The Constitution Prohibits Trump From Ever Being President Again


Aww, you poor, frustrated thing. No amount of your foot stomping and shaking your cane at the sky is gonna change the reality that Biden won fairly and you can't prove otherwise.

Been proven......LOL
Shitpants should be selling golden pussy grabbing hands as trophy's. , don't you think. Or maybe his used diapers full of the same crap that comes out of his mouth . or copy's of the receipt of the many abortions he has paid for . Or gold plated copy's of his rape judgement against him. OR Golden plaques of his 6 bankruptcy. with copy's of proof that he was the biggest loser in business as in most money lost in one year for a whole decade. NO one lost more then this piece of shit in that whole decade. BY the way did shitpants use his own money to buy out these ugly shoes. He is the only one stupid enough to pay $7000,00 for a set. sources.
You definitely are suffering from TDS. Perhaps you should seek help.

I could rant about how corrupt and bad Joe Biden is but I really don’t hate the man and in fact I feel sorry for him. He is a victim of elder abuse at this time. The fact he is elderly and frail with a poor memory worked out in his favor as he will not be prosecuted for mishandling classified information.

I am not going to waste my time addressing most of your accusations but lets look at your bankruptcy claim. Liberals always claim Trump went bankrupt. Not so.

Your dementia is amusing.
Jeffery Clark hearing................for one.
Oh, Trump is selling signs with made up shit printed on them. Come on Humpers, buy one. Pay for the Orange legal fund.
Next to JBLander, you are the most astute poster on these boards.......................................:yes_text12:
And you minions suffer from BDS, HDS, ODS and now HunterDS….
No. as I said above I don’t hate Biden. Your TDS involves hate.

I ry not to hate anyone. Hate is a poison to our souls. However that doesn’t mean that I have to go along with everything these people do. And I don’t.
No. as I said above I don’t hate Biden. Your TDS involves hate.

I ry not to hate anyone. Hate is a poison to our souls. However that doesn’t mean that I have to go along with everything these people do. And I don’t.
Exactly…because Biden, Obama are dedicated public servants and not scammers like lying Trump.
You guys make up shit all the time from Obama being a non citizen to Biden taking money from China….which is hilarious considering Trumps son in law works for SA and trump used his hotels to launder money.
Exactly…because Biden, Obama are dedicated public servants and not scammers like lying Trump.
Obama, marxist organizer, follower of Saul Alinsky (dem playbook, BTW)...............Biden, Obama admin suckboy puppet O3.
Obama, marxist organizer, follower of Saul Alinsky (dem playbook, BTW)...............Biden, Obama admin suckboy puppet O3.
Made up shit. Trump is facing criminal indictments and has paid fines and restitution for admitted fraud. Bought his fraud steaks or golden sneakers ? All you have is made up shit from fix News
All you have is made up shit from fix News

You may not recognize his name at first, but Saul Alinsky served as the inspiration behind President Barack Obama's initiative to become a community organizer in Chicago. Fridays is the 100th birthday of the founder of the Industrial Areas Foundation. Alex Cohen talks with Alinsky biographer Sanford Horwitt about his book Let Them Call Me Rebel: Saul Alinsky His Life and Legacy and the man.

Here, they're talking about you:


You mean the attorney who violated ethics rules by aiding Trump's efforts to flip the election he lost?

THAT'S your evidence of widespread election fraud???

Exactly !
When they have to make up shit, about someone who unlawfully made up shit, They‘re officially Humpers. Next, they will be quoting Trump as evidence….
You mean the attorney who violated ethics rules by aiding Trump's efforts to flip the election he lost?
You by chance follow his testimony and witnesses in his disbarment hearing?
You may not recognize his name at first, but Saul Alinsky served as the inspiration behind President Barack Obama's initiative to become a community organizer in Chicago. Fridays is the 100th birthday of the founder of the Industrial Areas Foundation. Alex Cohen talks with Alinsky biographer Sanford Horwitt about his book Let Them Call Me Rebel: Saul Alinsky His Life and Legacy and the man.

Here, they're talking about you:

Does Saul bother you ? So he helped Obama with community organizing while Putin the murderous dictator helped Trump with fascism….guess who is the anti American here. Tell us how Unamerican community organizing is compared to a dictator who invades other countries and murders his political,opponents,,
You by chance follow his testimony and witnesses in his disbarment hearing?

Just last week, the guy was found to have violated ethics rules, and will likely be disbarred, for helping Trump flip the election he lost.

You're gonna need a more credible witness.
Just last week, the guy was found to have violated ethics rules, and will likely be disbarred, for helping Trump flip the election he lost.

You're gonna need a more credible witness.
There are no credible people on the Trump side. Trump started off with, he had the biggest “ coronation “ ever, and never let up. All he has left are bullshitters.
Just last week, the guy was found to have violated ethics rules, and will likely be disbarred, for helping Trump flip the election he lost.

You're gonna need a more credible witness.
So you didn't bother to check the transcripts from him and others......

Not surprised................ :eek:
So you didn't bother to check the transcripts from him and others......

Not surprised................ :eek:

He violated ethics rules to help Trump flip the election Trump lost. He's likely getting disbarred for that.

But we should b'lieve his testimony right, Qultist?


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