The collective reaction of the left wing media, hearing it was by a non white with a car and knife

This is the good guy who properly ventilated Mohamad ....SALUTE!!!!!!!!!!

The officer who fatally shot the attacker on Ohio State University's campus today has been identified as 28-year-old Alan Horujko.

Authorities say Officer Horujko took down 18-year-old Abdul Razak Ali Artan after the OSU student rammed his car into a group of pedestrians and used a butcher knife to cut several people.

The photo of the terrorist. Turns out he was an ape.

I just assumed that. Why would I ever assume that?


There is a very real danger in letting your mindless hate rule you.

In point of fact, he looks quite normal. You know, just like Jeffrey Dahmer and Ted Bundy did.

By ASSSSuming anyone who fits your really stupid, narrow and preconceived idea of what the enemy looks like, many enemies can easily get past you.

Try thinking for yourself. (LOL)
How many more threads on this?

Very thankful he had not taken advantage of the Repub's push to arm known and suspected terrorists. Hate to think how many he could have killed with a military style weapon with several large mags.
---------------------------------------------- you don't know what you are talking about Luddley . Repubs aren't pushing anything except that people on a secret list can't be denied their Gun RIGHTS simply because they are on a secret list . Americans are presumed innocent until proven guilty and you oughta know that Luddley
This is the good guy who properly ventilated Mohamad ....SALUTE!!!!!!!!!!

The officer who fatally shot the attacker on Ohio State University's campus today has been identified as 28-year-old Alan Horujko.

Authorities say Officer Horujko took down 18-year-old Abdul Razak Ali Artan after the OSU student rammed his car into a group of pedestrians and used a butcher knife to cut several people.

The photo of the terrorist. Turns out he was an ape.

I just assumed that. Why would I ever assume that?


There is a very real danger in letting your mindless hate rule you.

In point of fact, he looks quite normal. You know, just like Jeffrey Dahmer and Ted Bundy did.

By ASSSSuming anyone who fits your really stupid, narrow and preconceived idea of what the enemy looks like, many enemies can easily get past you.

Try thinking for yourself. (LOL)

i would agree, he looks just normal and its wrong to judge people by the way they look. There is something odd about Somali culture though. I cant help but remember back in the 90s Somalis gunning down other somalis for food relief supplies. Warlords or not, it takes a certain kind of backwards culture to do that. When i was in Kenya more than a few Kenyans complained about Somalis coming into their country. They don't want them there so much for a lot of the illicit things they bring in. Had a bad experience with a Somali fisherman and a taxi driver as well. I'm sure if you go to the Somali community in Minnesota, there are some great people, probably the more educated ones but the few I ran across bad attitudes. If I was to compare them to Kenyans that I met, In a word I would say they tend to be Mean.
This is the good guy who properly ventilated Mohamad ....SALUTE!!!!!!!!!!

The officer who fatally shot the attacker on Ohio State University's campus today has been identified as 28-year-old Alan Horujko.

Authorities say Officer Horujko took down 18-year-old Abdul Razak Ali Artan after the OSU student rammed his car into a group of pedestrians and used a butcher knife to cut several people.


With that name, he/his family was also a refugee.

Prove it.

Their reaction when they found out it was a gun that stopped the darker than white guy without a gun as he was stabbing people.



Only self-hating white people should want to be involved with the Democratic Party now, listen to this black racist woman, she also looks like she could be a carpet muncher. She's saying that the Democratic Party doesn't want ANY white people anymore in it. Unless you are a self-hating white person, why would someone want to be talked about like this by this low level knuckledragging black racist bitch?

She should be dragged back to the nearest plantation and put in chains, do they still have cotton fields in America? She'd look good picking some cotton.

Diverse = EVERYONE but white people. Diverse = No white people.


Their reaction when they found out it was a gun that stopped the darker than white guy without a gun as he was stabbing people.



Only self-hating white people should want to be involved with the Democratic Party now, listen to this black racist woman, she also looks like she could be a carpet muncher. She's saying that the Democratic Party doesn't want ANY white people anymore in it. Unless you are a self-hating white person, why would someone want to be talked about like this by this low level knuckledragging black racist bitch?

She should be dragged back to the nearest plantation and put in chains, do they still have cotton fields in America? She'd look good picking some cotton.

