The Covid Walking Dead

No, they are not, or at least they shouldn't be. Surgical masks are ONLY for those performing surgery so they can speak and not accidentally spit into the surgical site. They ONLY stop large particles. No where in the very large hospital that I work in are we allowed to tend to a patient that has ANY type of viral infection, wearing a surgical mask.
Absolute nonsense. CDC standard recommendations for influenza include using droplet masks for health care providers.

They do stop large particles, which is exactly how influenza and COVID are spread (in most circumstances).

What is your role in your hospital? What are your precautions for influenza patients?
Auto Accidents only kill 56,000 a year. There are only 19,000 homicides a year. We only have 4779 workplace accidents a year, 1009 in Construction. So if you add all of those together, with no caveats- There are 79,779 deaths from all those causes. We've lost 282,000 to TRUMP PLAGUE so far. And we're only 9 months into this. Probably going to hit 400,000.

Adjust the claimed #CoronaHoax2020 death according to the CDC's admission that 94% involved other causes, and the real number is closer to 10,000—well below any of the other causes of death that I mentioned.
Doctors know that they don't work. the only masks that can protect you and others are N95 or HIPPA filters. And the MUST be properly fitted.

This was a genuine 3M-brand N95 mask that I put under my microscope, photographed, and used to create this visualization. If you think than an N95 mask will protect anyone from a virus, then you are deceived.

View attachment 426134

The problem with your demonstration is that viruses don't travel naked like that. They usually travel in a medium of some sort, predominately water. That water droplet is big enough to get trapped in an N95 mask. Can you still get infected while wearing one? Yes, but it's much less likely than if you were wearing a surgical mask.
Interesting. The biggest thing is people not going anywhere if they are sick regardless of wearing a mask. If you can stop that from happening, then we'd be getting somewhere. I think the country has taken all the precautionary measures it needed to take now, and Biden thinking that he is going to out do Trump by politicizing the thing for his agenda is unexceptable.

A HIPPA filter or some kind of self contained air recycler is the only way to be sure.
Don't forget though, that the healthy people need the microbes to build up their immunity, and to keep them safe from the millions of microbes lived with daily.

In India, I saw trash dump people with their kids living and working in the dump site scrounging for things to sell. The reporter had to wear PPE because his immune system wasn't built up like theirs was. They had become immune.

During the polio crisis, it was learned that the children that were playing more in the dirt in the rural areas, as opposed to the children that were more vulnerable to it within the cities, well they weren't getting the virus in the rural areas as much... They (the children in the rural) weren't getting the virus like the one's in the cities, who weren't exposed to the microbes like the kids playing in the dirt or with the dirt in the rural areas were.

Wow. What an experience you must have had to have seen first-hand such heartbreaking conditions with those kids living at the dump. I'm guessing they accepted it as if that's just life, having nothing better to compare it to, and were just doing their best to survive. Incredible drive we humans have to do what it takes to survive.

Speaking of India, reportedly an "unknown virus" has been discovered, at least according to one, usually reliable, source. Let's see what the MSM does with this one and if they go into the sky is falling routine before the week's end. India: Unidentified disease kills one, hundreds hospitalised

It's clear when certain talking heads (as opposed to true journalists) get excited about something horrific with a gleam in their eye, and proceed to "inform" us that the world is yet again going to end. They must get bonuses for enhanced, dramatic deliveries. Heck, I'm still waiting for the killer bees to arrive from Africa and take us all out! lol I was younger and more gullible ha:)

Okay back to being serious. I'm wondering about how many times over the past 100 years have new viruses gone under the radar without any mention? As we know, strains of viruses mutate and evolve like with flu A and B types. Considering that, maybe we've had various flus deemed to be "a variant" but were actually new? Obviously, I've given myself away here as not being a scientist, but it's logical to assume that this has been the case as our detection skills were not what they are today.

The quest/global race to be the first country/team of doctors/scientists to discover something new should be better checked with "Are these measures absolutely worth the risk?" The large majority of scientists and doctors abide by a code of ethics, while various subsets do not. When a group of specialists become overly eager about their work/findings and place being first over everything else, that's a major problem.
Adjust the claimed #CoronaHoax2020 death according to the CDC's admission that 94% involved other causes, and the real number is closer to 10,000—well below any of the other causes of death that I mentioned.

