The commie government agency THE FDA, wants to regulate the cheese on a pizza.


I haven't really noticed that. In fact, I've seen mostly the opposite.Yes. That's what these laws are about - "affecting" other people's choices.

Yes. Giving them information so they can make INFORMED choices. Why is that such a problem?
You wouldn't buy a car without knowing the details of the vehicle and that information is printed in magazines, newspapers and flyers for consumers...

And I wouldn't think that would require the government to pass laws mandating that that information be posted all over the walls of the dealership. Notice that all of the information you listed is provided voluntarily, and people are expected to be able to access it without any government help.
Yes the govt. does make them provide information, one such item is gas mileage on the sales display window sticker...

I didn't know that was a government requirement. I thought dealerships did so for sales purposes.

But you know......we can take this a step further. I think we need a law that every item sold in this country has to have an environmental cost on the price tag. If you buy a car for 20K, it should inform the purchaser that 8K of that money went to make that vehicle greener. If you buy a lawnmower for 400 bucks, it should include information that 100 bucks of that went to environmental causes. Same with furnaces, canned goods in stores, home furnishings, just let everybody know. Gasoline for $2.50 a gallon? $1.00 per gallon went to green initiatives.

The problem we have with environment in this country is that it's intrinsic in the price of what we pay per item. Maybe we should take a tip from the Democrats and use the same tactics to attack their causes.

Boy would you hear the screaming and howling then.

Dealerships DO do so for sales purposes. Nevertheless, because of retards like Moonpie, who can't bear to do ANYTHING without being able to comfort themselves that Daddy Government is watching, the government legally mandates that they do what they were going to do anyway.

Because we have nothing better to do with our tax money than to create redundant laws.
I prefer to know how many calories I eat at each meal it's called weight control. I also like to know the ingredients I am purchasing along with fat content for any future strokes I'd like to avoid..
That’s fine, someone else’s health and eating habits are none of your or my business...
I couldn't care what you eat....I have no idea where you got that idea..

And you shouldn't care what anybody eats. So why should government care what you eat?
Because they are in the business of protecting their employers, the voter....

From themselves?
That’s fine, someone else’s health and eating habits are none of your or my business...
I couldn't care what you eat....I have no idea where you got that idea..

And you shouldn't care what anybody eats. So why should government care what you eat?
Because they are in the business of protecting their employers, the voter....

That's what you think the job of the federal government is, to protect people from themselves?

Maybe in a dictatorship or Communist country, but not in a free society. Our founders wrote what the duties of the federal government were, and not one was written on their responsibility to tell you WTF to eat.
No the govt. is not protecting people from themselves since the pizza joint is not owned by the customer...There is no such thing as a free society....

Really? What, precisely, is mandated wallpapering of fast food joints with nutritional information protecting "the people" from, then, if not their own ignorance about how to eat healthy? What is the great eeeeevil which will inevitably happen without that wallpaper, which cannot happen with it?
And you shouldn't care what anybody eats. So why should government care what you eat?
Because they are in the business of protecting their employers, the voter....

That's what you think the job of the federal government is, to protect people from themselves?

Maybe in a dictatorship or Communist country, but not in a free society. Our founders wrote what the duties of the federal government were, and not one was written on their responsibility to tell you WTF to eat.
No the govt. is not protecting people from themselves since the pizza joint is not owned by the customer...There is no such thing as a free society....

Not if left to the Democrats there isn't.

The pizza joint doesn't have to be owned by the people to realize pizza is not the most healthy thing for you to eat. We have the internet now, and you can get that information anytime you need or want it.
There is nothing wrong with pizza and it can have healthy ingredients and it helps to build that pizza if the consumer is informed of the choices and the specific details of the ingredients..
Not everyone in the world has access to the internet..

No, it hinders the building of that pizza, because the only way to comply with your "the government must TELL me, or else I am helpless!" mentality is to limit the ingredients and combinations available.

And you really need to learn the difference between "this is a good idea" and "therefore, the government must do it", not to mention the ridiculousness of the notion that "if the government doesn't do it, it won't be done at all".

Oh, and if you can't get any access to the Internet at all, it's very unlikely that you're buying Domino's.
Because they are in the business of protecting their employers, the voter....

That's what you think the job of the federal government is, to protect people from themselves?

