The Covid Walking Dead

It's the setting or unveiling of the headstone.
Thank you. I was truly, (though ignorantly) concerned.
People generally go to unveiling às they would for a funeral. My husband had his unveiling a year after he died and no one was there. His daughter had moved out of state and could not go. I was tied up with work and could not go. The cemetery emailed us pictures.
If you asked ANY doctor, nurse, respiratory therapist, etc., back in December of 2019 if surgical masks protected you from viruses, they would have told you "no".
That’s stupid. Did you know that surgical masks are standard PPE for influenza?
The reason surgical mask are worn by doctors and nurses, is to keep the patient safe from them while working close in with a patient who is in surgery. Doctors and nurses when protecting themselves from a viral epidemic wear space suits, and oxygen tanks etc. They don't go into a room with a patient that is stricken with a deadly virus with only a mask on, and surely not with a cloth face covering made out of granny's kitchen table cloth. I tire of the bullcrap.
How many of those 3,000 per day are dying, and don't give me this "they died with complications from the virus or the virus was present in them" ?? Otherwise just give me the ones that the virus itself took out who had no other life threatening issues.

If you have something that might kill you in a year and the virus takes you now...the virus took you, And the virus has taken a quarter million Americans. This is born out by looking at "excess deaths"
The reason surgical mask are worn by doctors and nurses, is to keep the patient safe from them while working close in with a patient who is in surgery.

Protect the patient from what??? Oh yea virus and bacteria. Wear your fucking mask to protect ME and my WIFE you selfish prick

And note...the same people bitching about masks (and probably not wearing them consistently if at all) are also saying "but we wear masks and it doesn't work"
The reason surgical mask are worn by doctors and nurses, is to keep the patient safe from them while working close in with a patient who is in surgery. Doctors and nurses when protecting themselves from a viral epidemic wear space suits, and oxygen tanks etc. They don't go into a room with a patient that is stricken with a deadly virus with only a mask on, and surely not with a cloth face covering made out of granny's kitchen table cloth. I tire of the bullcrap.
With all do respect, where do you get this bullshit?
I'm quickly approaching y breaking point. This afternoon we're at an unveiling for my wife's best friend who passed away 2 years ago. We're all, well, up there in years and instead of hugs over the friend of almost 40 years we lost, we have the stupid fucking masks and distance waving. The ex husband didn't even come to the cemetery - cuz Covid.


Are you people fucking serious? It's not Ebola! We're not going to eat your fucking brains because I'm not wearing a useless mask.

People are fucked, completely mentally fucked and can no longer function as humans.

I'm watching fucking aliens. I was dropped on an Earth like planets but the "people" are fucking morons, cowed into fright and compliance 0 because Andy Cuomo said so.

Lord help me!

That's why all those stupid Zombie moves were so "popular" was to prepared you for this!

Oh he's not wearing a mask! He's one of THEM! He will eat my brains!

Lord help me!!

You are truly an idiot. Why are you even attending an “unveiling”, or any other unnecessary gathering at this point?

Americans are being killed by their own refusal to save themselves. Their “right” to live as they choose is biting them in the butt.

In the proud history of “evolve or die”, Americans are choosing to pretend the virus doesn’t exist and dying by choice.

No one is going to eat your brains. You don’t have any.
Went to a resteraunt to eat over the weekend (no fear). Old and young enjoying themselves, some with mask, other's without. Didn't see signs of fear in these people, although lurking about is the equivalent of the 1919 flu pandemic according to the Democrats.

Funny how during that pandemic, people were stricken by the hundreds of thousands or more in condensed, and/or in rural areas alike.. It was so bad that they had to bury their family members out in the back yard, but in 2020 the Democrat's are acting as if we are visiting 1919 all over again. They act as if we have the same conditions they had back then (very unsanitary), and they act as if we don't have modern medicine's like they surely didn't have back then. They didn't even have penicillin back then.

Last I checked people aren't burying their family members out in the back yard yet, and the hospital's aren't being overwhelmed, and most are surviving the upscale flu virus China has put on the world. Also why hasn't this so called modernized civilization "China", come up with a vaccine yet or have they ????
So "law and order everytime" doesn't apply to the radical extremist domestic terrorists you agree with politically..Got it!
It applies to me only. I have no control over what other people do.

Acceptance by not openly condemning the violence and rhetoric of those you agree with politically/ideologically is the same as being guilty of it yourself.. Or that is at least what you scumbag lefties have been saying about everyone you don't agree with for years.

Shit you turds even say "silence is violence"... just admit you are a hypocrite PoS.. might help you sleep better tonight.