Okay, Mormon Bob, you are too stupid to know what "Comorbidity" means. The Comorbidity doesn't kill you, the Covid Does. Comorbidities include "old age" and "Diabetes", which aren't fatal by themselves, but weaken you enough for the Covid to kill you.

Are all Mormons this stupid?
You and your over the top narcissist post...pffft...


Get a life, because you embarrass yourself daily with your tripe. Common sense is enough to know that the Demoncrats are evil human beings. You think that you can take anything and turn it on it's head, but no one is impressed.

Hey, dummy, whenever the Republicans get in, they mess it up. Plagues, Wars, recessions. It's like they can't help themselves.

Then a Democrat comes in and fixes things... and you guys come back eight years later and whine about the Mexicans or the Gays or whatever and get stupid people to vote you back in and you fuck it up again.

Trying to pretend Trump did a good job? Sad.

How many people should die to keep the economy "going"? Give me a number, buddy.

Hello meme
Only about 10, 000 have died from covid 19 alone...the rest of the other 225,000 in the USA had other ailments or conditions

So 2 million the experts predicted

Fuckin racist

Hello meme
Only about 10, 000 have died from covid 19 alone...the rest of the other 225,000 in the USA had other ailments or conditions

Actually, 282,000 have died of Covid. 14 million have gotten sick, and that's WITH all the precautions we are taking.

Frankly, these precautions are a pain. I'm in my second lockdown in my state, and my consulting business is down about 40%.

The stupidity of saying, "They had other conditions" is as dumb as saying, "Well, in 100 years, they'd be dead, anyway."
Hello meme
Only about 10, 000 have died from covid 19 alone...the rest of the other 225,000 in the USA had other ailments or conditions

Actually, 282,000 have died of Covid. 14 million have gotten sick, and that's WITH all the precautions we are taking.

Frankly, these precautions are a pain. I'm in my second lockdown in my state, and my consulting business is down about 40%.

The stupidity of saying, "They had other conditions" is as dumb as saying, "Well, in 100 years, they'd be dead, anyway."

But they did have other conditions....even the cdc said so
The 10,000 that didn't
Well it does have a 98.5 % survival rate 1.5% unlucky are they ?

Keep your mask on ...youre protecting yourself and others in Walmart
Sure ya are :auiqs.jpg:
Adjust the claimed #CoronaHoax2020 death according to the CDC's admission that 94% involved other causes, and the real number is closer to 10,000—well below any of the other causes of death that I mentioned.

Okay, Mormon Bob, you are too stupid to know what "Comorbidity" means. The Comorbidity doesn't kill you, the Covid Does. Comorbidities include "old age" and "Diabetes", which aren't fatal by themselves, but weaken you enough for the Covid to kill you.

Are all Mormons this stupid?

people live to a 1,000,000 from just "old age" right?
How many people should die to keep the economy "going"? Give me a number, buddy.

How many people are you willing to kill, how many lives are you willing to ruin, in a vain effort to assuage your insane and irrational fear of an overhyped flu bug.

Is ten thousand children dead from malnutrition every month enough?

Virus-linked hunger tied to 10,000 child deaths each month

Maybe a Great-Leap Forward-style economic disaster is more to your liking, such as the Chinese managed to create back in the late 1950s to early 1960s.


It is not a choice between the economy or human lives. Destroying the economy destroys human lives.
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How many people are you willing to kill, how many lives are you willing to ruin, in a vain effort to assuage your insane and irrational fear of an overhyped flu bug.

Is ten thousand children dead from malnutrition every month enough?

First, that's not in this country... I can't be responsible for what happens in the third world. YOu guys are the ones who want to cut aid to agencies to help people, not me.

Second, the only reason you guys are upset about this "bug" is that Trump failed utterly to contain it, which is why Biden will be President.

What you fail to realize is your philosophy is what caused the failure. We put markets ahead of health, made people's access to health care directly related to employment... and we've had the worst performance of any advanced country.

Maybe a Great-Leap Forward-style economic disaster is more to your liking, such as the Chinese managed to create back in the late 1950s to early 1960s.

Wow.... Really? So you are dragging out old Bircher Propaganda to make stuff all scary? "Eek, some third world country tried something once that maybe didn't work, so let's not try to fix any problems."