Maybe in a dictatorship or Communist country, but not in a free society. Our founders wrote what the duties of the federal government were, and not one was written on their responsibility to tell you WTF to eat.
No the govt. is not protecting people from themselves since the pizza joint is not owned by the customer...There is no such thing as a free society....

Not if left to the Democrats there isn't.

The pizza joint doesn't have to be owned by the people to realize pizza is not the most healthy thing for you to eat. We have the internet now, and you can get that information anytime you need or want it.
There is nothing wrong with pizza and it can have healthy ingredients and it helps to build that pizza if the consumer is informed of the choices and the specific details of the ingredients..
Not everyone in the world has access to the internet..

Additionally, a new co-worker of mine has an allergy to fish. Turns out that fish by-products are found in a surprising number of items such as some Yogurts for example. So she has to be mindful of the ingredients, if the fried wings are cooked in the same oil they use for the fried fish, etc..

And it's impossible for her to access that information without the government mandating that reams of information be dumped on EVERY consumer, whether they want it or not? If that's really your premise, you'd best be prepared to prove it.
That's what you think the job of the federal government is, to protect people from themselves?

Maybe in a dictatorship or Communist country, but not in a free society. Our founders wrote what the duties of the federal government were, and not one was written on their responsibility to tell you WTF to eat.
No the govt. is not protecting people from themselves since the pizza joint is not owned by the customer...There is no such thing as a free society....

Not if left to the Democrats there isn't.

The pizza joint doesn't have to be owned by the people to realize pizza is not the most healthy thing for you to eat. We have the internet now, and you can get that information anytime you need or want it.
There is nothing wrong with pizza and it can have healthy ingredients and it helps to build that pizza if the consumer is informed of the choices and the specific details of the ingredients..
Not everyone in the world has access to the internet..

You don't need access to the internet if you have common sense. Most Republicans have it but only a few Democrats do.

I know what's in a pizza for crying out loud. I know the amount of calories they have and affects to the body. But for the life of me, I never heard one story about a fat person getting skinny because the government forced restaurants to post calorie count on their items. All it is is an expense to the businesses that they didn't need, and of course, what us consumers ultimately pay for. They have to change their wall menus, their table menus, have to hire labs or agencies to figure out what each item contains, and for what? Nothing.

Where the real money is spent is people still breast feeding off of the government because they can't feed themselves.
Yeah republicans have inherent behavior skills to tell them the calorie content of a portioned food item...Better get the boots out it's getting deep in here...We know you don't care that some people care..

We do, actually. Those inherent behavior skills are called "common sense", "self-reliance", and "education". You really ought to sample them sometime.

Again, there's a difference between "I care about the information" and "I cannot get it without a government mandate". Please prove to us that it would be impossible for an average person to access nutritional information without a law mandating that it be posted on the restaurant walls.
That's what you think the job of the federal government is, to protect people from themselves?

Maybe in a dictatorship or Communist country, but not in a free society. Our founders wrote what the duties of the federal government were, and not one was written on their responsibility to tell you WTF to eat.
No the govt. is not protecting people from themselves since the pizza joint is not owned by the customer...There is no such thing as a free society....

Not if left to the Democrats there isn't.

The pizza joint doesn't have to be owned by the people to realize pizza is not the most healthy thing for you to eat. We have the internet now, and you can get that information anytime you need or want it.
There is nothing wrong with pizza and it can have healthy ingredients and it helps to build that pizza if the consumer is informed of the choices and the specific details of the ingredients..
Not everyone in the world has access to the internet..

Gee, not everyone in the world has access to pizza either. And those without internet probably don't care what's in pizza.
Including Jews and Muslims...

Are you really this retarded? Do you honestly believe that orthodox Jews and Muslims buy pizza at Domino's?
You idiots can disagree without being dicks but I know it's inherent behavior...

If you ever said something vaguely sensible, we could disagree with it politely. Since everything out of your mouth would be better suited to a drooling mental patient, I'm afraid treating it with respect is just too much of a stretch.
Not if left to the Democrats there isn't.

The pizza joint doesn't have to be owned by the people to realize pizza is not the most healthy thing for you to eat. We have the internet now, and you can get that information anytime you need or want it.
There is nothing wrong with pizza and it can have healthy ingredients and it helps to build that pizza if the consumer is informed of the choices and the specific details of the ingredients..
Not everyone in the world has access to the internet..

