The Conservative Case that Trump Lost and Biden Won the 2020 Presidential Election


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
We are in here talking about inflation and Hunter Biden. Some people are more concern with the price of a pound of hamburger than the cost of electing trump for our democracy.

"The former president and his backers aim to strengthen the power of the White House and limit the independence of federal agencies."


The Conservative Case that Trump Lost and Biden Won the 2020 Presidential Election
Senator John Danforth
Benjamin Ginsberg
The Honorable Thomas B. Griffith
David Hoppe
The Honorable J. Michael Luttig
The Honorable Michael W. McConnell
The Honorable Theodore B. Olson
Senator Gordon H. Smith

We are political conservatives who have spent most of our adult lives working to support the Constitution and the conservative principles upon which it is based: limited government, liberty, equality of opportunity, freedom of religion, a strong national defense, and the rule of law.

We have become deeply troubled by efforts to overturn or discredit the results of the 2020 Presidential Election. There is no principle of our Republic more fundamental than the right of the People to elect our leaders and for their votes to be counted accurately. Efforts to thwart the People’s choice are deeply undemocratic and unpatriotic. Claims that an election was stolen, or that the outcome resulted from fraud, are deadly serious and should be made only on the basis of real and powerful evidence. If the American people lose trust that our elections are free and fair, we will lose our democracy. As Jonathan Haidt observed, “We just don’t know what a democracy looks like when you drain all the trust out of the system.”

We therefore have undertaken an examination of every claim of fraud and miscount put forward by former President Trump and his advocates, and now put the results of those investigations before the American people, and especially before fellow conservatives who may be uncertain about what and whom to believe. Our conclusion is unequivocal: Joe Biden was the choice of a majority of the Electors, who themselves were the choice of the majority of voters in their states. Biden’s victory is easily explained by a political landscape that was much different in 2020 than it was when President Trump narrowly won the presidency in 2016. President Trump waged his campaign for re-election during a devastating worldwide pandemic that caused a severe downturn in the global economy. This, coupled with an electorate that included a small but statistically significant number willing to vote for other Republican candidates on the ballot but not for President Trump, are the reasons his campaign fell short, not a fraudulent election.

Donald Trump and his supporters have failed to present evidence of fraud or inaccurate results significant enough to invalidate the results of the 2020 Presidential Election. We do not claim that election administration is perfect. Election fraud is a real thing; there are prosecutions in almost every election year, and no doubt some election fraud goes undetected. Nor do we disparage attempts to reduce fraud. States should continue to do what they can do to eliminate opportunities for election fraud and to punish it when it occurs. But there is absolutely no evidence of fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election on the magnitude necessary to shift the result in any state, let alone the nation as a whole. In fact, there was no fraud that changed the outcome in even a single precinct. It is wrong, and bad for our country, for people to propagate baseless claims that President Biden’s election was not legitimate.​

I have no doubt that (1) DJT will not be president again, and (2) if the GOP flouts another free and fair election, (3) the GOP will implode, (4) leaving the Democratic Party at the majority authoritarian party running the national government and most of the state governments/

MAGA is gop death cult.

The Georgia Court of Appeals on Wednesday ruled that Fulton County voters have standing to sue their local government regarding a lawsuit requesting to unseal ballots from the 2020 presidential election.

The decision gives new life to the suit, the combination of two enjoined suits, after a Henry County Superior Court judge in October 2021 dismissed Favorito v. Wan, one of two suits that was enjoined in an appeal by Fulton voters.

In that case and the other enjoined one, Jeffords v. Fulton County, several Fulton voters asked a court to unseal ballots in an effort to prove the county committed fraud in how it tallied votes in that election. The ruling is critical in determining who has standing when a plaintiff files a lawsuit against a government official.

I have no doubt that (1) DJT will not be president again, and (2) if the GOP flouts another free and fair election, (3) the GOP will implode, (4) leaving the Democratic Party at the majority authoritarian party running the national government and most of the state governments/

MAGA is gop death cult.

But they have the most stylish tinfoil hats.
We are in here talking about inflation and Hunter Biden. Some people are more concern with the price of a pound of hamburger than the cost of electing trump for our democracy.

"The former president and his backers aim to strengthen the power of the White House and limit the independence of federal agencies."


