The DANGEROUS ESCALATION of Online Censorship

"Political arguments are not the same as racial and religious bigotry."

BLM supporters can state "Kill All White People", "Death to Whitey", "The only good White person is a dead one"

The God Haters can post "Fuck Jesus", "Death to Christians"

This is acceptable it does not get censorsed, actually it's actively encouraged. The above is Hate Speech.
Funny, but the people I hear who represent BLM don't say those things when discussing their viewpoints. It is certainly not part of their mission statement. I don't know anything about God haters. I stay out of arguments about religion.
I agree that if an organization does REALLY and TRULY stands for supremacy over another race or religion, and advocates removing that group from the country or the planet, that they should be labelled a hate group, no matter which group they are representing. Maybe their are individuals in BLM that are given a "pass" because people are so afraid of being erroneously labeled a "racist," but extreme individuals in every movement can sometimes give the whole movement a bad name. I don't know what you do about that. It is definitely not the case with the Stormfront crowd, though. That is their mission and they aren't afraid to say so.

The point there illustrates how pathetic this all is, the fanatical Political Correctness horsecrap.

BLM are a Hate Organisation, they preach Hate and advocate Open Violence against White people, especially White police officers and some of their members have killed police officers eg. Dallas, Texas.

Yet BLM are given a pass because they are Black Supremacists, shutting them down would according to the insanity of Political Correctness be racist.
That guy who shot the cops in Dallas was a fanatic who used the BLM protest to take aim at cops. What better way to do it than a protest in Texas where open carry is allowed and a guy walking around with body armor and his rifle is just "one of the crowd." He had issues with BLM, according to his social media statements. He was way, way out there and every single BLM person I heard speak about it denied him and condemned what he did.
I don't know where you get your information, Lucy. Yes, I've heard protesters scream awful things. So did the neo-Nazi's in Charlottesville. I don't like any of it.

This is what Black Lives Matter said about the shooting of 5 police officers in Dallas:

The Black Lives Matter Network advocates for dignity, justice, and respect.

In the last few days, this country witnessed the recorded murders of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile at the hands of police, the latest victims in this country’s failed policing system. As we have done for decades, we marched and protested to highlight the urgent need to transform policing in America, to call for justice, transparency and accountability, and to demand that Black Lives Matter.

In Dallas, many gathered to do the same, joining in a day of action with friends, family and co-workers. Their efforts were cut short when a lone gunman targeted and attacked 11 police officers, killing five. This is a tragedy–both for those who have been impacted by yesterday’s attack and for our democracy. There are some who would use these events to stifle a movement for change and quicken the demise of a vibrant discourse on the human rights of Black Americans. We should reject all of this.

Black activists have raised the call for an end to violence, not an escalation of it. Yesterday’s attack was the result of the actions of a lone gunman. To assign the actions of one person to an entire movement is dangerous and irresponsible. We continue our efforts to bring about a better world for all of us.
Black Lives Matter Leaders Respond to Dallas Police Shooting

Yes and people condemned the man with the car at Charlottesville, but they still got targeted by the Leftist Maniacs and the Propaganda MSM and the Professional Hate Organisation the SPLC.

So why aren't all the BLM and New Black Panther and Antifa websites ALL shut down and for that matter why are the NAMBLA paedophile websites still up?
You not even bothering to read my posts, Lucy? They aren't THAT long.
I do believe some on the left are finally calling Antifa what it is. We'll see if that gains traction. I hope it does. I have nothing against people protesting against fascists, but the violence? No.

The Antifa by their actions illustrate they ARE the Fascists, the Far Left Antifa Fascists, the Antifa are never NOT violent, there has not been ONE incident where they have NOT violently attacked innocent people and also thrown Molotov Cocktails and other missiles at police officers.

Most of them are faggots, many of them still live with their parents and have no actual jobs.
The situation is, as I support an individuals right to Free Speech and Free Thought, I will defend an individuals right to express both regardless of whether I agree or disagree with them.

The only time that I agree there should be censorship is with the advocation and support of Paedophilia and cruelty to animals.

ISIS videos, why aren't those being censored? As I said in my intro thread, I was banned from Facebook for saying 'die commie', but they said the video I reported of a little baby being hanged did not violate their community standards.
the video I reported of a little baby being hanged did not violate their community standards.

Excuse me, but that sounds like a big fat lie to me.