Gee, not everyone in the world has access to pizza either. And those without internet probably don't care what's in pizza.
Including Jews and Muslims...

Pretty sure a Muslim in....let's say Algeria....won't be ordering a pizza from anyplace I frequent.
They do in Noel Missouri...pop 1,500...Where they is rightist friendly folks and handle yer money and yer food without washing da hands...

Well, government-mandated nutrition posters will certainly fix THAT, won't it?
wingers just can't stop whining
Next up: Why we don't need no drivers license books issued by the gov. cause people can see how to drive....

maybe i'm crazy, but it seems like every fast food place i've ben to in the past few years already has this in place.

how hard can it be?
They have...and they still managed to turn a profit...

And you still think we need a law mandating that they do what they already do.
it works if you stay on it, and try not to be too far over on your weekly point allotment.

Down 21 lbs since january.

It also makes you want to work out as you "buy" more points via exercise.

Good healthy weight loss. Congratulations!

I lost a lot of weight when I retired, and I was eating whatever I wanted. I was also doing all my own cooking because I couldn’t afford to go out to lunch every day. A friend pointed out I was totally controlling how much fat and sugar I was eating. I’ve also completely eliminated pop from my diet, replacing it with ice tea.

I’ve read articles which say that processed foods are full of chemicals our bodies weren’t designed to digest. The foods bind with the chemicals and our bodies store them as fat because they can’t properly digest them. I know that when I changed over from processed foods to organic, I lost weight without making any other changes in what I was eating.

I rarely trust those holistic type sites because 1/2 the time the people running them are trying to sell something (and about the other 1/2 they have no real basis in science).

To me dieting is simple:

Step 1: Eat less you fat bastard
Step 2: Exercise you lazy bastard.

But if it works for you, go with it. I've had people say my methods are sub-optimal, but they work as long as I stick with them.

So true on the food websites. I’ve clicked on so many articles which look interesting only to have it turn out to be an ad for some new “miracle diet”.

Poker teachers will tell you that the best poker level to play is the one you can win at. You’re winning. There may be more “optimal” systems out there but if you can’t stick with them, they’re not optimal at all.

I use the “Eat to Win” diet principles. High carbs, low fat, low sugar. I don’t own a car so I’m out every day, either walking or biking, weather permitting. In the summer I swim. I can feel the arthritis in my knees and hips, so I need to keep active to keep it at bay.
Do you ever get sick of trying to control people you disagree with?

Do you ever get sick of making a total fool of yourself?

Do you ever get sick of pretending your opinion is objective reality?
Yeah, a counter clerk usually has no idea what is on the menu much less the content of each ingredient...You are asking way too much of a simpleton who can only get a counter clerk job in a restaurant...
The specific point is...

Make it a competative point for your business. The owners will do it or lose your dollars, especially in the insanely competitive pizza industry.

The general point is...there is no need for one of only 2 Statist solutions. The free market makes it happen.
The free market doesn’t do shit

Unless everyone has to comply, nobody will

Why didn’t the free market end smoking in restaurants?

Because if there was a bar in town that allowed smoking, it would put the rest out of business.

I don’t think that’s true. I stopped going to bars because of the smoking. My asthma just couldn’t handle it. When smoking was banned I started going to bars again. Nobody likes to go home with their hair and clothes stinking of smoke.

Most of the smokers I know don’t even smoke in their own homes. Anyone with kids smokes on their porch, even in winter.

Wow. So what you're telling us is that YOUR desire to have bars be the way you want them overrides anyone ELSE'S desires, and they're better off doing things your way, and that you're SURE that everyone else really agrees with you anyway.

I doubt a bar that could allow smoking would put the rest out of business, but it would certainly exist and do well, all other things being equal. Too bad people like you insist that the entire world rearrange itself to suit them, fuck what anyone else wants.
wingers just can't stop whining
Next up: Why we don't need no drivers license books issued by the gov. cause people can see how to drive....

maybe i'm crazy, but it seems like every fast food place i've ben to in the past few years already has this in place.

how hard can it be?

I don't know. I'd assume there are costs that aren't obvious. Making claims about the calorie content of the food they serve would expose them to legal accountability for the accuracy of the estimates.

