The coup by the U.S. disguised as humanitarian efforts towards Venezuela

Yea right. Piss in my ear and tell me it's raining. It's the same old imperial takeover by the U.S., disguised as a humanitarian effort to help the people of Venezuela. Like all South American and Central American countries, we want their wealth of resources. And then, we blame them later, as they become refugees heading to the U.S. There is no humanitarian concern. If it were, we wouldn't have sanctions placed on Venezuela. We are responsible for the very humanitarian effort we claim to want to assist with. Let that sink in. The desired president of the U.S. who would hand the country over to the U.S. and its resources, who was not actually elected, need this coup to happen on behalf of the U.S. and its wealth interests. It has nothing to do with the interests of the people. And yet, we know as a country, that these imperial practices have been going on for decades by the U.S. It's about the oil, gold, and diamonds. Disgusting and chilling.

It doesn’t look disguised to me. It is clearly an effort by assholes in our government, to overthrow the elected government of Venezuela. Our government even backed some jackass who was not elected by the Venezulan people, demanding the elected leader resign. Not very democratic. No doubt the unelected jackass is a CIA plant, more than willing to let multinational corporations rape the country. Then use those enormous profits to continue buying corrupt American politicians.

Tried and true tactics of our criminal government, yet many Americans still don’t see it.

They know, as the guys on USMB, that the rest of the world knows what is actually going on. But they have a bunch of regimes and outlets that cannot be overcome. All we can do is to ignore the scum and stick to reality.
The coup in Honduras against Zelaya, Aristede in Haiti, So far unsuccessful multiple attempts to unseat the Sandanista government in Nicaragua, starting with the drugs for arms Contras The destabilization of the Ukraine and exile of Yanukovich, an intervention in Libya that killled Ghadaffi, (Hillary: we came, we saw, he died). Of course, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria, but the Middle East is more complicated now with all the terrorist groups we've armed in the past complicating the civil wars that result in our interventions.
The only coup being attempted is the one aimed at Trump by the Obama clowns....
Phrump wants his clown Guaido to hand over Venezuela´s natural resources. There are many places in the world that need humanitarian aid. Where´s your fucking regime with its trucks?
''same old'' ?? name some imperial ''takeovers'' [ hahaha ] since 1975
Most of Central and South America; CIA in South America | Geopolitical Monitor

Surely you aren't going to make an idiot of yourself by pretending we are promoting humanitarian efforts. The people do not want us there. The Right wing candidate was not legally elected. They don't even know who he is. The U.S. elected him,not the people.
you just made an idiot of yourself--most of those are pre-1975
AND--you don't even know the meaning of your own OP words
Dictionary result for imperial
  1. 1.
    relating to an empire.
Pre- 1975 is still going on today. Your point is totally moot. We are conquerors of nations and their resources, disguised as humanitarians, while placing sanctions on this country, punishing them for not having the kind of government we demand, while promoting a coup. It's been our MO.
if the US wanted to, we would really takeover
we want to take resources so bad, we backed Israel NOT the oil countries!!

Maduro, the only person in Venezuela who hasn't missed a meal in the last 4 years.
Miserable fat fuck.
Most of Central and South America; CIA in South America | Geopolitical Monitor

Surely you aren't going to make an idiot of yourself by pretending we are promoting humanitarian efforts. The people do not want us there. The Right wing candidate was not legally elected. They don't even know who he is. The U.S. elected him,not the people.
you just made an idiot of yourself--most of those are pre-1975
AND--you don't even know the meaning of your own OP words
Dictionary result for imperial
  1. 1.
    relating to an empire.
Pre- 1975 is still going on today. Your point is totally moot. We are conquerors of nations and their resources, disguised as humanitarians, while placing sanctions on this country, punishing them for not having the kind of government we demand, while promoting a coup. It's been our MO.
if the US wanted to, we would really takeover
we want to take resources so bad, we backed Israel NOT the oil countries!!

