The Climate Circus Leaves Town

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Two blog posts to drive the environmentalists nuts. One from the Weekly Standard The Climate Circus Leaves Town | The Weekly Standard and the other from
The Weekly Standard 2014 or Bust | The Weekly Standard

Yes, I know – Right Wingers who'd give up their babies before their big gas-guzzling SUVs,


Now it`s about 2 heat lamps aimed at a spot which gets hotter, while the contention was that the cooler heat lamp is supposed to be able to heat the hotter heat lamp to even hotter temperatures...


It's not a contention, it's an observation of how the real world works. If I point a 40 watt desk lamp at a 60 watt desk lamp, the 60 watt desk lamp gets hotter.

Only if you subscribe to the retarded notion that all of the heat from a heat sink fin must radiate straight to the other fin. Of course, only a complete moron could claim something that outrageously stupid. Thus, you do claim that.

Bullshit. Bullshit. Bull-freaking-shit.

Again, you don't have a clue about what a black body is, or how it works.

Any other 'tards here want to back up PolarBear's nutty claim about how a dark object radiates more at the same temperature?

If only the world knew that they could make heat sinks more effective by painting them flat black. Once more, PolarBear has made an amazing new discovery in physics that the rest of humanity had somehow missed.
Yeah? How much you wanna bet?
Are you too dumb to try it out yourself?
And you are one of the few "of humanity had somehow missed" ,why that is so!!!
Carbon: candle soot emissivity 0.95
Glass emissivity 0.92

It`s not an "amazing discovery" either.
The fact that black objects radiate more heat per time has been used all over the place.
That`s why power transistor heat sinks are black.

That`s why high performance radiators are black:


Even a dummy like you should know that:
Why are car radiators painted black
Why are car radiators painted black?

Car radiators are painted black because it emits the most heat through radiation (highest emissivity). This improves the heat transfer out of the radiator when air isn't moving through the radiator.
Thermal radiation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A black body is also a perfect emitter. The radiation of such perfect emitters is called black-body radiation. The ratio of any body's emission relative to that of a black body is the body's emissivity, so that a black body has an emissivity of unity.

Quit your fucking name calling and do it in your "numan footprint" / "I used to be a nuclear engineer" thread where you belong !!!

The climate circus actually went over the cliff after 2007. These bozo's havent moved the gaolposts a smidge in the public policy area in over 6 years. In fact, except for the climate OC's, nobody cares about this shit. You jackasses hang in here with this thought that the folks are hanging on every weather event going on out there.......but its not even on the radar of anybody. In fact, the whole dynamic has completely reversed. Used to be, when people were in the denier camp, you were looked upon as having ten heads. Now, the uber greens look like the nuts. Its all good.
Sunday, April 21, 2013

Two blog posts to drive the environmentalists nuts. One from the Weekly Standard The Climate Circus Leaves Town | The Weekly Standard and the other from
The Weekly Standard 2014 or Bust | The Weekly Standard

Yes, I know – Right Wingers who'd give up their babies before their big gas-guzzling SUVs,

I like that first linked site.. They have this... A list of things the warmers have blamed on global warming with links...Intimidating list, but shows how the thing has become a religion.


One of my favorites was this little gem...

Did Climate Change Contribute To The Minneapolis Bridge Collapse?


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