The children sang JESUS LOVES ME

The Constitution promotes FREEDOM OF RELIGION. Not freedom FROM religion. Americans have the right to seek after God and promote God, but we have recently reached a position that freedom of religion means one can expect to be left alone in his/her unbelief or one's personal convictions ---- even if this means believers must be silenced... This is what is sad. The truth shall set one free not independence from seeking truth.


The Constitution ensures that church and state not be conjoined, where citizens are free from the tyranny of religious dogma being codified into secular law, to indeed be free from religion as legislative mandate.

It’s also nonsense to state that “believers must be silenced,” nothing could be further from the truth. No one advocates any type of religious expression be ‘silenced.’ Establishment Clause jurisprudence in no way interferes with religious expression. Theists are at liberty to practice their faith at any time, in any place provided they don’t seek to have religion promoted or sanctioned by the state.

Then there should be nothing wrong with exposing children to religious thought in public school, in addition to secular thought. Everyone should be free to express their religious beliefs no matter their job discription. However, this is not the case presently.

So you would have been ok with the teachers leading their kids in "Allah Akbar" or "Hare Krishna" since there's nothing wrong with exposing children to religious thought. Maybe Druidic prayer chants might have been more useful during the tornados....but if not, at least it would have been exposing the children to religious thought.
The Constitution promotes FREEDOM OF RELIGION. Not freedom FROM religion. Americans have the right to seek after God and promote God, but we have recently reached a position that freedom of religion means one can expect to be left alone in his/her unbelief or one's personal convictions ---- even if this means believers must be silenced... This is what is sad. The truth shall set one free not independence from seeking truth.


The Constitution ensures that church and state not be conjoined, where citizens are free from the tyranny of religious dogma being codified into secular law, to indeed be free from religion as legislative mandate.

It’s also nonsense to state that “believers must be silenced,” nothing could be further from the truth. No one advocates any type of religious expression be ‘silenced.’ Establishment Clause jurisprudence in no way interferes with religious expression. Theists are at liberty to practice their faith at any time, in any place provided they don’t seek to have religion promoted or sanctioned by the state.

Then there should be nothing wrong with exposing children to religious thought in public school, in addition to secular thought. Everyone should be free to express their religious beliefs no matter their job discription. However, this is not the case presently.

You clearly don’t understand. Or are refusing to understand.

Children may not be exposed to religion in school as an official, sanctioned policy of the state, where government is promoting religion.

The student, as a private citizen, is free to pray in school unilaterally.

And there’s no such thing as ‘secular thought’ in this context.

Facts such as two plus two equals four and the capitol of Missouri is Jefferson City are not ‘secular thought.’ Government is prohibited from promoting religion as well as interfering with religion.
Seriously. Someone helps keep a classroom full of children out of panic mode during a tornado and you have issues with that. You would likely shit your pants in a similar situation. Why? Because, fuck you, that's why.
Not me. Good for her, especially if it helped scared kids in that moment. My disagreement is with those who believe it made a difference and are using the fact of survival to promote a particular god.

Please note that whoever wants to can claim whatever they want to as a miracle, I just tend to disagree with miraculous conclusions and, at times I'm not to lazy to say so.

The Constitution ensures that church and state not be conjoined, where citizens are free from the tyranny of religious dogma being codified into secular law, to indeed be free from religion as legislative mandate.

It’s also nonsense to state that “believers must be silenced,” nothing could be further from the truth. No one advocates any type of religious expression be ‘silenced.’ Establishment Clause jurisprudence in no way interferes with religious expression. Theists are at liberty to practice their faith at any time, in any place provided they don’t seek to have religion promoted or sanctioned by the state.

Then there should be nothing wrong with exposing children to religious thought in public school, in addition to secular thought. Everyone should be free to express their religious beliefs no matter their job discription. However, this is not the case presently.

So you would have been ok with the teachers leading their kids in "Allah Akbar" or "Hare Krishna" since there's nothing wrong with exposing children to religious thought. Maybe Druidic prayer chants might have been more useful during the tornados....but if not, at least it would have been exposing the children to religious thought.

As long as they sing "Amazing Grace" in Music and have Creationism explained in science, and display a creche at CHRISTMASTIDE I really don't care. Children are not as dumb as you might think. And it is time that parents had to explain to their kids what they believe and why. And not expect government to protect their children from everything, because the parents don't take the time to raise their own children... That said, I have no problem with various values being expressed in school; as long as, "Christianity" is allowed to be expressed openly as well.
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Not me. Good for her, especially if it helped scared kids in that moment. My disagreement is with those who believe it made a difference and are using the fact of survival to promote a particular god.

