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The cruelty of the democrat party: INFLATION

ANOTHER Biden fk up--he's got so many, I lost count

Come on man! It's because, because, because I got hair legs.

Don't get me started on all the black young children roaches.
They fail to comprehend how the tax and labour codes are being used to redistribute wealth upwards.

They’ve been brainwashed into believing that taxation is “theft” of the income, instead of their share of the costs of living in a first world country. Your share of the costs of the military, the justice system, public roads and infrastructure, and the property rights records and enforcement that make a first world nation possible. Like condo fees for your nation.

When tax dollars are reinvested in your country and your people, everyone benefits. But this whole “earned income credits” bullshit needs to end.

Pay the workers a living wage. It’s tax deductible. Having the government collect and distribute “earned income credits”, or food stamps to full time workers is insane.

Raise wages. It’s tax deductible, and it eliminates the bureaucracy involved in the administration of income supplement programs, which means it’s cheaper.

The USA has spent the last 20 years blowing trillions of dollars blowing shit up in 3rd World Countries. Imagine what your country would look like if you had spent that money improving your infrastructure at home. Reducing the cost of post secondary education, and providing universal healthcare.

People are a nation’s greatness. Your current system puts them against one another to claw your way to the top. Ours says let’s work together, help one another, and see what can accomplish.

Our Constitution says it’s our duty to help another. Our healthcare system was born of the belief that we all need this and the whole nation benefits when we’re healthy.

Our education system is the best we can make it so our children have the chance to achieve their potential.

I see it all around me and I see it in other countries atop the Best Places in the World to Live list too.
The government shouldn't get more than 10%, but instead get around 50% and want more.

The vast majority of Americans say surging grocery and household goods prices are causing them financial hardship and nearly 80 percent blame the Biden administration’s economic policies, a new poll says.

About 70 percent of Americans say the national economy is in bad shape, and the majority — 86 percent — are concerned about inflation, according to the Fox News poll released Wednesday.

Of those polled, 86 percent blame the COVID-19 pandemic for increasing prices and 79 percent blame the Biden administration’s economic policies.

The surging costs of groceries and gas are causing financial hardship for 70 percent of people with incomes of less than $50,000, the polls says.

There is nothing Progressive about inflation. It will destroy both the rich and poor. But the Democrat party is and always has been about spending. In fact, with the trillions already spent it is not enough for them, they want trillions more.

It comes as inflation continued to surge in July with the Labor Department’s Consumer Price Index jumping 5.4 percent compared to last year.
Consumer prices, which measures a basket of goods and services as well as energy and food costs, rose 0.5 percent from the month prior, the Labor Department said.

Food prices were up 0.7 percent in July from the prior month and 3.4 percent from a year ago, according to the data.

We all remember the pledge by Biden not to raise taxes on those making less than $400,000. It was an attempt to make people believe that only the wealthy will suffer economically. In short, it was a lie.

But democrats already know all of this. They are liars and they will continue to spew their lies going into the next election cycle. When will people wake up?

Suddenly, supply and demand Capitalism is bad?
Speaking of simplistic messages, it's Orange man's fault

Besides, January 6th.

Just keep repeating that as prices go up and up an up Mac.

Here is the thing, Democrats are in power, and if life becomes hard when they are in power, they must answer for it.

It's like crime in the cities. Don't take power and then defund the police and then ignore how crime rates are spiking all over the country.

It your policies are not causing it, then fix it, or resign.

But as for educating the populace as to the economy, good luck with that with the public education system they way it is today as well as Marxists teaching children at the University level.

Kids today can't even figure out what gender they are, let alone anything about the economy.

All kids are taught today is that they are either a victim or should feel guilty because of their skin color.

And let me guess, this failure has NOTHING to do with government either

And you think I won't notice you never answered my questions.

Typical Trumpster, delighting in your arrogant ignorance.
And you think I won't notice you never answered my questions.

Typical Trumpster, delighting in your arrogant ignorance.
I wouldn't want your secret to get out Mack

So you need not explain how spending $8 trillion out of thin air does not effect inflation in any way.
I've said it many times.

