU find the TRUTH.
Matthew 6:25-33 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? 26Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?

28“And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. 29Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. 30If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith? 31So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
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I'd have chosen a chorus of Ted Nuggets' Wango Tango.

I'm sure there wasn't time to teach them that......sounds like they may have all know Jesus Loves me. Wonder why?

That's easy.

Brain washing and indoctrination.

What about the innocent children who were killed? Are they in heaven right now, waiting in a long line to complain to the god they prayed to?

I have no doubt that prayer comforts the weak minded or, as with these children, the innocent but that doesn't make it any less brainless.

As others have noted, those meek followers that survive disasters will say that dog saved them. **shrug**

That doesn't make it true.

Yes....they are in heaven right now. They're children, they're innocent. There may not be as many adults there tho, depends on if they gave their lives to the Lord before they died.
I'd have chosen a chorus of Ted Nuggets' Wango Tango.

I'm sure there wasn't time to teach them that......sounds like they may have all know Jesus Loves me. Wonder why?

Yes they sang jesus loves me as bible god and god jr slaughtered kids with a tornado

What a fiend we have in jesus!

They weren't the CAUSE of the tornado's, but they let it happen, for some reason....there's a reason for everything that happens.
Singing the song was for the benefit of the children, not to to demonstrate that God is petty. It gave them comfort and distracted them from the tornado.

It is the liberal non believer view that children be allowed no comfort whatsoever. If there isn't someone willing to masturbate them to make them feel good, they are shit out of luck.

What in the FUCK are you babbling about? You twisted little freak.

Not to bleed from another thread, but Getting rid of sick, twisted assholes like this would be one of the biggest perks of Conservatives leaving. Seriously, that's fucking sick. Maybe you need to examine that shit with a professional.
I'm sure there wasn't time to teach them that......sounds like they may have all know Jesus Loves me. Wonder why?

That's easy.

Brain washing and indoctrination.

What about the innocent children who were killed? Are they in heaven right now, waiting in a long line to complain to the god they prayed to?

I have no doubt that prayer comforts the weak minded or, as with these children, the innocent but that doesn't make it any less brainless.

As others have noted, those meek followers that survive disasters will say that dog saved them. **shrug**

That doesn't make it true.

Yes....they are in heaven right now. They're children, they're innocent. There may not be as many adults there tho, depends on if they gave their lives to the Lord before they died.

That's exactly how I feel about the aborted...they're innocent.

As far as adults? I think God is more forgiving than us people give him credit for....just because we are unable let things go, hold grudges and have a vengeful nature, doesn't mean an all powerful, all knowing entity does.

In fact, at first glance...when you get up are probably going to be really angry when you see women who had abortions, people who were homosexuals in life, and a host of other people who have committed sins you personally find abhorrent. But when you're up there, you will be given clarity and understanding that you don't have down here.

Why? Because God's love is so great that we can't. Comprehend it. Oh, the Bible gives the example of Christ's sacrifice...but...that's only a small part. Because tell me....if you could save the world by suffering unspeakable horrors for a day or two, wouldn't you? What we don't get is that particular act is the way God feels about us all the time.

We don't have the ability for that kind of love and forgiveness....but our eyes will be opened.
That's easy.

Brain washing and indoctrination.

What about the innocent children who were killed? Are they in heaven right now, waiting in a long line to complain to the god they prayed to?

I have no doubt that prayer comforts the weak minded or, as with these children, the innocent but that doesn't make it any less brainless.

As others have noted, those meek followers that survive disasters will say that dog saved them. **shrug**

That doesn't make it true.

Yes....they are in heaven right now. They're children, they're innocent. There may not be as many adults there tho, depends on if they gave their lives to the Lord before they died.

That's exactly how I feel about the aborted...they're innocent.

As far as adults? I think God is more forgiving than us people give him credit for....just because we are unable let things go, hold grudges and have a vengeful nature, doesn't mean an all powerful, all knowing entity does.

In fact, at first glance...when you get up are probably going to be really angry when you see women who had abortions, people who were homosexuals in life, and a host of other people who have committed sins you personally find abhorrent. But when you're up there, you will be given clarity and understanding that you don't have down here.

Why? Because God's love is so great that we can't. Comprehend it. Oh, the Bible gives the example of Christ's sacrifice...but...that's only a small part. Because tell me....if you could save the world by suffering unspeakable horrors for a day or two, wouldn't you? What we don't get is that particular act is the way God feels about us all the time.

We don't have the ability for that kind of love and forgiveness....but our eyes will be opened.

Exactly...I know the aborted are in heaven. And I know they're better off for it, but it doesn't take away from the fact they were murdered.