On one of the political groups im a member of, a troll posted a link to a video of a woman being sexually assaulted. I visited the page where it originated from, it looked like a southeast asian page. There was other shock videos there including one where two men enter a hotel room, beat and handcuff a man inside and drag a nude woman out of the bed and beat her too. Another video showed a small child being run over by a motorcycle. And there was the baby hanging...oh and a guy eating live snakes. I reported them all, and the entire disgusting page. Only the rape video was deleted, everything else was deemed ok. And the page wasn't shut down. Believe me or not, it's the truth.
Internet censorship is like the phone company cutting off your line because they didn't like a conversation you had. The government should regulate google and it's ilk as they would a public utility.

NO. Government should not "regulate" free speech.

First you say you're against censorship and then you say you want censorship.

Read the First Amendment and then get back under your rock.
You are an idiot as usual. It is laughable what a moronic post you just made. This guy wants government regulation of the mega-tech companies to prevent them from censoring the content of websites. He wants 1st Amendment guarantees for free speech and not some mega-tech company regulating what people can or cannot say. He is saying the Google, GoDaddy, Facebook etc should be regulated as public utility to ensure 1st Amendment rights for everybody. GoDaddy does not censor pedophile websites yet censors other websites such as Stormfront (since that was the original diatribe)
Funny, but the people I hear who represent BLM don't say those things when discussing their viewpoints. It is certainly not part of their mission statement. I don't know anything about God haters. I stay out of arguments about religion.
I agree that if an organization does REALLY and TRULY stands for supremacy over another race or religion, and advocates removing that group from the country or the planet, that they should be labelled a hate group, no matter which group they are representing. Maybe their are individuals in BLM that are given a "pass" because people are so afraid of being erroneously labeled a "racist," but extreme individuals in every movement can sometimes give the whole movement a bad name. I don't know what you do about that. It is definitely not the case with the Stormfront crowd, though. That is their mission and they aren't afraid to say so.

The point there illustrates how pathetic this all is, the fanatical Political Correctness horsecrap.

BLM are a Hate Organisation, they preach Hate and advocate Open Violence against White people, especially White police officers and some of their members have killed police officers eg. Dallas, Texas.

Yet BLM are given a pass because they are Black Supremacists, shutting them down would according to the insanity of Political Correctness be racist.
That guy who shot the cops in Dallas was a fanatic who used the BLM protest to take aim at cops. What better way to do it than a protest in Texas where open carry is allowed and a guy walking around with body armor and his rifle is just "one of the crowd." He had issues with BLM, according to his social media statements. He was way, way out there and every single BLM person I heard speak about it denied him and condemned what he did.
I don't know where you get your information, Lucy. Yes, I've heard protesters scream awful things. So did the neo-Nazi's in Charlottesville. I don't like any of it.

This is what Black Lives Matter said about the shooting of 5 police officers in Dallas:

The Black Lives Matter Network advocates for dignity, justice, and respect.

In the last few days, this country witnessed the recorded murders of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile at the hands of police, the latest victims in this country’s failed policing system. As we have done for decades, we marched and protested to highlight the urgent need to transform policing in America, to call for justice, transparency and accountability, and to demand that Black Lives Matter.

In Dallas, many gathered to do the same, joining in a day of action with friends, family and co-workers. Their efforts were cut short when a lone gunman targeted and attacked 11 police officers, killing five. This is a tragedy–both for those who have been impacted by yesterday’s attack and for our democracy. There are some who would use these events to stifle a movement for change and quicken the demise of a vibrant discourse on the human rights of Black Americans. We should reject all of this.

Black activists have raised the call for an end to violence, not an escalation of it. Yesterday’s attack was the result of the actions of a lone gunman. To assign the actions of one person to an entire movement is dangerous and irresponsible. We continue our efforts to bring about a better world for all of us.
Black Lives Matter Leaders Respond to Dallas Police Shooting

Yes and people condemned the man with the car at Charlottesville, but they still got targeted by the Leftist Maniacs and the Propaganda MSM and the Professional Hate Organisation the SPLC.

So why aren't all the BLM and New Black Panther and Antifa websites ALL shut down and for that matter why are the NAMBLA paedophile websites still up?
You not even bothering to read my posts, Lucy? They aren't THAT long.
I do believe some on the left are finally calling Antifa what it is. We'll see if that gains traction. I hope it does. I have nothing against people protesting against fascists, but the violence? No.