Saying it to you would be pointless, because you're programmed to call it fake news.
Of course you have, you've said it many times so no need to let your secrets out again.
They fail to comprehend how the tax and labour codes are being used to redistribute wealth upwards.

They’ve been brainwashed into believing that taxation is “theft” of the income, instead of their share of the costs of living in a first world country. Your share of the costs of the military, the justice system, public roads and infrastructure, and the property rights records and enforcement that make a first world nation possible. Like condo fees for your nation.

When tax dollars are reinvested in your country and your people, everyone benefits. But this whole “earned income credits” bullshit needs to end.

Pay the workers a living wage. It’s tax deductible. Having the government collect and distribute “earned income credits”, or food stamps to full time workers is insane.

Raise wages. It’s tax deductible, and it eliminates the bureaucracy involved in the administration of income supplement programs, which means it’s cheaper.

The USA has spent the last 20 years blowing trillions of dollars blowing shit up in 3rd World Countries. Imagine what your country would look like if you had spent that money improving your infrastructure at home. Reducing the cost of post secondary education, and providing universal healthcare.

People are a nation’s greatness. Your current system puts them against one another to claw your way to the top. Ours says let’s work together, help one another, and see what can accomplish.

Our Constitution says it’s our duty to help another. Our healthcare system was born of the belief that we all need this and the whole nation benefits when we’re healthy.

Our education system is the best we can make it so our children have the chance to achieve their potential.

I see it all around me and I see it in other countries atop the Best Places in the World to Live list too.
I trace this weird, selective, simplistic, ersatz libertarianism that has polluted the party back to (a) Reagan's shallow "government is the problem" speech line and (b) talk radio's purity-based repeating of it for decades.

It is obvious to most people that the role, size, depth, breadth and cost of government exists along a continuum, and that our challenge is to identify a place along that continuum that is optimal for both a dynamic economy and a civilized safety net.

But such thinking and planning require an embrace of nuance and complexity. These people are clearly intimidated by nuance and complexity, and are so intellectually paralyzed that binary, all-or-nothing thought is clearly the best they can muster.
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Well let's see Biden was handed a recovering economy, with consumer prices relatively low and a recovering pandemic. First thing he does is shut the pipeline down, close all drilling on federal land and take use from energy independent to energy dependent. Which raised oil prices 60%. That for one raises the price on everything. Paying people more to work so the product doesn't get made screws the pooch. And making Trump look like a small spender will also make it go up. Did I talk slow enough for you?
Yes, Biden was handed an economy that was recovering, but the idea that prices were relatively low is misguided. Trump's trade policies had already established a framework from which inflation had already initiated. The perfect example is lumber, the 9% tariff on Canadian lumber compounded with increased demand has resulted in some strong spikes in pricing.

Biden did not shut down the Keystone pipeline. The reality is that the project was already dead in the water. Biden's actions did not result in any decrease in the flow of oil. And if the pipeline was active, sending oil to the Gulf coast for the purpose of refining diesel for export, gas prices would be even higher. The reality is that crude oil prices are equal to what they were prior to the pandemic, but gas prices are significantly higher. The Biden administration has initiated an investigation into the industry, seems like some price manipulation is going on.

Biden did not stop the drilling for oil on federal lands. He merely stopped issuing new contracts. But, his approval of existing contracts that had not been initiated has been coming at a higher pace than even the Trump administration. The claim that his moratorium on new leases has resulted in the price hike in gasoline is the definition of "fake news". Like I said, crude prices, which is what any action stopping the approval of new leases would actually effect, are at pre-pandemic levels, not higher.
No you haven’t. For example, one of the biggest reasons prices have increased is because Trump didn’t allow any migrant workers into the country to harvest the crops last year, leading to shortages of labour in the food processing business.

Your entire food production business is dependent upon low-cost and illegal immigrant workers. With the borders completely closed because of Covid, and migrant workers unable to get into the country, the cost of food went up.

This is cause-and-effect but it’s not rocket science. The right wing outrage machine is once again ginning up fear and paranoia about inflation, instead of promoting the idea of everyone working together to get the country back on track.

