The daily main stream commie media hypocritical attacks

The press is doing everything they can to try to destroy Trump through lies and distortion.
LOL Trump shows his lack of depth every day, soon the press will tire of it and his insecure stupidity will come to be the new normal. Everyone will wear dunce hats and American conservatism will finally kill the few remaining brain cells of an overindulged Fox populace. American the Dumb will be sung everywhere and people will cheer Secretary DeVos plagiarizing the Dante's Inferno as she cuts school lunches cause they ain't educational according to her. And so it goes....

"Even in conversations marred by hostile exchanges, Trump manages to work in references to his election accomplishments. U.S. officials said that he used his calls with both Turnbull and Peña Nieto to mention his election win or the size of the crowd at his inauguration."
In call with Australian leader, Trump badgers and brags - The Boston Globe

"As I observed here some weeks back, the general tenor of Trump’s tweets displays his pettiness, irrationality, hypersensivity, vulgarity, vindictiveness, ignorance, and outsize self-regard. Lucy Ferriss has remarked on his propensity for typos and misspellings, which suggest someone who doesn’t read and neither takes any particular care with nor reflects on what comes out of his thumbs. He’s fond of ALL CAPS and exclamation points because they seem to imply that a strong argument has been made, even when it hasn’t." Trump’s ‘Use’ of ‘Quotation Marks’ – Lingua Franca - Blogs - The Chronicle of Higher Education
Trump's actions, fake news, lies, and alt facts help him along that path.

you are a sick human being, snake. Very sick.

Trump's actions: Doing exactly what said during the campaign. Doing what the voters wanted done.

Fake news: all coming from the alt left, far left, and lying left

Lies: all coming from dems, libs, the lying media, and corrupt academia assholes

alt facts: a fantasy creation of dems, libs, and the lying media.

What is really funny, is that Trump's actions will make YOUR life better, but you are too indoctrinated with left wing bullshit to realize it.
Trump's actions, fake news, lies, and alt facts help him along that path.

you are a sick human being, snake. Very sick.

Trump's actions: Doing exactly what said during the campaign. Doing what the voters wanted done.

Fake news: all coming from the alt left, far left, and lying left

Lies: all coming from dems, libs, the lying media, and corrupt academia assholes

alt facts: a fantasy creation of dems, libs, and the lying media.

What is really funny, is that Trump's actions will make YOUR life better, but you are too indoctrinated with left wing bullshit to realize it.

The Democrats still refuse to accept Hillary's loss. To be fair you have to admit that Hillary was better at building alliances with foreign partners. American interests were never as important to Hillary as having "friends" from all over the world helping her in her many initiatives. What will become of Hillary's most important work?:

Trump's actions, fake news, lies, and alt facts help him along that path.

you are a sick human being, snake. Very sick.

Trump's actions: Doing exactly what said during the campaign. Doing what the voters wanted done.

Fake news: all coming from the alt left, far left, and lying left

Lies: all coming from dems, libs, the lying media, and corrupt academia assholes

alt facts: a fantasy creation of dems, libs, and the lying media.

What is really funny, is that Trump's actions will make YOUR life better, but you are too indoctrinated with left wing bullshit to realize it.

The Democrats still refuse to accept Hillary's loss. To be fair you have to admit that Hillary was better at building alliances with foreign partners. American interests were never as important to Hillary as having "friends" from all over the world helping her in her many initiatives. What will become of Hillary's most important work?:


Funny how most those alleged Dem lies can be proven by facts, while the Right leans on proven "Fakes News" resources.
I'm not denying that some left leaning news resources over-step the boundaries of being consistently unbiased by their leaning to far tho the left, but then the right leaning resources also have that same problem.
What is at issue is not whether news sources lean right or left, but what is at issue, is it's all the absolute "fakes news" resources that are so popular with the alt-right posters on these very boards. Of course there are many people on this board who are clueless about the difference between left/right bias new sources and the blatant 'fake news' sources, that confuses the less intelligent.
Trump's actions, fake news, lies, and alt facts help him along that path.

you are a sick human being, snake. Very sick.

Trump's actions: Doing exactly what said during the campaign. Doing what the voters wanted done.

