The DANGEROUS ESCALATION of Online Censorship

What on EARTH kind of political forum is that? Good God.
I don't see how the forum could have taken down posts from another website, though. You said the rape one was on Facebook, which it wasn't, apparently, and then you went to the originating site to view the others?
Why in hell did you go there?
You're almost as bad as Easy about changing your story midstream.

You seem to have little understanding of how facebook works...have you ever used the site? Let me over-explain it to you since you're so hellbent on painting me as a liar. I was invited to join an 'anti-sjw' group, it attracts degenerate trolls just like this site does. Someone shared the rape video from that weird asian facebook page and it was removed almost instantaneously by the admin of the anti-sjw group. The shock videos in question were uploaded directly on facebook, there was no intermediary. I suspect that the only reason the rape video was taken down and not the others is because of the number of reports filed against it.
There's a cancer infecting the political of deviant perversion, of pure evil... They call us intolerant bigots for speaking out against the monster they've helped create.
Orwell tried to warn us but apparently some people didn't read the damn book.

Big Brother Is Watching You Watch Him on TV

The rulers allowed it to be published and promoted because it is misleading. It is a guide on what not to do, but to do something different that has the same mind-numbing effect, such as Postmodern Grammar. For example, their intentionally stupefying spelling of mike as "mic."
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That guy who shot the cops in Dallas was a fanatic who used the BLM protest to take aim at cops. What better way to do it than a protest in Texas where open carry is allowed and a guy walking around with body armor and his rifle is just "one of the crowd." He had issues with BLM, according to his social media statements. He was way, way out there and every single BLM person I heard speak about it denied him and condemned what he did.
I don't know where you get your information, Lucy. Yes, I've heard protesters scream awful things. So did the neo-Nazi's in Charlottesville. I don't like any of it.

This is what Black Lives Matter said about the shooting of 5 police officers in Dallas:

The Black Lives Matter Network advocates for dignity, justice, and respect.

In the last few days, this country witnessed the recorded murders of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile at the hands of police, the latest victims in this country’s failed policing system. As we have done for decades, we marched and protested to highlight the urgent need to transform policing in America, to call for justice, transparency and accountability, and to demand that Black Lives Matter.

In Dallas, many gathered to do the same, joining in a day of action with friends, family and co-workers. Their efforts were cut short when a lone gunman targeted and attacked 11 police officers, killing five. This is a tragedy–both for those who have been impacted by yesterday’s attack and for our democracy. There are some who would use these events to stifle a movement for change and quicken the demise of a vibrant discourse on the human rights of Black Americans. We should reject all of this.

Black activists have raised the call for an end to violence, not an escalation of it. Yesterday’s attack was the result of the actions of a lone gunman. To assign the actions of one person to an entire movement is dangerous and irresponsible. We continue our efforts to bring about a better world for all of us.
Black Lives Matter Leaders Respond to Dallas Police Shooting

Yes and people condemned the man with the car at Charlottesville, but they still got targeted by the Leftist Maniacs and the Propaganda MSM and the Professional Hate Organisation the SPLC.

So why aren't all the BLM and New Black Panther and Antifa websites ALL shut down and for that matter why are the NAMBLA paedophile websites still up?
You not even bothering to read my posts, Lucy? They aren't THAT long.
I do believe some on the left are finally calling Antifa what it is. We'll see if that gains traction. I hope it does. I have nothing against people protesting against fascists, but the violence? No.

The Antifa by their actions illustrate they ARE the Fascists, the Far Left Antifa Fascists, the Antifa are never NOT violent, there has not been ONE incident where they have NOT violently attacked innocent people and also thrown Molotov Cocktails and other missiles at police officers.

Most of them are faggots, many of them still live with their parents and have no actual jobs.
the pictures of the ones who were "unmasked" the other day (mug shots of the ones who were just arrested at a protest) were mostly not kids

Nobody said they were kids, adults can still live with their parents, that's what losers do, still live with their parents.
Mice Studying to Become Rats

A loser is someone who doesn't have an adult income because he doesn't have a full-time job. That covers all college kids except the spoiled snobs who live off Daddy's Money and control the campus culture.
Just keep posting. I'm enjoying this.

What's your opinion on the ADL? Totally unbiased good guys, the ultimate arbiters of right and wrong?
Cowardice Is the Crime That Enables All Others

The Holocaust victims were cowards; ADL is showing what should have been done to nip Naziism in the bud.
Define Nazi.

Define definition. Do you want the unbiased one or "a Big Government socialist workers party"?
Just keep posting. I'm enjoying this.

What's your opinion on the ADL? Totally unbiased good guys, the ultimate arbiters of right and wrong?
Cowardice Is the Crime That Enables All Others

The Holocaust victims were cowards; ADL is showing what should have been done to nip Naziism in the bud.
Define Nazi.

