The Covid Walking Dead

I'm quickly approaching y breaking point.
I saw a local news reporter the other day masked of course doing an interview with the microphone on a 6' pole. What a fucking ignoramus.
Exactly, it's getting dumber by the minute, and good grief if the race baiting dementia patient somehow takes over look out.

The dumber it gets, the more Democrats seem to applaud and like it! Meantime, news outlets report every time ten more people die of Covid, but just imagine if they reported every time ten people died of heart disease, stroke, cancer, accidents, or Alzheimer's! They would never get off the air. Covid deaths would be drowned out in their insignificance.

The funny thing is that the more deaths they report, the more they PROVE that the whole mask thing is useless, doesn't work and that Trump was right all along. With more people wearing masks than ever, why would deaths be skyrocketing?

This is quickly going to become an embarrassment to the media and the Left as all the things they have been telling us Trump didn't do that was wrong and their reason for voting for Joe DON'T WORK.
Ohh look...the anti-vaxxers are out
Well I don't mind if someone takes it or if they don't. It's up to them. Most are not in danger from the thing (I wasn't, along with million's more after catching it), so if the vaccine comes out, I probably won't run down in fear to get it administered to me, but if someone (the same as with mask) feels as if it will save them, then go for it.

The fact that it will be available is the great thing. Many take the flu shot, and many don't, and the flu kills hundreds of thousands also throughout the globe. Otherwise it doesn't upset the apple cart, so it's a choice people make for themselves. Millions don't take the shot, and they have survived many things in their lives on their own. That's why it's not mandatory to take the shot, but it is suggested by doctors after people get up in age or they have compromised immune systems.
If you asked ANY doctor, nurse, respiratory therapist, etc., back in December of 2019 if surgical masks protected you from viruses, they would have told you "no".
That’s stupid. Did you know that surgical masks are standard PPE for influenza?

No, they are not, or at least they shouldn't be. Surgical masks are ONLY for those performing surgery so they can speak and not accidentally spit into the surgical site. They ONLY stop large particles. No where in the very large hospital that I work in are we allowed to tend to a patient that has ANY type of viral infection, wearing a surgical mask.
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An covidiot doctor in Oregon just had his license suspended because he refused to wear a mask

The "walking dead" are the zombie lies and resistance to reasonable mitigation efforts
Doctors know that they don't work. the only masks that can protect you and others are N95 or HIPPA filters. And the MUST be properly fitted.

This was a genuine 3M-brand N95 mask that I put under my microscope, photographed, and used to create this visualization. If you think than an N95 mask will protect anyone from a virus, then you are deceived.

View attachment 426134

The problem with your demonstration is that viruses don't travel naked like that. They usually travel in a medium of some sort, predominately water. That water droplet is big enough to get trapped in an N95 mask. Can you still get infected while wearing one? Yes, but it's much less likely than if you were wearing a surgical mask.
If you asked ANY doctor, nurse, respiratory therapist, etc., back in December of 2019 if surgical masks protected you from viruses, they would have told you "no".
That’s stupid. Did you know that surgical masks are standard PPE for influenza?
The reason surgical mask are worn by doctors and nurses, is to keep the patient safe from them while working close in with a patient who is in surgery. Doctors and nurses when protecting themselves from a viral epidemic wear space suits, and oxygen tanks etc. They don't go into a room with a patient that is stricken with a deadly virus with only a mask on, and surely not with a cloth face covering made out of granny's kitchen table cloth. I tire of the bullcrap.

You are mostly correct. You should see what we go into a COVID room wearing.
If you asked ANY doctor, nurse, respiratory therapist, etc., back in December of 2019 if surgical masks protected you from viruses, they would have told you "no".
That’s stupid. Did you know that surgical masks are standard PPE for influenza?
The reason surgical mask are worn by doctors and nurses, is to keep the patient safe from them while working close in with a patient who is in surgery. Doctors and nurses when protecting themselves from a viral epidemic wear space suits, and oxygen tanks etc. They don't go into a room with a patient that is stricken with a deadly virus with only a mask on, and surely not with a cloth face covering made out of granny's kitchen table cloth. I tire of the bullcrap.

You are mostly correct. You should see what we go into a COVID room wearing.
I've seen it in the ebola cases. Astronaut suits.
Doctors know that they don't work. the only masks that can protect you and others are N95 or HIPPA filters. And the MUST be properly fitted.

This was a genuine 3M-brand N95 mask that I put under my microscope, photographed, and used to create this visualization. If you think than an N95 mask will protect anyone from a virus, then you are deceived.