Fake news: all coming from the alt left, far left, and lying left

Lies: all coming from dems, libs, the lying media, and corrupt academia assholes

alt facts: a fantasy creation of dems, libs, and the lying media.

What is really funny, is that Trump's actions will make YOUR life better, but you are too indoctrinated with left wing bullshit to realize it.

The Democrats still refuse to accept Hillary's loss. To be fair you have to admit that Hillary was better at building alliances with foreign partners. American interests were never as important to Hillary as having "friends" from all over the world helping her in her many initiatives. What will become of Hillary's most important work?:


Funny how most those alleged Dem lies can be proven by facts, while the Right leans on proven "Fakes News" resources.
I'm not denying that some left leaning news resources over-step the boundaries of being consistently unbiased by their leaning to far tho the left, but then the right leaning resources also have that same problem.
What is at issue is not whether news sources lean right or left, but what is at issue, is it's all the absolute "fakes news" resources that are so popular with the alt-right posters on these very boards. Of course there are many people on this board who are clueless about the difference between left/right bias new sources and the blatant 'fake news' sources, that confuses the less intelligent.

coming from one of the most confused and ignorant, that is really funny. Thanks for the laugh this morning.
Trump's actions, fake news, lies, and alt facts help him along that path.

you are a sick human being, snake. Very sick.

Trump's actions: Doing exactly what said during the campaign. Doing what the voters wanted done.

Fake news: all coming from the alt left, far left, and lying left

Lies: all coming from dems, libs, the lying media, and corrupt academia assholes

alt facts: a fantasy creation of dems, libs, and the lying media.

What is really funny, is that Trump's actions will make YOUR life better, but you are too indoctrinated with left wing bullshit to realize it.

The Democrats still refuse to accept Hillary's loss. To be fair you have to admit that Hillary was better at building alliances with foreign partners. American interests were never as important to Hillary as having "friends" from all over the world helping her in her many initiatives. What will become of Hillary's most important work?:


Funny how most those alleged Dem lies can be proven by facts, while the Right leans on proven "Fakes News" resources.
I'm not denying that some left leaning news resources over-step the boundaries of being consistently unbiased by their leaning to far tho the left, but then the right leaning resources also have that same problem.
What is at issue is not whether news sources lean right or left, but what is at issue, is it's all the absolute "fakes news" resources that are so popular with the alt-right posters on these very boards. Of course there are many people on this board who are clueless about the difference between left/right bias new sources and the blatant 'fake news' sources, that confuses the less intelligent.

It has less to do with the news source than what objectives you believe to be important for the country. Just a couple of examples:
  • Immigration - millions of people worldwide have submitted applications for residence or US citizenship and wait patiently for a decision. Millions of others jump to the head of the line or are given preferential treatment which is by any standard unfair to those who have in good faith followed the law. Immigration needs to be reformed and like other countries be based on merit.
  • Manufacturing - we have an opportunity to bring jobs back to the US and we should provide incentives to companies worldwide to bring their factories to our shores.
I didn't vote for Trump but have yet to see anything he has done that is troubling. What is amazing is that Trump has been in office for less than two weeks and the press seems desperate to prove how bad he is.

Why wasn't the press this hell bent with Obama? The man was a failure on so many levels but was never really challenged.

Can we get an example of these "lies"?
The denial that Trump said all Mexicans are rapists right out of the bat in his speech then walked it back.

The denial that there is no evidence whatsoever of fraudulent illegal voting of any significance.
The denial that Trump said all Mexicans are rapists right out of the bat in his speech then walked it back.


You are a lying piece of fucking shit. A true piece of human garbage. A lying cocksucker. A pathologically lying piece of human debris.

You KNOW what he said. You KNOW what you said is a FUCKING LIE, and you repeat it over and over. Just to get the LIE OUT THERE.

Go somewhere and rot. scumbag

Here is the EXACT quote --

"The U.S. has become a dumping ground for everybody else’s problems.

Thank you. It’s true, and these are the best and the finest. When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.

But I speak to border guards and they tell us what we’re getting. And it only makes common sense. It only makes common sense. They’re sending us not the right people.

