The Copycat Teacher: A Dianetics Tale


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a consumerism-paradiso vignette inspired by the traffic-dementia film 15 Minutes.



The American vigilante Batman was secretly the NYC socialite-businessman Bruce Wayne. No one knew this. Batman prowled the city streets every weekend looking for unruly behaviors and crime-syndicate related activity. A new evil had risen in the city --- a masked horror-film 'copycat-killer' --- named Leatherface. This serial killer modelled himself after the fictional chainsaw-wielding cannibal from the iconic Texas Chainsaw Massacre horror-film franchise (also named 'Leatherface'). Like the film-ghoul, this 'copycat-Leatherface' wore a deranged mask made out of human skin!

Batman wondered what kind of a human being would want to mimic the behaviors of a pure maniac portrayed in a fictional horror film. Batman started doing some research on criminal insanity and discovered that mental orientations geared towards obsessive emulation or mimicry denote an anti-social attitude towards precedence and prestige. Batman realized 'Leatherface' (the copycat serial killer) was trying to send some kind of anti-social message by suggesting that humanity's fascination with horror-film gore indicated an instinct towards anarchy, violence, and self-destruction.

Batman found Leatherface one night in a NYC alley playing with his chainsaw (at about 3 am) and terrorizing a horrified and fallen policeman. Batman ran up to the copycat-killer and used his rope-gun and electrocution device to stun the beast into debilitation and then tie him up for the NYPD to deal with in their own way. Batman was then requested by the FBI to interrogate 'Leatherface' and deduce the intentions of his deeds and understand the psychological perspective that would give rise to such an anti-social 'dragon.' Batman studied as many criminal psychology books as he could to prepare for the landmark (and televised!) interview!

BATMAN: Why are you so angry, 'Leatherface'?
LEATHERFACE: I hate 'TrumpUSA' cheeseburgers!
BATMAN: That's ridiculous...what's wrong with consumerism (e.g., Toys 'R Us)?
LEATHERFACE: Money is not a toy.
BATMAN: Do you believe consumerism/capitalism is spiritually flawed?
LEATHERFACE: Standing in mall lines on Black Friday brings out the Devil in me...
BATMAN: Are you trying to 'philosophically escape' the confines of 'commercial civilization'?
LEATHERFACE: I am a true terrorist!
BATMAN: If you could change New York (and America!), what would you change?
LEATHERFACE: I would require all school-children to watch videos about firefighters!
BATMAN: Do you think such an instructional 'exercise' would create more appreciation for civics?
LEATHERFACE: It would cure Americans' obsession with cheeseburgers.
BATMAN: Are you trying to build a 'Utopia/paradise' with your deeds of violence-symbolism?
LEATHERFACE: I dream of an underwater kingdom called 'Atlantis' where dreams are sublime!
BATMAN: Are you cynical about the mermaid-siren logo on Starbucks coffee cups in the real world?
LEATHERFACE: Show me a capitalism mermaid, and I will repent for my sins...
BATMAN: Well, there's no distinct 'consumerism angel/God,' but what about the Statue of Liberty?
LEATHERFACE: Are you suggesting that immigration is a face of traffic-transit 'optimism'?
BATMAN: People come to America to shop for insurance, eat Chinese food, and enjoy baseball games.
LEATHERFACE: President Trump might make a 'light-hearted bazaar,' but I still dream of playgrounds!



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