This is what right wing media does. It takes half of an idea, and then takes the most negative spin on it possible in order to frighten people. Republican voters are being driven by fear and paranoia not policy and not fact.
Another factor involved in higher food prices is, wait for it, global warming. In fact, we have known that global warming results in higher food prices and increased food insecurity for a decade. Half of our fruits and vegetables come from California, drought, fires, and extreme temperatures are having a huge impact on production.
Go ahead. Explain the inflation for me. Votto can't.
I will. Two trillion dollars. Inflation is, quite simply, too many dollars chasing too few goods. Trump's Covid relief provided checks to damn near everyone. My oldest son is a classic example. He is an engineer scientist. He has been working, mostly remote, since last year. In fact, he got Covid, but he had to work from home anyway. His wife got two weeks off, paid. She is an ICU nurse, mostly Covid patients for the last year. The pandemic has only increased their income, but they got those checks like everyone else. With nowhere to go and little to do they banked it. Now, they are starting to look to spend it. In Tennessee this weekend, looking at property to build a vacation cabin.

There are literally tens of thousands of people, just like them, who have banked a total of two trillion dollars since the pandemic began. Now, they are starting to let go of some of that money and doing so in a market that is struggling with supply issues and labor shortages. Hell, we are in the midst of a liquor shortage. Until the supply issues are resolved, and the labor market reaches some form of normalcy, inflation will continue to spike. That is what the Fed calls "transitory".
Yes, Biden was handed an economy that was recovering, but the idea that prices were relatively low is misguided. Trump's trade policies had already established a framework from which inflation had already initiated. The perfect example is lumber, the 9% tariff on Canadian lumber compounded with increased demand has resulted in some strong spikes in pricing.

Biden did not shut down the Keystone pipeline. The reality is that the project was already dead in the water. Biden's actions did not result in any decrease in the flow of oil. And if the pipeline was active, sending oil to the Gulf coast for the purpose of refining diesel for export, gas prices would be even higher. The reality is that crude oil prices are equal to what they were prior to the pandemic, but gas prices are significantly higher. The Biden administration has initiated an investigation into the industry, seems like some price manipulation is going on.

Biden did not stop the drilling for oil on federal lands. He merely stopped issuing new contracts. But, his approval of existing contracts that had not been initiated has been coming at a higher pace than even the Trump administration. The claim that his moratorium on new leases has resulted in the price hike in gasoline is the definition of "fake news". Like I said, crude prices, which is what any action stopping the approval of new leases would actually effect, are at pre-pandemic levels, not higher.
Quit making excuses for Biden. Tarriffs have nothing to do with it. We heard the horrors of them for Trump's entire presidency and it only went into effect a couple months after Biden took over. The pipeline was going good Biden ended thousands of good jobs when he shut it down. He did stop drilling on federal land. We went from energy independent to energy dependent with Biden. The price at the pump is up 60%. With all this going on what does Biden do? Goes on vacation, again.
I will. Two trillion dollars. Inflation is, quite simply, too many dollars chasing too few goods. Trump's Covid relief provided checks to damn near everyone. My oldest son is a classic example. He is an engineer scientist. He has been working, mostly remote, since last year. In fact, he got Covid, but he had to work from home anyway. His wife got two weeks off, paid. She is an ICU nurse, mostly Covid patients for the last year. The pandemic has only increased their income, but they got those checks like everyone else. With nowhere to go and little to do they banked it. Now, they are starting to look to spend it. In Tennessee this weekend, looking at property to build a vacation cabin.

There are literally tens of thousands of people, just like them, who have banked a total of two trillion dollars since the pandemic began. Now, they are starting to let go of some of that money and doing so in a market that is struggling with supply issues and labor shortages. Hell, we are in the midst of a liquor shortage. Until the supply issues are resolved, and the labor market reaches some form of normalcy, inflation will continue to spike. That is what the Fed calls "transitory".
We have had the worst possible environment for prices: Exploding demand combined with not only linear supply levels, but damaged supply chains that exacerbated supply shortages. It's the most basic of economic situations: Supply and demand.
Quit making excuses for Biden. Tarriffs have nothing to do with it. We heard the horrors of them for Trump's entire presidency and it only went into effect a couple months after Biden took over. The pipeline was going good Biden ended thousands of good jobs when he shut it down. He did stop drilling on federal land. We went from energy independent to energy dependent with Biden. The price at the pump is up 60%. With all this going on what does Biden do? Goes on vacation, again.
You really need to improve your sources of information. Concerning Keystone and jobs, maybe a thousand lost, at the most. But again, Keystone was dead before Biden did anything.