View attachment 426134

The problem with your demonstration is that viruses don't travel naked like that. They usually travel in a medium of some sort, predominately water. That water droplet is big enough to get trapped in an N95 mask. Can you still get infected while wearing one? Yes, but it's much less likely than if you were wearing a surgical mask.
Interesting. The biggest thing is people not going anywhere if they are sick regardless of wearing a mask. If you can stop that from happening, then we'd be getting somewhere. I think the country has taken all the precautionary measures it needed to take now, and Biden thinking that he is going to out do Trump by politicizing the thing for his agenda is unexceptable.
An covidiot doctor in Oregon just had his license suspended because he refused to wear a mask

The "walking dead" are the zombie lies and resistance to reasonable mitigation efforts

that doctor is correct. But he is kinda stupid to risk his livelyhood for that. That is exactly why you won't find any doctors speaking out. I do it here because I'm anonymous. I'd never do it where it could reflect back on my hospital.
It's the setting or unveiling of the headstone.
Thank you. I was truly, (though ignorantly) concerned.
People generally go to unveiling às they would for a funeral. My husband had his unveiling a year after he died and no one was there. His daughter had moved out of state and could not go. I was tied up with work and could not go. The cemetery emailed us pictures.
Sorry about your husband. May he rest in peace.
Thank you.
If you asked ANY doctor, nurse, respiratory therapist, etc., back in December of 2019 if surgical masks protected you from viruses, they would have told you "no".
That’s stupid. Did you know that surgical masks are standard PPE for influenza?
The reason surgical mask are worn by doctors and nurses, is to keep the patient safe from them while working close in with a patient who is in surgery. Doctors and nurses when protecting themselves from a viral epidemic wear space suits, and oxygen tanks etc. They don't go into a room with a patient that is stricken with a deadly virus with only a mask on, and surely not with a cloth face covering made out of granny's kitchen table cloth. I tire of the bullcrap.

You are mostly correct. You should see what we go into a COVID room wearing.
I've seen it in the ebola cases. Astronaut suits.

Yup. For Ebola though, it's more than what we use for COVID.

There are 4 levels of PPE, we use the highest for Ebola but COVID is no where near as deadly as that, so we use Level C. There is A, B, C, and D. Mostly it's up to the hospital's discretion, but I'd fear the hospital that used surgical masks.
Doctors know that they don't work. the only masks that can protect you and others are N95 or HIPPA filters. And the MUST be properly fitted.

This was a genuine 3M-brand N95 mask that I put under my microscope, photographed, and used to create this visualization. If you think than an N95 mask will protect anyone from a virus, then you are deceived.

View attachment 426134

The problem with your demonstration is that viruses don't travel naked like that. They usually travel in a medium of some sort, predominately water. That water droplet is big enough to get trapped in an N95 mask. Can you still get infected while wearing one? Yes, but it's much less likely than if you were wearing a surgical mask.
Interesting. The biggest thing is people not going anywhere if they are sick regardless of wearing a mask. If you can stop that from happening, then we'd be getting somewhere. I think the country has taken all the precautionary measures it needed to take now, and Biden thinking that he is going to out do Trump by politicizing the thing for his agenda is unexceptable.

A HIPPA filter or some kind of self contained air recycler is the only way to be sure.
Doctors know that they don't work. the only masks that can protect you and others are N95 or HIPPA filters. And the MUST be properly fitted.

This was a genuine 3M-brand N95 mask that I put under my microscope, photographed, and used to create this visualization. If you think than an N95 mask will protect anyone from a virus, then you are deceived.

View attachment 426134

The problem with your demonstration is that viruses don't travel naked like that. They usually travel in a medium of some sort, predominately water. That water droplet is big enough to get trapped in an N95 mask. Can you still get infected while wearing one? Yes, but it's much less likely than if you were wearing a surgical mask.
Interesting. The biggest thing is people not going anywhere if they are sick regardless of wearing a mask. If you can stop that from happening, then we'd be getting somewhere. I think the country has taken all the precautionary measures it needed to take now, and Biden thinking that he is going to out do Trump by politicizing the thing for his agenda is unexceptable.

A HIPPA filter or some kind of self contained air recycler is the only way to be sure.
Doctors know that they don't work. the only masks that can protect you and others are N95 or HIPPA filters. And the MUST be properly fitted.

This was a genuine 3M-brand N95 mask that I put under my microscope, photographed, and used to create this visualization. If you think than an N95 mask will protect anyone from a virus, then you are deceived.

View attachment 426134

The problem with your demonstration is that viruses don't travel naked like that. They usually travel in a medium of some sort, predominately water. That water droplet is big enough to get trapped in an N95 mask. Can you still get infected while wearing one? Yes, but it's much less likely than if you were wearing a surgical mask.
Interesting. The biggest thing is people not going anywhere if they are sick regardless of wearing a mask. If you can stop that from happening, then we'd be getting somewhere. I think the country has taken all the precautionary measures it needed to take now, and Biden thinking that he is going to out do Trump by politicizing the thing for his agenda is unexceptable.

A HIPPA filter or some kind of self contained air recycler is the only way to be sure.
Don't forget though, that the healthy people need the microbes to build up their immunity, and to keep them safe from the millions of microbes lived with daily.

In India, I saw trash dump people with their kids living and working in the dump site scrounging for things to sell. The reporter had to wear PPE because his immune system wasn't built up like theirs was. They had become immune.

