The Clinton Foundation, State and Kremlin Connections, Hillary pushed US funding of Russia military


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
Isn’t it interesting how the MSM all but forgot about the true collusion with Russia, HIllary Clinton and the Clinton foundation.

Giving US military secrets to exchange for donations to the Clinton Foundation seems pretty fucking bad to me. Why aren’t lefties up in arms about this?

Is it just because HIllary has a D after her name? Don’t pretend you give a fuck about national security if you are not outraged by this project.

Wall Street journal, for the idiot Libs who just try to discredit the source rather than deal with the content,,,,,this is from July 2016. Should have been front page news for 3 years.
Hillary colluded with Putin and sold out America.

Wall Street Journal

The Clinton Foundation, State and Kremlin Connections

Hillary Clinton touts her tenure as secretary of state as a time of hardheaded realism and “commercial diplomacy” that advanced American national and commercial interests. But her handling of a major technology transfer initiative at the heart of Washington’s effort to “reset” relations with Russia raises serious questions about her record. Far from enhancing American national interests, Mrs. Clinton’s efforts in this area may have substantially undermined U.S. national security.

Consider Skolkovo, an “innovation city” of 30,000 people on the outskirts of Moscow, billed as Russia’s version of Silicon Valley—and a core piece of Mrs. Clinton’s quarterbacking of the Russian reset.

Following his 2009 visit to Moscow, President Obama announced the creation of the U.S.-Russia Bilateral Presidential Commission. Mrs. Clinton as secretary of state directed the American side, and Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov represented the Russians. The stated goal at the time: “identifying areas of cooperation and pursuing joint projects and actions that strengthen strategic stability, international security, economic well-being, and the development of ties between the Russian and American people.”

The Kremlin committed $5 billion over three years to fund Skolkovo. Mrs. Clinton’s State Department worked aggressively to attract U.S. investment partners and helped the Russian State Investment Fund, Rusnano, identify American tech companies worthy of Russian investment. Rusnano, which a scientific adviser to President Vladimir Putin called “Putin’s child,” was created in 2007 and relies entirely on Russian state funding.
Isn’t it interesting how the MSM all but forgot about the true collusion with Russia, HIllary Clinton and the Clinton foundation.

Giving US military secrets to exchange for donations to the Clinton Foundation seems pretty fucking bad to me. Why aren’t lefties up in arms about this?

Is it just because HIllary has a D after her name? Don’t pretend you give a fuck about national security if you are not outraged by this project.

Wall Street journal, for the idiot Libs who just try to discredit the source rather than deal with the content,,,,,this is from July 2016. Should have been front page news for 3 years.
Hillary colluded with Putin and sold out America.

Wall Street Journal

The Clinton Foundation, State and Kremlin Connections

Hillary Clinton touts her tenure as secretary of state as a time of hardheaded realism and “commercial diplomacy” that advanced American national and commercial interests. But her handling of a major technology transfer initiative at the heart of Washington’s effort to “reset” relations with Russia raises serious questions about her record. Far from enhancing American national interests, Mrs. Clinton’s efforts in this area may have substantially undermined U.S. national security.

Consider Skolkovo, an “innovation city” of 30,000 people on the outskirts of Moscow, billed as Russia’s version of Silicon Valley—and a core piece of Mrs. Clinton’s quarterbacking of the Russian reset.

Following his 2009 visit to Moscow, President Obama announced the creation of the U.S.-Russia Bilateral Presidential Commission. Mrs. Clinton as secretary of state directed the American side, and Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov represented the Russians. The stated goal at the time: “identifying areas of cooperation and pursuing joint projects and actions that strengthen strategic stability, international security, economic well-being, and the development of ties between the Russian and American people.”

The Kremlin committed $5 billion over three years to fund Skolkovo. Mrs. Clinton’s State Department worked aggressively to attract U.S. investment partners and helped the Russian State Investment Fund, Rusnano, identify American tech companies worthy of Russian investment. Rusnano, which a scientific adviser to President Vladimir Putin called “Putin’s child,” was created in 2007 and relies entirely on Russian state funding.

And guess, just guess, who/whom was the curator of Skolkovo.

Give up?

Well, that would be the Russian that Steele named as one of his sources to Christine Kavelick!

Nothing to see here folks, move along-)
Republicans have been going after the Clinton foundation ever since they opened it.

Nobody looked at the Trump foundation during the election.

And when they finally did, they found out it was uncertified, unlicensed, and the family used the foundation as a slush fund for family entertainment.

Well it’s been shut down now. It’s still under criminal investigation and Trump has been ordered to not be on any more charity boards along with his spawn.

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So you guys are cool with giving Russia military secrets and Russia funneling money to the Clinton Foundation?

