The Cop lied and its easy to see

ANYTHING that makes the police officer fear for his life, and we comply with ALL his requests, even if we don't agree with them. If we don't like what the police officer is doing, the time to complain about it is in court, to a judge, AFTER the fact.
This species doesn't think that deeply. Think "pit bull" when "conversing" wit dem.
An encounter between a police officer and a civilian pulled over in traffic is literally a life and death situation for the police officer EVERY SINGLE TIME and we as civilians need to respect that.
Use the word 'literally' in another sentence, but this time get it right.

What that means is we don't do ANYTHING that makes the police officer fear for his life, and we comply with ALL his requests, even if we don't agree with them. If we don't like what the police officer is doing, the time to complain about it is in court, to a judge, AFTER the fact.
You would have loved Josef Stalin. Too bad for you that he's gone, but Franz Kafka left behind some literature that will make you feel right at home.

But lets hear the new story they have after being exposed. Maybe the PCP they found was waving around a gun they never found
Or it could be that from the position she was at, she couldn't see whether it was open or not, but him leaning towards it made it appear he was going to reach into the window. From what both of the officers say, that's what they believed he was doing. Let the investigation be done.
She was yelling at him to stop for at least 10 to 15 seconds? Wow! That's not even enough time for me to pull up my trousers! I wonder how long it would take for me to turn around and stick my arm into the car window? And what part of his body did the bullets strike?

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