The Antifa by their actions illustrate they ARE the Fascists, the Far Left Antifa Fascists, the Antifa are never NOT violent, there has not been ONE incident where they have NOT violently attacked innocent people and also thrown Molotov Cocktails and other missiles at police officers.

Most of them are faggots, many of them still live with their parents and have no actual jobs.
the pictures of the ones who were "unmasked" the other day (mug shots of the ones who were just arrested at a protest) were mostly not kids
Internet censorship is like the phone company cutting off your line because they didn't like a conversation you had. The government should regulate google and it's ilk as they would a public utility.

This goes right over the heads of libtards, they're a little to retarded to see how it effects them too.
Ass kissers think they are immune lmao just like Hitler's brown shirts and they were the first ones he took out bahahha.

Not surprising that you're in favor of government control of what you read.

And "hitler's brown shirts"? Which is it? You want a N Korea and Russia type government or not?

Do you ever THINK before you type?
Again, you prefer censorship. You want to shut up people who have different opinion from yours yet, you have no problem with the same companies providing pedophile domains.
My bet is that ^^ also wants an end to net neutrality.

Then, a few years from now, he'll be blaming the left for censoring the InterWebs.

If the OP does not like a site, he COULD simplyt click away from it.

That's a lot for these alt right traitors to remember though.

Again, moronic post. Net neutrality was lost when ICANN was given over to private mega tech companies by Obama. ICANN needs to go back to government control to ensure net neutrality.
The point there illustrates how pathetic this all is, the fanatical Political Correctness horsecrap.

BLM are a Hate Organisation, they preach Hate and advocate Open Violence against White people, especially White police officers and some of their members have killed police officers eg. Dallas, Texas.

Yet BLM are given a pass because they are Black Supremacists, shutting them down would according to the insanity of Political Correctness be racist.
That guy who shot the cops in Dallas was a fanatic who used the BLM protest to take aim at cops. What better way to do it than a protest in Texas where open carry is allowed and a guy walking around with body armor and his rifle is just "one of the crowd." He had issues with BLM, according to his social media statements. He was way, way out there and every single BLM person I heard speak about it denied him and condemned what he did.
I don't know where you get your information, Lucy. Yes, I've heard protesters scream awful things. So did the neo-Nazi's in Charlottesville. I don't like any of it.

This is what Black Lives Matter said about the shooting of 5 police officers in Dallas:

The Black Lives Matter Network advocates for dignity, justice, and respect.

In the last few days, this country witnessed the recorded murders of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile at the hands of police, the latest victims in this country’s failed policing system. As we have done for decades, we marched and protested to highlight the urgent need to transform policing in America, to call for justice, transparency and accountability, and to demand that Black Lives Matter.

In Dallas, many gathered to do the same, joining in a day of action with friends, family and co-workers. Their efforts were cut short when a lone gunman targeted and attacked 11 police officers, killing five. This is a tragedy–both for those who have been impacted by yesterday’s attack and for our democracy. There are some who would use these events to stifle a movement for change and quicken the demise of a vibrant discourse on the human rights of Black Americans. We should reject all of this.

Black activists have raised the call for an end to violence, not an escalation of it. Yesterday’s attack was the result of the actions of a lone gunman. To assign the actions of one person to an entire movement is dangerous and irresponsible. We continue our efforts to bring about a better world for all of us.
Black Lives Matter Leaders Respond to Dallas Police Shooting

Yes and people condemned the man with the car at Charlottesville, but they still got targeted by the Leftist Maniacs and the Propaganda MSM and the Professional Hate Organisation the SPLC.

So why aren't all the BLM and New Black Panther and Antifa websites ALL shut down and for that matter why are the NAMBLA paedophile websites still up?
You not even bothering to read my posts, Lucy? They aren't THAT long.
I do believe some on the left are finally calling Antifa what it is. We'll see if that gains traction. I hope it does. I have nothing against people protesting against fascists, but the violence? No.

The Antifa by their actions illustrate they ARE the Fascists, the Far Left Antifa Fascists, the Antifa are never NOT violent, there has not been ONE incident where they have NOT violently attacked innocent people and also thrown Molotov Cocktails and other missiles at police officers.

