The cop that murdered floyd


Gold Member
Oct 6, 2019
The cop that murdered floyd should get a public execution for murdering him. We can't allow cops to murder the people that they're suppose to serve and we must make a example of this guy in order to show that we're serious about this and to calm the public. Anyone that is burning, looting and committing criminal acts should be punished severely for their crimes but the killer should pay for the destruction that he has helped caused.
The cop that murdered floyd should get a public execution for murdering him. We can't allow cops to murder the people that they're suppose to serve and we must make a example of this guy in order to show that we're serious about this and to calm the public. Anyone that is burning, looting and committing criminal acts should be punished severely for their crimes but the killer should pay for the destruction that he has helped caused.
He'll be praying for the death penalty. The worst punishment for a cop is life behind bars. And that's where his partners standing there watching belong too.
The cop that murdered floyd should get a public execution for murdering him. We can't allow cops to murder the people that they're suppose to serve and we must make a example of this guy in order to show that we're serious about this and to calm the public. Anyone that is burning, looting and committing criminal acts should be punished severely for their crimes but the killer should pay for the destruction that he has helped caused.

He should be arrested, tried in a court and when and if found guilty by all the evidence he should be treated like any other criminal.
What really needs to happen is police departments all over the country need to sit everyone down and pound it through their heads that this shit is not tolerable or you will be treated like any other criminal and your badge thrown in the garbage where it belongs. Respect for the badge is a two way street and a double edged sword. The people wearing it cannot abuse their power.
I believe for the most part cops are there to look out for the public, but I have a real problem with how the other 4 cops stood around not stopping it. There seems at times to be this disconnect that is very disturbing and sickening.
The cop that murdered floyd should get a public execution for murdering him. We can't allow cops to murder the people that they're suppose to serve and we must make a example of this guy in order to show that we're serious about this and to calm the public. Anyone that is burning, looting and committing criminal acts should be punished severely for their crimes but the killer should pay for the destruction that he has helped caused.

Great start soaking the rope...
Whatever happened to Justice? Have you read the coroner's report yet? Have we even indicted or tried this man?
Just love it when some idiot like you spouts off. Let Justice take it's course....
I suggest an old fashion hanging that is aired nationally on t.v within a football stadium.
Can we get that for all the pedophiles, rapists and murderers?

Pedophiles sure but this is a special case as people are pissed so not all rapists and murders should be treated the same.
Spoken words of a 1940's deep south small town have come full circle...
I suggest an old fashion hanging that is aired nationally on t.v within a football stadium.
Can we get that for all the pedophiles, rapists and murderers?

Pedophiles sure but this is a special case as people are pissed so not all rapists and murders should be treated the same.
So in other words we can’t publicly hang black murderers and rapists, just white ones.

I think she's just venting. Right now to some it feels that way.
Something was going with those two. They worked at the same place for some years...then one winds up killing the other. Something stinks.
And...if I remember correctly when seeing that vid, the killer cop was yammering at the choking guy and saying "all bad now, are ya? Big tough guy, right?" and some such words to that effect. Those two knew either other. Also, someone said that Lloyd had a fake 20 dollar bill on him..and he was going to the same place or was IN the same place the cop was going to or was already IN.

Weird stuff.
The cop that murdered floyd should get a public execution for murdering him. We can't allow cops to murder the people that they're suppose to serve and we must make a example of this guy in order to show that we're serious about this and to calm the public. Anyone that is burning, looting and committing criminal acts should be punished severely for their crimes but the killer should pay for the destruction that he has helped caused.
Teump encouraged police brutality, people dont forget.
Now lets look at a few things. This City is Democrat Controlled and has been for almost 100yrs. The Police Chief is Black, the force and the city are your typical large urban American city.

The excessive force was thankfully caught on tape, because this cop has been brought up on charges for excessive force multiple times. Amy Klobuchar declined to prosecute him when she was the cities prosecutor. Why didn’t she?

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