Why are you ok with that?
Republicans have been going after the Clinton foundation ever since they opened it.

Nobody looked at the Trump foundation during the election.

And when they finally did, they found out it was uncertified, unlicensed, and the family used the foundation as a slush fund for family entertainment.

Well it’s been shut down now. It’s still under criminal investigation and Trump has been ordered to not be on any more charity boards along with his spawn.
Notice how Dimms like to accuse the other side of doing exactly what they are doing?

It’s Saul Alimskys Rules for Radicals playbook.
So you guys are cool with giving Russia military secrets and Russia funneling money to the Clinton Foundation?

Why are you ok with that?

Turning secrets over to the Russians? You haven’t been watching the news sweetie. That’s what Trump does. They’ve even got pictures of the Russian spies in the oval office he turned secrets over to.
But first he kicked out all the Americans so there couldn’t be witnesses to the actual transaction.

Isn’t that something, when there’s more Russians in the oval office that there are Americans?

See that picture? That’s inside the oval office. And those are the spies Trump gave classified information to.
Notice how Dimms like to accuse the other side of doing exactly what they are doing?

It’s Saul Alimskys Rules for Radicals playbook.
Well that’s because you’re making stuff up. You accuse Democrats of doing what the Republicans are doing and then say see they’re doing the same thing. Only with the Democrats it’s an accusation from your kind, but with Republicans it’s actual criminal activity.
Republicans are on the side of Russians over the rest of the United States. Personally, I believe it’s because Russians are racist. And that’s why Republicans get along so well with them.
Bill Clinton while President gave China military missile technology. So the Clintons are in bed with both the Russians, and the Chinese. No wonder the Clinton Foundation was so lucrative. They are both traitors.
Republicans have been going after the Clinton foundation ever since they opened it.

Nobody looked at the Trump foundation during the election.

And when they finally did, they found out it was uncertified, unlicensed, and the family used the foundation as a slush fund for family entertainment.

Well it’s been shut down now. It’s still under criminal investigation and Trump has been ordered to not be on any more charity boards along with his spawn.

We all know pets are democrats...
But at least we get something in return from our pets,unlike human democrats.
It's an opinion piece by the WSJ, based on Peter Schweitzer interview promoting his and /Briebart's book, Clinton Cash, which has been debunked, time and time again since then...?
Republicans have been going after the Clinton foundation ever since they opened it.

Nobody looked at the Trump foundation during the election.

And when they finally did, they found out it was uncertified, unlicensed, and the family used the foundation as a slush fund for family entertainment.

Well it’s been shut down now. It’s still under criminal investigation and Trump has been ordered to not be on any more charity boards along with his spawn.


94-page list of Trump gifts from his foundation, posted at The Washington Post (Link below)
It's a little overwhelming, and he benefitted many good causes--Red Cross, a lot of support for children hospitals, and more. This man and his family are very generous, and this may not be a full list. Don't forget, he hires a lot of people, and has to feed a lot of mouths. He's always been good to make sure he hires a lot of people. That takes planning and commitment.

A 93-page list of Donald Trump's charitable contributions from the last five years
This list includes 4,844 individual gifts, which add up to more than $102 million over five years. A Washington Post analysis found that the bulk of them were actually free rounds of golf, given away by Trump's courses for local charity auctions and raffles. In addition, the $26 million land donation at the top of the first page was actually from 2006, too old to be counted on the list.
Republicans have been going after the Clinton foundation ever since they opened it.

Nobody looked at the Trump foundation during the election.

And when they finally did, they found out it was uncertified, unlicensed, and the family used the foundation as a slush fund for family entertainment.

Well it’s been shut down now. It’s still under criminal investigation and Trump has been ordered to not be on any more charity boards along with his spawn.

We all know pets are democrats...
But at least we get something in return from our pets,unlike human democrats.

That nails it, HereWeGoAgain! :clap::clap2: I can't stop laughing!!! :113::04::21::auiqs.jpg::badgrin: :biggrin: :happy-1::laugh::laugh2::laughing0301::lmao::lol::lolly::smile: :tongue::D
Republicans have been going after the Clinton foundation ever since they opened it.

Nobody looked at the Trump foundation during the election.

And when they finally did, they found out it was uncertified, unlicensed, and the family used the foundation as a slush fund for family entertainment.

Well it’s been shut down now. It’s still under criminal investigation and Trump has been ordered to not be on any more charity boards along with his spawn.


94-page list of Trump gifts from his foundation, posted at The Washington Post (Link below)
It's a little overwhelming, and he benefitted many good causes--Red Cross, a lot of support for children hospitals, and more. This man and his family are very generous, and this may not be a full list. Don't forget, he hires a lot of people, and has to feed a lot of mouths. He's always been good to make sure he hires a lot of people. That takes planning and commitment.

