The danger of the covid vaccines as told by medical experts.

Did you have your booster?


A CA state bill that was going to punish doctors who gave a different medical opinion other than ------ "vaccine good", is about to be shut down.

Doctors' opinions should not be regulated by the State, so this is good.

Non-doctors should be prosecuted for practicing without a license for giving their opinion on the vax.
A CA state bill that was going to punish doctors who gave a different medical opinion other than ------ "vaccine good", is about to be shut down.

The state bill was ridiculous. Had it actually cited the scientific history of hcq, it would have shown the people that it was savvy. Instead, we get authoritative discourse with no science to back it up. These California psychos may as well be theologians.

'The report acknowledged that, "The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation" developed a model of chloroquine penetration into tissues for malaria." BMGF's unique dosing model for the studies deliberately overestimated the amount of HCQ necessary to achieve adequate lung tissue concentration. The WHO report confesses that, "This model is however not validated." Gates's deadly deception allowed the FDA to wrongly declare that HCQ would be ineffective at safe levels.'
(RFK Jr., The Real Anthony Fauci, p. 27 Fraudulent Industry Studies)

Because it's an ahistorical asshole, the collective IQ of California still could not come up with the original Blau & Holmes study given at the Philadelphia Nidovirus Symposium, summer 2000, showing the all-important (lysosomotropic time-window [italics]) of chloroquine. duh
Regardless of the source of the report, none have answered the most important question. We retype the message:

Is the furin cleavage site left in the mRNA? This is the most pertinent circulating spike protein question in the "vaxxed."

Post #51
'...."Why would you keep the 364-390 section, the furin cleavage site -- in a vax? You wouldn't." '
Because actual experts know the vaccines and boosters are safe, effective, available and free of charge.
The response of a cultist. You fuckers love to call Trump supporters cultists. Thing is if Trump had said we must take the vaccine or wear a mask we would tell him to go fuck his self
But you cultists accept this stupid shit and mask mandates with no questions asked.
He was just recently informed that his medical board certification is gonna get revoked
Kory is under attack by the Biden nazis controlled by Big Pharma. This will activate many oppositions to The Elf (Anthony Fauci), Big Farmer Gates, shamans, clowns, priests and other psychopaths.
Kory is under attack by the Biden nazis controlled by Big Pharma. This will activate many oppositions to The Elf (Anthony Fauci), Big Farmer Gates, shamans, clowns, priests and other psychopaths.
He's a quack making a buck off a novel virus

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