The commie government agency THE FDA, wants to regulate the cheese on a pizza.

Not if left to the Democrats there isn't.

The pizza joint doesn't have to be owned by the people to realize pizza is not the most healthy thing for you to eat. We have the internet now, and you can get that information anytime you need or want it.
There is nothing wrong with pizza and it can have healthy ingredients and it helps to build that pizza if the consumer is informed of the choices and the specific details of the ingredients..
Not everyone in the world has access to the internet..

You don't need access to the internet if you have common sense. Most Republicans have it but only a few Democrats do.

I know what's in a pizza for crying out loud. I know the amount of calories they have and affects to the body. But for the life of me, I never heard one story about a fat person getting skinny because the government forced restaurants to post calorie count on their items. All it is is an expense to the businesses that they didn't need, and of course, what us consumers ultimately pay for. They have to change their wall menus, their table menus, have to hire labs or agencies to figure out what each item contains, and for what? Nothing.

Where the real money is spent is people still breast feeding off of the government because they can't feed themselves.

How do you get from restaurants posting ingredients or calorie counts on their menus to “the government is telling you what to eat”?

Then you say that you thought car dealers posted mileage on the windows as a sales gimmick. Bet yo thought they never rolled the mileage back either.

And it’s just common sense that pizza is bad for you. It’s not common sense at all. It’s based on knowledge of which foods are high in fat or sugar, which are highly processed and what the ratios are. There’s a fair amount of technical knowledge required.

As for the cost of restaurants providing the information, it’s very cheap for the chain to do that. They all have set menus and test kitchens. And they have a head chef who sets the menu. They know from the get go what the ingredients and caloric values are but they haven’t been publishing it. The only change is that they’re now putting it on the menus at the next printing.

Ray, you go on and on about common sense as it you had it. You don’t have the good sense God have a goose.

Oh please. You mean to tell me that you don't know a Whopper combo with onion rings is fattening?

You may like waking up in bed with government every day and going to sleep the same, but as for the rest of us, the less government in our lives, the better.

How is having nutritional information readily available on the food you’re buying “waking up in bed every day with the government”? If you aren’t interested in this information, ignore it.

I don’t eat crap from Burger King or McDonalds and I’m not overweight but I find the information posted in the stores very useful. Why does this piss you off so very much.

The US has the highest rate of obesity in the world. Children growing up in America are eating so poorly that their life expectancy is going down. So this information isn’t a matter of “common sense”. This will lead to increased medical costs, reduced productivity and a shortened working lives, all of which will have a huge impact on the economy.

It never ceases to amaze me how invested some right wingers are in hating on stupid shit that has no effect on their lives at all, while utterly ignoring The big stuff which will directly impact your wallet.

How is government necessary to "have nutritional information readily available"?
If this is such a great idea, why is it not mandatory for all to comply with this law and not just businesses with 20 or more locations? Will the signs be required in multiple languages?

There's no moral rationale for laws like this. No one is being harmed, no rights are being violated, by restaurants not posting calorie counts. It's simply a matter of expedience. Some people want to use the government to change the way the rest of us eat, and the regulatory regime gives them the power to force businesses to play along.

Not to mention how few restaurants there are - if any - who would qualify under this law AND who don't already make that information available.
I'm not sure if this is the same but government did get involved in the dangers of cigarette smoking. I remember when the warnings started coming out about cigarettes maybe being harmful to your health. Before that, everyone smoked almost everywhere and the non smokers were rare and suffered greatly with the stink and the dangers to their health. Now it's the total opposite and I consider that a good thing healthwise for sure, also don't have to put up with smoke everywhere like before in restaurants, cabs, offices, and just about everywhere you went, even on planes.

No, it's not the same.
No the govt. is not protecting people from themselves since the pizza joint is not owned by the customer...There is no such thing as a free society....

Not if left to the Democrats there isn't.

