The Chinese communist party is setting up cells at Universities across America


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
The Chinese Communist Party Is Setting Up Cells at Universities Across America

In July 2017, a group of nine Chinese students and faculty from Huazhong University of Science and Technology participating in a summer program at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) formed a Chinese Communist Party branch on the third floor of Hopkins Hall, a campus dormitory.

Becoming informed could be real helpful , but there will always be those who haven't a clue how their country is being sold out right from under them.
We should call our education system what it really is, NWO Indoctrination Centers.
And FEMA camps? Concentration Facilities for Nonconformists.
I don't even hate to look. InfoWars? amirite?

We should call our education system what it really is, NWO Indoctrination Centers.
And FEMA camps? Concentration Facilities for Nonconformists.
America that lives in reality does not tolerate zerohedge, infowars, breitbart, foxnews, etc.
We should call our education system what it really is, NWO Indoctrination Centers.
And FEMA camps? Concentration Facilities for Nonconformists.
America that lives in reality does not tolerate zerohedge, infowars, breitbart, foxnews, etc.

Jakie, you get anymore blinded by the truth I am going to have to get you a seeing eye dog. A Republican seeing eye dog, so you won't be led off track.

On February 17, 2006, in a speech to the Council on Foreign Relations, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld spoke of the harm being done to the country’s security, not just by the enemy, but also by what he called “news informers” who needed to be combated in “a contest of wills.”
In 2002 Attorney General John Ashcroft announced his desire to see camps for U.S. citizens deemed to be “enemy combatants.”
So they built them. But concentration camps sounded a bit Nazi. FEMA sounds almost helpful....
Yes, the Chinese Communist Party does that secretly and openly on college campuses across the U.S. That's part of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) which Trump is reportedly (?) now prepared to endorse.
Trans-Pacific Partnership - Wikipedia
The essence of the deal is this:
  • U.S. agrees to buy goods, especially electronics, from China.
  • U.S. foregoes the right to manufacture such goods domestically.
  • U.S. agrees to reduce emissions and pollution.
  • China as a "developing nation" is under no obligation to reduce environmental emissions or pollution.
  • U.S. agrees to onerous, overly detailed, and highly burdensome safety and environmental regulations,
  • China as a developing country is under no obligation to implement safety and environmental regulations.
  • U.S. agrees to restrict gun ownership and impose gun control, (for fear that a "trade war" would lead to military conflict.)
Every single point of the deal seems to benefit China at the expense of the interests of the people of the U.S. We are at a total loss to explain Obama's and other politicians' hard push for the deal.
You're dealing with a country where badge wearing, affirmative non-action Nazis do shit like strip search old ladies and ban a US senator of 40 plus years from boarding an airplane. " Regulations,/just following orders/nothing personal".
There's no conspiracy here. Operation Paperclip was/is a smashing success.
These assholes will kill their grandmother on command in the name of "safety".
Even a good guard dog will look at you like you're nuts if told to get after an ole lady or little kid.
Not a meathead ! They'll do ANYTHING, blindly.
There's no conspiracy here. Operation Paperclip was/is a smashing success.

In World War II, Joseph Stalin was our ally; no one would say he was really any less brutal than Adolf Hitler. He had gulags rather than concentration camps; but people were worked to death or executed in them just the same.

Mikhail Gorbachev and Boris Yeltsin were "kind" and "gentle" in comparison, with their policies of glasnost and perestroika which effectively ended the Cold War.

I wouldn't mistake Vladimir Putin for "kind" or "gentle," but communism is simply outdated in Russia; it conjures up images of long bread lines, rationing, deprivation, and official state propaganda published in the newspaper "Pravda" for the common folk.

East Germany fell behind the Iron Curtain at the end of WWII as it was: obviously not all Germans were anti-Russian.

The Paperclips and other Nazis seem to have taken over the Democratic Party, while the old-guard KGB-type hard-line communists have taken over the Republican Party. If it isn't one, it's the other, or Pol Pot from Cambodia or Chairman Mao of China. They all agree on some form of autocratic dictatorship or classism, and none of them support the ideals of freedom and civil rights that characterize the United States of America.


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The Chinese Communist Party Is Setting Up Cells at Universities Across America

In July 2017, a group of nine Chinese students and faculty from Huazhong University of Science and Technology participating in a summer program at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) formed a Chinese Communist Party branch on the third floor of Hopkins Hall, a campus dormitory.

Becoming informed could be real helpful , but there will always be those who haven't a clue how their country is being sold out right from under them.


How does the Chinese Communist party differ from the Maoist democrat party?

We have out own Communist party already.
We should call our education system what it really is, NWO Indoctrination Centers.
And FEMA camps? Concentration Facilities for Nonconformists.


While our teachers march our children around with signs demanding more money, maybe the teachers should explain to our children why they can't read or write. Were aren't even in the top 10 of countries that do actually teach their children. China propaganda is welcome, Muslim curriculum is welcome, vagina hats are welcome, gender distortion is welcome. UN common core is welcome. Everything but math or science or that kind of stuff. FEMA camps are for those home school parents and any others that buck the system.

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