And damn skippy, Trump's tariffs have had an impact. It is comical how everyone is pointing to lumber, although prices have started to drop. Everyone focuses on building, but what about furniture? Have you tried to buy any lately? You are probably looking at a two month wait for delivery, if you are lucky. And furniture plants around here have shut down for days at a time because they can't get "wood", as they say.
We have had the worst possible environment for prices: Exploding demand combined with not only linear supply levels, but damaged supply chains that exacerbated supply shortages. It's the most basic of economic situations: Supply and demand.
Now you know why trump wants to put the nation back to work sooner rather than later

The vast majority of Americans say surging grocery and household goods prices are causing them financial hardship and nearly 80 percent blame the Biden administration’s economic policies, a new poll says.

About 70 percent of Americans say the national economy is in bad shape, and the majority — 86 percent — are concerned about inflation, according to the Fox News poll released Wednesday.

Of those polled, 86 percent blame the COVID-19 pandemic for increasing prices and 79 percent blame the Biden administration’s economic policies.

The surging costs of groceries and gas are causing financial hardship for 70 percent of people with incomes of less than $50,000, the polls says.

There is nothing Progressive about inflation. It will destroy both the rich and poor. But the Democrat party is and always has been about spending. In fact, with the trillions already spent it is not enough for them, they want trillions more.

It comes as inflation continued to surge in July with the Labor Department’s Consumer Price Index jumping 5.4 percent compared to last year.
Consumer prices, which measures a basket of goods and services as well as energy and food costs, rose 0.5 percent from the month prior, the Labor Department said.

Food prices were up 0.7 percent in July from the prior month and 3.4 percent from a year ago, according to the data.

We all remember the pledge by Biden not to raise taxes on those making less than $400,000. It was an attempt to make people believe that only the wealthy will suffer economically. In short, it was a lie.

But democrats already know all of this. They are liars and they will continue to spew their lies going into the next election cycle. When will people wake up?

You are the liar. You want to blame inflation on ordinary people getting a few bucks in their pocket. The fact is that the reason there is inflation is because we are still in a pandemic situation. As a result there are still bottlenecks. The economy is also recovering faster than expected. In addition companies are raising prices to make their numbers look better to investors. In the United States we also have many unvaccinated people who contribute to bottlenecks.

Want to get rid of inflation? Maybe we should push the unemployment rate up. Then you would attack Biden for that.
Printing money out of thin air idiot.

No one put a gun to the heads of democrats to spend like this.

But they are not done. Just ask Bernie.

How can people be so brain dead?

How can you be so brain dead? You want to blame ordinary people for getting too much money. One of the reasons is that there is a bottleneck. A shortage of computer chips has had a major effect on the supply of cars and other devices that use chips. Biden is not responsible for that.
You are the liar. You want to blame inflation on ordinary people getting a few bucks in their pocket. The fact is that the reason there is inflation is because we are still in a pandemic situation. As a result there are still bottlenecks. The economy is also recovering faster than expected. In addition companies are raising prices to make their numbers look better to investors. In the United States we also have many unvaccinated people who contribute to bottlenecks.

Want to get rid of inflation? Maybe we should push the unemployment rate up. Then you would attack Biden for that.
We are all sitting here watching inflation go up and up and up and up after Biden was elected. Blame whoever the hell you want, of course, it certainly won't be your leadership cuz they don't have to answer for anything, do they.

Deal with it.
the trumptard cult doesn't'
Printing money out of thin air idiot.

No one put a gun to the heads of democrats to spend like this.

But they are not done. Just ask Bernie.

How can people be so brain dead?

Your Orange God was printing money out of thin air.

But you won't believe it because cults gonna cult!

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