The Conservative Case that Trump Lost and Biden Won the 2020 Presidential Election
Senator John Danforth
Benjamin Ginsberg
The Honorable Thomas B. Griffith
David Hoppe
The Honorable J. Michael Luttig
The Honorable Michael W. McConnell
The Honorable Theodore B. Olson
Senator Gordon H. Smith

We are political conservatives who have spent most of our adult lives working to support the Constitution and the conservative principles upon which it is based: limited government, liberty, equality of opportunity, freedom of religion, a strong national defense, and the rule of law.

We have become deeply troubled by efforts to overturn or discredit the results of the 2020 Presidential Election. There is no principle of our Republic more fundamental than the right of the People to elect our leaders and for their votes to be counted accurately. Efforts to thwart the People’s choice are deeply undemocratic and unpatriotic. Claims that an election was stolen, or that the outcome resulted from fraud, are deadly serious and should be made only on the basis of real and powerful evidence. If the American people lose trust that our elections are free and fair, we will lose our democracy. As Jonathan Haidt observed, “We just don’t know what a democracy looks like when you drain all the trust out of the system.”

We therefore have undertaken an examination of every claim of fraud and miscount put forward by former President Trump and his advocates, and now put the results of those investigations before the American people, and especially before fellow conservatives who may be uncertain about what and whom to believe. Our conclusion is unequivocal: Joe Biden was the choice of a majority of the Electors, who themselves were the choice of the majority of voters in their states. Biden’s victory is easily explained by a political landscape that was much different in 2020 than it was when President Trump narrowly won the presidency in 2016. President Trump waged his campaign for re-election during a devastating worldwide pandemic that caused a severe downturn in the global economy. This, coupled with an electorate that included a small but statistically significant number willing to vote for other Republican candidates on the ballot but not for President Trump, are the reasons his campaign fell short, not a fraudulent election.

Donald Trump and his supporters have failed to present evidence of fraud or inaccurate results significant enough to invalidate the results of the 2020 Presidential Election. We do not claim that election administration is perfect. Election fraud is a real thing; there are prosecutions in almost every election year, and no doubt some election fraud goes undetected. Nor do we disparage attempts to reduce fraud. States should continue to do what they can do to eliminate opportunities for election fraud and to punish it when it occurs. But there is absolutely no evidence of fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election on the magnitude necessary to shift the result in any state, let alone the nation as a whole. In fact, there was no fraud that changed the outcome in even a single precinct. It is wrong, and bad for our country, for people to propagate baseless claims that President Biden’s election was not legitimate.​

None of them are currently in office, and that's the only difference.

Perhaps Romney’s most surprising discovery upon entering the Senate was that his disgust with Trump was not unique among his Republican colleagues. “Almost without exception,” he told me, “they shared my view of the president.” In public, of course, they played their parts as Trump loyalists, often contorting themselves rhetorically to defend the president’s most indefensible behavior. But in private, they ridiculed his ignorance, rolled their eyes at his antics, and made incisive observations about his warped, toddlerlike psyche. Romney recalled one senior Republican senator frankly admitting, “He has none of the qualities you would want in a president, and all of the qualities you wouldn’t.”

This dissonance soon wore on Romney’s patience. Every time he publicly criticized Trump, it seemed, some Republican senator would smarmily sidle up to him in private and express solidarity. “I sure wish I could do what you do,” they’d say, or “Gosh, I wish I had the constituency you have,” and then they’d look at him expectantly, as if waiting for Romney to convey profound gratitude. This happened so often that he started keeping a tally; at one point, he told his staff that he’d had more than a dozen similar exchanges. He developed a go-to response for such occasions: “There are worse things than losing an election. Take it from somebody who knows.”

The Republicans have the opportunity to win all the marbles in 2024. And, if they permit them, the moderate Democrats will do most of the work to make it happen.

All that needs to occur is the Democrats be successful in their efforts to use the Fourteenth Amendment to keep trump off the ballot. For their part, the GOP need only nominate Chris Christie for their 2024 presidential candidate.

These two items alone will have most moderate Democrats across the country dropping Biden and voting for Christie in November 2024. This will occur regardless of Christie’s choice of running mate.

Plus, down-ballot Republicans running for House and Senate seats will be swept up in the moderate Democrats’ pro-GOP frenzy. Just think, full Republican control of Congress and the White House for disqualifying trump and running the moderate Christie.

How many moderate Democrats will pledge their vote to the GOP if this is the 2024 scenario? The number will be overwhelming.