Most of them are faggots, many of them still live with their parents and have no actual jobs.
the pictures of the ones who were "unmasked" the other day (mug shots of the ones who were just arrested at a protest) were mostly not kids

Nobody said they were kids, adults can still live with their parents, that's what losers do, still live with their parents.
I agree, the internet is in serious danger of being censored from all angles; it was bad enough when it was just hosting companies restricting free speech. Now we have domain name registrars restricting free speech as well (yea I am talking about stormfront) Down side is it's already too late.

At some point you lefty fools are going to be burned, your going to say something off the cuff (and I've been here long enough to see some of the horrid things you folks say) and boom you'll be shut down, your favorite site will be removed, your social media posts edited or deleted, accounts closed, etc. You don't care now because you think the censors are on "your side," but what's "okay" and "censorable" will change over time, it always does. Laugh it up while it's still funny to you because once it starts going away, it's going to disappear really fast and before you know it we might as well live in North Korea or Russia where there is no freedom of speech on the internet and only "approved" information is allowed out for public consumption.

You can already see the devastating effects this kind of shit has; stop visiting any other information site on the web, get all your news from the MSM and then come back here to this site (which actually does pretty good at giving news from all fronts) and realize what you've missed. I get that you want to hate President Trump, so all the MSM's bullshit with him is "okay" in your book because it feeds your dislike of him, but at some point you folks will open your eyes and realize that letting the media pick your president for you isn't very smart at all - and yes, that is exactly what is going on, and why we suddenly have a rash of right side view points being scoured from the internet (because President Trump proved without a doubt that the internet could get around the media's stranglehold on public opinion.)

I feel damned sorry for you "wool blinded" sheep who cannot see the slaughterhouse on the other side of the pasture. On the other hand, you won't even know whats happening until it's too late and you find your muzzles taped up so you can't complain about it being your turn. ~shrug~
No, you folks who use your privilege of free speech to spread hate for fellow Americans are the ones who blew your chance, fouled your own nest. No one is going to take away a reasonable person's freedom of speech. You have no right to broadcast your views internationally because they denigrate and demean whole groups of people unfairly. Maybe that's okay some places, but I'm glad that hosting company booted Stormfront off and I hope they don't find another to host them. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
Just remember when they come for you after they are done with everybody else. You idiots never learn from history.
The situation is, as I support an individuals right to Free Speech and Free Thought, I will defend an individuals right to express both regardless of whether I agree or disagree with them.

The only time that I agree there should be censorship is with the advocation and support of Paedophilia and cruelty to animals.

ISIS videos, why aren't those being censored? As I said in my intro thread, I was banned from Facebook for saying 'die commie', but they said the video I reported of a little baby being hanged did not violate their community standards.
the video I reported of a little baby being hanged did not violate their community standards.

Excuse me, but that sounds like a big fat lie to me.

On one of the political groups im a member of, a troll posted a link to a video of a woman being sexually assaulted. I visited the page where it originated from, it looked like a southeast asian page. There was other shock videos there including one where two men enter a hotel room, beat and handcuff a man inside and drag a nude woman out of the bed and beat her too. Another video showed a small child being run over by a motorcycle. And there was the baby hanging...oh and a guy eating live snakes. I reported them all, and the entire disgusting page. Only the rape video was deleted, everything else was deemed ok. And the page wasn't shut down. Believe me or not, it's the truth.
What on EARTH kind of political forum is that? Good God.
I don't see how the forum could have taken down posts from another website, though. You said the rape one was on Facebook, which it wasn't, apparently, and then you went to the originating site to view the others?
Why in hell did you go there?
You're almost as bad as Easy about changing your story midstream.
Till its your turn... And someone decides to silence the liberal filth, that you,and your ilk issue forth... Then you'll be singing a different tune. And no one will hear it.
I've never called for ending any race or religion or said they were dumber than me or inferior to me. So why would my words be "censored?"
No one has suggested that you feel you should be silenced... Don't be absurd. Just like you believe your stances are justifiable, and correct; so do others. After all they can bring forth information to support their stance , just as you can. Except you want their ability to do so restrained or eliminated all together. Have they done the same to you? No.
Because I'm not a hate group.
No. You're an individual. And your likes, dislikes, loves, and hates are irrelevant. They are yours alone; and your welcome to them. As for "hate group"... Don't make me laugh... That is a leftist conjuration designed specifically to villainize a group of peoe who hold a differing point of view. Yet another glaring example of leftist totalitarianism.
They are villainized because of their point of view. It is a group of people who exist solely bound together by hate of another group of people. Hence the name. The left did not make that up.

