The danger of the covid vaccines as told by medical experts.

On August 23, 2021, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) gave its first full approval of a COVID-19 vaccine, the BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine (Pfizer-BioNTech).


How long does it take the FDA to approve a vaccine?

Typical Timeline. A typical vaccine development timeline takes 5 to 10 years, and sometimes longer, to assess whether the vaccine is safe and efficacious in clinical trials, complete the regulatory approval processes, and manufacture sufficient quantity of vaccine doses for widespread distribution.


What are the 4 phases of FDA approval?

Information For

  • Step 1: Discovery and Development.
  • Step 2: Preclinical Research.
  • Step 3: Clinical Research.
  • Step 4: FDA Drug Review.
  • Step 5: FDA Post-Market Drug Safety Monitoring.

Why is the Pfizer vaccine no longer available?

The updated mRNA vaccines are each approved for individuals 12 years of age and older and are authorized under emergency use for individuals 6 months through 11 years of age. As part of today's actions, the bivalent Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccines are no longer authorized for use in the United States.

Sep 11, 2023


The polio vaccine was approved and being injected into arms after only a year of clinical trials. 🤷‍♀️
No, you are NOT the expert on the terminology

If that happened... but it did not. The due process was done and millions alive because of it.

Yup, antivaxxers want to push this fairytale that clinical trials were improperly done by the pharma companies because it suits their narrative. Nevermind the fact the whole entire company from the ground up was resting on the proper testing of their vaccine, which will be scrutinized to the nth degree by the FDA.
Yup, antivaxxers want to push this fairytale that clinical trials were improperly done by the pharma companies because it suits their narrative. Nevermind the fact the whole entire company from the ground up was resting on the proper testing of their vaccine, which will be scrutinized to the nth degree by the FDA.
The antis simply should be held liable for their lies.
Yup, antivaxxers want to push this fairytale that clinical trials were improperly done by the pharma companies because it suits their narrative. Nevermind the fact the whole entire company from the ground up was resting on the proper testing of their vaccine, which will be scrutinized to the nth degree by the FDA.
It's not a fairytale. It is one of those pesky VERY INCONVENIENT TRUTHS that you and Fauci prefer to suppress.

Pharma is led by criminals and known liars.
But wait..............there's more? Notice how they normalize the testing on this deadly injection by referring to the flu vaccine. However, the flu vaccine doesn't kill and injure hundreds of thousands every year.

Call me Evil the Knienel, my wife and I took the new boosters we are still alive!

The good majority of staff where I work took it as well and are miraculously all living. Oh and some staff are only 18 where I work, still alive amazingly. 90+ elderly 80-90 year old's still alive, it's a miracle!

Do you believe in Miracles like I do? It's a Miracle!

Call me Evil the Knienel, my wife and I took the new boosters we are still alive!

The good majority of staff where I work took it as well and are miraculously all living. Oh and some staff are only 18 where I work, still alive amazingly. 90+ elderly 80-90 year old's still alive, it's a miracle!

Do you believe in Miracles like I do? It's a Miracle!

And I didn’t! Plus never spent a day locked down and only wore a mask when required to!

And, apparently, I’M STILL ALIVE TOO!

Plus, as they say in only sold on TV commercials………

But wait, there’s more…………

Not only am I still alive, I HAVE A LIFE!
And I didn’t! Plus never spent a day locked down and only wore a mask when required to!

And, apparently, I’M STILL ALIVE TOO!

Plus, as they say in only sold on TV commercials………

But wait, there’s more…………

Not only am I still alive, I HAVE A LIFE!
That's good to hear, others were not so lucky. I have two relatives that were antivaxers and strong Republicans. Refused the vaccines and called COVID the FlU. They both passed away from COVID :(
That's good to hear, others were not so lucky. I have two relatives that were antivaxers and strong Republicans. Refused the vaccines and called COVID the FlU. They both passed away from COVID :(

Luck? How so. I know many who never took the covid vaccine. None died.

How’s that even possible?



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