Might even save your dirty leftist soul from the karmic shit storm headed your way...
I'm quickly approaching y breaking point. This afternoon we're at an unveiling for my wife's best friend who passed away 2 years ago. We're all, well, up there in years and instead of hugs over the friend of almost 40 years we lost, we have the stupid fucking masks and distance waving. The ex husband didn't even come to the cemetery - cuz Covid.

I think the new CDC / Joe Biden recommendation for social groups is for everyone to bring their own grabber tool. Joe will be handing these out at all post offices for free after he gets into office, Frank, and recommends them for all human contact: hugging, shaking hands, eating, drinking, blowing your nose, scrubbing your teeth, even holding your pee pee while going tinkle.

That last one can be a bit tricky.

I understand Pfizer is working on newer cheaper ones that are disposable too . . . . :smoke:

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I saw a local news reporter the other day masked of course doing an interview with the microphone on a 6' pole. What a fucking ignoramus. The media is normalizing stupid and drooling moronic behavior.
That's why all those stupid Zombie moves were so "popular" was to prepared you for this!

Oh he's not wearing a mask! He's one of THEM! He will eat my brains!

Lord help me!!

Actually, if you ever watched a Zombie Movie, you'd know that the heroes are almost always undone by that one person who got bitten by a Zombie and doesn't tell anyone.

Kind of like all you Right Wing Nitwits who refused to wear masks because Cheetoh Jesus told you not to.

View attachment 426117
Wipe that drool off your chin idiot!
How many of those 3,000 per day are dying, and don't give me this "they died with complications from the virus or the virus was present in them" ?? Otherwise just give me the ones that the virus itself took out who had no other life threatening issues.

If you have something that might kill you in a year and the virus takes you now...the virus took you, And the virus has taken a quarter million Americans. This is born out by looking at "excess deaths"
The reason surgical mask are worn by doctors and nurses, is to keep the patient safe from them while working close in with a patient who is in surgery.

Protect the patient from what??? Oh yea virus and bacteria. Wear your fucking mask to protect ME and my WIFE you selfish prick

And note...the same people bitching about masks (and probably not wearing them consistently if at all) are also saying "but we wear masks and it doesn't work"
I figured you'd answer in this way, and your anger is showing that you are caught towing the Democrat line or using their talking points... It reveals your biased unsubstantiated claims in this event. Keep falling for the bullcrap, but you ain't convincing anyone except for fueling your own fears, and probably those who are around you. I wore the damned mask, and done the hand sanitizer, but got the damned thing anyway. Now go put your mask back on before you catch a cold.
How many of those 3,000 per day are dying, and don't give me this "they died with complications from the virus or the virus was present in them" ?? Otherwise just give me the ones that the virus itself took out who had no other life threatening issues.

If you have something that might kill you in a year and the virus takes you now...the virus took you, And the virus has taken a quarter million Americans. This is born out by looking at "excess deaths"
The reason surgical mask are worn by doctors and nurses, is to keep the patient safe from them while working close in with a patient who is in surgery.

Protect the patient from what??? Oh yea virus and bacteria. Wear your fucking mask to protect ME and my WIFE you selfish prick

And note...the same people bitching about masks (and probably not wearing them consistently if at all) are also saying "but we wear masks and it doesn't work"
I figured you'd answer in this way, and your anger is showing that you are caught towing the Democrat line or using their talking points... It reveals your biased unsubstantiated claims in this event. Keep falling for the bullcrap, but you ain't convincing anyone except for fueling your own fears, and probably those who are around you. I wore the damned mask, and done the hand sanitizer, but got the damned thing anyway. Now go put your mask back on before you catch a cold.
The mask won't do any good against a cold or any other virus. They are however good at keeping the idiots who wear them from drooling on their clothes.
That's why all those stupid Zombie moves were so "popular" was to prepared you for this!

Oh he's not wearing a mask! He's one of THEM! He will eat my brains!

Lord help me!!

Actually, if you ever watched a Zombie Movie, you'd know that the heroes are almost always undone by that one person who got bitten by a Zombie and doesn't tell anyone.

Kind of like all you Right Wing Nitwits who refused to wear masks because Cheetoh Jesus told you not to.

View attachment 426117

I know you lust for brains only because they're completely unfamiliar to you
It's insane when you don't accept the inflated numbers presented.
Your argument erroneously assumes that every death reported as such is indeed covid related.
That's been debunked.
The threat from covid is demonstrably low. Lower than driving an automobile.

Well, not really, we only have 56,000 auto-related fatalities a year and we have 280,000 Covid (TRUMP PLAGUE) related fatalities. I use my car almost every day, but I have yet to be in the same room with a Covid-infected person that I know of.

