The Clooney fundraiser


Gold Member
Aug 11, 2009
40,000 dollars a plate so that rich hollyweirds can eat expensive food and mingle with Obama.

If they took all the money from that fundraiser and donated it to charity instead of wasting it on their oppulant ego, it would be more in line with their supposed caring about the little guy.
40,000 dollars a plate so that rich hollyweirds can eat expensive food and mingle with Obama.

If they took all the money from that fundraiser and donated it to charity instead of wasting it on their oppulant ego, it would be more in line with their supposed caring about the little guy.

Doesn't matter to those elitists...THEY MUST raise taxes so they can take YOUR Money at the point of a gun to affect thier agenda...
40,000 dollars a plate so that rich hollyweirds can eat expensive food and mingle with Obama.

If they took all the money from that fundraiser and donated it to charity instead of wasting it on their oppulant ego, it would be more in line with their supposed caring about the little guy.

But if you teach a man to fish, he can feed himself for life.

IF you donate to charity -- it's gone pretty damn quick.

But if you donate to The ONE, and he wins, he can use LOTS of tax money to keep giving and giving and giving -- and then he can borrow some more to give and give and give some more!

More bang for the lib buck!

Our bucks!
40,000 dollars a plate so that rich hollyweirds can eat expensive food and mingle with Obama.

If they took all the money from that fundraiser and donated it to charity instead of wasting it on their oppulant ego, it would be more in line with their supposed caring about the little guy.

But if you teach a man to fish, he can feed himself for life.

IF you donate to charity -- it's gone pretty damn quick.

But if you donate to The ONE, and he wins, he can use LOTS of tax money to keep giving and giving and giving -- and then he can borrow some more to give and give and give some more!

More bang for the lib buck!

Our bucks!

While CHINA demands payment...
40,000 dollars a plate so that rich hollyweirds can eat expensive food and mingle with Obama.

If they took all the money from that fundraiser and donated it to charity instead of wasting it on their oppulant ego, it would be more in line with their supposed caring about the little guy.

But if you teach a man to fish, he can feed himself for life.

IF you donate to charity -- it's gone pretty damn quick.

But if you donate to The ONE, and he wins, he can use LOTS of tax money to keep giving and giving and giving -- and then he can borrow some more to give and give and give some more!

More bang for the lib buck!

Our bucks!

While CHINA demands payment...

What are they gonna do? Sue us?

Come on. It's not like The ONE ever thinks about he actual cost or the eventual reckoning.
Oh now, THIS is funny.

Mittens spends more than any other candidate to date but you want the president/libs/dems to donate their money.

As for the Clooney fundraiser, you rw's shouldn't complain. After all, you DO have Ted Nugent who sat in his own shit for days in order to dodge the draft. And, he's a poacher with something like 11-14 times he's been caught.

See? Mitt has his own "celebrity" following.
But if you teach a man to fish, he can feed himself for life.

IF you donate to charity -- it's gone pretty damn quick.

But if you donate to The ONE, and he wins, he can use LOTS of tax money to keep giving and giving and giving -- and then he can borrow some more to give and give and give some more!

More bang for the lib buck!

Our bucks!

While CHINA demands payment...

What are they gonna do? Sue us?

Come on. It's not like The ONE ever thinks about he actual cost or the eventual reckoning.

Indeed...what ARE they gonna do IF we fail to pay and RAISE the debt ceiling again as Obama demanded?

Fed clears China's first US bank takeover
40,000 dollars a plate so that rich hollyweirds can eat expensive food and mingle with Obama.

If they took all the money from that fundraiser and donated it to charity instead of wasting it on their oppulant ego, it would be more in line with their supposed caring about the little guy.

It's their money they can do as they please with it but it does make that liberal gripe about Romney getting donations from the rich look really silly.
Just remember this when those assholes are claiming they are in touch with the poor compared to Romney.....
Just remember this when those assholes are claiming they are in touch with the poor compared to Romney.....

Perhaps you missed it ... the R's passed the Ryan "plan" today.

Thankfully, President Obama will put it where it belongs - the trash.

Even with all his lies, no one would ever say that Mittens is "in touch" with anything or anyone except money.
You scum are not for the common man.

You have cost jobs in the oil and coal business as well as trying to stop natural gas jobs growth.

You have driven up the cost of gasoline and electricity on the common man in the name of global warming.

You continually try to raise taxes on small businesses and the rich that produce jobs for the common man.

Meanwhile, Obamination hangs out with hollywood idiots that make millions doing nothing in life but make movies and speeches with their high school degrees.

Just remember this when those assholes are claiming they are in touch with the poor compared to Romney.....

Perhaps you missed it ... the R's passed the Ryan "plan" today.

Thankfully, President Obama will put it where it belongs - the trash.

Even with all his lies, no one would ever say that Mittens is "in touch" with anything or anyone except money.
Just remember this when those assholes are claiming they are in touch with the poor compared to Romney.....

Perhaps you missed it ... the R's passed the Ryan "plan" today.

Thankfully, President Obama will put it where it belongs - the trash.

Even with all his lies, no one would ever say that Mittens is "in touch" with anything or anyone except money.
Neither Ryan nor Romney are going to hobnob with and shake down millions from a bunch of filthy rich celebutards tonight, then go out and try to sell their phony lying asses as "men of the people" tomorrow, jackwagon.

Go take another three or four hits of the brown acid...You'll feel much better....Promise.
Oh now, THIS is funny.

Mittens spends more than any other candidate to date but you want the president/libs/dems to donate their money.

As for the Clooney fundraiser, you rw's shouldn't complain. After all, you DO have Ted Nugent who sat in his own shit for days in order to dodge the draft. And, he's a poacher with something like 11-14 times he's been caught.

See? Mitt has his own "celebrity" following.

Barack Obama:


Mitt Romney:


Besides the fact that you are wrong and a strawman, this money could be better spent by both candidates.*

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