The committee has found more than $20 million in payments from foreign partners to the Biden family and its associates

Investigate them all you want. Just don't lie that Biden committed a crime when in fact, you have no real evidence of such.
It seems rather obvious that he was engaged in bribery. You can say it isnt proven yet, but dont say there isnt any evidence of it.
So you admit that that Biden family was guilty of influence peddling?

From what I can tell, that's true of Hunter. I haven't seen the reasons behind other family members, though it could very well be influence peddling. There's no law against that. The only one from that clan who can't sell influence or be involved with others selling it, being an elected official, is Biden. And to date, there's no solid evidence he did or was involved.
It seems rather obvious that he was engaged in bribery. You can say it isnt proven yet, but dont say there isnt any evidence of it.

There's no solid evidence. All you have is an unverified FD-1023. So no, not so obvious.
From what I can tell, that's true of Hunter. I haven't seen the reasons behind other family members, though it could very well be influence peddling. There's no law against that. The only one from that clan who can't sell influence or be involved with others selling it, being an elected official, is Biden. And to date, there's no solid evidence he did or was involved.
There's no law against influence peddling by family members of elected officials? You don't seem to KNOW the law, Faun because there actually IS a law that makes that illegal! Just because the money went to other members of the Biden family other than Joe doesn't make it any less illegal!
It seems rather obvious that he was engaged in bribery. You can say it isnt proven yet, but dont say there isnt any evidence of it.
how can it be obvious when republicans cant back up their bribery claims? Do the bribery tapes really exist? Back in 2019, republicans had evidence there was no bribery. Chuck Grassley said three months ago bribery might not be true

"House Oversight Chair says Biden is concealing evidence of bribery because the GOP can't find anything to prove it.", LOL yea right
how can it be obvious when republicans cant back up their bribery claims? Do the bribery tapes really exist? Back in 2019, republicans had evidence there was no bribery. Chuck Grassley said three months ago bribery might not be true

"House Oversight Chair says Biden is concealing evidence of bribery because the GOP can't find anything to prove it.", LOL yea right
Grassley never said that "bribery might not be true". Why does taking your position in this debate require you to lie? Why cant you win with the truth?

You wont find me pushing weak ass lies. I will win EVERY debate with the truth.
how can it be obvious when republicans cant back up their bribery claims? Do the bribery tapes really exist? Back in 2019, republicans had evidence there was no bribery. Chuck Grassley said three months ago bribery might not be true

"House Oversight Chair says Biden is concealing evidence of bribery because the GOP can't find anything to prove it.", LOL yea right
With all due respect, Dud...evidence of influence peddling is literally being made public on practically a daily basis. It's hard to hide 40 million dollars. The Bidens tried...those 20 shell companies they set up will slow down investigators a little but not for long. When you don't provide any goods or services yet corrupt foreign sources are paying you millions of dollars it's going to attract attention. In this case the hundreds of notifications to the Treasury Department about suspicious banking activities should have had the IRS and the FBI on this LONG before now but it's become obvious that the Biden DOJ will not investigate Joe Biden or his family! Can you imagine if this were the Trump family doing what the Biden family has done?
There isn't any evidence for it.

Sorry, but I won't lie just to spare your feelings. I reject that sort of PC nonsense.
There is evidence. You didn't watch the IRS testimony, did you.
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The House is going to subpoena Joe and Hunter. Expect more Trump indictments.
Nice try, but a big fail.

You know, at reversing reality to protect your criminal DearLeader. Each time Trump gets in more trouble, you cultists make up more stories about Biden.

Yes, it is that obvious. You're not very good liars.

And no, it's not working. No matter now much stuff you make up, DearLeader is still going to prison. Under Trump, you tried but failed to achieve your Stalinist utopia, meaning you can't just make up fake crimes and send people to TheGulag.
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There us evidence. You didn't watch the IRS testimony, did you.
Mamooth is probably a CNN viewer. They refuse to cover this story so people like Mamooth don't have a clue about things like the IRS whistleblower testimony. As far as Mamooth is concerned that only thing going on in the courts right now are Trump indictments! Mamooth knows ALL about those! (eye roll)
Nice try, but a big fail.

You know, at reversing reality to protect your criminal DearLeader. Each time Trump gets in trouble, you cultists make more stories about Biden.

Yes, it is that obvious. You're not very good liars.

And no, it's not working. No matter now much stuff you make up, DearLeader is still going to prison. Under Trump, you tried but failed to achieve your Stalinist utopia, meaning you can't just make up fake crimes and send people to TheGulag.
So these are things that Trump did YEARS ago but now that the Biden Influence Peddling scandal is finally being exposed by the GOP led House...only now...are liberal DA's in New York, Washington DC and Atlanta bringing charges against Trump?

What's laughable about THAT post, Mamooth is that you honestly don't seem to realize that it's the Biden White House that is acting like Stalin...THEY are the ones that are having their biggest political rival arrested! Jack Smith is literally coming up with new meanings for existing laws in order to charge a former President with crimes that no major political figure in the US has EVER been charged with! Trump never did anything like that! Get your head out of your ass.
Obviously he was if he left a lucrative position to find one that was more shaky.

Shaky? tens of millions shaky
You guys whine about the 20 Million Hunter's firms got but don't bat an eye about the 1 Billion Jared got from the Saudis.

And the Saudis, unlike the Ukrainians or even the Chinese, have actually attacked us, in case you forgot the whole 9/11 thing.

Are your masters telling you that Kushner pocketed $1,000,000,000 Really?
There is literally a palpable stench coming from this White House. The amount of corruption, dishonesty and incompetence that the Biden Administration displays on a daily basis is mind numbing. Has there ever been a Cabinet as useless as this one? Who picked these morons and why haven't they all been fired? The Vice President is a living breathing example of why you shouldn't appoint people because they check off "boxes"!
As for Joe Biden? He's always been the dumbest man in the Senate. Now he's dumb...has obvious problems with dementia...and has been exposed as the biggest grifter in the history of the US Presidency! Are you people REALLY planning on giving us four more years of THIS?

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