But yeah, it's not a big deal. It does ramp up the regulatory burden - which is often what steers small businesses away from becoming large. And that's another thing... if it's wrong for a large business to sell food without certain labels and specifications , why is it ok for the small businesses?

Anyway, my opposition to this kind of regulation is just the social engineering mindset of it all. We don't need government to tell us how to live. We can feed, educate, cloth and care for ourselves with out a bunch of idiotic laws overriding our every judgement.

There's also the consideration the Domino's owner brought up, which was mentioned in the OP: pizzas are customized to order, and the law could conceivably require posting of nutritional information for every possible combination, which would be impossible.

And only leftists trust in the sensibility and goodwill of lawyers and courts.
Yeah, a counter clerk usually has no idea what is on the menu much less the content of each ingredient...You are asking way too much of a simpleton who can only get a counter clerk job in a restaurant...
The specific point is...

Make it a competative point for your business. The owners will do it or lose your dollars, especially in the insanely competitive pizza industry.

The general point is...there is no need for one of only 2 Statist solutions. The free market makes it happen.
The free market doesn’t do shit

Unless everyone has to comply, nobody will

Why didn’t the free market end smoking in restaurants?

Because if there was a bar in town that allowed smoking, it would put the rest out of business.

I don’t think that’s true. I stopped going to bars because of the smoking. My asthma just couldn’t handle it. When smoking was banned I started going to bars again. Nobody likes to go home with their hair and clothes stinking of smoke.

Most of the smokers I know don’t even smoke in their own homes. Anyone with kids smokes on their porch, even in winter.

Nope, no disagreements here.

The ban definitely changed the culture. Now, even smokers don't like their cars and houses smelling like stale smoke.

If the law were repealed though, some bar would put them all out of business by allowing it though. Maybe not, those new newfangled vape thingies have really changed the market. Interesting how the free market works.

Except the fascist whiners are still determined to make everyone else knuckle under to their personal preferences. And most of them know nothing about vaping, assume it's the same as smoking, and instantly demand that it be held to the same rules as smoking, lest business owners feel the weight of their sniveling and bitching.
You wouldn't buy a car without knowing the details of the vehicle and that information is printed in magazines, newspapers and flyers for consumers...

And I wouldn't think that would require the government to pass laws mandating that that information be posted all over the walls of the dealership. Notice that all of the information you listed is provided voluntarily, and people are expected to be able to access it without any government help.
Yes the govt. does make them provide information, one such item is gas mileage on the sales display window sticker...
The nanny state sucks ass
So does unscrupulous business people..

And leftists always assume any business person is "unscrupulous", because they're terrified of taking responsibility for themselves.
In order to take responsibility for oneself one needs a certain amount accurate information available so as to make informed choices. That iswhy have laws regarding product labeling and purity. I dont understand why some folks are so opposed ro consumers having information. What are you afraid of?
That's what you think the job of the federal government is, to protect people from themselves?

Maybe in a dictatorship or Communist country, but not in a free society. Our founders wrote what the duties of the federal government were, and not one was written on their responsibility to tell you WTF to eat.
No the govt. is not protecting people from themselves since the pizza joint is not owned by the customer...There is no such thing as a free society....

Not if left to the Democrats there isn't.

The pizza joint doesn't have to be owned by the people to realize pizza is not the most healthy thing for you to eat. We have the internet now, and you can get that information anytime you need or want it.
There is nothing wrong with pizza and it can have healthy ingredients and it helps to build that pizza if the consumer is informed of the choices and the specific details of the ingredients..
Not everyone in the world has access to the internet..

You don't need access to the internet if you have common sense. Most Republicans have it but only a few Democrats do.

I know what's in a pizza for crying out loud. I know the amount of calories they have and affects to the body. But for the life of me, I never heard one story about a fat person getting skinny because the government forced restaurants to post calorie count on their items. All it is is an expense to the businesses that they didn't need, and of course, what us consumers ultimately pay for. They have to change their wall menus, their table menus, have to hire labs or agencies to figure out what each item contains, and for what? Nothing.

Where the real money is spent is people still breast feeding off of the government because they can't feed themselves.
Your wrong. Anyone who is trying to lose weight wants to know the calorie content of what they are eating. It is part of the entire package of information to help weight loss.

Which has what to do with laws mandating that the information be provided in a specific place, in a specific way?

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