The CNN Interview.So How Would You Describe And Interpret Hillary's State Of Mind And Charisma?

:eusa_boohoo::lame2: For those of you who saw the CNN interview or caught a few segments of it watching the news, what was your impression of Hillary? Was she delightful? exhilarating? awesome? so breathtaking that you had to rush to the bathroom? or did you find her rather lifeless, tedious,boring,robot-like to the extent where you were beyond bewildered that 45% of America plans to vote for Hillary no matter what. :poke:

In one or two words, how would you describe Hillary in Tuesday Nights Interview?

I'm praying that I don't have to watch that woman on the news every night for the next 8 years.
another question that ditz should of asked the hildabeast "Hillary, If Bill beat the bajesus out of you in an elevator, then dragged you out like by the hair, like most cavemen do, would you leave him?"
Not if using his name could still help her politically. In that regard she is the equivalent of Pat Nixon running for president and using her husband's name as an asset. What's that tell you about democrat voters?
i wonder where Hillary dumped her depends after the interview.
i really feel sorry for the CNN Janitor who had throw away the bag. I hope he didnt pass out.

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