And I agree with you....I'm sure when I go to Heaven, I'm going to see people that I never expected to see. We, as humans, have no idea exactly what God is looking for, exactly how he expects us to be, and someone's salvation is between them and God, I have nothing to do with it. That's why I've always said I don't hate gays. Even though I don't agree with their lifestyle, I don't hate them! I have sins too, and to God my sins are no worse or better than the sin of being gay! But because I don't agree with their lifestyle, I am not going to support them. But I can still love them! there is only one unforgivable sin, and that's blaspheme against God. Something that happens on this board every day....they just don't get it :(
Sadly?!? :disbelief:

Why the *&%^ has so much blood been spilled defending the four pieces of paper affectionately referred to as 'The US Constitution', which guarantees that choice, if having a choice in the matter of religion is 'sad'?


The Constitution promotes FREEDOM OF RELIGION. Not freedom FROM religion. Americans have the right to seek after God and promote God, but we have recently reached a position that freedom of religion means one can expect to be left alone in his/her unbelief or one's personal convictions ---- even if this means believers must be silenced... This is what is sad. The truth shall set one free not independence from seeking truth.


The Constitution ensures that church and state not be conjoined, where citizens are free from the tyranny of religious dogma being codified into secular law, to indeed be free from religion as legislative mandate.

It’s also nonsense to state that “believers must be silenced,” nothing could be further from the truth. No one advocates any type of religious expression be ‘silenced.’ Establishment Clause jurisprudence in no way interferes with religious expression. Theists are at liberty to practice their faith at any time, in any place provided they don’t seek to have religion promoted or sanctioned by the state.
Sadly?!? :disbelief:

Why the *&%^ has so much blood been spilled defending the four pieces of paper affectionately referred to as 'The US Constitution', which guarantees that choice, if having a choice in the matter of religion is 'sad'?


The Constitution promotes FREEDOM OF RELIGION. Not freedom FROM religion. Americans have the right to seek after God and promote God, but we have recently reached a position that freedom of religion means one can expect to be left alone in his/her unbelief or one's personal convictions ---- even if this means believers must be silenced... This is what is sad. The truth shall set one free not independence from seeking truth.


The Constitution ensures that church and state not be conjoined, where citizens are free from the tyranny of religious dogma being codified into secular law, to indeed be free from religion as legislative mandate.

It’s also nonsense to state that “believers must be silenced,” nothing could be further from the truth. No one advocates any type of religious expression be ‘silenced.’ Establishment Clause jurisprudence in no way interferes with religious expression. Theists are at liberty to practice their faith at any time, in any place provided they don’t seek to have religion promoted or sanctioned by the state.

Then there should be nothing wrong with exposing children to religious thought in public school, in addition to secular thought. Everyone should be free to express their religious beliefs no matter their job discription. However, this is not the case presently.
Sadly?!? :disbelief:

Why the *&%^ has so much blood been spilled defending the four pieces of paper affectionately referred to as 'The US Constitution', which guarantees that choice, if having a choice in the matter of religion is 'sad'?


The Constitution promotes FREEDOM OF RELIGION.
Not freedom FROM religion. Americans have the right to seek after God and promote God, but we have recently reached a position that freedom of religion means one can expect to be left alone in his/her unbelief or one's personal convictions ---- even if this means believers must be silenced... This is what is sad. The truth shall set one free not independence from seeking truth.

That's what I just said. The fact that you think another Monkeys choice is 'sad' is your business alone. The fact that I will defend with my blood and you will defend with your blood the RIGHT of each and every Monkey to make a 'sad choice' is the spirit behind The Constitution.

By swearing to The Constitution, we promise to defend each others right to be wrong.
Non-Christians opining on Christianty is almost as funny as childless people trying to tell parents how to raise kids or single people telling you how a marriage works. You haven't a clue what you are talking about. It just makes you look the fool you are.
There was a story about a brigade in WWII that were Christian men in the heat of a very fierce battle. It is a true story - soldiers brought home to tell their loved ones - they prayed Psalms 91 over themselves every single day and not a single man perished.

Those who witnessed the battle said it was a miracle. They should have been decimated.

That is another answer to prayer. Jesus said those that call upon His name shall be saved. I believe that promise to be multi - dimensional.

saved? How totally insane

God is Imaginary - 50 simple proofs

I have a problem with proof number 2

It is possible that a coincident will occur--that is if someone prays for a concrete action, and the concrete action actually does occur.

Is it the result of prayer(recall what I just said)? Maybe not, but there should be a recorded instance of it happening in some experiments. Thus there should be a non-zero occurence suggesting prayer does occur.

In other words, we cannot say it "Never happens" but there is a very strong likely hood that prayers are not answered.

You may say there is no real difference between the two statements, but if we are using stats the two statements are fundementally different and convey different interpretations.

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