During the polio crisis, it was learned that the children that were playing more in the dirt in the rural areas, as opposed to the children that were more vulnerable to it within the cities, well they weren't getting the virus in the rural areas as much... They (the children in the rural) weren't getting the virus like the one's in the cities, who weren't exposed to the microbes like the kids playing in the dirt or with the dirt in the rural areas were.
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That's why all those stupid Zombie moves were so "popular" was to prepared you for this!

Oh he's not wearing a mask! He's one of THEM! He will eat my brains!

Lord help me!!

Actually, if you ever watched a Zombie Movie, you'd know that the heroes are almost always undone by that one person who got bitten by a Zombie and doesn't tell anyone.

Kind of like all you Right Wing Nitwits who refused to wear masks because Cheetoh Jesus told you not to.

View attachment 426117
Good thing this isn't the movies then........because lets face it--its the dem controlled areas who getting infected (it's like dems don't understand the power of hand washing and common sense).

As far as spreaders go---Hun I am in florida -------------thanks to illegal farm workers and the even worse infected New Yorkers and new Jersey people fleeing their masks and lock downs------we got the virus just not as bad as the dems have. My republican area-----very very few cases with most not wearing their masks, our shops still open, and our beaches still calling to us.
Good thing this isn't the movies then........because lets face it--its the dem controlled areas who getting infected (it's like dems don't understand the power of hand washing and common sense).

As far as spreaders go---Hun I am in florida -------------thanks to illegal farm workers and the even worse infected New Yorkers and new Jersey people fleeing their masks and lock downs------we got the virus just not as bad as the dems have. My republican area-----very very few cases with most not wearing their masks, our shops still open, and our beaches still calling to us.

Um, yeah. Florida's management of the virus has been pretty fucking disastrous.
Some of us happen to think that basic human freedoms are something we don't want to lose. That is why we Americans, kicked your British asses twice, more than two centuries ago, to stop you from depriving us of these freedoms. It's why we included, in our Constitution, in the First Amendment, thereto, explicit protection for such freedoms as region and assembly.

Shhh... nobody tell Mormon Bob the British had more advanced democracy than we had, and they went to war because the slave rapists didn't want to pay their taxes.

On the scale of threats to my, or an other average person's health, safety, and well-being, getting sick from the #CoronaHoax2020 virus should not even be in the radar. On a daily basis, just to go about my necessary business, I have to expose myself to far greater unavoidable risks, anyway. When I leave my home, ion a few hours, to go to work, there's a danger that I might be killed in a car accident on my way to work. I might run afoul of subhuman criminal piece of shit who might murder me. Maybe another stack of drywall will fall on my leg, and break it again, and perhaps this time, I'll have some fatal complication from it.

Okay, so Mormon Bob is bad at math, too.

Auto Accidents only kill 56,000 a year. There are only 19,000 homicides a year. We only have 4779 workplace accidents a year, 1009 in Construction. So if you add all of those together, with no caveats- There are 79,779 deaths from all those causes. We've lost 282,000 to TRUMP PLAGUE so far. And we're only 9 months into this. Probably going to hit 400,000.

But this is the problem with being a cultist, Bob... you substitute blind faith with reason and caution. The compound is burning down and Trump is passing out the koolaid.
Some of us happen to think that basic human freedoms are something we don't want to lose. That is why we Americans, kicked your British asses twice, more than two centuries ago, to stop you from depriving us of these freedoms. It's why we included, in our Constitution, in the First Amendment, thereto, explicit protection for such freedoms as region and assembly.

Shhh... nobody tell Mormon Bob the British had more advanced democracy than we had, and they went to war because the slave rapists didn't want to pay their taxes.

On the scale of threats to my, or an other average person's health, safety, and well-being, getting sick from the #CoronaHoax2020 virus should not even be in the radar. On a daily basis, just to go about my necessary business, I have to expose myself to far greater unavoidable risks, anyway. When I leave my home, ion a few hours, to go to work, there's a danger that I might be killed in a car accident on my way to work. I might run afoul of subhuman criminal piece of shit who might murder me. Maybe another stack of drywall will fall on my leg, and break it again, and perhaps this time, I'll have some fatal complication from it.

Okay, so Mormon Bob is bad at math, too.

Auto Accidents only kill 56,000 a year. There are only 19,000 homicides a year. We only have 4779 workplace accidents a year, 1009 in Construction. So if you add all of those together, with no caveats- There are 79,779 deaths from all those causes. We've lost 282,000 to TRUMP PLAGUE so far. And we're only 9 months into this. Probably going to hit 400,000.

But this is the problem with being a cultist, Bob... you substitute blind faith with reason and caution. The compound is burning down and Trump is passing out the koolaid.
You and your over the top narcissist post...pffft...

Get a life, because you embarrass yourself daily with your tripe. Common sense is enough to know that the Demoncrats are evil human beings. You think that you can take anything and turn it on it's head, but no one is impressed.

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