The committee has found more than $20 million in payments from foreign partners to the Biden family and its associates

Just another $20 million is all. I mean, when will the MSM start doing their job? Oh, maybe another Trump indictment tomorrow?

And you Biden apologists look more foolish by the day.

Note, it said Hunter's foreign PARTNERS.... Why call them partners if they are not business partners? And if they are business partners, isn't it normal to exchange money, or be paid?

And where is Joe in all of this.... No money ever given to him....?
Note, it said Hunter's foreign PARTNERS.... Why call them partners if they are not business partners? And if they are business partners, isn't it normal to exchange money, or be paid?

And where is Joe in all of this.... No money ever given to him....?
10% to "The Big Guy". :D
How on Earth could I, or anyone for that matter, know that when you freaks, despite all your digging, have yet to come up with ANY real evidence that Biden did what you idiotically accuse him of doing?
It's pathetic to watch you continue to claim there isn't any "real" evidence of influence peddling by the Biden's, Faun! The amount of money they raked in from China, Russia, Ukraine, Romania and other corrupt locales boggles the mind. Only someone as stupid as Joe Biden or as drug addled as Hunter Biden would think running that much money through those obvious shell companies would hide the transfer of funds. All that money going to all those members of the Biden family? Now it's just a question of finding out which off shore accounts they shunted it off to so they wouldn't have to pay taxes on it!
Yeah, but it's not cool to sell influence in the US government.

PWAHAHAHHA! Fuckin' aye! Senators and Reps do it every day. What the actual fuck?!

Congress is one big grift/fuck the people over machine these days.

It wasn't like that before the 80s or so, or else America would not have survived this long.

Good point. And I'd take you guys a lot more seriously if your side didn't sabotage every attempt to limit the grift.

McCain-Feingold was a great start. You guys sabotaged it and got the noxious Citizen's United Ruling.

The ironic thing is that Hunter gave up a career as a lobbyist to avoid a conflict of interest for his father and joined a consulting firm dealing with overseas clients.
Note, it said Hunter's foreign PARTNERS.... Why call them partners if they are not business partners? And if they are business partners, isn't it normal to exchange money, or be paid?

And where is Joe in all of this.... No money ever given to him....?
Hate to break this to you, Care but Joe is guilty of influence peddling whether the money went to Hunter, his brother, or anyone else in his family. Read the statute. What the Biden's did is a textbook example of influence peddling.
Good point. And I'd take you guys a lot more seriously if your side didn't sabotage every attempt to limit the grift.

McCain-Feingold was a great start. You guys sabotaged it and got the noxious Citizen's United Ruling.

The ironic thing is that Hunter gave up a career as a lobbyist to avoid a conflict of interest for his father and joined a consulting firm dealing with overseas clients.
You really think Hunter was EVER worried about a "conflict of interest" for Joe? Aren't you the naive waif!
Good point. And I'd take you guys a lot more seriously if your side didn't sabotage every attempt to limit the grift.

McCain-Feingold was a great start. You guys sabotaged it and got the noxious Citizen's United Ruling.

The ironic thing is that Hunter gave up a career as a lobbyist to avoid a conflict of interest for his father and joined a consulting firm dealing with overseas clients.
Yeah, but you've proven yourself to be an absolute braindead fucktard, so I don't give a shit what you say.

You're wrong 999 out of 1000 times.
Yeah, but it's not cool to sell influence in the US government.

PWAHAHAHHA! Fuckin' aye! Senators and Reps do it every day. What the actual fuck?!

Congress is one big grift/fuck the people over machine these days.

It wasn't like that before the 80s or so, or else America would not have survived this long.

Biden was just used to that and carried it over to the VP office.

He is actually part of who made it like that.

What a shame you can't show any influence.
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It's pathetic to watch you continue to claim there isn't any "real" evidence of influence peddling by the Biden's, Faun! The amount of money they raked in from China, Russia, Ukraine, Romania and other corrupt locales boggles the mind. Only someone as stupid as Joe Biden or as drug addled as Hunter Biden would think running that much money through those obvious shell companies would hide the transfer of funds. All that money going to all those members of the Biden family? Now it's just a question of finding out which off shore accounts they shunted it off to so they wouldn't have to pay taxes on it!

