Ukraine Update Thread

Bla-bla-bla. Another set of stupid cliches.
I'm Russian, I voted against Putin, and there are plenty of reasons to do so, but fighting against NATO expansion and Ukrainian Nazism - is one of the things that I (and any sane Russian) totally support (not only by my words and taxes, but with additional volunteering money and skills, too). One can say, that freedom of speech is limited in Russia, but in NATO-controlled areas of Europe Russian speech is banned at all. In Russia (as in any country), you can be arrested for your words, but in Ukraine you can be burn alive for it. There is the difference.
And yes, Stalin is one of the most popular leaders in Russian ratings (coz he had saved millions of Russian from eurointegration and genocide), while Gorbachev is one of the worst.
Gorbachev was probably a well meaning naive fool, he really didn't know the devils he was dealing with, he paved the way for that drunken arsehole Yeltsin who sold his Country to Oligarchs and foreign Corporate jackals who were looting Russia, then came along a new Sheriff Putin, he stopped them and rebuilt the Country and demanded respect, that's why those criminals in the West hate him.
Kiev will hold the first LGBT march since the start of the special operation.
For security reasons, it will be held in the subway, and no more than 500 people will be able to take part in it.

Elections cannot be held, but the LGBT parade can.
Bluffing about what?

Lots of things. But specifically about the weaponry that could be used to hit Russia. The US has told the Ukraine either to not use it, or to not use it to hit Russia, restraining the Ukraine from fighting a war they are struggling to cope with, simply because Putin said if this weaponry hit Russia, it would bring the US into the conflict.

Which it wouldn't because Russia wouldn't dare.

Biden just called his bluff, two years too later, but this changes everything.

Putin will not do anything about it, because he simply can't afford to go to war with the US.

So you think its acceptable for the US to say it's ok for Ukraine to use NATO provided missiles to attack Russia? that is like me providing a gun to my neighbour to shoot another neighbour he doesn't like, i would be arrested and charged as a accessory to murder and sent down for years, problem with your Mental senile President Russia's reaction could be terminal for a lot of people, you say Putin can't afford to go to war with the US, if his Country is attacked using Ukrainian retards he may not have a choice, as for any war between the US/NATO and Russia there are really only two scenarios, a ground war which Russia would win or a nuclear holocaust, take your pick, best thing you could do is have Biden removed and locked up in a lunatic bin.
The "Burisma" company has absorbed more than 8,000 funeral homes across Ukraine and monopolized the business. The main shareholder of such, (by purely coincidental coincidence, of course), is an aide to the son of the current White House host, Hunter Biden.
So when you see pictures with endless flags in Ukrainian cemeteries, know that someone is smiling and counting profits.
So you think its acceptable for the US to say it's ok for Ukraine to use NATO provided missiles to attack Russia? that is like me providing a gun to my neighbour to shoot another neighbour he doesn't like, i would be arrested and charged as a accessory to murder and sent down for years, problem with your Mental senile President Russia's reaction could be terminal for a lot of people, you say Putin can't afford to go to war with the US, if his Country is attacked using Ukrainian retards he may not have a choice, as for any war between the US/NATO and Russia there are really only two scenarios, a ground war which Russia would win or a nuclear holocaust, take your pick, best thing you could do is have Biden removed and locked up in a lunatic bin.


Russia decided to invade another country.

It's acceptable for the US to help the Ukraine regain its country.

Your examples are bad.

Russia decided to invade another country.

It's acceptable for the US to help the Ukraine regain its country.

Your examples are bad.
NATO-backed Ukraine decided to invade another countries, allies of Russia. Collective self-defense is pretty legal thing by all standards. It's acceptable for the Russian Federation to eliminate Ukraine and all NATO countries (including the USA) if it's necessary to defend Russian people and allies of the Russian Federation.
In a fresh interview, Viktor Orban touched on tough issues, including sending French military trainers to Ukraine and the controversy over the use of Western weapons against Russia. The Hungarian prime minister warned that NATO is moving closer to direct involvement in the conflict, Hungary Today reported.

The politician drew attention to differences in security perceptions among North Atlantic alliance members and criticized the West's pursuit of military success at any cost. “We are centimeters away from actual destruction,” he warned.
Orban, meanwhile, expressed concern that Budapest was being actively pushed toward a new global conflict. He reminded that NATO is a defensive alliance, not created to intervene in wars outside the bloc.

“Dare we say that we are not ready to die for Ukraine? We are not ready,” the head of the Hungarian government noted. “Hungarians want peace very much and Europe will not be able to withstand another war,” he added.

The Kremlin agreed with Orban's view that Europe is preparing for war with Russia. “We agree... Well, and all this, of course, cannot but affect the general situation in the most negative way,” Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov acknowledged.

A mishmash of rocks, soil, remains of buildings and cars for many kilometers around....
And in the middle of it - Hungary!
Just read these extended range missiles Biden has okayed need US advisors to help launch properly. So we'll have US soldiers launching missiles into the motherland. I'm sure this will end well.
Scratch that. The first to burn should be those in DC and it’s surrounding area.

Ukraine Resumes Attack On Belgorod

NATO-backed Ukraine decided to invade another countries, allies of Russia. Collective self-defense is pretty legal thing by all standards. It's acceptable for the Russian Federation to eliminate Ukraine and all NATO countries (including the USA) if it's necessary to defend Russian people and allies of the Russian Federation.

Making shit up now, are you?

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