The Dark Door: Commerce Dreadlocks


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Below is a mock-discussion between two American celebrities (Tom Cruise and Tom Hanks), an idealistic Internet-blogger named Ajay Satan (modelled pseudo-autobiographically after myself!), and a fictional hell-messenger (and capitalism/consumerism skeptical 'Devil's Advocate') simply named 'Skelton.'

The discussion regards 'commerce-imagination' (perhaps symbolic of 'TrumpUSA').

How many films such as The Wolf of Wall Street will be made?

Signing off,



CRUISE: I remember the news stories of women dying trying to give themselves 'home-made abortions.'
AJAY: Lack of resources for public access to healthcare is a true sign of civilization mismanagement.
HANKS: These days, the vertigo caused by mass commerce/traffic makes civics nearly forgettable.
SKELTON: Maybe that's why there are so many horror films in the modern era...

CRUISE: I like horror films (e.g., Friday the 13th, American Psycho, etc.), since they're images of madness.
AJAY: Remember the copycat-crimes modelled after Oliver Stone's controversial film Natural Born Killers?
HANKS: Alfred Hitchcock really changed the cinematic landscape when he introduced 'shock-film.'
SKELTON: Hitchcock's Psycho and The Birds reminded humanity that evil is just around the corner...

CRUISE: Well, images of violence are old (e.g., Aztec cannibalism, Biblical decapitations by the AntiChrist).
AJAY: The American comic book 'anti-heroes' Deadpool and Spawn prowl around in a modern 'sea of blood.'
HANKS: Comic book films definitely speak to a new age pedestrian fascination with 'outlandish courage.'
SKELTON: Do you think there's a 'link' between courage and desperation in the age of commerce?

CRUISE: Well, Starbucks and Wall Street definitely creates 'armies of capitalism-hypnotized warriors.'
AJAY: The comic book vigilante Punisher (Marvel Comics) goes on a rampage to avenge his family's death...
HANKS: When you drink Starbucks, you think of the fast-paced world which just might drive you mad!
SKELTON: Maybe the Friday the 13th horror film franchise represents real discoordination insanity.

CRUISE: No stockbroker looks forward to the unlucky day of Friday the 13th...
AJAY: It's funny that folk-tales about rags-to-riches stories may involve ideas regarding piracy.
HANKS: Yes, the Count of Monte Cristo definitely had to be a sort of 'buccaneer.'
SKELTON: I wonder if pirates of the old world 'enjoyed' decapitating their adversaries!

CRUISE: Coordinating civilization with folklore is the key to 'healthy capitalism.'
AJAY: Da Vinci's The Vitruvian Man reminded us of the symmetry of medicine and the horror of infertility.
HANKS: More and more women are becoming interested in Renaissance art (perhaps commerce is good!).
SKELTON: Do disillusioned unemployed males imagining 'raping' the female Starbucks mermaid-siren logo?


I dont like how everyone speaks in the same order. No conversation proceeds like that.

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