The committee has found more than $20 million in payments from foreign partners to the Biden family and its associates

There's no law against influence peddling by family members of elected officials? You don't seem to KNOW the law, Faun because there actually IS a law that makes that illegal! Just because the money went to other members of the Biden family other than Joe doesn't make it any less illegal!

Post the statute...
Nice try, but a big fail.

You know, at reversing reality to protect your criminal DearLeader. Each time Trump gets in more trouble, you cultists make up more stories about Biden.

Yes, it is that obvious. You're not very good liars.

And no, it's not working. No matter now much stuff you make up, DearLeader is still going to prison. Under Trump, you tried but failed to achieve your Stalinist utopia, meaning you can't just make up fake crimes and send people to TheGulag.
The House is going to subpoena Joe and Hunter. Fact. You're not informed.
Nice try, but a big fail.

You know, at reversing reality to protect your criminal DearLeader. Each time Trump gets in more trouble, you cultists make up more stories about Biden.

Yes, it is that obvious. You're not very good liars.

And no, it's not working. No matter now much stuff you make up, DearLeader is still going to prison. Under Trump, you tried but failed to achieve your Stalinist utopia, meaning you can't just make up fake crimes and send people to TheGulag.
Only a complete idiotic fool would believe Trump is going to prison. You're a pawn.
With all due respect, Dud...evidence of influence peddling is literally being made public on practically a daily basis. It's hard to hide 40 million dollars. The Bidens tried...those 20 shell companies they set up will slow down investigators a little but not for long. When you don't provide any goods or services yet corrupt foreign sources are paying you millions of dollars it's going to attract attention. In this case the hundreds of notifications to the Treasury Department about suspicious banking activities should have had the IRS and the FBI on this LONG before now but it's become obvious that the Biden DOJ will not investigate Joe Biden or his family! Can you imagine if this were the Trump family doing what the Biden family has done?
yea, could you imagine Ivanka & Jared making between $170 million to $640 while in the white house?

Perish the thought!
He was supposedly winning in the polls in 2020, too bad he didn't win on election day when it actually counted.
aint going to be nearly as many mail in ballots this time around pal ... states have tightened election security since they loosened them in 2020 because of the pandemic !
aint going to be nearly as many mail in ballots this time around pal ... states have tightened election security since they loosened them in 2020 because of the pandemic !
Of course not, right wingers are doing all they can to rig the election for republicans.
aint going to be nearly as many mail in ballots this time around pal ... states have tightened election security since they loosened them in 2020 because of the pandemic !


So? That's not gonna help you. You don't need fewer mail-in ballots... you need more Trump voters.
Just another $20 million is all. I mean, when will the MSM start doing their job? Oh, maybe another Trump indictment tomorrow?

And you Biden apologists look more foolish by the day.

There is sufficient truth in these charges to give them an air of probability---and thus place a duty in a public servant, like Joe Biden, to explain to the American people. Explaining could come in the form instructing Hunter, his brother; and any other family member who got a slice of this foreign money---mostly while Joe Biden was Vice-President----instructing them to voluntarily appear before the House committee, and testify under oath; rather than fight such an appearance all through the courts, delay, delay, delay...which they will likely do; and if so, the inference of Guilt only grows; which increases the Guilt of the New York Media who refuses to cover a story which appears at this stage, to be potentially much larger than Watergate.

America has a right to know if its President is a crook.
Thats is incorrect. The investigation just started a few months ago.

Nope, been going on for five years... and the problem is, as unseemly as it is, it's no worse than Clarence Thomas having his vacations paid for by Billionaires or Jared Kushner getting a 2 billion dollar deal from the Saudis.

Um, no. Fentanyl is finding its way into pills with rainbows of colors so it looks like candy to attract children.
I'm sure that's what they tell you on Fox News... you'll believe anything, won't you, Chatbot.

That wasn't "his money". They entrusted him to invest it for them to make a profit.

And how is that any different from what Hunter did for his clients?
There is sufficient truth in these charges to give them an air of probability---and thus place a duty in a public servant, like Joe Biden, to explain to the American people. Explaining could come in the form instructing Hunter, his brother; and any other family member who got a slice of this foreign money---mostly while Joe Biden was Vice-President----instructing them to voluntarily appear before the House committee, and testify under oath; rather than fight such an appearance all through the courts, delay, delay, delay...which they will likely do; and if so, the inference of Guilt only grows; which increases the Guilt of the New York Media who refuses to cover a story which appears at this stage, to be potentially much larger than Watergate.

