The Climate death cult is not just targeting human beings.


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Ireland is considering having a genocide of cows to help reduce carbon emissions, around 200,000 of them

Ireland is considering having a genocide of cows to help reduce carbon emissions, around 200,000 of them
Mental disorders are the most cruel of all societal ills.
They need to do the math.
They need to show us how much killing their cows will change the temperature of the earth.
Show us the science.
Prove it.
They won't because they can't.
The psychopaths who control much of the world and use idiots to push their agendas through diversity, affirmative action, extreme feminism and forced to what we now know is equity are setting up the stage to kill off a lot of people. Anyone collecting pensions, government payouts of any kind do not complain as to what is happening as to not rock the boat.
They need to do the math.
They need to show us how much killing their cows will change the temperature of the earth.
Show us the science.
Prove it.
They won't because they can't.

We have two and only two measures of atmospheric temps. The warmers claim increasing atmospheric Co2 causes atmospheric warming.

The DATA never backed that claim...

satellite and weather balloon data have actually suggested the opposite, that the atmosphere was cooling.

Scientists were left with two choices: either the atmosphere wasn't warming up, or something was wrong with the data.

What happened next is a $20 trillion fudge job. There was "orbit wobble" - fudge satellites higher. There was a "shade issue" on the balloons, nevermind it was constant the whole time and hence the balloons correctly measured temp changes - fudge those higher.

Co2 causes "warming" in the atmosphere only if the DATA IS FUDGED.

The Co2 fraud never proved increasing Co2 actually causes warming.

Outside of Urban Heat Sink Effect, there is NO WARMING.

NO WARMING in the atmosphere
NO WARMING in the oceans
NO ongoing Net Ice Melt
NO Breakout in Cane Activity
NO Ocean Rise

Ireland is considering having a genocide of cows to help reduce carbon emissions, around 200,000 of them
Well, that should lower beef prices, at least temporarily anyway.
They need to do the math.
They need to show us how much killing their cows will change the temperature of the earth.
Show us the science.
Prove it.
They won't because they can't.
We need to do the math?


Killing cows + increased taxes = decreased global temperatures

The psychopaths who control much of the world and use idiots to push their agendas through diversity, affirmative action, extreme feminism and forced to what we now know is equity are setting up the stage to kill off a lot of people. Anyone collecting pensions, government payouts of any kind do not complain as to what is happening as to not rock the boat.
Psychopaths/sociopaths, yeah I hear U on that one for sure. "Idiots"= by the numbers, unfortunately. " kill off a lot of people", like just amazing how those genocides/holocausts follow humanity around decade after decade isn't it? U R correct about "... as to not rock the boat". Unfortunately our American constituency has two problems that nullified them; we have a divided constituency which means each side of the divide cancels out the other side. This is WHY we Americans are stuck with career profe$$ional politician$ that are in their 80's & 90's(light years beyond senility). The other problem is two-fold, entitlement mentality & lack or morality. With America's educational system teaching students that they are entitled to whatever they desire plus teaching students that there are no absolutes, is it any wonder why violence is skyrocketing across our America???


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