The Constitutionality of Red Light Cameras.


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
Having become very interested in our Bill of Rights, I came across this article from 11 months ago.

Florida Judge Ruling Finds Red Light Cameras Unconstitutional |

Since then, it's been shown that States purposely reduce the Yellow Light cycle timer at intersections with Red Light Cams, in order to increase the chances of someone accidently running the red. Furthermore, it's shown that every 1 second increase in Yellow Light Cycles decreases the rate of accidents by nearly 30%.

This would explain why the number of accidents at Red Light Cam intersections has remained the same, or increased, throwing the argument of "public safety" out the window.

Of course, the Red Light Cams DO NOT increase accident rates, nor do I, or anyone else claim that. It is the reduction in the yellow light cycle that does. However, it does show that Red Light Cams have zero effect, and increase traffic along alternate routes that avoid Red Light Cams by a significant margin. Also, 50% or more of the fine goes to the private camera company.


To the point of Constitutionality of the Red Light Cams.

1) It is considered an invasion of privacy.

2) It is considered "search" without a warrant.

3) If it cannot be shown who the driver is, you cannot be accused of the crime.
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Florida Judge Ruling Finds Red Light Cameras Unconstitutional
Well, not quite:

But the case is not completely closed. The Tribune points out that the traffic cameras remain in place — there has not been a motion to remove them — and some city officials within the county will be appealing Wansboro’s decision:

“We do not agree with the decision,” said City Manager Tom O’Neill, who said the city was not notified of any constitutional challenge to its two red light cameras on U.S. 19. “It would be our position that we were not afforded due process and did not have the opportunity to speak.”

Port Richey city attorney Joe Poblick said officials have also notified the Florida Attorney General’s Office of the ruling. The state Constitution requires that the attorney general be notified whenever a state statute’s constitutionality is at issue.
Random stops to verify papers, or other, is the most offensive and most obviously unconstitutional practice, primarily because it is an immediate infringement on liberty of movement and it constitutes punishment (loss of time, anxiety) without trial.

My biggest objection to robot radar and cameras like these is that, in our 'justice system', one is supposed to be faced with the accuser.

These aspects of 'modern' America disappoint me very much. That Europe does it is unsurprising; strong central government and control has always been the model there. In the US, it is disheartening to see such developments.
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Someone interested in the Bill Of Rights wouldn't naturally find his way to Glenn Beck's website.

Please restart your experience here. Honesty is the best policy.
Maybe 10 years ago John and Ken from KFI AM640 in L.A. studied Red Light Cameras and found that the Yellow light was quicker than a normal intersection light.

Plus, the City that installed them was giving a kick back to the Company for every Red Light Ticket issued so right there they have an incentive to rig the system against you.

We're talking about Constitutionality of it, but the Criminal Mafia System that runs our Gov't doesn't care about the Constitution.
My GPS alerts me to upcoming traffic cameras:)

If you have a smartphone download "Waze" or "Trapster." Waze is more useful because it updates traffic and road hazards. Trapster I think may have a bigger database of known speed traps and lights.

Both work similar to GPS and show you what is happening along your route in real time.
Someone interested in the Bill Of Rights wouldn't naturally find his way to Glenn Beck's website.

Please restart your experience here. Honesty is the best policy.

I actually didn't know that it was that moron's website. Yes Glenn Beck is a moron.

However, that has nothing to do with the validity of the story:

"A broken clock is right twice a day."
I lived and worked LE in Atlanta for 8 years. The red light cams are all over that area. A few points:

- Accidents are caused by stupid drivers driving too fast and not paying attention. However, it doesnt help that they know cameras exist, and then SLAM on their brakes. And yeah, the short yellow light sucks.

- These cameras are becoming very popular. One reason? City councils and mayors dont have to pay a camera. They do, however, have to pay a cop (with benefits) to do the same job. And unlike the camera the cop has a soul (Some days haha) and many times will simply give a warning. A camera will not. SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL (human) COPS!!! Even if they give you that occassional ticket.