Please note that whoever wants to can claim whatever they want to as a miracle, I just tend to disagree with miraculous conclusions and, at times I'm not to lazy to say so.

I do believe if made a difference. I believe in God and God does interact with His children.
Mark 9:42 "If anyone causes one of these little ones--those who believe in me--to stumble, it would be better for them if a large millstone were hung around their neck and they were thrown into the sea.
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Not me. Good for her, especially if it helped scared kids in that moment. My disagreement is with those who believe it made a difference and are using the fact of survival to promote a particular god.

Please note that whoever wants to can claim whatever they want to as a miracle, I just tend to disagree with miraculous conclusions and, at times I'm not to lazy to say so.

I do believe if made a difference. I believe in God and God does interact with His children.
Mark 9:42 "If anyone causes one of these little ones--those who believe in me--to stumble, it would be better for them if a large millstone were hung around their neck and they were thrown into the sea.

Listen, you can believe anything you want to believe in, even if you want to believe your jesus shits out pink monkeys at ten after the hour every hour. What your Ilk don't have a right to do is hold kids captive in school while you spew your nonsense, especially if the kids aren't they same religion as you
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Not me. Good for her, especially if it helped scared kids in that moment. My disagreement is with those who believe it made a difference and are using the fact of survival to promote a particular god.

Please note that whoever wants to can claim whatever they want to as a miracle, I just tend to disagree with miraculous conclusions and, at times I'm not to lazy to say so.

I do believe if made a difference. I believe in God and God does interact with His children.
Mark 9:42 "If anyone causes one of these little ones--those who believe in me--to stumble, it would be better for them if a large millstone were hung around their neck and they were thrown into the sea.

Listen, you can believe anything you want to believe in, even if you want to believe jesus shits out pink monkeys. What your Ilk don't have a right to do is hold kids captive in school while you spew your nonsense, especially if the kids aren't they same religion as you

But it is ok to spew YOUR nonsense that evolution is fact; that gay marriges is viable and perfectly equal with the marriage of an Adam and Eve; and that uniformitarian geological opinion pointing to billions of years is without contradictory data. That doesn't bother you, because that is what you believe and that is what you wish to spread without the influence of Christian ethics to stand in the way of YOUR mode of "material humanistic secular"indoctrination. Oh, but YOUR belief doesn't count as a "belief" because that is what YOU choose to believe. :eusa_hand: It is YOUR "Ilk" who turn children into monkeys.
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Not me. Good for her, especially if it helped scared kids in that moment. My disagreement is with those who believe it made a difference and are using the fact of survival to promote a particular god.

Please note that whoever wants to can claim whatever they want to as a miracle, I just tend to disagree with miraculous conclusions and, at times I'm not to lazy to say so.

I do believe if made a difference. I believe in God and God does interact with His children.
Mark 9:42 "If anyone causes one of these little ones--those who believe in me--to stumble, it would be better for them if a large millstone were hung around their neck and they were thrown into the sea.


If the ancient stories are true, there's a very special place being prepared for me in Hell.

You'll notice that I don't lose any sleep over it.
Not me. Good for her, especially if it helped scared kids in that moment. My disagreement is with those who believe it made a difference and are using the fact of survival to promote a particular god.

Please note that whoever wants to can claim whatever they want to as a miracle, I just tend to disagree with miraculous conclusions and, at times I'm not to lazy to say so.

I do believe if made a difference. I believe in God and God does interact with His children.
Mark 9:42 "If anyone causes one of these little ones--those who believe in me--to stumble, it would be better for them if a large millstone were hung around their neck and they were thrown into the sea.

Listen, you can believe anything you want to believe in, even if you want to believe your jesus shits out pink monkeys at ten after the hour every hour. What your Ilk don't have a right to do is hold kids captive in school while you spew your nonsense, especially if the kids aren't they same religion as you

I think that in the middle of an F-5 Tornado, every American is entitled to pray - school property or not.
Then there should be nothing wrong with exposing children to religious thought in public school, in addition to secular thought. Everyone should be free to express their religious beliefs no matter their job discription. However, this is not the case presently.

So you would have been ok with the teachers leading their kids in "Allah Akbar" or "Hare Krishna" since there's nothing wrong with exposing children to religious thought. Maybe Druidic prayer chants might have been more useful during the tornados....but if not, at least it would have been exposing the children to religious thought.

As long as they sing "Amazing Grace" in Music and have Creationism explained in science, and display a creche at CHRISTMASTIDE I really don't care. Children are not as dumb as you might think. And it is time that parents had to explain to their kids what they believe and why. And not expect government to protect their children from everything, because the parents don't take the time to raise their own children... That said, I have no problem with various values being expressed in school; as long as, "Christianity" is allowed to be expressed openly as well.