Diverse = EVERYONE but white people. Diverse = No white people.

By all means,stack the dem party with minorities.
I'd love to go against a bunch of Shelia Jackson Lees and Al Sharptons every election.
i would agree, he looks just normal and its wrong to judge people by the way they look. There is something odd about Somali culture though. I cant help but remember back in the 90s Somalis gunning down other somalis for food relief supplies. Warlords or not, it takes a certain kind of backwards culture to do that. When i was in Kenya more than a few Kenyans complained about Somalis coming into their country. They don't want them there so much for a lot of the illicit things they bring in. Had a bad experience with a Somali fisherman and a taxi driver as well. I'm sure if you go to the Somali community in Minnesota, there are some great people, probably the more educated ones but the few I ran across bad attitudes. If I was to compare them to Kenyans that I met, In a word I would say they tend to be Mean.

To be fair, American's can't talk, we literally have people killing each other over gym shoes >.<

Their reaction when they found out it was a gun that stopped the darker than white guy without a gun as he was stabbing people.



Only self-hating white people should want to be involved with the Democratic Party now, listen to this black racist woman, she also looks like she could be a carpet muncher. She's saying that the Democratic Party doesn't want ANY white people anymore in it. Unless you are a self-hating white person, why would someone want to be talked about like this by this low level knuckledragging black racist bitch?

She should be dragged back to the nearest plantation and put in chains, do they still have cotton fields in America? She'd look good picking some cotton.

Diverse = EVERYONE but white people. Diverse = No white people.

By all means,stack the dem party with minorities.
I'd love to go against a bunch of Shelia Jackson Lees and Al Sharptons every election.

Having a gang of blacks and Muslims in charge of any situation, well they'd have trouble organising an orgy in a brothel. So the fastest way to flush the Democratic Party down the toilet would be having it in complete control of blacks and Muslims.
Wolf Blitzer had a panel on CNN, and they were scratching their asses trying to figure out what motivated this young man....whose name did not include that all important clue "Muhammed", but did have "Abdul" and "Ali"....which only the willingly blind will ignore.

As long as the Democratic/Socialists/Fools are having trouble with this one...the Republicans are going to keep kicking their ass.

Bringing in a fair sum of "Arabs", "Persians" and "North Africans" from Barbarian Cultures is not good for America---even if all of them will vote reliably Democratic.

America has figured this out.

Their reaction when they found out it was a gun that stopped the darker than white guy without a gun as he was stabbing people.



Only self-hating white people should want to be involved with the Democratic Party now, listen to this black racist woman, she also looks like she could be a carpet muncher. She's saying that the Democratic Party doesn't want ANY white people anymore in it. Unless you are a self-hating white person, why would someone want to be talked about like this by this low level knuckledragging black racist bitch?

She should be dragged back to the nearest plantation and put in chains, do they still have cotton fields in America? She'd look good picking some cotton.

Diverse = EVERYONE but white people. Diverse = No white people.

By all means,stack the dem party with minorities.
I'd love to go against a bunch of Shelia Jackson Lees and Al Sharptons every election.

In that video that black racist bitch comments at 46 seconds "I'm here for the brown folk" and the idiot Airhead TV woman, whoever she is, she laughs, of course she must be a self-hating white woman.

So a black commenting "I'm here for the brown folk", this isn't racist, this is considered a great comment.

In the identical situation, if a white person said "I'm here for the white folk", not only would this be considered racist, the MSM would run with the comment 24/7 and the Leftist Subversive Anti-White People Hate Organisations such as the SPLC and the ACLU etc would be demanding the persons head.

The thing is the time is now approaching where calling a white person racist for saying things like "I'm pro-white because I'm white" or "It's time we helped our own people" and "I don't give a crap about immigrants" etc, the time is now approaching where these Leftist Subversives and these Leftist Agitators can scream racist until they are blue in the face and NOBODY is going to pay attention to them except for telling them to fuck off and give them the middle finger.

