The cry of a true Republican...a must read!

a "true" "republican" like our own fakey, matthew and g-5000?

we all are taking notes :lol:

Laugh while Teddy brings down the GOP in January when he closes government again...

This recent display of bomb-throwing obstructionism by Republicans in Congress evokes another painful, historically embarrassing chapter in the Republican Party — that of Senator Joseph McCarthy, chairman of the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, whose anti-Communist crusade was allowed by Republican elders to expand unchecked, unnecessarily and unfairly tarnishing the reputations of thousands of people with “Red Scare” accusations of Communist affiliation. Finally Senator McCarthy was brought up short during the questioning of the United States Army’s chief counsel, Joseph N. Welch, who at one point demanded the senator’s attention, then said: “Until this moment, Senator, I think I never really gauged your cruelty or your recklessness.” He later added: “Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?”

This should be a wakeup call for the GOP. Will it? Or will it be dismissed as just another RINO or Democrat planted antagonist? What wil it be?

Taft should praise Cruz for at least getting attention. This attention from the public may be effective in changing voter's thinking when they more completely experience the horrors of Obamacare. Taft seems to want to reason with Obama, which is an exercise in futility.
When the dollar collapses and AMerica has had it with Globalism, maybe then they will elect Constitutionalists and take back America.

That is if we don't cave in under our own riots brought about by economic collapse.

Martial law will be painful for many people.
Who the fuck is this guy and what qualifies him to lecture the GOP?
The debt ceiling debate was like the McCarthy Era? WTF? Who is he kidding? I could say Obamacare is like the Night Riders and be about as accurate. Actually more accurate. The Night Riders also spread fear and hatred through the populace.
So you did not read it? It is written by a life long republican and relative of a republican president.

Eac time you RWers close your eyes and look the other lose a little more. Shouln't you begin noticing that?

Who gives a flying rat's patoot if they claim to be a "Life Long Republican" or not? And don't forget, two of Ronald Reagan's children were flaming Liberals. Being a related to Republican President doesn't make you a Republican or a Conservative.

He may well be a "Life Long Republican"... But that doesn't make him a Conservative. Nor does that make him right. Look at some of the people who claimed to be "Republicans" in the past few years...

Jumping Jim Jeffords..

Arlen Specter..

Charlie Crist...

Lincoln Chaffee ..

these guys were real winners to start with.


List of former liberals

Stephen Baldwin, the only actor in the family known to be conservative. [1]
Saul Bellow, a former liberal, he is now typically identified with neoconservativism
Steve Beren
Ray Bradbury
Kirk Cameron, actor and former child star. Used to be an atheist, now runs the "Way of the Master" ministry.
Sandra Cano
Nick Cohen
Anthony Flew, former atheist, and anti-theist, he now supports the teaching of intelligent design in schools.
John T. Flynn, socialist who turned against the New Deal
Milton Friedman, an active supporter of the New Deal who turned libertarian in the late 1940s
William Randolph Hearst, powerful publisher 1900-1940 era
Sidney Hook, philosopher
Willmoore Kendall, political scientist
Alveda King
Irving Kristol, founder of neoconservativism
Joseph Lieberman, became independent after losing the Democratic renomination in 2006; strong supporter in 2008 of John McCain.
Seymour Martin Lipset, leading sociologist and political scientist
Norma McCorvey
Michael Medved, film critic
Dennis Miller
Lisa Miller - former lesbian, now born again Christian, who has been ordered by the state to hand over custody of her biological daughter Isabella to her former partner
Zell Miller
Raymond Moley, was a "Brains trust" top advisor to Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1933
Bernard Nathanson
George Orwell[2]
Melanie Phillips
Norman Podhoretz, neoconservative writer
Dennis Prager
Ronald Reagan, leading liberal of the 1940s; turned right about 1960
Evan Sayet
Michael Savage
Laura Schlessinger
Stephen Schwartz
Alfred Sherman
Ron Silver
Al Smith, Democratic nominee for president in 1928
David Stockman, Reagan's budget director
Jon Voight, actor
Burton K. Wheeler
James Woods
David Zucker, director and co-writer of An American Carol, it is a conservative film mocking popular leftist figures like Michael Moore.

List of former liberals - Conservapedia


This recent display of bomb-throwing obstructionism by Republicans in Congress evokes another painful, historically embarrassing chapter in the Republican Party — that of Senator Joseph McCarthy, chairman of the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, whose anti-Communist crusade was allowed by Republican elders to expand unchecked, unnecessarily and unfairly tarnishing the reputations of thousands of people with “Red Scare” accusations of Communist affiliation. Finally Senator McCarthy was brought up short during the questioning of the United States Army’s chief counsel, Joseph N. Welch, who at one point demanded the senator’s attention, then said: “Until this moment, Senator, I think I never really gauged your cruelty or your recklessness.” He later added: “Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?”

This should be a wakeup call for the GOP. Will it? Or will it be dismissed as just another RINO or Democrat planted antagonist? What wil it be?

I found you. And I found Chris.

I am hunting you. You are on the move. But I have you.

So you did not read it? It is written by a life long republican and relative of a republican president.

Eac time you RWers close your eyes and look the other lose a little more. Shouln't you begin noticing that?

Who the fuck cares? Your attempts to stereotype Republicans will fall on deaf ears.

You GOPrs are doing a fine job of stereotyping yourselves. :D
This recent display of bomb-throwing obstructionism by Republicans in Congress evokes another painful, historically embarrassing chapter in the Republican Party…

What’s remarkable is the GOP seems always to be embroiled in some painful, historically embarrassing chapter in the Republican Party.

With Watergate in the 70s, Iran/Contra in the 80s, and the first failed republican shutdown in the 90s, the second failed republican government shutdown this year serves as evidence that a significant number of republicans lack fundamental political acumen, as well as contempt for the American people.
This recent display of bomb-throwing obstructionism by Republicans in Congress evokes another painful, historically embarrassing chapter in the Republican Party…

What’s remarkable is the GOP seems always to be embroiled in some painful, historically embarrassing chapter in the Republican Party.

With Watergate in the 70s, Iran/Contra in the 80s, and the first failed republican shutdown in the 90s, the second failed republican government shutdown this year serves as evidence that a significant number of republicans lack fundamental political acumen, as well as contempt for the American people.

But Cruz is waiting for his second chance. He has said as much. He did not screw the GOP enough with his first act, so it is on to act two. Maybe he will read another children's book at his next filibuster?:clap2:

This recent display of bomb-throwing obstructionism by Republicans in Congress evokes another painful, historically embarrassing chapter in the Republican Party — that of Senator Joseph McCarthy, chairman of the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, whose anti-Communist crusade was allowed by Republican elders to expand unchecked, unnecessarily and unfairly tarnishing the reputations of thousands of people with “Red Scare” accusations of Communist affiliation. Finally Senator McCarthy was brought up short during the questioning of the United States Army’s chief counsel, Joseph N. Welch, who at one point demanded the senator’s attention, then said: “Until this moment, Senator, I think I never really gauged your cruelty or your recklessness.” He later added: “Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?”

This should be a wakeup call for the GOP. Will it? Or will it be dismissed as just another RINO or Democrat planted antagonist? What wil it be?

They're just going to keep tossing Republicans until the entire party is neo-conservatives.
why must anyone read that crap?

.and notice, it's the CRY of a TRUE Republican....blaaaa

dear gawd, worry over your own party
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