America has a right to know if its President is a crook.

We need some Democrats with spine to say something, but their cultist behavior prevents that.
So you admit that that Biden family was guilty of influence peddling?

Nope. Because you have yet to show me what they got other than consulting services.

Not getting Shokin fired, because everyone wanted him to go, and he wasn't investigating Bursima, anyway.

There's no law against influence peddling by family members of elected officials? You don't seem to KNOW the law, Faun because there actually IS a law that makes that illegal! Just because the money went to other members of the Biden family other than Joe doesn't make it any less illegal!
But you have no proof any of it went to Joe... and no, it's not illegal to consult for foreign companies.
The House is going to subpoena Joe and Hunter. Fact. You're not informed.

You can't subpoena a sitting president (or a past one) as we found out in the Trump years. As for Hunter, all he has to say is, "Due to my ongoing litigation with the DOJ, I plead the fifth."
You can't subpoena a sitting president (or a past one) as we found out in the Trump years. As for Hunter, all he has to say is, "Due to my ongoing litigation with the DOJ, I plead the fifth."
That's the idea. President Bill Clinton was forced to testify for a special prosecutor.
Nope, been going on for five years... and the problem is, as unseemly as it is, it's no worse than Clarence Thomas having his vacations paid for by Billionaires or Jared Kushner getting a 2 billion dollar deal from the Saudis.

I'm sure that's what they tell you on Fox News... you'll believe anything, won't you, Chatbot.

And how is that any different from what Hunter did for his clients?
They paid him directly for nothing, you oblivious fucking retard! Well, the nothing was acess to his dad's office.

You may as well not post back. You're too stupid to converse with.
You can't subpoena a sitting president (or a past one) as we found out in the Trump years. As for Hunter, all he has to say is, "Due to my ongoing litigation with the DOJ, I plead the fifth."
if the Biden family is inocent why would he plead the 5th ... the truth is you know the Bidens are corrupt ... you just dont care as long as the leftist agenda advances ..
I'm sure that's what they tell you on Fox News... you'll believe anything, won't you, Chatbot.

Well, candidly, Chatbot, I’m sure Joy Reid tells you that fentanyl is not a problem but that’s another silly bit of the alternate universe inhabited by you neo-Bolsheviks.

The Vegetable-in-Coma pretending to be president is not the kind of man who will publicly call out China for their intentional dumping of fentanyl in Mexico to be smuggled across the border. The Dems have every interest in allowing the smuggling to continue.
That's the idea. President Bill Clinton was forced to testify for a special prosecutor.

But that was a special prosecutor... not Congress.
And yes, the horrible crime about lying about getting a blow job.

Weiss has been investigating Hunter for five years, and has come up with nothing.

They paid him directly for nothing, you oblivious fucking retard! Well, the nothing was acess to his dad's office.

You may as well not post back. You're too stupid to converse with.

Yes, this is how I can tell you don't really have an argument... namecalling.
Point is, you have yet to prove that Biden got any money, or that Hunter did anything really unethical. He got his taxes wrong. That's it. That's all you came up with after five years of a Trump prosecutor.

The Vegetable-in-Coma pretending to be president is not the kind of man who will publicly call out China for their intentional dumping of fentanyl in Mexico to be smuggled across the border.

Because China isn't doing that, Chatbot... China cracked down on import of precursors... so the cartels just got them from other places.

if the Biden family is inocent why would he plead the 5th ... the truth is you know the Bidens are corrupt ... you just dont care as long as the leftist agenda advances ..

We aren't talking about the "Family", we are talking about Hunter himself, who is still under investigation, and has every right to plead the fifth. You do get the fifth is a constituitional right, don't you?
yea, could you imagine Ivanka & Jared making between $170 million to $640 while in the white house?

Perish the thought!
The American Stasi killed a 75-year-old man for threats against Joe. A man who had weapons and bloviated like many people do. Joe and his family have sold out Americans and they have enabled threats against us for it.
Because China isn't doing that, Chatbot... China cracked down on import of precursors... so the cartels just got them from other places.

Well, Chatbot, I see your feelings are hurt when anyone criticizes China for being a supplier of fentanyl to the US but your tender feelings are not my problem.

The alternate reality inhabited by you neo-Bolsheviks is not a place where thinking humans want to be.

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