But even if you accept your premise, we take precautions with our car. You can't travel more than a mile in most places without encountering some kind of traffic sign. So the inherit dangers of automobiles are recognized, and we take a lot of precautions to avoid them and we have a lot of police out there enforcing the rules.
that reported death toll number is inaccurate. Many months back when the deaths were being reported, I believed that there was no reason nursing homes and other medical facilities would certify a death by any other cause than the true source-not the case. Money is a great motivator and a death by COVID-19 gives a facility X $$ when the person actually died from another cause (choking on food). This happened in my area at two different facilities and the families fought it so it got local attention. I know one of the families and they aren’t the type to bring attention to themselves or lie.
I'm quickly approaching y breaking point. This afternoon we're at an unveiling for my wife's best friend who passed away 2 years ago. We're all, well, up there in years and instead of hugs over the friend of almost 40 years we lost, we have the stupid fucking masks and distance waving. The ex husband didn't even come to the cemetery - cuz Covid.

I think the new CDC / Joe Biden recommendation for social groups is for everyone to bring their own grabber tool. Joe will be handing these out at all post offices for free after he gets into office, Frank, and recommends them for all human contact: hugging, shaking hands, eating, drinking, blowing your nose, scrubbing your teeth, even holding your pee pee while going tinkle.

That last one can be a bit tricky.

I understand Pfizer is working on newer cheaper ones that are disposable too . . . . :smoke:

View attachment 426061
I saw a local news reporter the other day masked of course doing an interview with the microphone on a 6' pole. What a fucking ignoramus. The media is normalizing stupid and drooling moronic behavior.
Exactly, it's getting dumber by the minute, and good grief if the race baiting dementia patient somehow takes over look out.

I find it hilarious how the idiot politicians or members of the press walk up to the microphone's, take their mask off, and put their mouths within breathing distance of the mic in which someone else had just breathed into. The mic is probably the most unsanitary thing in the room, but they have multiple users using it with them. Rotflmbo.

Hey they should go back and trace how many people caught the virus from the microphones being used. Wait none they would say before scurrying to cover it up because they are guilty, and then next using that too once the smoke clears ?? Rotflmbo.
How many of those 3,000 per day are dying, and don't give me this "they died with complications from the virus or the virus was present in them" ?? Otherwise just give me the ones that the virus itself took out who had no other life threatening issues.

If you have something that might kill you in a year and the virus takes you now...the virus took you, And the virus has taken a quarter million Americans. This is born out by looking at "excess deaths"
The reason surgical mask are worn by doctors and nurses, is to keep the patient safe from them while working close in with a patient who is in surgery.

Protect the patient from what??? Oh yea virus and bacteria. Wear your fucking mask to protect ME and my WIFE you selfish prick

And note...the same people bitching about masks (and probably not wearing them consistently if at all) are also saying "but we wear masks and it doesn't work"
I figured you'd answer in this way, and your anger is showing that you are caught towing the Democrat line or using their talking points... It reveals your biased unsubstantiated claims in this event. Keep falling for the bullcrap, but you ain't convincing anyone except for fueling your own fears, and probably those who are around you. I wore the damned mask, and done the hand sanitizer, but got the damned thing anyway. Now go put your mask back on before you catch a cold.
The mask won't do any good against a cold or any other virus. They are however good at keeping the idiots who wear them from drooling on their clothes.
Agree, I just thought I would add to his fears... Rotflmbo
It's the setting or unveiling of the headstone.
Thank you. I was truly, (though ignorantly) concerned.
People generally go to unveiling às they would for a funeral. My husband had his unveiling a year after he died and no one was there. His daughter had moved out of state and could not go. I was tied up with work and could not go. The cemetery emailed us pictures.
Sorry about your husband. May he rest in peace.
It's insane when you don't accept the inflated numbers presented.
Your argument erroneously assumes that every death reported as such is indeed covid related.
That's been debunked.
The threat from covid is demonstrably low. Lower than driving an automobile.

Well, not really, we only have 56,000 auto-related fatalities a year and we have 280,000 Covid (TRUMP PLAGUE) related fatalities. I use my car almost every day, but I have yet to be in the same room with a Covid-infected person that I know of.

But even if you accept your premise, we take precautions with our car. You can't travel more than a mile in most places without encountering some kind of traffic sign. So the inherit dangers of automobiles are recognized, and we take a lot of precautions to avoid them and we have a lot of police out there enforcing the rules.
that reported death toll number is inaccurate. Many months back when the deaths were being reported, I believed that there was no reason nursing homes and other medical facilities would certify a death by any other cause than the true source-not the case. Money is a great motivator and a death by COVID-19 gives a facility X $$ when the person actually died from another cause (choking on food). This happened in my area at two different facilities and the families fought it so it got local attention. I know one of the families and they aren’t the type to bring attention to themselves or lie.

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