The pizza joint doesn't have to be owned by the people to realize pizza is not the most healthy thing for you to eat. We have the internet now, and you can get that information anytime you need or want it.
There is nothing wrong with pizza and it can have healthy ingredients and it helps to build that pizza if the consumer is informed of the choices and the specific details of the ingredients..
Not everyone in the world has access to the internet..

You don't need access to the internet if you have common sense. Most Republicans have it but only a few Democrats do.

I know what's in a pizza for crying out loud. I know the amount of calories they have and affects to the body. But for the life of me, I never heard one story about a fat person getting skinny because the government forced restaurants to post calorie count on their items. All it is is an expense to the businesses that they didn't need, and of course, what us consumers ultimately pay for. They have to change their wall menus, their table menus, have to hire labs or agencies to figure out what each item contains, and for what? Nothing.

Where the real money is spent is people still breast feeding off of the government because they can't feed themselves.
Your wrong. Anyone who is trying to lose weight wants to know the calorie content of what they are eating. It is part of the entire package of information to help weight loss.

Which has what to do with laws mandating that the information be provided in a specific place, in a specific way?
If this is such a great idea, why is it not mandatory for all to comply with this law and not just businesses with 20 or more locations? Will the signs be required in multiple languages?

There's no moral rationale for laws like this. No one is being harmed, no rights are being violated, by restaurants not posting calorie counts. It's simply a matter of expedience. Some people want to use the government to change the way the rest of us eat, and the regulatory regime gives them the power to force businesses to play along.

It's just a warning that may help people not be so overweight. Obesity is a total cost on our population including the cost of healthcare.

No, it is not "just a warning". Did you even bother to read the OP information?

"On May 7th all businesses that sell food and have 20 or more locations to post calories in a place where their customers can see them. The FDA thinks it’s a great idea for these calories to be put on the walls of the establishment." Not "a warning". The calorie content of every menu item. That's a hell of a lot more info than just some warning label: "This shit is fattening, lardass!"
But you are advocating a nanny state, simply because you like this regulation.
The FDA thinks it’s a great idea for these calories to be put on the walls of the establishment.

This is actually an excellent idea. In my area calories already have to be posted for all restaurant and fast food and holy shit some of this stuff being served to people is mega calories. Single items 800-900 calories, single meals close to 4,000 calories. As a nation we need to become more fit and healthy, what we eat is killing us.

Indeed. We need to get the police involved in this. We need laws requiring that each citizen keep a food intake log that can be spot checked by dietary agents.

Is that what I said? No.

No, I'm simply saying people should be informed so they can make an informed decision they still have the freedom to decide. If after so warned they choose to eat a triple bacon cheeseburger with chili cheese fries and a XL Coke well that's their choice. We provide warning information on many products that may harm you and consuming meals that are north of 3,500 calories will harm you.

And we're simply saying that you're conflating "info should be available" and "therefore, the government must mandate it".

What is it with leftists that they can't stop doing this?
And I wouldn't think that would require the government to pass laws mandating that that information be posted all over the walls of the dealership. Notice that all of the information you listed is provided voluntarily, and people are expected to be able to access it without any government help.
Yes the govt. does make them provide information, one such item is gas mileage on the sales display window sticker...
The nanny state sucks ass
So does unscrupulous business people..

And leftists always assume any business person is "unscrupulous", because they're terrified of taking responsibility for themselves.
In order to take responsibility for oneself one needs a certain amount accurate information available so as to make informed choices. That iswhy have laws regarding product labeling and purity. I dont understand why some folks are so opposed ro consumers having information. What are you afraid of?

You have yet to stop arguing "it's a good idea" in place of "therefore the government must do it".

I don't understand why some folks are so opposed to believing people can and will do things without Mommy Government forcing them to.
Yes the govt. does make them provide information, one such item is gas mileage on the sales display window sticker...
The nanny state sucks ass
So does unscrupulous business people..

And leftists always assume any business person is "unscrupulous", because they're terrified of taking responsibility for themselves.
In order to take responsibility for oneself one needs a certain amount accurate information available so as to make informed choices. That iswhy have laws regarding product labeling and purity. I dont understand why some folks are so opposed ro consumers having information. What are you afraid of?

