Trump Is Lying About Project 2025

Now if you really want to be worried... make a list of what the dems have already done to America and want to do in 2025...
Give me a break...
The danger for American democracy is from the left....
In America, democrats have sold out to the WEF and are their servants.

Democrats = traitors intentionally destroying America

Yes, I agree, but again, it's not just the Democrats. Both parties are corrupt and sold out. The Duopoly = traitors to America.(with very few exceptions) I'm about to sign off here right now though, so we'll have to agree to disagree.
There is nothing fake about it. This is why Jerry Falwell founded Liberty University. To train up the loyal young theocrats to take over the government. This project was born out of the "Moral Majority" movement of the late 1970's and early 1980's.

People ask Margaret Atwood where she got the idea for Gilead, the theocratic nation in the Handmaid's Tale, and she said from reading newspaper clippings during the years leading up to the Reagan Election, and beyond. I've read of lot of those clippings over the years too, and dismissed them as the pipe dreams of a deranged fool, but by gosh, here we are.

They've captured the SC, and are busy overturning all of the precedents that don't conform to "reglious standards", and the Standard they're using is the Catholic Church. 6 of the 9 Justices now on the SC are Catholics.

The nation that was founded on keeping the Catholics out of government, is now being taken over by a cabal of radical Catholics.
It's a cheap fake.

Agenda 47 is the real deal.

Project 2025 is disinformation spread by WEF loyalist.
Trump is synonymous with lying. Anyone surprised is only exposing his total ignorance of current events. He is totally unfit to represent America and its greatness.
Biden and company are war criminals that are an embarrassment to America and what it once stood for. He is totally unfit to represent America and its greatness.
Thanks to the duopoly, this is what the profoundly lazy American voters get and deserve.
Russia, Russia, Russia, really happened. That's why 9 Trump staffers were arrested and convicted by the Trump DOJ, under Jeff Sessions. All of Trump complaints about the Democrats going after him and his staffers being arrested and convicted happened while Trump was President.

That "slow walking" of the Hunter Biden investigation that the IRS complained about, happened when Trump was President, and Bill Barr was the AG. Trump tried to keep his own IRS and DOJ from really investigating the Bidens because he knows they're not going to find anything.

When he was trying to force Zelensky into announcing the investigation of the Bidens, he told Zelensky he didn't have to do an investigation. Just announce it, and he'd do the rest.

It's that what Republiccans always do? Announce phony investigations, and then have press conferences promising evidence of corruption any day now

Republicans, on the other hand, believed Jade Helm, Q-Anon, and that Michelle Obama is a man.

What really happened is you voted and still support a black face wearing racist.
Just because I agree with the goals, it doesn't mean Trump has to agree as well. He hasn't asked me my opinion.
His speech in 2022 at the Heritage Foundation and the fact that he implemented Schedule F in the closing months of his Presidency says he absolutely DOES agree with it
Now if you really want to be worried... make a list of what the dems have already done to America and want to do in 2025...
Give me a break...
The danger for American democracy is from the left....

Just check out the Democratic Socialist's actual Platform for a scary read.
make a list of what the dems have already done to America and want to do in 2025.

Democrat Project 2025:
Stack the SCOTUS in order to legalize unrestricted 9 month abortions everywhere against the will of the people.
Keep the border open and import tens of millions more illegal aliens.
Give amnesty to every past, present, and future illegal alien and refugee.
Raise taxes.
Keep propping up the corrupt Ukraine government with our tax dollars.
Send troops to Ukraine to fight Russians directly.
Legalize and promote transgenderism in K-12 schools, and penalize/criminalize anyone that opposes it.
Raise taxes.
Endless promotion of the LGBTQ/pedo movement, and criminalize any opposition to it.
Legalize the ability for biological males to compete in women’s sports and to use women’s bathrooms/locker rooms.
Outlaw gas powered vehicles, every vehicle must be EV.
Continue to raise the price of oil/gasoline.
Outlaw gas stoves.
End free speech, use government to work with Big Tech to censor anything deemed “misinformation” by Democrat bureaucrats.
Raise taxes.
Mandatory COVID vaccinations. Fire those who refuse from their jobs.
Send unvaccinated to gulags.
Designate any “MAGA” supporter an enemy of the state, seize bank accounts, imprison without trial like J6 defendants.
Appoint more radical leftwing AGs, justices, and prosecutors to go after anyone critical of the Democrat Party and government.
Overturn the Second Amendment, confiscate all guns.
Suspend elections when necessary in order to preserve democracy.
Keep kissing China’s ass and reward them with big trade deals and drop all tariffs against them.
Designate Christians as rightwing terror organizations.

That about cover it?
There is nothing fake about it. This is why Jerry Falwell founded Liberty University. To train up the loyal young theocrats to take over the government. This project was born out of the "Moral Majority" movement of the late 1970's and early 1980's.

People ask Margaret Atwood where she got the idea for Gilead, the theocratic nation in the Handmaid's Tale, and she said from reading newspaper clippings during the years leading up to the Reagan Election, and beyond. I've read of lot of those clippings over the years too, and dismissed them as the pipe dreams of a deranged fool, but by gosh, here we are.

They've captured the SC, and are busy overturning all of the precedents that don't conform to "reglious standards", and the Standard they're using is the Catholic Church. 6 of the 9 Justices now on the SC are Catholics.

The nation that was founded on keeping the Catholics out of government, is now being taken over by a cabal of radical Catholics.
Wow, not only are you stupid, you're a bigot too.

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