Maduro, the only person in Venezuela who hasn't missed a meal in the last 4 years.
Miserable fat fuck.
Trump points, you bark.
you just made an idiot of yourself--most of those are pre-1975
AND--you don't even know the meaning of your own OP words
Dictionary result for imperial
  1. 1.
    relating to an empire.
Pre- 1975 is still going on today. Your point is totally moot. We are conquerors of nations and their resources, disguised as humanitarians, while placing sanctions on this country, punishing them for not having the kind of government we demand, while promoting a coup. It's been our MO.
if the US wanted to, we would really takeover
we want to take resources so bad, we backed Israel NOT the oil countries!!

Maduro, the only person in Venezuela who hasn't missed a meal in the last 4 years.
Miserable fat fuck.
Trump points, you bark.
Hail to The Chief
Anybody with an ounce of brain matter can see there is an ongoing political coup in the U.S. but lefties worry about their socialist guy in freaking Venezuela. No surprises here.
Trump and Bolton are worried about Venezuela, because they see financial enrichment. Lefties worry about the Right-wing hijacking an election by installing their own puppet into the country to benefit big oil, gold, and diamond riches. They aren't fooling anyone. Venezuelans are already telling the Yankee to go home.
Pre- 1975 is still going on today. Your point is totally moot. We are conquerors of nations and their resources, disguised as humanitarians, while placing sanctions on this country, punishing them for not having the kind of government we demand, while promoting a coup. It's been our MO.
if the US wanted to, we would really takeover
we want to take resources so bad, we backed Israel NOT the oil countries!!

Maduro, the only person in Venezuela who hasn't missed a meal in the last 4 years.
Miserable fat fuck.
Trump points, you bark.
Hail to The Chief

Hail to the invader you mean.
Pre- 1975 is still going on today. Your point is totally moot. We are conquerors of nations and their resources, disguised as humanitarians, while placing sanctions on this country, punishing them for not having the kind of government we demand, while promoting a coup. It's been our MO.
if the US wanted to, we would really takeover
we want to take resources so bad, we backed Israel NOT the oil countries!!

Maduro, the only person in Venezuela who hasn't missed a meal in the last 4 years.
Miserable fat fuck.
Trump points, you bark.
Hail to The Chief

Fuck him.
learn some history people
we GAVE Latin America 3.3 $Billion --------------per YEAR
Alliance for Progress - Wikipedia
In no-bid contracts to US contractors for "improvement projects."
Halliburton is already there.
Regime Change for Profit: Chevron, Halliburton Cheer on US Venezuela Coup - Global Research
It's all about the money and the people can go straight to hell as far as the U.S. is concerned. Humanitarian aid my ass.
if the US wanted to, we would really takeover
we want to take resources so bad, we backed Israel NOT the oil countries!!

Maduro, the only person in Venezuela who hasn't missed a meal in the last 4 years.
Miserable fat fuck.
Trump points, you bark.
Hail to The Chief

Fuck him.

you just made an idiot of yourself--most of those are pre-1975
AND--you don't even know the meaning of your own OP words
Dictionary result for imperial
  1. 1.
    relating to an empire.
Pre- 1975 is still going on today. Your point is totally moot. We are conquerors of nations and their resources, disguised as humanitarians, while placing sanctions on this country, punishing them for not having the kind of government we demand, while promoting a coup. It's been our MO.
if the US wanted to, we would really takeover
we want to take resources so bad, we backed Israel NOT the oil countries!!

Maduro, the only person in Venezuela who hasn't missed a meal in the last 4 years.
Miserable fat fuck.
Trump points, you bark.

Putin points, you bark.
there were many reasons that the program was ultimately a failure. American congressmen were reluctant to provide funds for land redistribution programs in Latin America because they felt it smacked of socialism. Latin American elites directed most of the funds into pet projects that enriched themselves but did little to help the vast majority of their people. The Alliance certainly failed in its effort to bring democracy to Latin America: by the time the program faded away in the early-1970s, 13 governments in Latin America had been replaced by military rule.

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