The Court Slaps His Hand!


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
I believe in, and respect, the Constitution far more than I believe in or respect the Lilliputians scurrying around making pronouncements about same.

It is my contention that the aims of the Founders have been corrupted through the actions of the Executive branch, and the Judiciary.
Federalism, for one thing, has been destroyed.

But it doesn't rain constantly, and for the 13th time, the Supreme Court has slapped the hand of the Imperial President, and for that, I am grateful.
Since reading the Abercrombie novels, I've tended to refer to the Court as "The Bloody Nine".... I may have to abjure....

As a bonus, the following takes a poke at the NYTimes, as well:

1. "... the Gray Lady needs to get a new pair of spectacles. As recently as January it used the phrase “remarkably myopic” to describe an appeals court ruling against President Obama’s abuse of the recess appointment power.

2. Not only did the Times use the word “myopic” but it also called the ruling an “absurdity.” Yet when the Supreme Court took at look at the Appeals Court decision and unfurled its eye chart, the letters on the top line spelled out “A-F-F-I-R-M-E-D.”

a. ... make out the small print on the next line? Here’s what it says: “U-n-a-n-i-m-o-u-s.”

3. .... the Times’ Supreme Court reporter, Adam Liptak, is calling “a significant blow to executive power.” No doubt it is that.

4. .... the justices sensed that in sneaking three members of the NLRB through on a three day recess, President Obama was playing games.

5. After all, the Senate is the institution best equipped to decide whether the Senate really intends to be in recess. What the Nine have just done is not so much restrict presidential power but give the Senate a great deal more credit than the President was prepared to do ...."
‘Remarkably Myopic’? - The New York Sun

But here is the part that really gets my hopes up:

6. "... our greatest jurists and lawyers are fighting over the exact meaning of the word recess. It’s a reminder of a point we have been repeating, which is that we’re in a constitutional moment."

"...a constitutional moment..."

If that is so, and if there is a possibility that the electorate is beginning to pay attention to our memorializing document, the Constitution, rather than the bastardizations that have resulted in poorly decided law......

...then there is hope for this nation.

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