Umm, it's easy to claim there is no real evidence because ... there is no real evidence.
Hate to break this to you, Care but Joe is guilty of influence peddling whether the money went to Hunter, his brother, or anyone else in his family. Read the statute. What the Biden's did is a textbook example of influence peddling.

The best Republicans on Capitol Hill haven't been able to show Biden pedaled influence. What makes you think you can??
What a shame you can't show any influence.
Oh, I've seen proof before, Biden awarded blah blah blah to blah blah blah.

Not running it down for your fucktarded ass tonight, I'll tell you that.

I could pull it right up and you'd still deny it, you piece of shit.

This isn't well-sourced, sad. But if you really wanted to know, I guarantee it checks out.

^That's a small drop in a big bucket. That's just ..not what I've seen before..:nono:

What I saw was way more egregious.
10% to "The Big Guy". :D
Free speech vs. Actual actions! :) Nothing ever came of it..... No one made any business deal being discussed, (this original deal, fell thru) and no one gave 10% to the Big Guy, whomever the big guy, might have been.... And nothing illegal was being discussed with the business deal proposals, AND this big guy 10% mention, was in 2017 emails, after Joe had left office already....if it was for Joe, which is unproven.

It looks like, you're back to square one! Try again! ;)

Don't get me wrong....Hunter seems like he could not get any D.C. Swamp-ier than what he comes off as.... I'm pretty certain there are another thousand or more swamp creatures just like him in D.C......

But, Comer, Grassley, and Jordan....are on a political witch hunt, trying to hurt Pres. Biden, through hurting his son....that's a fact.
Free speech vs. Actual actions! :) Nothing ever came of it..... No one made any business deal being discussed, (this original deal, fell thru) and no one gave 10% to the Big Guy, whomever the big guy, might have been.... And nothing illegal was being discussed with the business deal proposals, AND this big guy 10% mention, was in 2017 emails, after his had left office already....if it was for Joe, which is unproven.

It looks like, you're back to square one! Try again! ;)

Don't get me wrong....Hunter seems like he could not get any D.C. Swamp-ier than what he comes off as.... I'm pretty certain there are another thousand or more swamp creatures just like him in D.C......

But, Comer, Grassley, and Jordan....are on a political witch hunt, trying to hurt Pres. Biden, through hurting his son....that's a fact.
Are you some kind of fucking imbecile? Biden's been on the take for 50 years.

He helped pass laws to make it legal for motherfuckers like him to BE on the take, you fucking retard!

Don't tell me you care about American citizens, because I find that impossible to believe with your

stupid partisan bullshit. Especially when it's YOUR SIDE that is hurting the fuck out of Americans, bitch!

You don't "Care4All", you loathe 74 million Americans. Fuck You! :fu:

You fuck all Americans up with your dumbass choices, too! Dumbass!
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Are you some kind of fucking imecile? Biden's been on the take for 50 years.

He helped pass laws to make it legal for motherfuckers like him to BE on the take, you fucking retard!

Don't tell me you care about American citizens, because I find that impossible to believe with your

stupid partisan bullshit. Especially when it's YOUR SIDE that is hurting the fuck out of Americans, bitch!

You don't "Care4All", you loathe 74 million Americans. Fuck You! :fu:
You seem to have the need to convince yourself of all that, to justify Crooked Donald's crimes and the real trouble he is in that is up to his eyeballs....!
Like the OP says....

Another Trump's indictment tomorrow. :rolleyes:
Yeah, but it's not cool to sell influence in the US government.

PWAHAHAHHA! Fuckin' aye! Senators and Reps do it every day. What the actual fuck?!

Congress is one big grift/fuck the people over machine these days.

It wasn't like that before the 80s or so, or else America would not have survived this long.

Biden was just used to that and carried it over to the VP office.

He is actually part of who made it like that.

When it comes to grifting he the GOAT... the real O.G.
Trumps winning in the polls !

He was supposedly winning in the polls in 2020, too bad he didn't win on election day when it actually counted.

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