Not only will Chris Christie win the Electoral College delegates needed, but he will also win the popular vote as well. This will be a first for the Republican presidential candidate this century. (And conservatives will be overjoyed when the new Republican government abolishes Social Security and Medicare sometime in early Spring 2025. Naturally, this will cause the number of homeless Americans to soar.)


The Republicans have the opportunity to win all the marbles in 2024. And, if they permit them, the moderate Democrats will do most of the work to make it happen.

All that needs to occur is the Democrats be successful in their efforts to use the Fourteenth Amendment to keep trump off the ballot. For their part, the GOP need only nominate Chris Christie for their 2024 presidential candidate.

These two items alone will have most moderate Democrats across the country dropping Biden and voting for Christie in November 2024. This will occur regardless of Christie’s choice of running mate.

Plus, down-ballot Republicans running for House and Senate seats will be swept up in the moderate Democrats’ pro-GOP frenzy. Just think, full Republican control of Congress and the White House for disqualifying trump and running the moderate Christie.

How many moderate Democrats will pledge their vote to the GOP if this is the 2024 scenario? The number will be overwhelming.

Not only will Chris Christie win the Electoral College delegates needed, but he will also win the popular vote as well. This will be a first for the Republican presidential candidate this century. (And conservatives will be overjoyed when the new Republican government abolishes Social Security and Medicare sometime in early Spring 2025. Naturally, this will cause the number of homeless Americans to soar.)


Seems you are misjudging how many MAGAs there are. At best they measure about a third, and there hasn't been a single person added to that amount for years. If you aren't already a MAGA, you won't become one.

The Republicans have the opportunity to win all the marbles in 2024. And, if they permit them, the moderate Democrats will do most of the work to make it happen.

All that needs to occur is the Democrats be successful in their efforts to use the Fourteenth Amendment to keep trump off the ballot. For their part, the GOP need only nominate Chris Christie for their 2024 presidential candidate.

These two items alone will have most moderate Democrats across the country dropping Biden and voting for Christie in November 2024. This will occur regardless of Christie’s choice of running mate.

Plus, down-ballot Republicans running for House and Senate seats will be swept up in the moderate Democrats’ pro-GOP frenzy. Just think, full Republican control of Congress and the White House for disqualifying trump and running the moderate Christie.

How many moderate Democrats will pledge their vote to the GOP if this is the 2024 scenario? The number will be overwhelming.

Not only will Chris Christie win the Electoral College delegates needed, but he will also win the popular vote as well. This will be a first for the Republican presidential candidate this century. (And conservatives will be overjoyed when the new Republican government abolishes Social Security and Medicare sometime in early Spring 2025. Naturally, this will cause the number of homeless Americans to soar.)

Christie will not be the nominee. The lawsuits being filed using the 14th Amendment to keep Trump off the ballot is being shot down by the courts right and left. Both of your wishes will fail.
None of them are currently in office, and that's the only difference.

Perhaps Romney’s most surprising discovery upon entering the Senate was that his disgust with Trump was not unique among his Republican colleagues. “Almost without exception,” he told me, “they shared my view of the president.” In public, of course, they played their parts as Trump loyalists, often contorting themselves rhetorically to defend the president’s most indefensible behavior. But in private, they ridiculed his ignorance, rolled their eyes at his antics, and made incisive observations about his warped, toddlerlike psyche. Romney recalled one senior Republican senator frankly admitting, “He has none of the qualities you would want in a president, and all of the qualities you wouldn’t.”

This dissonance soon wore on Romney’s patience. Every time he publicly criticized Trump, it seemed, some Republican senator would smarmily sidle up to him in private and express solidarity. “I sure wish I could do what you do,” they’d say, or “Gosh, I wish I had the constituency you have,” and then they’d look at him expectantly, as if waiting for Romney to convey profound gratitude. This happened so often that he started keeping a tally; at one point, he told his staff that he’d had more than a dozen similar exchanges. He developed a go-to response for such occasions: “There are worse things than losing an election. Take it from somebody who knows.”
I read that this afternoon. Interesting. Perhaps Romney will speak out now that he's released from the right wing asylum.

The Republicans have the opportunity to win all the marbles in 2024. And, if they permit them, the moderate Democrats will do most of the work to make it happen.

All that needs to occur is the Democrats be successful in their efforts to use the Fourteenth Amendment to keep trump off the ballot. For their part, the GOP need only nominate Chris Christie for their 2024 presidential candidate.