That's a very libertarian attitude! Kudos!
Not me. Good for her, especially if it helped scared kids in that moment. My disagreement is with those who believe it made a difference and are using the fact of survival to promote a particular god.

Please note that whoever wants to can claim whatever they want to as a miracle, I just tend to disagree with miraculous conclusions and, at times I'm not to lazy to say so.

I do believe if made a difference. I believe in God and God does interact with His children.
Mark 9:42 "If anyone causes one of these little ones--those who believe in me--to stumble, it would be better for them if a large millstone were hung around their neck and they were thrown into the sea.

Listen, you can believe anything you want to believe in, even if you want to believe your jesus shits out pink monkeys at ten after the hour every hour. What your Ilk don't have a right to do is hold kids captive in school while you spew your nonsense, especially if the kids aren't they same religion as you

Hold kids captive? What the ever loving fuck are you frothing about??? Does stoopidity swim in your gene pool or do you have to work at it?
Not me. Good for her, especially if it helped scared kids in that moment. My disagreement is with those who believe it made a difference and are using the fact of survival to promote a particular god.

Please note that whoever wants to can claim whatever they want to as a miracle, I just tend to disagree with miraculous conclusions and, at times I'm not to lazy to say so.

I do believe if made a difference. I believe in God and God does interact with His children.
Mark 9:42 "If anyone causes one of these little ones--those who believe in me--to stumble, it would be better for them if a large millstone were hung around their neck and they were thrown into the sea.


If the ancient stories are true, there's a very special place being prepared for me in Hell.

You'll notice that I don't lose any sleep over it.

Not yet anyway... How about we give you another 20 years and have a look (Lord willing). Hell was prepared for the fallen angels that sided with Lucifer. The reason humans go to hell is when they reject God's salvation. It has nothing to do with not getting everything just right --- the Fall of MAN prevented that...
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God is calling all of his Children back all around the World, to do battle with the Nations who go to war against Israel and Jesus will be the Commander of that Army of warriors.
God is calling all of his Children back all around the World, to do battle with the Nations who go to war against Israel and Jesus will be the Commander of that Army of warriors.

Will Jesus give us a waiver for our background checks when we get our weapons and ammo?
I do believe if made a difference. I believe in God and God does interact with His children.
Mark 9:42 "If anyone causes one of these little ones--those who believe in me--to stumble, it would be better for them if a large millstone were hung around their neck and they were thrown into the sea.

Listen, you can believe anything you want to believe in, even if you want to believe jesus shits out pink monkeys. What your Ilk don't have a right to do is hold kids captive in school while you spew your nonsense, especially if the kids aren't they same religion as you

But it is ok to spew YOUR nonsense that evolution is fact; that gay marriges is viable and perfectly equal with the marriage of an Adam and Eve; and that uniformitarian geological opinion pointing to billions of years is without contradictory data. That doesn't bother you, because that is what you believe and that is what you wish to spread without the influence of Christian ethics to stand in the way of YOUR mode of "material humanistic secular"indoctrination. Oh, but YOUR belief doesn't count as a "belief" because that is what YOU choose to believe. :eusa_hand: It is YOUR "Ilk" who turn children into monkeys.

Nonsense? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Adam and Eve? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

How old do YOU think the Earth is?....
There was a story about a brigade in WWII that were Christian men in the heat of a very fierce battle. It is a true story - soldiers brought home to tell their loved ones - they prayed Psalms 91 over themselves every single day and not a single man perished.

Those who witnessed the battle said it was a miracle. They should have been decimated.

That is another answer to prayer. Jesus said those that call upon His name shall be saved. I believe that promise to be multi - dimensional.

Of course...they were supply clerks back in London.....:eusa_whistle:

The Constitution promotes FREEDOM OF RELIGION. Not freedom FROM religion. Americans have the right to seek after God and promote God, but we have recently reached a position that freedom of religion means one can expect to be left alone in his/her unbelief or one's personal convictions ---- even if this means believers must be silenced... This is what is sad. The truth shall set one free not independence from seeking truth.

"WHAT?" god(s) are you talking about?

That is what YOU should be trying to discover until YOU find the TRUTH.
Matthew 6:25-33 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? 26Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?

28“And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. 29Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. 30If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith? 31So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

truth ? LOL you christers have had a history with My People (the Jews) and others being shown your christer truths and love through the sword, rack , inqusitions. Christian truth? no thanks I'll pass!

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