the coup of 2020

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well it did happen, there's that. they followed it up in 2022 with PA and AZ. sweet for them huh? They still lost the house though. oops, they missed some races.
Yes, celebrate your tiny gains. Try to forget you were promised a Red Tsunami Shining Elevator Bloodbath shambolic extravaganza by your lying propagandists.

Go back to them for more manufactured bullshit to eat.

Rinse, repeat.

I hear the Trump special counsel donated to Satan, and has bribed Democrats to cover up his past as a gay prostitute. His dad was the second gunman on the grassy knoll.

And his wife is ugly.
yep, more election cheating by cheaters of the elitist demofks, indeed. Everyday, cat lady, every mther fking day!!!!

Keep those fascist sore-loser tears coming.

Yeah, they are totally brainless. Mindless drones parroting what they are told to parrot and bleeving what they told to bleev.

I've never seen a single one of them engage two brain cells in critical thinking. They have been dumbed down to the intellectual bandwidth of a bumper sticker by decades of propaganda.
Yeah, and that's a component of this that is not given enough attention.

This didn't happen overnight. This right wing media mal-information has been building over a long time, to a point where it now controls their thought processes. They no longer need someone else to feed them the bullshit. They just create it on their own and run with it.

Keep those fascist sore-loser tears coming.

all day lady, all day, the cheating was too broad and showed what they did for us all to witness. You sit eyes wide shut. Can't help you're blind.
Yeah, and that's a component of this that is not given enough attention.

This didn't happen overnight. This right wing media mal-information has been building over a long time, to a point where it now controls their thought processes. They no longer need someone else to feed them the bullshit. They just create it on their own and run with it.
yeah that right wing message to offset the dependent care promoters on broadcast tv. keep singing mac. you sound a bit off key.
all day lady, all day, the cheating was too broad and showed what they did for us all to witness.
Then why can't any of you fascist losers point out any specific instances of cheating?

Given how many decades of practice you've had, you have no excuse for sucking so badly at lying.
Then why can't any of you fascist losers point out any specific instances of cheating?

Given how many decades of practice you've had, you have no excuse for sucking so badly at lying.
well it has, and you know it has. stay focused on your blind spot for us.
Thread closed, there are a lot of unsourced facts presented.
This is not an opinion thread.
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