It is not a choice between the economy or human lives. Destroying the economy destroys human lives.

Oh, Mormon Bob, it's fun when you suddenly pretend you care about people in third world countries when normally you want to build walls around the country to keep "those people' out.

(For those playing along at home, Bob belongs to a cult that calls dark skin a curse from God.)
How many people are you willing to kill, how many lives are you willing to ruin, in a vain effort to assuage your insane and irrational fear of an overhyped flu bug.

Is ten thousand children dead from malnutrition every month enough?

First, that's not in this country... I can't be responsible for what happens in the third world. YOu guys are the ones who want to cut aid to agencies to help people, not me.

Second, the only reason you guys are upset about this "bug" is that Trump failed utterly to contain it, which is why Biden will be President.

What you fail to realize is your philosophy is what caused the failure. We put markets ahead of health, made people's access to health care directly related to employment... and we've had the worst performance of any advanced country.

Your failure is in the premise that it's a choice between “markets” and “health”.

The economy has a direct and profound impact on the well-being of everyone living under it. It is economic destruction that is causing all the malnutrition mentioned in the article that I cited. The overreaction to the #CoronaHoax2020 virus has, in some parts of the world, led to many people not having the wealth to buy food, and in some places, even to food not being available to those who do have money. People are literally dying, as a result.

It is not the virus that is causing all these deaths. It is the overreaction to the virus that is causing all these deaths.

It is not yet nearly that bad here in the U.S., but it certain will become so if we continue along this insane path.

This is, of course, the very same point that you missed again…

Maybe a Great-Leap Forward-style economic disaster is more to your liking, such as the Chinese managed to create back in the late 1950s to early 1960s.

Wow.... Really? So you are dragging out old Bircher Propaganda to make stuff all scary? "Eek, some third world country tried something once that maybe didn't work, so let's not try to fix any problems."

No “Bircher propaganda” here; solid historical fact. In an exceptionally bold effort to transition from a capitalist economy to a Communist economy, China ended up creating what is probably the worst economic disaster in history.

That big spike in worldwide human deaths around 1960 wasn't from war, or disease, or natural disaster. That was from people starving to death in China, because they destroyed their own economy. And perhaps because I wouldn't eat my brussel sprouts when my mother tried to convince me to eat them because of all the people starving in China.

That is the kind of fire we are playing with, when we disregard our own economy to the degree that you seem to think we should, in order to assuage our insane fear of an exaggerated flu bug.


It is not a choice between the economy or human lives. Destroying the economy destroys human lives.

Oh, Mormon Bob, it's fun when you suddenly pretend you care about people in third world countries when normally you want to build walls around the country to keep "those people' out.

(For those playing along at home, Bob belongs to a cult that calls dark skin a curse from God.)

For those playing along at home, JoeB131 has some sort of bizarre fetish about Mormons, and thinks that attacking my religion with his insane lies somehow refutes any argument that I make on matters having nothing whatsoever to do with my religion or anyone else's.
How many people are you willing to kill, how many lives are you willing to ruin, in a vain effort to assuage your insane and irrational fear of an overhyped flu bug.

Is ten thousand children dead from malnutrition every month enough?

First, that's not in this country... I can't be responsible for what happens in the third world. YOu guys are the ones who want to cut aid to agencies to help people, not me.

Second, the only reason you guys are upset about this "bug" is that Trump failed utterly to contain it, which is why Biden will be President.

What you fail to realize is your philosophy is what caused the failure. We put markets ahead of health, made people's access to health care directly related to employment... and we've had the worst performance of any advanced country.

Maybe a Great-Leap Forward-style economic disaster is more to your liking, such as the Chinese managed to create back in the late 1950s to early 1960s.

Wow.... Really? So you are dragging out old Bircher Propaganda to make stuff all scary? "Eek, some third world country tried something once that maybe didn't work, so let's not try to fix any problems."

It is not a choice between the economy or human lives. Destroying the economy destroys human lives.

Oh, Mormon Bob, it's fun when you suddenly pretend you care about people in third world countries when normally you want to build walls around the country to keep "those people' out.

(For those playing along at home, Bob belongs to a cult that calls dark skin a curse from God.)
Get a clue zombie.

It is not the virus that is causing all these deaths. It is the overreaction to the virus that is causing all these deaths.