Blacks love to say Black and Proud, well get ready for we white people to say White and Proud. If they don't like it who cares, they are nothing, they should be treated like the insects they are.
i would agree, he looks just normal and its wrong to judge people by the way they look. There is something odd about Somali culture though. I cant help but remember back in the 90s Somalis gunning down other somalis for food relief supplies. Warlords or not, it takes a certain kind of backwards culture to do that. When i was in Kenya more than a few Kenyans complained about Somalis coming into their country. They don't want them there so much for a lot of the illicit things they bring in. Had a bad experience with a Somali fisherman and a taxi driver as well. I'm sure if you go to the Somali community in Minnesota, there are some great people, probably the more educated ones but the few I ran across bad attitudes. If I was to compare them to Kenyans that I met, In a word I would say they tend to be Mean.

To be fair, American's can't talk, we literally have people killing each other over gym shoes >.<
Those are all black people so no one cares.
i would agree, he looks just normal and its wrong to judge people by the way they look. There is something odd about Somali culture though. I cant help but remember back in the 90s Somalis gunning down other somalis for food relief supplies. Warlords or not, it takes a certain kind of backwards culture to do that. When i was in Kenya more than a few Kenyans complained about Somalis coming into their country. They don't want them there so much for a lot of the illicit things they bring in. Had a bad experience with a Somali fisherman and a taxi driver as well. I'm sure if you go to the Somali community in Minnesota, there are some great people, probably the more educated ones but the few I ran across bad attitudes. If I was to compare them to Kenyans that I met, In a word I would say they tend to be Mean.

To be fair, American's can't talk, we literally have people killing each other over gym shoes >.<

"we literally have people killing each other over gym shoes"

This illustrates low IQ, anyone who would care that much about something so trivial and insignificant to educated people has to have an IQ approaching moron level.
i would agree, he looks just normal and its wrong to judge people by the way they look. There is something odd about Somali culture though. I cant help but remember back in the 90s Somalis gunning down other somalis for food relief supplies. Warlords or not, it takes a certain kind of backwards culture to do that. When i was in Kenya more than a few Kenyans complained about Somalis coming into their country. They don't want them there so much for a lot of the illicit things they bring in. Had a bad experience with a Somali fisherman and a taxi driver as well. I'm sure if you go to the Somali community in Minnesota, there are some great people, probably the more educated ones but the few I ran across bad attitudes. If I was to compare them to Kenyans that I met, In a word I would say they tend to be Mean.

To be fair, American's can't talk, we literally have people killing each other over gym shoes >.<

There's plenty of room to talk when your considering immigration and how you vet the people. Just because we have sub-classes here who will kill for a pair of sneakers does not mean you should abandon your concern. One person killing for shoes is a sick individual but its not the same as a coordinated effort like firing into a crowd of women and children.

Their reaction when they found out it was a gun that stopped the darker than white guy without a gun as he was stabbing people.



Only self-hating white people should want to be involved with the Democratic Party now, listen to this black racist woman, she also looks like she could be a carpet muncher. She's saying that the Democratic Party doesn't want ANY white people anymore in it. Unless you are a self-hating white person, why would someone want to be talked about like this by this low level knuckledragging black racist bitch?

She should be dragged back to the nearest plantation and put in chains, do they still have cotton fields in America? She'd look good picking some cotton.

Diverse = EVERYONE but white people. Diverse = No white people.

The moderator laughs when she's told she isn't welcome in the Democrat Party.
i would agree, he looks just normal and its wrong to judge people by the way they look. There is something odd about Somali culture though. I cant help but remember back in the 90s Somalis gunning down other somalis for food relief supplies. Warlords or not, it takes a certain kind of backwards culture to do that. When i was in Kenya more than a few Kenyans complained about Somalis coming into their country. They don't want them there so much for a lot of the illicit things they bring in. Had a bad experience with a Somali fisherman and a taxi driver as well. I'm sure if you go to the Somali community in Minnesota, there are some great people, probably the more educated ones but the few I ran across bad attitudes. If I was to compare them to Kenyans that I met, In a word I would say they tend to be Mean.

To be fair, American's can't talk, we literally have people killing each other over gym shoes >.<

"we literally have people killing each other over gym shoes"

This illustrates low IQ, anyone who would care that much about something so trivial and insignificant to educated people has to have an IQ approaching moron level.

Is it just a coincidence that this only happens in the ghetto?
I agree it's shitty and we /can/ do some things to reduce it - like cracking down on criminals, but I'm afraid it's still true :(

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