You have yet to stop arguing "it's a good idea" in place of "therefore the government must do it".

I don't understand why some folks are so opposed to believing people can and will do things without Mommy Government forcing them to.
Me too but it's sad that not everyone operates on the same page...
Not if left to the Democrats there isn't.

The pizza joint doesn't have to be owned by the people to realize pizza is not the most healthy thing for you to eat. We have the internet now, and you can get that information anytime you need or want it.
There is nothing wrong with pizza and it can have healthy ingredients and it helps to build that pizza if the consumer is informed of the choices and the specific details of the ingredients..
Not everyone in the world has access to the internet..

You don't need access to the internet if you have common sense. Most Republicans have it but only a few Democrats do.

I know what's in a pizza for crying out loud. I know the amount of calories they have and affects to the body. But for the life of me, I never heard one story about a fat person getting skinny because the government forced restaurants to post calorie count on their items. All it is is an expense to the businesses that they didn't need, and of course, what us consumers ultimately pay for. They have to change their wall menus, their table menus, have to hire labs or agencies to figure out what each item contains, and for what? Nothing.

Where the real money is spent is people still breast feeding off of the government because they can't feed themselves.
Your wrong. Anyone who is trying to lose weight wants to know the calorie content of what they are eating. It is part of the entire package of information to help weight loss.

Which has what to do with laws mandating that the information be provided in a specific place, in a specific way?

In other words, you have nothing. You just assume the information is not now available, and will not be available without this law.

Sorry, but that isn't good enough. Show me that this information is not already easily available, and that this law is required for some measurable net improvement. Your assumptions that this is the case will not work.
The nanny state sucks ass
So does unscrupulous business people..

And leftists always assume any business person is "unscrupulous", because they're terrified of taking responsibility for themselves.
In order to take responsibility for oneself one needs a certain amount accurate information available so as to make informed choices. That iswhy have laws regarding product labeling and purity. I dont understand why some folks are so opposed ro consumers having information. What are you afraid of?

You have yet to stop arguing "it's a good idea" in place of "therefore the government must do it".

I don't understand why some folks are so opposed to believing people can and will do things without Mommy Government forcing them to.
Me too but it's sad that not everyone operates on the same page...

Oh, yeah, you're ALL about telling the difference between "it's a good idea" and "the government must do it". NOT.
But you are advocating a nanny state, simply because you like this regulation.
This is actually an excellent idea. In my area calories already have to be posted for all restaurant and fast food and holy shit some of this stuff being served to people is mega calories. Single items 800-900 calories, single meals close to 4,000 calories. As a nation we need to become more fit and healthy, what we eat is killing us.

Indeed. We need to get the police involved in this. We need laws requiring that each citizen keep a food intake log that can be spot checked by dietary agents.

Is that what I said? No.

No, I'm simply saying people should be informed so they can make an informed decision they still have the freedom to decide. If after so warned they choose to eat a triple bacon cheeseburger with chili cheese fries and a XL Coke well that's their choice. We provide warning information on many products that may harm you and consuming meals that are north of 3,500 calories will harm you.

And we're simply saying that you're conflating "info should be available" and "therefore, the government must mandate it".

What is it with leftists that they can't stop doing this?

Do you think Red Lobster is going to voluntarily tell customers their dinner is 3,500 calories? Just being realistic.
But you are advocating a nanny state, simply because you like this regulation.
The FDA thinks it’s a great idea for these calories to be put on the walls of the establishment.

This is actually an excellent idea. In my area calories already have to be posted for all restaurant and fast food and holy shit some of this stuff being served to people is mega calories. Single items 800-900 calories, single meals close to 4,000 calories. As a nation we need to become more fit and healthy, what we eat is killing us.

Indeed. We need to get the police involved in this. We need laws requiring that each citizen keep a food intake log that can be spot checked by dietary agents.

Is that what I said? No.

No, I'm simply saying people should be informed so they can make an informed decision they still have the freedom to decide.