It’s coming from more than Mexico. It’s coming from all over South and Latin America, and it’s coming probably— probably— from the Middle East. But we don’t know. Because we have no protection and we have no competence, we don’t know what’s happening. And it’s got to stop and it’s got to stop fast."
Says the lying shit Edge. We all heard him say it then try to walk it back as you just posted above. "They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists"

And you left out, "The denial that Trump said all Mexicans are rapists right out of the bat in his speech then walked it back.

The denial that there is no evidence whatsoever of fraudulent illegal voting of any significance."
Where is all this evidence of illegal voting !? Trump claimed it was in the millions.
Fuck you, malarkey the lying scumbag. You just earned something I rarely do -- The Ignore button. You're not worth my time

Which I recommend everybody in here do to the pathologically lying cockbreath pile of shit

If I wanted to read lies all day, I'd subscribe to the New Yawk Slimes
The worst aspect of the Trump hysteria is that it would have been the same no matter which republican was elected. This could have been Romney or Jeb Bush.

Democrats convinced themselves of perpetual, one party, democrat rule. Ironically, their actions will almost certainly result in perpetual, one party, rule. It just won't be democrat.
Trump's actions, fake news, lies, and alt facts help him along that path.

you are a sick human being, snake. Very sick.

Trump's actions: Doing exactly what said during the campaign. Doing what the voters wanted done.

Fake news: all coming from the alt left, far left, and lying left

Lies: all coming from dems, libs, the lying media, and corrupt academia assholes

alt facts: a fantasy creation of dems, libs, and the lying media.

What is really funny, is that Trump's actions will make YOUR life better, but you are too indoctrinated with left wing bullshit to realize it.

The Democrats still refuse to accept Hillary's loss. To be fair you have to admit that Hillary was better at building alliances with foreign partners. American interests were never as important to Hillary as having "friends" from all over the world helping her in her many initiatives. What will become of Hillary's most important work?:


Funny how most those alleged Dem lies can be proven by facts, while the Right leans on proven "Fakes News" resources.
I'm not denying that some left leaning news resources over-step the boundaries of being consistently unbiased by their leaning to far tho the left, but then the right leaning resources also have that same problem.
What is at issue is not whether news sources lean right or left, but what is at issue, is it's all the absolute "fakes news" resources that are so popular with the alt-right posters on these very boards. Of course there are many people on this board who are clueless about the difference between left/right bias new sources and the blatant 'fake news' sources, that confuses the less intelligent.

coming from one of the most confused and ignorant, that is really funny. Thanks for the laugh this morning.

Considering that have have spanked your butt consistently, what's there to laugh about? :dunno:
Why not address my post instead of demonizing me? I take it you can't refute my post. (Figures)
Like I said, there are right leaning and left leaning news resources. That would include, the Washington Post, New York Times, Fox News and Drudge as examples. None of the those are "Fake News" resources. They may lean right or left, but that does not make them "Fake News". If you think that's wrong, you are stupid.
Then there's the Daily Kos, Bipartisan Report, The Other 98% are just a few liberal "Fake News" sites./ Where as Conservative Frontline, InfoWars and Conservative Tribune are a few of the right wing "Fake News" sites. If anyone thinks these are real news, well then they are stupid..
Did you know that calling MSM news as lying, is the same tactic used by the Nazi Brownshirts. The word they used is "Lügenpresse".
Here read this and get a life.

America’s alt-right learns to speak Nazi: “Lügenpresse”
"In the interwar years the term was used both by communists against the “bourgeois Lügenpresse” and by the Nazis against—no surprise—the allegedly Jewish and Bolshevik media. Once the Nazis seized power and took control of the domestic press, they naturally stopped calling it a Lügenpresse. Instead Hitler and Goebbels once again applied it to the foreign press—for instance, for reporting the 1938 Kristallnacht."
America’s alt-right learns to speak Nazi: “Lügenpresse”
Sieg heil, Redfish! :happy-1:
The press is doing everything they can to try to destroy Trump through lies and distortion.
Yeah but nobody is taking them seriously anymore. It's priceless.

Except for the retards, and they're more irrelevant every day because of it.

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