Define definition. Do you want the unbiased one or "a Big Government socialist workers party"?
You think you are smart, right wanker? Alinsky's bullshit is not going to fly with me. GFY.
You not even bothering to read my posts, Lucy? They aren't THAT long.
I do believe some on the left are finally calling Antifa what it is. We'll see if that gains traction. I hope it does. I have nothing against people protesting against fascists, but the violence? No.

It would be good if the media suddenly turned on these bed wetters. It would get their credibility up a little closer to the floor.

I wonder if the billionaires who fund these assholes are doing it as some sort of psy-op to ferret out the dumbest mothers fuckers, as they commit crimes "protesting" something that isn't even real. "Fascism", or what these tools believe is fascism is not "on the rise". There are no more of those idiots than there ever were, you're more likely to run in to a Pygmy with Gigantism selling moon dust. There are a rash of SJW dipshits flooding internet boards parroting racial bullshit all of a sudden though.

We've gotten over racism already, the left never did. It's a weapon they use. It's a good thing the left has manipulated the bed wetters to instinctively fear guns.

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What on EARTH kind of political forum is that? Good God.
I don't see how the forum could have taken down posts from another website, though. You said the rape one was on Facebook, which it wasn't, apparently, and then you went to the originating site to view the others?
Why in hell did you go there?
You're almost as bad as Easy about changing your story midstream.

You seem to have little understanding of how facebook works...have you ever used the site? Let me over-explain it to you since you're so hellbent on painting me as a liar. I was invited to join an 'anti-sjw' group, it attracts degenerate trolls just like this site does. Someone shared the rape video from that weird asian facebook page and it was removed almost instantaneously by the admin of the anti-sjw group. The shock videos in question were uploaded directly on facebook, there was no intermediary. I suspect that the only reason the rape video was taken down and not the others is because of the number of reports filed against it.
You're right. I have never been on FB and have no idea how it works. Your explanation helps me understand. Sorry I suspected you of being a liar.
Just keep posting. I'm enjoying this.

What's your opinion on the ADL? Totally unbiased good guys, the ultimate arbiters of right and wrong?
Cowardice Is the Crime That Enables All Others

The Holocaust victims were cowards; ADL is showing what should have been done to nip Naziism in the bud.
Define Nazi.

Define definition. Do you want the unbiased one or "a Big Government socialist workers party"?
You think you are smart, right wanker? Alinsky's bullshit is not going to fly with me. GFY.
Swishy Swastickers

Hitler's theme was "It's not about class, it's about race." So the Nazis were Buttboys for the Bosses, just like USMB's KochHeads and Lizardtarians. The jackbooted goons were bootlickers
What's your opinion on the ADL? Totally unbiased good guys, the ultimate arbiters of right and wrong?
Cowardice Is the Crime That Enables All Others

The Holocaust victims were cowards; ADL is showing what should have been done to nip Naziism in the bud.
Define Nazi.

Define definition. Do you want the unbiased one or "a Big Government socialist workers party"?
You think you are smart, right wanker? Alinsky's bullshit is not going to fly with me. GFY.
Swishy Swastickers

Hitler's theme was "It's not about class, it's about race." So the Nazis were Buttboys for the Bosses, just like USMB's KochHeads and Lizardtarians. The jackbooted goons were bootlickers

Cowardice Is the Crime That Enables All Others

The Holocaust victims were cowards; ADL is showing what should have been done to nip Naziism in the bud.
Define Nazi.

Define definition. Do you want the unbiased one or "a Big Government socialist workers party"?
You think you are smart, right wanker? Alinsky's bullshit is not going to fly with me. GFY.
Swishy Swastickers

Hitler's theme was "It's not about class, it's about race." So the Nazis were Buttboys for the Bosses, just like USMB's KochHeads and Lizardtarians. The jackbooted goons were bootlickers

He has no valid points to make. Naturally, reverting to buzz words and worn out clichés.
Cowardice Is the Crime That Enables All Others

The Holocaust victims were cowards; ADL is showing what should have been done to nip Naziism in the bud.
Define Nazi.

Define definition. Do you want the unbiased one or "a Big Government socialist workers party"?
You think you are smart, right wanker? Alinsky's bullshit is not going to fly with me. GFY.
Swishy Swastickers

Hitler's theme was "It's not about class, it's about race." So the Nazis were Buttboys for the Bosses, just like USMB's KochHeads and Lizardtarians. The jackbooted goons were bootlickers

Politics Is a Hive

Buzzwords like "liberal, conservative, socialist, fascist, government, free market, employer, hard worker, achiever, graduate, uneducated."

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