They have a right to hold that view, but perhaps not being able to broadcast it on the internet is not the worst thing in the world. They can, anyway. They just need to pay more for it.

You know, when I was growing up, Boston was banning rock songs left and right. Henry Miller couldn't be published in this country due to the obscenity. Mailer's Naked and the Dead had to replace "fuck" with "fug," which leads the reader to think all the soldiers in that book have a bad head cold. When the courts ruled to open wide the doors of "free speech" and no censorship, they may have gone a tad too far, imo.
The left did make it up. And people have a right to hate. They also have the freedom of association. Neither you, nor anyone else should have the power to limit their ability to do either. Its called freedom. And it ain't all sunshine, and butterfly kisses.
this thread, any minute now:
View attachment 147034

You only joined the other day, the majority of members give new people a chance and most people would agree that Facebook and Twitter etc are a disgrace with their Anti-Free Speech and Anti-Free Thought positions.

Also when confronted with a Troll it's best to ignore, don't Troll the Troll, just ignore it.

I forgot that you could block people on message boards, it's been years since I used one. I've already set a few of these degenerates to ignore.

You really can't handle wimpy little liberal snowflakes?

impuretrash is a coward.

If you can't defend your position, maybe you should go back to stormfront.

I agree, the internet is in serious danger of being censored from all angles; it was bad enough when it was just hosting companies restricting free speech. Now we have domain name registrars restricting free speech as well (yea I am talking about stormfront) Down side is it's already too late.

At some point you lefty fools are going to be burned, your going to say something off the cuff (and I've been here long enough to see some of the horrid things you folks say) and boom you'll be shut down, your favorite site will be removed, your social media posts edited or deleted, accounts closed, etc. You don't care now because you think the censors are on "your side," but what's "okay" and "censorable" will change over time, it always does. Laugh it up while it's still funny to you because once it starts going away, it's going to disappear really fast and before you know it we might as well live in North Korea or Russia where there is no freedom of speech on the internet and only "approved" information is allowed out for public consumption.

You can already see the devastating effects this kind of shit has; stop visiting any other information site on the web, get all your news from the MSM and then come back here to this site (which actually does pretty good at giving news from all fronts) and realize what you've missed. I get that you want to hate President Trump, so all the MSM's bullshit with him is "okay" in your book because it feeds your dislike of him, but at some point you folks will open your eyes and realize that letting the media pick your president for you isn't very smart at all - and yes, that is exactly what is going on, and why we suddenly have a rash of right side view points being scoured from the internet (because President Trump proved without a doubt that the internet could get around the media's stranglehold on public opinion.)

I feel damned sorry for you "wool blinded" sheep who cannot see the slaughterhouse on the other side of the pasture. On the other hand, you won't even know whats happening until it's too late and you find your muzzles taped up so you can't complain about it being your turn. ~shrug~
No, you folks who use your privilege of free speech to spread hate for fellow Americans are the ones who blew your chance, fouled your own nest. No one is going to take away a reasonable person's freedom of speech. You have no right to broadcast your views internationally because they denigrate and demean whole groups of people unfairly. Maybe that's okay some places, but I'm glad that hosting company booted Stormfront off and I hope they don't find another to host them. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
Just remember when they come for you after they are done with everybody else. You idiots never learn from history.
Yeah, yeah, I know you can't wait for the day that we lefties all get shut down. Dream on.
And if the day comes that I start spouting rubbish like them, I would certainly deserve it.
This forum is full of cancer. Won't be sticking around here long, then you can go back to your liberal circle jerk.

Sorry bub, this forum's a bit of a rougher ride.

Yes, we have members with cancer, too.

I didn't click the video.

Here's why:

A while back there was a poster posting similar videos, and they were all kinda long..

Just as soon as you start getting into it, you realize it's all about..

DA JOOOOOOOS! Run for yur lives!!!!!!! :eek:
It is not about the JOOOS, yet the question arises since you brought it up. Who owns those companies?
I've never called for ending any race or religion or said they were dumber than me or inferior to me. So why would my words be "censored?"
No one has suggested that you feel you should be silenced... Don't be absurd. Just like you believe your stances are justifiable, and correct; so do others. After all they can bring forth information to support their stance , just as you can. Except you want their ability to do so restrained or eliminated all together. Have they done the same to you? No.
Because I'm not a hate group.
No. You're an individual. And your likes, dislikes, loves, and hates are irrelevant. They are yours alone; and your welcome to them. As for "hate group"... Don't make me laugh... That is a leftist conjuration designed specifically to villainize a group of peoe who hold a differing point of view. Yet another glaring example of leftist totalitarianism.
They are villainized because of their point of view. It is a group of people who exist solely bound together by hate of another group of people. Hence the name. The left did not make that up.