- Many places, like my last ticket recieved in Clayton County, GA, do these as a civil fine. Many neighborhood HOA's are doing this now, sending a civil fine to the registered owner of the car. I have no idea the legality of that, a bad driving bill, like a cable bill, that you are responsible for. Interesting.

- It is NOT an "invasion of privacy". Your license plate is clearly visible on a public road, in plain view. It is no different than if a cop was just standing on a corner, watching your run it, then over the radio telling another cop up the road what your tag/vehicle is for a ticket to be issued. And PD's use that exact method all the time, especially with hand held radars where one clocks you, then radios to another down the road to stop you. It is NOT an invasion of privacy.

BUT, as a former cop, Im gonna let you in on a secret. I mean TOP secret. Like CIA black ops Area 51 shit. You ready?

The government made a HUGE mistake when it comes to traffic laws. Sure, they want all that big time cash flow. Quotas, revenue, blah blah. You know the deal. But they made a massive, crucial mistake, that I am about to reveal to you all, for free, that will get you out of EVER having to pay another ticket. Wow, cant believe Im doing this, but here it goes: The dumbass government fucked up....they put up all these giant metal planks all around the roads, call them cheat sheets, them traffic signs. They are massive cheat sheets for how to avoid tickets. Hell, they even leaked a secret manual, called was it....OH YEAH, a drivers manual! It gives away all the secrets on how to avoid a ticket.

Wow. Hope Im safe from harm, I just gave away the secrets. So, if you can get your hands on one of those incredibly top secret Area 51 leaked booklets called a drivers manual- and dont let the Illuminati or Bilderberg Group know you have it- and you read the secrets, and locate those giant metal planks with instructions- called street signs- then follow all the guidelines, you'll never get a ticket.
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There is a reason that our CONSTITUTION requires warrant for these things OR requires you to FACE YOUR ACCUSER.

This can be easily used/extended to trump up phony charges on political opponents in the future. Hell, even regular people can do it (PHOTOSHOP).

The Bill of Rights is NOT to protect criminals. It is to protect against TYRANNY.
I lived and worked LE in Atlanta for 8 years. The red light cams are all over that area. A few points:

- Accidents are caused by stupid drivers driving too fast and not paying attention. However, it doesnt help that they know cameras exist, and then SLAM on their brakes. And yeah, the short yellow light sucks.

- These cameras are becoming very popular. One reason? City councils and mayors dont have to pay a camera. They do, however, have to pay a cop (with benefits) to do the same job. And unlike the camera the cop has a soul (Some days haha) and many times will simply give a warning. A camera will not. SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL (human) COPS!!! Even if they give you that occassional ticket.

- Many places, like my last ticket recieved in Clayton County, GA, do these as a civil fine. Many neighborhood HOA's are doing this now, sending a civil fine to the registered owner of the car. I have no idea the legality of that, a bad driving bill, like a cable bill, that you are responsible for. Interesting.

- It is NOT an "invasion of privacy". Your license plate is clearly visible on a public road, in plain view. It is no different than if a cop was just standing on a corner, watching your run it, then over the radio telling another cop up the road what your tag/vehicle is for a ticket to be issued. And PD's use that exact method all the time, especially with hand held radars where one clocks you, then radios to another down the road to stop you. It is NOT an invasion of privacy.

BUT, as a former cop, Im gonna let you in on a secret. I mean TOP secret. Like CIA black ops Area 51 shit. You ready?

The government made a HUGE mistake when it comes to traffic laws. Sure, they want all that big time cash flow. Quotas, revenue, blah blah. You know the deal. But they made a massive, crucial mistake, that I am about to reveal to you all, for free, that will get you out of EVER having to pay another ticket. Wow, cant believe Im doing this, but here it goes: The dumbass government fucked up....they put up all these giant metal planks all around the roads, call them cheat sheets, them traffic signs. They are massive cheat sheets for how to avoid tickets. Hell, they even leaked a secret manual, called was it....OH YEAH, a drivers manual! It gives away all the secrets on how to avoid a ticket.