It is not yet nearly that bad here in the U.S., but it certain will become so if we continue along this insane path.

This is, of course, the very same point that you missed again…

Here's the thing, Mormon Bob... those countries had starvation and malnutrition and kids dying of treatable diseases LONG before we had Covid, and they'll still have those things long after Covid is a memory. Now, if we really, really wanted to end the misery, we should pay for population control measures, INCLUDING ABORTION, no string attached, in generous aid packages. The real difference between First World and Third World Countries is First world countries practice population control.

No “Bircher propaganda” here; solid historical fact. In an exceptionally bold effort to transition from a capitalist economy to a Communist economy, China ended up creating what is probably the worst economic disaster in history.

That big spike in worldwide human deaths around 1960 wasn't from war, or disease, or natural disaster. That was from people starving to death in China, because they destroyed their own economy. And perhaps because I wouldn't eat my brussel sprouts when my mother tried to convince me to eat them because of all the people starving in China.

Actually, you leave out the part where the West waged economic war on China from 1949 to 1970, or that China was actually a pretty miserable place to live before the Communists took over. Or most of these numbers of "Mao killed 600 million people" are absolute bullshit. Did the Communists make some huge mistakes in that period? Sure they did. But the reality, Mao took a war-ravaged country and united it, turning it into a world super power. Would I want to live there? Nope. Do I think they have an awful way of government. By our standards, yes. But no worse than the corrupt Qing Dynasty, or the Fascistic Kuomintang.

30 million Chinese died in WWII. 20 million Chinese died in the Taiping Rebellion (where some nut who thought he was Jesus' Brother split the country in half). Upheavel in China is always a bad thing, no matter who is in charge.

For those playing along at home, @JoeB131 has some sort of bizarre fetish about Mormons, and thinks that attacking my religion with his insane lies somehow refutes any argument that I make on matters having nothing whatsoever to do with my religion or anyone else's.

Well, no, it shows that your point of view is hypocritical. You are totally against sex with teens, except that Smith and Young had a whole harem of teenage wives. You belong to a cult that teaches that dark skin is a curse from God, and not surprisingly, you want to build a wall to keep people of color out. But you are SOOOOO upset that people in those countries are breeding faster than their resources can support them. But don't send them any birth control, rubbers make Baby Jesus Cry.
No, they are not, or at least they shouldn't be. Surgical masks are ONLY for those performing surgery so they can speak and not accidentally spit into the surgical site. They ONLY stop large particles. No where in the very large hospital that I work in are we allowed to tend to a patient that has ANY type of viral infection, wearing a surgical mask.
Absolute nonsense. CDC standard recommendations for influenza include using droplet masks for health care providers.

They do stop large particles, which is exactly how influenza and COVID are spread (in most circumstances).

What is your role in your hospital? What are your precautions for influenza patients?

Maybe NOW it’s the standard, for purely political reasons, but no hospital that cares about patients and staff is allowing surgical masks to be the protection for airborne viruses.I am currently a Perfusionist but I started out as a Respiratory Therapist and still maintain those credentials. I know every RT working here and see them treat COVID patients daily. They DO NOT wear surgical masks.
No, they are not, or at least they shouldn't be. Surgical masks are ONLY for those performing surgery so they can speak and not accidentally spit into the surgical site. They ONLY stop large particles. No where in the very large hospital that I work in are we allowed to tend to a patient that has ANY type of viral infection, wearing a surgical mask.
Absolute nonsense. CDC standard recommendations for influenza include using droplet masks for health care providers.

They do stop large particles, which is exactly how influenza and COVID are spread (in most circumstances).

What is your role in your hospital? What are your precautions for influenza patients?

Totally false lies.
Any doctor will tell you that it is ONLY herd immunity that ends any epidemic, and that works fastest to prevent spread if infection spread is speeded up, not slowed down.
The end of epidemics come from local burn out, not flattening the curve.

And masks do not at all stop virus sized particles. They will stop large saliva droplets, but only until they dry in half an hour, and the virus spores are again released.
CDC is not a really a valid source of any information, as it is political and not scientific.

The routines in hospitals are NOT what should be done outside of hospitals.
It is useless to achieve herd immunity in a hospital, and it has to be the general population that does that.

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