Who decides what they should be informed with? And why should your conviction that other people be informed justify laws forcing them to be informed in the fashion you prefer?
In order to take responsibility for oneself one needs a certain amount accurate information available so as to make informed choices. That iswhy have laws regarding product labeling and purity. I dont understand why some folks are so opposed ro consumers having information. What are you afraid of?

The usual. Business colluding with government to herd customers. When government is the authority on what we should eat, every food vendor in the country will be trying to crawl up government's ass to steer things.
But you are advocating a nanny state, simply because you like this regulation.
Indeed. We need to get the police involved in this. We need laws requiring that each citizen keep a food intake log that can be spot checked by dietary agents.

Is that what I said? No.

No, I'm simply saying people should be informed so they can make an informed decision they still have the freedom to decide. If after so warned they choose to eat a triple bacon cheeseburger with chili cheese fries and a XL Coke well that's their choice. We provide warning information on many products that may harm you and consuming meals that are north of 3,500 calories will harm you.

And we're simply saying that you're conflating "info should be available" and "therefore, the government must mandate it".

What is it with leftists that they can't stop doing this?

Do you think Red Lobster is going to voluntarily tell customers their dinner is 3,500 calories? Just being realistic.

Yes, because Red Lobster knows how few of their customers are going to care.

For the record, "realistic" is not defined as "I'm sure everyone wants to lie to me". That's called "paranoid".
I think the mandated nutritional posters should also have pictures of aborted fetuses. Kill two birds with one stone. So to speak.
I think the mandated nutritional posters should also have pictures of aborted fetuses. Kill two birds with one stone. So to speak.

Well, if the goal is to make people lose weight, that would certainly kill their appetites.

My less-than-subtle point was that this is the same kind of busybody legislation as rules requiring 'counseling', or whatever, to ensure that a woman is 'fully informed' before having an abortion. It's the same dynamic: they'd like to make something illegal outright (abortion, gluttony, etc ..) but they can't, so they try to use regulation to pursue the change that they want to force on society.
I think the mandated nutritional posters should also have pictures of aborted fetuses. Kill two birds with one stone. So to speak.

Well, if the goal is to make people lose weight, that would certainly kill their appetites.

My less-than-subtle point was that this is the same kind of busybody legislation as rules requiring 'counseling', or whatever, to ensure that a woman is 'fully informed' before having an abortion. It's the same dynamic: they'd like to make something illegal outright (abortion, gluttony, etc ..) but they can't, so they try to use regulation to pursue the change that they want to force on society.

Not really sure you can compare fast food restaurants making nutritional information available to Planned Parenthood making information that isn't pro-abortion available.
I think the mandated nutritional posters should also have pictures of aborted fetuses. Kill two birds with one stone. So to speak.

Well, if the goal is to make people lose weight, that would certainly kill their appetites.

My less-than-subtle point was that this is the same kind of busybody legislation as rules requiring 'counseling', or whatever, to ensure that a woman is 'fully informed' before having an abortion. It's the same dynamic: they'd like to make something illegal outright (abortion, gluttony, etc ..) but they can't, so they try to use regulation to pursue the change that they want to force on society.

Not really sure you can compare fast food restaurants making nutritional information available to Planned Parenthood making information that isn't pro-abortion available.

"It's different when we do it."
I think the mandated nutritional posters should also have pictures of aborted fetuses. Kill two birds with one stone. So to speak.

Well, if the goal is to make people lose weight, that would certainly kill their appetites.

My less-than-subtle point was that this is the same kind of busybody legislation as rules requiring 'counseling', or whatever, to ensure that a woman is 'fully informed' before having an abortion. It's the same dynamic: they'd like to make something illegal outright (abortion, gluttony, etc ..) but they can't, so they try to use regulation to pursue the change that they want to force on society.

Not really sure you can compare fast food restaurants making nutritional information available to Planned Parenthood making information that isn't pro-abortion available.

"It's different when we do it."

Nope. Not what I said, and I'm not especially interested in what you wanted to hear.

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