Wow. Hope Im safe from harm, I just gave away the secrets. So, if you can get your hands on one of those incredibly top secret Area 51 leaked booklets called a drivers manual- and dont let the Illuminati or Bilderberg Group know you have it- and you read the secrets, and locate those giant metal planks with instructions- called street signs- then follow all the guidelines, you'll never get a ticket. were the dude going 90 on the highway and tailgating anyone that didn't move out of your way in three seconds? Gotta get to Krispy Kreme before the fresh donuts get cold!
I lived and worked LE in Atlanta for 8 years. The red light cams are all over that area. A few points:

- Accidents are caused by stupid drivers driving too fast and not paying attention. However, it doesnt help that they know cameras exist, and then SLAM on their brakes. And yeah, the short yellow light sucks.

- These cameras are becoming very popular. One reason? City councils and mayors dont have to pay a camera. They do, however, have to pay a cop (with benefits) to do the same job. And unlike the camera the cop has a soul (Some days haha) and many times will simply give a warning. A camera will not. SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL (human) COPS!!! Even if they give you that occassional ticket.

- Many places, like my last ticket recieved in Clayton County, GA, do these as a civil fine. Many neighborhood HOA's are doing this now, sending a civil fine to the registered owner of the car. I have no idea the legality of that, a bad driving bill, like a cable bill, that you are responsible for. Interesting.

- It is NOT an "invasion of privacy". Your license plate is clearly visible on a public road, in plain view. It is no different than if a cop was just standing on a corner, watching your run it, then over the radio telling another cop up the road what your tag/vehicle is for a ticket to be issued. And PD's use that exact method all the time, especially with hand held radars where one clocks you, then radios to another down the road to stop you. It is NOT an invasion of privacy.

BUT, as a former cop, Im gonna let you in on a secret. I mean TOP secret. Like CIA black ops Area 51 shit. You ready?

The government made a HUGE mistake when it comes to traffic laws. Sure, they want all that big time cash flow. Quotas, revenue, blah blah. You know the deal. But they made a massive, crucial mistake, that I am about to reveal to you all, for free, that will get you out of EVER having to pay another ticket. Wow, cant believe Im doing this, but here it goes: The dumbass government fucked up....they put up all these giant metal planks all around the roads, call them cheat sheets, them traffic signs. They are massive cheat sheets for how to avoid tickets. Hell, they even leaked a secret manual, called was it....OH YEAH, a drivers manual! It gives away all the secrets on how to avoid a ticket.

Wow. Hope Im safe from harm, I just gave away the secrets. So, if you can get your hands on one of those incredibly top secret Area 51 leaked booklets called a drivers manual- and dont let the Illuminati or Bilderberg Group know you have it- and you read the secrets, and locate those giant metal planks with instructions- called street signs- then follow all the guidelines, you'll never get a ticket.

Not even close to the same thing. The traffic light ticket is issued to the vehichle's owner REGARDLESS of who is driving the vehichle, that is not the case in your little scenerio. If the registered owner is at work at the time the ticket is issued, and can prove this beyond any doubt, meaning he could not have been the one to run the light, he must either pay anyway, or become a govt. informer. Now say you lent your car that day to a person that you knew had no license? Now you must either take the penalty for a crime you can prove you didn't commit, or you must incriminate yourself in another crime by giving up the actual driver who had no license, both of which go against your Constitutional right. I know it's wrong to lend someone without a license you car, but that's not the point. The point is you have a right NOT to incriminate yourself in this nation, just as you have a right NOT to be penalized for something you can prove you are innocent of. You are left with two choices, pay the penalty for something you didn't do and can prove you didn't do, or become an agent of the govt. If I ever got a red light ticket in a vehicle I was not driving, which is a good possibility because I own two company trucks that are driven by employees, I would spend the money on a lawyer, regardless of the cost, to fight that ticket if I could prove I was not the one driving. Neither choice is a choice a free people should have to live under. Just one more example of the loss of personal freedoms in a nation that has seen many, many, many of it's personal freedoms trampled on, stolen or ignored by govt. entities from the White House down to the town council level.
Also, 50% or more of the fine goes to the private camera company.

And there, rather than any concern for public safety, is the REAL reason those cameras exist.

Another stunning example of socialism for the wealthy, supported by POLICE STATE tactics.

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