The Climate Change Agreement - COP21


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
BBC provides this summary:

To keep global temperatures "well below" 2.0C (3.6F) and "endeavour to limit" them even more, to 1.5C

To limit the amount of greenhouse gases emitted by human activity to the same levels that trees, soil and oceans can absorb naturally, beginning at some point between 2050 and 2100

To review each country's contribution to cutting emissions every five years so they scale up to the challenge

For rich countries to help poorer nations by providing "climate finance" to adapt to climate change and switch to renewable energy.

It then gives a bit on what's in and what's been left out.

This “rich countries helping poorer nations” is what bothers me. Who the hell is supposed to monitor – and oversee – this? The UN? Are we after a One World Government kick again? The pinnacle of Obama's agenda.

Read the full story @ Global climate deal: In summary - BBC News

Paris Climate Change Accord is a bureaucratic boondoggle

And while they hail this “historic accord”, they ignore the reality of what it is going to bring about – another massive bureaucracy filled with nameless, faceless people living off the public trough with no accountability to anybody. And even the “godfather of climate science” is ripping the deal apart.

“It’s a fraud really, a fake,” he says, rubbing his head. “It’s just bullshit for them to say: ‘We’ll have a 2C warming target and then try to do a little better every five years.’ It’s just worthless words. There is no action, just promises. As long as fossil fuels appear to be the cheapest fuels out there, they will be continued to be burned.”

In other words, it's about nothing but – wealth distribution!

Read more @ Global Warning: Paris Climate Change Accord is a bureaucratic boondoggle with lots and lots of links!

What Happens Now That Politicians Have Signed “Historic” Climate Pact?

One of the best questions I've come across this morning!

And, the answer is – practically nothing! It really doesn't do anything about the climate. It isn't even enforceable and nations can easily back out of it. (Sounds like some other “agreements” the US has entered into recently)

Read the story @ What Happens Now That Politicians Have Signed "Historic" Climate Pact? | John Hawkins' Right Wing News

World Leaders Just Agreed To A "Historic" Climate Accord... Which Is Non-Binding And Has No Enforcement Language @ World Leaders Just Agreed To A "Historic" Climate Accord... Which Is Non-Binding And Has No Enforcement Language | Zero Hedge I don't know who this guy is who wrote this editorial for Zero Hedge, but he sure has his head in reality.

Islanders in Chesapeake Bay face exile from rising seas


One has to shake one's head at headlines like this. One would believe these poor people are in dire straits and need to abandon their homes this very minute as the waters surge over their island. 50 years.

Once again, one has to go beyond the headlines to find the truth. Just how political is all this “Climate Change” hooplah? Well, further reading also provides this:

Tangier's threatened existence is not news to islanders, who have seen their island and others nearby retreat through the decades. Uppards Island was abandoned nearly a century ago, but the skeletal remains of those who once lived there are occasionally coughed up during storms, such as Hurricane Sandy.

Read the story @ Islanders in Chesapeake Bay face exile from rising seas
The president can't enter us into any binding agreements on his own. The Senate has to approve treaties.
The president can't enter us into any binding agreements on his own. The Senate has to approve treaties.

Tell that to Iran.

Tell that to the EPA when it comes to implementing cap and trade.

Tell that to illegals in the US being bused around via taxpayer dollars.

No, the President does as he pleases
According to the far left John Kerry since there are no consequences in the agreement then it can by pass Congress..

That would, as usual, just be the voices in your head.

The US senate ratified the treaty in 1992, the UNFCCC. That gave the authorization for further negotiations. This latest agreement is part of the implementation of that treaty, so new senate approval is not necessary.
According to the far left John Kerry since there are no consequences in the agreement then it can by pass Congress..

That would, as usual, just be the voices in your head.

The US senate ratified the treaty in 1992, the UNFCCC. That gave the authorization for further negotiations. This latest agreement is part of the implementation of that treaty, so new senate approval is not necessary.

Oh the AGW cult and their irony impaired comments!

Apparently your far left database has not been updated yet..
The president can't enter us into any binding agreements on his own. The Senate has to approve treaties.

Tell that to Iran.

Tell that to the EPA when it comes to implementing cap and trade.

Tell that to illegals in the US being bused around via taxpayer dollars.

No, the President does as he pleases

Those things you listed, aside from Iran possibly, are not international treaties.

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