These two items alone will have most moderate Democrats across the country dropping Biden and voting for Christie in November 2024. This will occur regardless of Christie’s choice of running mate.

Plus, down-ballot Republicans running for House and Senate seats will be swept up in the moderate Democrats’ pro-GOP frenzy. Just think, full Republican control of Congress and the White House for disqualifying trump and running the moderate Christie.

How many moderate Democrats will pledge their vote to the GOP if this is the 2024 scenario? The number will be overwhelming.

Not only will Chris Christie win the Electoral College delegates needed, but he will also win the popular vote as well. This will be a first for the Republican presidential candidate this century. (And conservatives will be overjoyed when the new Republican government abolishes Social Security and Medicare sometime in early Spring 2025. Naturally, this will cause the number of homeless Americans to soar.)

You've got to be kidding.
The Georgia Court of Appeals on Wednesday ruled that Fulton County voters have standing to sue their local government regarding a lawsuit requesting to unseal ballots from the 2020 presidential election.
The decision gives new life to the suit, the combination of two enjoined suits, after a Henry County Superior Court judge in October 2021 dismissed Favorito v. Wan, one of two suits that was enjoined in an appeal by Fulton voters.
In that case and the other enjoined one, Jeffords v. Fulton County, several Fulton voters asked a court to unseal ballots in an effort to prove the county committed fraud in how it tallied votes in that election. The ruling is critical in determining who has standing when a plaintiff files a lawsuit against a government official.

:laughing0301: :laugh::abgg2q.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Chris Christie for their 2024 presidential candidate.

These two items alone will have most moderate Democrats across the country dropping Biden and voting for Christie in November 2024" is the most inaccurate statement of the day.
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Chris Christie for their 2024 presidential candidate.

These two items alone will have most moderate Democrats across the country dropping Biden and voting for Christie in November 2024" is the most inaccurate statement of the day.
True. Seems that some here forget about what Christie was as a governor. He may be dissing ttrump, but he is not much better. I don't think he's a racist, but he's an a hole deluxe and if he ends up the nominee, there is the matter of a serious scandal he will have to answer to.
Some people are more concern with the price of a pound of hamburger than the cost of electing trump for our democracy.
No shit Sherlock and rightly so. Hello earth to idiot Democrats. I love it when Dems accidently tell us what they truly think.

The Republicans have the opportunity to win all the marbles in 2024. And, if they permit them, the moderate Democrats will do most of the work to make it happen.

All that needs to occur is the Democrats be successful in their efforts to use the Fourteenth Amendment to keep trump off the ballot. For their part, the GOP need only nominate Chris Christie for their 2024 presidential candidate.

These two items alone will have most moderate Democrats across the country dropping Biden and voting for Christie in November 2024. This will occur regardless of Christie’s choice of running mate.

Plus, down-ballot Republicans running for House and Senate seats will be swept up in the moderate Democrats’ pro-GOP frenzy. Just think, full Republican control of Congress and the White House for disqualifying trump and running the moderate Christie.

How many moderate Democrats will pledge their vote to the GOP if this is the 2024 scenario? The number will be overwhelming.

Not only will Chris Christie win the Electoral College delegates needed, but he will also win the popular vote as well. This will be a first for the Republican presidential candidate this century. (And conservatives will be overjoyed when the new Republican government abolishes Social Security and Medicare sometime in early Spring 2025. Naturally, this will cause the number of homeless Americans to soar.)


no sane person even thinks of Christie. We have that now? Trump or dearh.

President Trump was cheated in five big counties in 2020.
Seems you are misjudging how many MAGAs there are. At best they measure about a third, and there hasn't been a single person added to that amount for years. If you aren't already a MAGA, you won't become one.

at least 100 million voters would go MAGA. Country being destroyed right now, they all see it, live it.

if 150 million legit voters voted last time Trump got 60-65% of that. That means ~30 million bogus votes for the Corpse,
No shit Sherlock and rightly so. Hello earth to idiot Democrats. I love it when Dems accidently tell us what they truly think.
Our democracy is more important than hamburger and if you want to see inflation skyrocket, keep supporting authoritariaism.
no sane person even thinks of Christie. We have that now? Trump or dearh.

President Trump was cheated in five big counties in 2020.
No he wasn't. Try reading the information instead of posting stupid --- memes and crap from twitter. Do your part as an American, be an informed citizen. Not disinformed.

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