The corrosive effect of election denial

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

When you have intimidated and scared off all of the election workers who will run your elections ?
Of course if you reject democracy it doesnt much bother you.

Taxes are going up to service spurious fishing exercises in elections that the maga GOP has lost. This story from Arizona is a chilling example. Just like the one in Georgia.

When you have intimidated and scared off all of the election workers who will run your elections ?
Of course if you reject democracy it doesnt much bother you.

Taxes are going up to service spurious fishing exercises in elections that the maga GOP has lost. This story from Arizona is a chilling example. Just like the one in Georgia.
Hey limey whens the next vote for King or Queen in your country ? When are we going to see a minority Head of State in Britain ? By the way moron the US has never been a Democracy. It has always been a Constitutional Republic.

When you have intimidated and scared off all of the election workers who will run your elections ?
Of course if you reject democracy it doesnt much bother you.

Taxes are going up to service spurious fishing exercises in elections that the maga GOP has lost. This story from Arizona is a chilling example. Just like the one in Georgia.
Taxes go up and the same scum stay in power regardless.

That is why tyranny is all about.
overall, the contribution by thunderstruck0815 was mind numbingly stupid, even for usmb standards.
Taint constantly bitches about Republicans and Conservatives in the US, but has no issue with the Medieval form of government his country still practices. I call him out for his hypocritical view point as I do all lefty morons who post on this site.

Your contribution to this post was a grade school attempt at a dick joke. Calling others stupid may not be a good choice for you.

When you have intimidated and scared off all of the election workers who will run your elections ?
Of course if you reject democracy it doesnt much bother you.

Taxes are going up to service spurious fishing exercises in elections that the maga GOP has lost. This story from Arizona is a chilling example. Just like the one in Georgia.

Indeed. What did you think about Joe Biden's press secretary denying the Georgia gubernatorial election?

It's a good thing that being British, Tainted Tommy has no more standing with regard to anything to do with American elections, than he has any useful knowledge.

He's left with nothing but to wave his extraordinary deep ignorance around, as if it was some proud banner.

Maybe he should worry about his own fucked-up shithole of a country, and keep his filthy British nose out of America's business, where it does not belong.
Taint constantly bitches about Republicans and Conservatives in the US, but has no issue with the Medieval form of government his country still practices. I call him out for his hypocritical view point as I do all lefty morons who post on this site.

Your contribution to this post was a grade school attempt at a dick joke. Calling others stupid may not be a good choice for you.
oh yeah, king? so what did you super cleverly attempt to do with the minority head of state queef? e.g.
EDIT: it seems that tosser thought i made a dick joke when asking for clarification. ZOMG
oh yeah, king? so what did you super cleverly attempt to do with the minority head of state queef? e.g.
The Head of State in Britain is the Monarchy. I blame the shitty state of the educational system in this country for most peoples ignorance, but the lest some of you morons could do before opening your pie-hole is do some research.
Taint constantly bitches about Republicans and Conservatives in the US, but has no issue with the Medieval form of government his country still practices. I call him out for his hypocritical view point as I do all lefty morons who post on this site.

Have you noticed all his anti-Brexit threads? I lost count of them somewhere around a couple dozen, and he's posted dozens and dozens more beyond that, all the same stupid gripe, that his own shithole of a country cannot govern itself, and that it needs to be ruled over by a foreign tyranny.

And yet, this creature, the lowest of dregs from a degraded shithole of a country, feels entitled to tell us Americans how we should run our country; dismissing the fact that we Americans fought and won two wars against the British, to establish once and for all that how we run our country is none of their fucking business.

I'm often tempted to wish for a third war, to make this point even more strongly than we made it before; to think than the outcome of that war should be to end the UK's existence as a sovereign nation, and turn it into an American colony, with us oppressing the British in much the same way that they once tried to oppress us.
and did anyone adress the thread topic? only attacking the messenger enabled by the retarded usmb staff.

every functioning democracy, yes, the US still qualifies, needs people to help. usually volunteers. you need the money for bombs and space force, after all.

and the orange virus you twats love, undermines and threatens this system.

great. march on to autocracy. most of you are there already, dick heads.
Hey limey whens the next vote for King or Queen in your country ? When are we going to see a minority Head of State in Britain ? By the way moron the US has never been a Democracy. It has always been a Constitutional Republic.
And that's the point of Republicans' election denial, to undermine our democratic institutions and hobble the political process.
The Head of State in Britain is the Monarchy. I blame the shitty state of the educational system in this country for most peoples ignorance, but the lest some of you morons could do before opening your pie-hole is do some research.
oh. super clever. so you demanded a minority king or queen. great. you got it. for decades, centuries.. dickhead.

When you have intimidated and scared off all of the election workers who will run your elections ?
Of course if you reject democracy it doesnt much bother you.

Taxes are going up to service spurious fishing exercises in elections that the maga GOP has lost. This story from Arizona is a chilling example. Just like the one in Georgia.
Maricopa county elections are the most corrupt in the country.

WTF would you know about it, Tammy?

Stick to threads about cross dressing, it’s the only subject you are qualified to speak on.
and did anyone adress the thread topic? only attacking the messenger enabled by the retarded usmb staff.

every functioning democracy, yes, the US still qualifies, needs people to help. usually volunteers. you need the money for bombs and space force, after all.

and the orange virus you twats love, undermines and threatens this system.

great. march on to autocracy. most of you are there already, dick heads.

I addressed the topic, and called out a blatant election denier.

You twats ignored it, and we all know why.

Maricopa county elections are the most corrupt in the country.

WTF would you know about it, Tammy?

Stick to threads about cross dressing, it’s the only subject you are qualified to speak on.
can you offer anything in support of your idiotic queefery? i mean, this cess pool self-identifies as a discussion board, lol.

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