A 93-page list of Donald Trump's charitable contributions from the last five years
This list includes 4,844 individual gifts, which add up to more than $102 million over five years. A Washington Post analysis found that the bulk of them were actually free rounds of golf, given away by Trump's courses for local charity auctions and raffles. In addition, the $26 million land donation at the top of the first page was actually from 2006, too old to be counted on the list.
I’ll have to look through it better once I get to a desktop. But just glancing over it I was cracking up. All the money that he gave to the Clinton foundation? That was hilarious. And then the contributions to the Gay Men’s Choir? That was hilarious.
Republicans have been going after the Clinton foundation ever since they opened it.

Nobody looked at the Trump foundation during the election.

And when they finally did, they found out it was uncertified, unlicensed, and the family used the foundation as a slush fund for family entertainment.

Well it’s been shut down now. It’s still under criminal investigation and Trump has been ordered to not be on any more charity boards along with his spawn.

We all know pets are democrats...
But at least we get something in return from our pets,unlike human democrats.

I prefer learning songs:

Republicans have been going after the Clinton foundation ever since they opened it.

Nobody looked at the Trump foundation during the election.

And when they finally did, they found out it was uncertified, unlicensed, and the family used the foundation as a slush fund for family entertainment.

Well it’s been shut down now. It’s still under criminal investigation and Trump has been ordered to not be on any more charity boards along with his spawn.


94-page list of Trump gifts from his foundation, posted at The Washington Post (Link below)
It's a little overwhelming, and he benefitted many good causes--Red Cross, a lot of support for children hospitals, and more. This man and his family are very generous, and this may not be a full list. Don't forget, he hires a lot of people, and has to feed a lot of mouths. He's always been good to make sure he hires a lot of people. That takes planning and commitment.

A 93-page list of Donald Trump's charitable contributions from the last five years
This list includes 4,844 individual gifts, which add up to more than $102 million over five years. A Washington Post analysis found that the bulk of them were actually free rounds of golf, given away by Trump's courses for local charity auctions and raffles. In addition, the $26 million land donation at the top of the first page was actually from 2006, too old to be counted on the list.
I’ll have to look through it better once I get to a desktop. But just glancing over it I was cracking up. All the money that he gave to the Clinton foundation? That was hilarious. And then the contributions to the Gay Men’s Choir? That was hilarious.
You must've missed the hundred thousand he gave to the American Red Cross, Palm Beach Police Association, American Heart Association, The New York Presbyterian Hospital, D. F. Cancer Institute, Repeated gifts the following year plus another, Lukemia and Lymphoma Society, $250,000 to the Hospital for Special Surgery, dozens of good causes in between, varying amounts, many are associated with special needs medical stuff, and I'm still on page 3 assessing the tremendous number of donations he made in just a couple of years. There are 4,800 listed. You guys sure are selective to pick out a splinter mistake in an entire forest of good causes President Trump has given to. A couple of donations were made to his son's foundation of good causes. He probably wants his sons to be generous to other people too. He's just a real rock in his community, RDean.

But you guys keep on tearing him down like he was a piece of trash or something. That's such a petty thing to do, go after a guy who has been a pillar of his community for many years. :rolleyes:
It's an opinion piece by the WSJ, based on Peter Schweitzer interview promoting his and /Briebart's book, Clinton Cash, which has been debunked, time and time again since then...?

Ok then, lay out the facts in the article that have been debunked.

Just saying it doesn’t make it true.

It’s so predictable that you try for the low hanging fruit of trying to discredit the source so you don’t have to deal with the content.
Republicans have been going after the Clinton foundation ever since they opened it.

Nobody looked at the Trump foundation during the election.

And when they finally did, they found out it was uncertified, unlicensed, and the family used the foundation as a slush fund for family entertainment.

Well it’s been shut down now. It’s still under criminal investigation and Trump has been ordered to not be on any more charity boards along with his spawn.


But, but, Republicans, Republicans! Trump! Anything but Hillary!
Republicans have been going after the Clinton foundation ever since they opened it.

Nobody looked at the Trump foundation during the election.

And when they finally did, they found out it was uncertified, unlicensed, and the family used the foundation as a slush fund for family entertainment.

Well it’s been shut down now. It’s still under criminal investigation and Trump has been ordered to not be on any more charity boards along with his spawn.


But, but, Republicans, Republicans! Trump! Anything but Hillary!
The Trump foundation has been closed down because it’s a criminal organization.

The Clinton foundation is going strong helping people with its “A“ rating.

This is why Republicans are so awful. They want to close down the foundation that helps people and keep open the criminal organization that scams people out of money. Go figure.

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