They have a right to hold that view, but perhaps not being able to broadcast it on the internet is not the worst thing in the world. They can, anyway. They just need to pay more for it.

You know, when I was growing up, Boston was banning rock songs left and right. Henry Miller couldn't be published in this country due to the obscenity. Mailer's Naked and the Dead had to replace "fuck" with "fug," which leads the reader to think all the soldiers in that book have a bad head cold. When the courts ruled to open wide the doors of "free speech" and no censorship, they may have gone a tad too far, imo.
The left did make it up. And people have a right to hate. They also have the freedom of association. Neither you, nor anyone else should have the power to limit their ability to do either. Its called freedom. And it ain't all sunshine, and butterfly kisses.
The left didn't make it up. It's real. People will hate and birds of a feather will flock together. They don't need access to a national ad campaign when they are spewing that shit, though. No one is throwing them in jail for having their ideas or having their meetings. Send them the $4,000 if it's breaking your heart so bad.
this thread, any minute now:
View attachment 147034

You only joined the other day, the majority of members give new people a chance and most people would agree that Facebook and Twitter etc are a disgrace with their Anti-Free Speech and Anti-Free Thought positions.

Also when confronted with a Troll it's best to ignore, don't Troll the Troll, just ignore it.

I forgot that you could block people on message boards, it's been years since I used one. I've already set a few of these degenerates to ignore.

You really can't handle wimpy little liberal snowflakes?

impuretrash is a coward.

If you can't defend your position, maybe you should go back to stormfront.

I notice some of them seem thin skinned. But according to Lucy, they aren't used to being argued with. Stormfront is an echo chamber.
No one has suggested that you feel you should be silenced... Don't be absurd. Just like you believe your stances are justifiable, and correct; so do others. After all they can bring forth information to support their stance , just as you can. Except you want their ability to do so restrained or eliminated all together. Have they done the same to you? No.
Because I'm not a hate group.
No. You're an individual. And your likes, dislikes, loves, and hates are irrelevant. They are yours alone; and your welcome to them. As for "hate group"... Don't make me laugh... That is a leftist conjuration designed specifically to villainize a group of peoe who hold a differing point of view. Yet another glaring example of leftist totalitarianism.
They are villainized because of their point of view. It is a group of people who exist solely bound together by hate of another group of people. Hence the name. The left did not make that up.

They have a right to hold that view, but perhaps not being able to broadcast it on the internet is not the worst thing in the world. They can, anyway. They just need to pay more for it.

You know, when I was growing up, Boston was banning rock songs left and right. Henry Miller couldn't be published in this country due to the obscenity. Mailer's Naked and the Dead had to replace "fuck" with "fug," which leads the reader to think all the soldiers in that book have a bad head cold. When the courts ruled to open wide the doors of "free speech" and no censorship, they may have gone a tad too far, imo.
The left did make it up. And people have a right to hate. They also have the freedom of association. Neither you, nor anyone else should have the power to limit their ability to do either. Its called freedom. And it ain't all sunshine, and butterfly kisses.
The left didn't make it up. It's real. People will hate and birds of a feather will flock together. They don't need access to a national ad campaign when they are spewing that shit, though. No one is throwing them in jail for having their ideas or having their meetings. Send them the $4,000 if it's breaking your heart so bad.
Who are you to establish who, needs what?
My bet is that ^^ also wants an end to net neutrality.

Then, a few years from now, he'll be blaming the left for censoring the InterWebs.

If the OP does not like a site, he COULD simplyt click away from it.

That's a lot for these alt right traitors to remember though.

Again, moronic post. Net neutrality was lost when ICANN was given over to private mega tech companies by Obama. ICANN needs to go back to government control to ensure net neutrality.


As are your other posts.
the govt regulating the internet is a bad idea. They can touch gold and turn it into horseshit
We are talking about ICANN, it was run by the government before it was given away to private ownership by the Obama Administration. We had no problem with free speech then. The government has to adhere to the Constitution, private companies do not.

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